Chapter 86: Distant Memories (Different Track)

Not so long ago when I was still walking on Earth's ground, I was caught up in an accident that took out my life as Haruki Mimasaka, and before that incident happened I saw a young girl walking on the road all by herself; she wasn't going to school because it was already Sunday at that time, and most important of all I noticed that her parent is not with her.

With no guidance from any parent or guardian, she walked across the road all alone. Not even the people around her are giving care of her safety by crossing the road alone; they just stared at her and didn't give a care and that's when that incident happens in their own very eyes.

At the distance of the road was a truck that lost its control; it caused a massive panic among the humans who watched that little child crossing the road and at that time I was there. Just seeing her cross the road made my life frozen, I couldn't bear to see someone young like her die at her age, after all, she still has a future that she needs to fulfill.

Even if I don't know her, both my mind and heart told me that her life is far more important than mine, without any reason to do so, I ran up to the child and saved her from losing hers, but in exchange for her life is mine.

Thinking about it now, when I saw those humans watch her cross the road, I couldn't help but be bewildered by them, all I can feel is anger and disappointment for those humans. Since they don't have what it means to be human at all, they're just dense inhumane beings that care only for their selves, and what's worse is that's what humans are; that's what society is...

Nothing but full of sins...

And now, right in front of my own eyes was the same child that society left behind all alone on that road. Just by seeing her, I couldn't say a thing to her, but despite that, I couldn't hold my joy when I saw her alive. I'm happy that I got to save someone's life in exchange for mine.

"Haruki, do you know her?"

"Yes, she's that child that I saved before I died here on Earth."

Lucas was surprised at what I said, because who won't? Even I didn't expect such things to happen, but fate just brought me here to meet her again. "Hey Haruki, I know that you're happy and all, but we have to erase her memories of her seeing us today."

I looked at the girl and saw her look frightened at what she was seeing right now, but at the same time, I can see from her eyes the joy of being reunited with her savior. "Lucas..." Even if I'm gonna hurt myself for erasing her memories; we still have to do it or else something bad would happen to her. "Can you please do it gently-"

"Hehe!" Crash! Something above let out a laugh and destroyed the roof of Homura's apartment, upon seeing who destroyed the roof, both Lucas and I were surprised to see who the person that came crashing was. "Oh! Oh! What a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you here Haruki! Hehe!" It was the Monkey King Sun Wukong.

Looking at him now, both Lucas and I pulled out our weapons and readied our stances. "Sun Wukong, what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, I came here to get one of my belonging that a thief stole-"

"Ayame! Are you okay?!" Sun was disturbed by a voice that I'm familiar with, he with two other people came to the living room and were surprised to see what happened. "No way..." That person was Homura, after seeing what happened here in the living room with Asahi and Miyu, they couldn't describe what was happening right now.

Sun looked at the four and smiled at them. "Hello! Nice to meetcha four! My name is Sun Wukong the Trickster God of China and famously known as the Monkey King. I'm here to get what's mine and punish you, thieves for stealing someone's property."

Hearing what Sun said made me angry for trying to harm the people who I call my family, I shouted. "Lucas! Take care of them, I'll do my best to beat this monkey's ass!"

Lucas looks worried after I shouted that, but he understood that this is the right thing to do for now. He went to the four and told them. "For now, follow me I'll keep you four safe from Sun Wukong."

Homura, Asahi, and Miyu couldn't think straight due to many reasons that they don't know how to act, after all, they saw something impossible in the true world, and also in front of them is Haruki Mimasaka the friends they've hung out with is still alive right in front of their own eyes.

"But Haruki-" Homura tried to talk but couldn't finish it, so seeing him I gave the three a smile and said to them. "Homura; Asahi; Miyu, don't worry I'll talk to you two again."

Lucas finally grabbed the four and brought them outside to keep them safe from my upcoming battle with the Monkey King Sun Wukong. "Sun Wukong, I won't let you touch them!" I raised my hand toward him and shouted. "Ignisvem!"

Sun gave me a smile filled with joy after seeing me summon Ignisvem, he said to me mockingly. "Hehe! Do you think that you can beat a God, Haruki?!" The ground shone and a golden staff appeared; Sun grabbed the golden staff and pointed it at me. "Very well! I'll accept your challenge King of Hell!"

I was stricken by fear when his golden staff appeared right in front of my eyes without even saying its name; just by seeing it, I knew that Sun Wukong is not an enemy I can compare to either Milicas or Azazel. "*Tsk* But I can't win if I can't at least try..."

I dashed up to Sun with Ignisvem and let it absorb the fire of my Fire Manipulation skill. "Dodge this!" I sweep Ignisvem near his leg.

Clank! But in an instant Sun blocked it with his golden staff. "Then... To make it fair I'm not gonna use my clones!" Sun spun his staff upward like a wheel, I did my best to dodge it but it spun very fast that I couldn't dodge it and it hit my chin, and it knocked me up to the air.

Blood gushed out of my mouth and I did my best to stand up with my injury. "*Tsk*" I spat out all of the blood out of my mouth and held Ignisvem's handle tightly. '"Then I have to get serious then... Soul... Bound!"

