Chaper 80: A God's Way for Problems

[Asahi Kishimoto POV]

"This is so hard..." Many flasks were already used and tested on the hair by Miyu, but not a single answer came to what she was hoping for.

Not even an explosion or a new creation from the hair was created, and it's already taking Miyu tons of time and materials to use on the hair, but despite that, her passion for new knowledge is what kept her going. "*Sigh* Got it wrong again..."

Miyu put the hair on a cup of nitric acid, but it didn't react at all. "*Sigh* Another failure... Brother! Can you help me with this for a sec?!"

Asahi who was sleeping woke up from Miyu's calling. He scratched his head and let out a deep groan. "Coming!" What is it this time?

"Brother, can you help me test the hair with electricity."

"*Sigh* Fine... What will I do?"

"My first test is testing the hair like a wire."

"Wire?" No matter what Asahi thinks about, using hair as a wire is stupid, which is why he was confused about what Miyu has said.

Asahi tied the hair to a copper wire and checked if it worked, he tested the charger on his phone and was shocked to see it working. "Ho-how?!"

"So what I theorized is correct..."

"Theorized? What do you mean Miyu? If you look at it there's no way a hair can be used as a wire."

"Remember, this isn't normal hair, and if you look at it the flow of the electricity is far faster on this hair. So my dear brother, if possible I want you to buy me a few things."

"*Sigh* Jeez... Fine!"

Asahi looked at the time and was shocked. "It's already 7:00! Sh*t! I better get to school fast!"

"Okay... I'll text you the materials that I need." Looking at the hair again, Miyu let out a deeply disappointed sigh. "What do I do next?"

Running on the streets to go to his school, Asahi noticed Homura looking at the television outside. "Oh Homura, you're gonna be late, what are you doing?"

"Hey Asahi... Look at the news for a bit."

Asahi looked at the television and was speechless to hear the journalist say the news.

"Today at Shibuya, Tokyo. Many glasses from buildings were destroyed. It is estimated that there are about 500+ more buildings that were affected by this unknown entity, it showed in the footage of the camera that an unknown man was attacking the buildings in a blink of an eye. The true aim of the unknown entity is still unknown, but many policies and the government thought that the entity's goal is to get the electricity hair. It's also been stated that the unknown entity is seen to be using some sort of powers, but many researchers are saying that it might just be a glitch to the camera."

The television showed the unknown entity breaking into the buildings by jumping from the windows, the unknown entity has some sort of smoke coming out of its body and was looking at every side of the building to look for something.

A security guard came inside and saw the entity and started shooting it, and at first, it seems like a normal break-in but what's not normal is the unknown entity who broke through the glass window.

It was like the person was cloning himself...

The unknown entity cloned himself behind the security guard and knocked him out, and what's odd is that the security guard vanished from thin air.

"What is this?" Was not only Asahi's reaction, but everyone else watching the news.

In their mind, it's like seeing something impossible turn possible.

"So as of today, the government asked for the citizens of Tokyo to hand out the hairs you got at that incident, this is for your safety from that unknown entity who has been causing problems from any holder of the hair."

Homura looked at Asahi and whispered to him. "Hey Asahi, what are you and Miyu gonna do now? I'm not gonna tell anyone about what Miyu is doing right now because I don't want her to be sad... But if you're planning to not give out the hairs, you can always rely on me to help you two."

Asahi looked at the news again and was reminded of that unknown entity who attacked the security guard. Of course, Asahi was frightened from thinking of what would happen to them if that unknown entity attacked them from out of nowhere.

But... The thought of what Miyu would feel if she gave away all of the hair and just wasted both her time and joy of researching it makes Asahi sad too. "Thanks, Homura, I know that you'll understand me and Miyu..."

"*Sigh* Then if that's your decision, I'll support it. So let's go now or else we'll be late for class."

The two then left with a smile on their face for their adventure with that mysterious being they were about to counter, it's like any child's dream to do something like this is what they've thought.