Sun smiled turned nervously after seeing me use Soul Bound, but even so, he was still underestimating me. "Oh... So this is the skill that beat the hell out of the Archangels, I must say I'm impressed that you got it..." Sun looked down on the ground and gave me a wide smile that shows the joy he felt seeing Soul Bound. "But! Let's test if you can defeat a God with that skill!" Sun Wukong jumped above.

He was in the air standing on a golden cloud and he throws the golden staff at me.

Crash! I dodged the staff immediately and I flew up to him. And with the powerful combination of Ignisvem and Soul Bound, I can do this! "Take this monkey!" I threw Ignisvem at him.

And Sun was just standing there looking at Ignisvem as it's travel to him. "That's all?" Ignisvem finally got to Sun. Bang! Upon hitting Sun, it let out a giant explosion that damaged even the house.

Sun was covered with a cloud of smoke and the entire house is now covered in fire. "*Cough* *Cough* This is bad if some humans saw this..." But I can't turn back now that I've done it.

Looking at Sun right now, the cloud of smoke has already started to disperse, and I can now clearly see what happened to Sun.

Seeing him I snickered, because what did I expect? If I can't defeat Milicas, then it's only common sense that Sun wouldn't be scathed by my attack. "Hehe, sorry son but that wouldn't work."

That power that I released onto him caused me tons of energy, I know that I can't beat him so I'll do my best to distract him. (Susanoo... This is me Haruki, Lucas and I are currently at Sendai. And we're now confronting Sun Wukong since one of the hair seems to be here.) Now that I've messaged Susanoo for backup, I need to do my best to fight Sun until they arrive here.

"Then... I have to do my best to not die..." I flew up to him as fast as I can, while he was just there staring and waiting for me to come. "Don't just stand there monkey!" I punched him on the chest with all the force that I could do and created a giant ball of fire on my hand. Bang! Another explosion came from my hand and damaged both me and Sun and despite having resistance to extreme heat; my right arm was still burned.

"Hehe! What a nice punch Haruki! If you want to Haruki I can take you and Zephyrus as a disciple."

"Sorry, but I already have one teacher that I'm already satisfied with." If Master were to be here, he'll be telling the whole world that I said that.

"Really? Just my luck..." Sun grabbed my hand and threw me into the air, due to his strength I was already in the clouds. "Hehe! Howdya like this!" I looked behind and saw that Sun was there; he raised his staff above and went for my head.

I instantly grabbed the staff with my two hands, but with his strength, my hand broke instead, but even if it's painful I have to keep on going. I spun around in the air with my wings and kicked him in the face.

After the kick, I returned my wings to my back and went falling to escape him. "Oh... Nice try!" The moment he said that I saw him disappear above me. "Haha!" I heard his voice come from below, and before I got to look, he kneed me on the back.

'Ha!-" I coughed up blood when he kneed me, and I felt my back break from his knee.

"Haha!" Sun let out another laugh and swung his staff to my chest.

I couldn't move anymore to dodge it, so the staff hit me and I crashed to the ground.

I felt weak and I don't know why, I looked at my hand and saw my blood on it. And that's when I saw my chest; it was impaled by a wooden stake.

"Oh..." Sun looked at me with pity in his eyes. "If you would've joined me, this would have not happened to you boy..." Just from his smile and eyes, I could see that he didn't want to kill me but something was forcing him against his will.

Just by seeing this, I said to him. "You better kill me fast, or else I would survive from plot armor."

"Huh?-" Whoosh! "Ha!" An arrow was shot through Sun's arm, so he immediately jumped away to see who shot the arrow. "Bishamonten?!"

In front of him was Bishamonten with Luna, Dawn, and Zephyrus. "Sorry for being late King of Hell..."

"Haha! Every time I do something you always district me Bishamonten, would this be fate that says that you're the enemy I'm looking for?"

"Shut the chit-chat monkey!" Whoosh! Bishamonten fired another arrow and Sun blocked it with his staff.

"*Tsk* This isn't going to be easy... But I now have the information I need to look for the hair." Sun created a portal behind him and he jumped away.

Luna, Dawn, and Zephyrus saw me impaled from the stake and ran up to me immediately. "Haruki!" Luna shouted.

I finally closed my eyes when I knew I was finally safe.


[Tian Gong POV]

"Interesting, very interesting. Who knew that the person destined to be the second Eve would be a friend of the King of Hell Haruki Hotaru." Tian Gong was smiling from what he found out. "This must be fate! This must be fate that God of Gods brought! Haruki Hotaru as the second Adam and Miyu Kishimoto as the second Eve! How exciting for the second grave sinners to be reborn again! Haha!"

Tian Gong could only smile in joy from what he has discovered. "Oh, how fascinating Asherah... the sins you have committed have been passed forth by the demon himself!"

"Right... It's an amazing thing to see... For the Abrahamic Goddess of Motherhood to do this is extraordinary."

"Oh, so you're here? You could've told me."

A woman was behind Tian Gong watching with him, the woman wasn't an ordinary human or God but someone far different. She has the ears of a fox and a tail too, but what's different about her from an average fox is the tail.

"Isn't amazing Jiu Wei Hu? If the other Gods were to know about this then it could change our plan and attack the Japanese with full force!"

Jiu Wei Hi, she's one of the mythical creatures of foxes in East Asia, other known as the Nine-Tailed Fox. "Yes, if that were to happen then..." Jiu Wei Hi touched her lips seductively. "Then... This could bring destruction to the whole Japanese Mythology."