Flip. The noise of the newspaper was flipped loudly, the man who was reading the newspaper looked at the two boys running to go to their schools. By looking at them he let out a mischievous smile. "My, my, look at what you've done you darn monkey..." The man who was pretending to be a normal human, was none other than the Jade Emperor, Tian Gong.

Even if Sun Wukong didn't tell him about what happened, Tian Gong guessed that this would happen, which is why Tian Gong went to Earth to investigate who's the person that has Sun's hair. And he found what he was looking for the moment he set foot on Earth. "Now then, let's see who you two are Asahi and Homura."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

"*Sigh*" I kept remembering what happened to us yesterday.

We were saved by the Japanese God of the Storm Susanoo and one of the 7 Lucky Gods and Japanese God of War Bishamonten.

After agreeing to their condition of helping them battle Sun, the two Gods left.

Susanoo told me that he's expecting something great to what he tasked us for, and knowing that the two Gods have their hopes up, I knew that I don't want to fail them.

Right now here at Shibuya, Ziz and I are inside one of the buildings where the Monkey King Sun Wukong attacked. The attack here on this building was caught by a security camera, and so Ziz and I decided to come here.

Our goal is to check if that security guard is safe, erase his memories of what has happened, and check if there are any traces and marks left by Sun here.

"So Haruki, is Hell doing okay?"

Ziz straightforwardly asked me that question, and to answer his... I honestly don't know. "To put it simply... I don't know how to answer that." To put it into context, even if I'm the King of Hell, Millie is the one doing everything for me since I don't know a single thing about politics and stuff.

This is why I don't even know if the economy is good, and since some stuff happened like Satanael, Mammon, Azazel, Baphomet, and Milicas' betrayal was revealed to the public, many citizens were now doubting the current government. And we couldn't tell them about Mammon being neutral and Lugh coming to Hell as an ally, the citizens being anxious about Hell's future is really worrisome for us.

"Don't worry Haruki, even if it's my first time having a conversation with you, I know that you're a perfect leader."

"*Sigh* Everyone is always saying that... But am I really though? Millie is the one who's truly leading on my stead, the Archdukes are always saving my ass when I'm in trouble, so in short; I'm-"

"Useless? Then you're basically the same as me Haruki."

"Excuse me..?" What does he mean by basically the same? Unlike him, he's really powerful and the fact that he's only 3,000 or 3 years older than me is proof that he's a prodigy like anyone else.

"You heard from Lucas about the 3 angels who turned into monsters right?"

"Yes." Those three are Leviathan as the ocean, Behemoth as the land, and Ziz as the sky. And as of right now those 3 angel beasts were inherited by Akemi Leviathan, Ryou Behemoth, and Zephyrus Ziz.

"Actually between the three of us, I, Zephyrus Ziz is the weakest among the three beasts. This is why I forced myself day by day to become equal to the other 2, I had a massive inferiority complex since I thought that I couldn't maintain the will of the former Ziz, but those two Akemi and Ryou they helped me stop this inferiority that I felt... Which is why I want to pay them back for what they've done for me."

"Then that's let's do everything we can to pay our debts Zephyrus."

"Sure Haruki... Actually to be honest I was pretty saddened when Lucas told me about what happened to Hell, it's unexpected that it would happen..."

I can hear from Zephyrus' voice about how much pain he suffered, after all, his hometown was almost destroyed again, and Zephyrus wasn't there to protect it.

"But Zephyrus, it's thanks to you that we got in contact with the 9th floor."

Through his studies here on Earth, Millie and Faust got to learn many new things that they used not only in the war but also in healing us and for their gadgets. "I heard from Lucas that you volunteered to come with Baphomet to study the culture and the science here on Earth, and also you were the one who told Millie and Faust the purpose and the creation of many gadgets like the telephone, so thanks to you we got to contact Phenex and the other Archdukes on the 9th floor."

Zephyrus looked more calmed down after I told him that because what I said is true. Even if he wasn't there to help us physically, he still helped us with the knowledge he brought to Hell.

"Zephyrus..." I forgot I haven't asked him yet, since I made this decision that could sacrifice our very own life, I still have to ask him his permission for my and that blonde girl's decision. "What did you think when I agreed to accept Lugh and the other Gods' mission to save the world from the Gods who want to destroy it?"

Zephyrus stopped and smiled at me. "To be honest... I was surprised that you agreed on saving the world, after all, doesn't it sadden or anger you for being treated unfairly by the humans and the Gods? I know that everyone felt it, but after hearing that speech of yours to the people... I knew that you made the right decision. And isn't ironic that the evilest and the most hated species in the entire world is saving that same life..? Which is why, if we really did win this stupid war, clearing the sins that we were stuck with would make every demon happy..."

"Everyone would be happy huh?" Yes, that would be a fantastic dream to have for the future, a world with no hate for the devils is something I would want to see with my own two eyes with everyone.

"Stop for a moment Haruki." Before noticing it, Zephyrus and I are outside the room of the attack." Just as we thought, Sun created an alternate barrier in the room and trapped the security guard on another space."

"I guess creating an alternate space is easy for a God like Sun, but won't there be consequences if the security guard was killed?"

"Well... It could, but since the Gods are now divided into 2 opposing factions, some would care but some wouldn't, so Sun is gonna get away easily from what he has done to the humans, also since the security guard is a Japanese human more hostility would start between the 2 factions..."

Zephyrus looked inside the room and threw his haladie to the camera to destroy it. "Coast is clear, and it looks like the barrier is not an ordinary barrier that we can breakthrough-"

"Haha!" Coming from above was Sun, seeing him I instantly pushed Zephyrus away and was hit by the staff of Sun. "I knew that you devils would come here."

It was hard that it broke my ribs, and I coughed up tons of blood from the impact of Sun's golden staff.

"Haruki!" Zephyrus screamed and starts to run to me.

Seeing him run in pain for me I was happy, but I couldn't move nor talk after that blow from Sun's golden staff, it's like I couldn't feel anything at all. It's like all of my senses are starting to fade away slowly.

I couldn't describe what I was feeling, since the pain of the impact is starting to deteriorate more and more, and even with this pain I couldn't feel it...

Noticing that Zephyrus was near me, I saw him running slowly, like time suddenly turned slow-motion, it felt like something is happening without my knowing...

Blood came from my nose and mouth, and seeing it I knew what happened to me and why I'm feeling something like this that I couldn't even describe... My vision in both of my eyes started to turn white the moment my blood came out, and the last thing I heard from Zephyrus was him shouting my name. That's right, is this the feeling of death?

Thud. Thud. Thud. It's like someone is walking to me. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I don't know who he or she is or what does he or she wants, but all I know is that I'm somewhere very familiar.

The feeling of the grass and the motion of the fresh air is what familiarized me to where I'm at. Right, I'm back here again to the place where I can find my peace at. The same place that he says his final goodbye to me, and the same place I finally met my father again, I'm back here.

Opening my eyes slowly and seeing the color of the green grass, I noticed that my sense of sight finally returned, I also felt the texture of the grass which I activated back my sense of touch, with the combination of the fresh air that I can smell I felt means that my sense of smell returned, and by tasting the crunchy and dry grass my sense of taste came back to me.

Thud. Thud. Thud. "Good day to you Haruki Hotaru." And hearing her voice my sense of hearing returned to me.

Who is she? I asked myself. I stood up slowly in pain and looked at where the voice is coming from, and there I saw a mysterious girl with a veil to hide her face, but it was thin enough to see her face though.

I don't know who she is and what does she want from me, but why am I feeling safe near her? "Who are you?" I asked her, I want to know who she truly is...

"Me?" She smiled in joy. "My name is... Asherah."