Chapter 87: Distant Memories (Reunited Feeling)

[Asahi Kishimoto POV]

Inside a hotel in Tokyo were the four humans along with Lucas, the four were still confused about what's happening right now. Having seen something that science can't explain is giving them a headache from remembering what they've seen.

Asahi looked at Lucas who was sitting in front of them with a smile on his face, so he asked him nervously. "Who are you..?"

"Me? *Cough* My name is Lucas Asmodeus, I'm the General of the Sin of Lust. It's nice to meet you four, Asahi Kishimoto, Homura Suzuki, Miyu Suzuki, and..." Lucas looked at Ayame with a smile and asked. "What's your name? I only heard from Haruki that you're the little girl that he saved."

"...." Ayame couldn't respond to Lucas because of her fear and deafness.

"She-she's Ayame Suzuki, my adoptive sister..." Homura answered nervously.

"Really? How surprising, if Haruki were to know about this, he would be happy to know that you're taking care of her."

The three were shocked to hear Haruki's name from Lucas and remembering what they saw back at Homura's house, the three remembered seeing the Haruki they were friends with alive and well. Asahi and Homura couldn't shake the feeling of seeing their dead best friend alive, so Homura had to ask. "If I may ask, is he the Haruki that we know? The one that we saw?"

Lucas gave them a smile filled with joy and answered. "Yes, that person you saw is the Haruki Mimasaka that you two grew up with and became best friends with. It must be surprising and confusing to see someone dead alive, but all I got to say is that you two don't need to worry anymore, after all, Haruki is happy right now." Lucas looked at the floor in sorrow and whispered to himself so that the three wouldn't hear him. "To be honest, I'm actually quite jealous of you two..."

Upon hearing what Lucas said, both Asahi and Homura were surprised that he said that. "What do you mean?" Asahi asked.

Even if what Lucas is saying is unbelievable for them all, they were all still curious about what's happening right now; if their friend was indeed still alive they didn't know what to feel, they're neither happy nor sad, which is why they're currently in denial of what's happening. "We still don't understand what's happening... So if it's okay, can you tell us what happened to our friend?"

"Right now-" Before Lucas was about to answer Asahi's question, a portal appeared in front of them and Zephyrus came rushing in with an injured Haruki on his arm. "Lucas! Can you get some bandages right now!"

Lucas seeing what happened to Haruki immediately went to get the first aid kit to look for bandages there, and Luna and Dawn came out of the portal worriedly to check on Haruki.

the four seeing this were shocked by Haruki's condition, so they stood up and looked at Haruki to check if he's really their friend, and when they saw Haruki they were happy to see that he was the friend that they grew up with. "Haruki... It really is you..." Asahi noticed Luna and Dawn with Haruki and he remembered the day he saw someone that looks like his friend. "So you were that person all along..." Asahi whispered in joy.

But seeing the current condition of Haruki made them all tense up and worried if he's gonna survive, so they could only hope for the best that Haruki would wake up.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

I had a dream, a dream of someone that I didn't expect to see. It was raining heavily, he was running in the forest holding the forbidden fruit on his right arm. "Why is this happening?!" He shouted in fear.

The entire forest are starting to burn down, thunder was roaring loudly, and animals were freaking out. For that man, it was like a nightmare, a nightmare that he'll forever suffer in.

Even if he kept on trying many times to escape this fate, he couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried. "This can't be happening..!" He looked worried about someone, so he kept on running deep inside of the forest to find who he is looking for.

Time has already passed before the man knew it; the moon was already above him, but he still kept on running to make sure that what he was looking for was safe. "Please, be safe everyone!" He shouted in agony.

After all the running he did, the man has finally got back to his house and what he saw made him insane. "Cain? What are you doing?" Right in front of his eyes was his son Cain holding a rock that has blood on it, and the man Adam saw his other son Abel lying on the floor with his head smashed to pieces. "Abel..? What is this Cain?" He asked his son with a trembling voice.

Cain's eyes were filled with fear and regret from what he has done; he shouted. "No! I didn't do anything! I'm just trying to protect you and mother from Abel! Frihmats told me that Cain was the cause of the sudden change of Eden!"

Adam went closer to the dead body of Abel and hugged it tightly. "Abel wake up, please wake up..." Adam was crying from sadness by his son's death. "WHY?!" Adam shouted at Cain. "Why did you kill your brother?! Do you know what you have done?!" Cain has tears falling from his eyes after his father shouted at him angrily; he finally noticed what he has done so he ran away and kept on repeating. "It's my fault... It's my fault..."

He ran deep inside the forest and hid under a tree. He hugged himself and he was trembling from fear and regret. "Stupid... Stupid... Stupid... Stupid! Just how stupid can you be?! Why did I have to listen to that elf?!" Cain repeatedly banged his head on the tree and kept on shouting the word 'stupid'. Blood has already started to come out of his head but even so, he didn't stop.

"You fool!" Bang! One last time, Cain banged his hair on the tree, and before even knowing it, that was the last time he ever banged his head.

"How fascinating..." Coming from behind the tree that Cain banged his head in, Frihmats appeared with a smile on his face. "Who knew that the first human to commit a murder is also the first human to commit suicide." He let out a deeply disappointed sigh. "Seriously, humans are nothing but fragile beings who are easily deceived."

On this day, the Gods remembered the first murderer and also the first suicide victim to be the same person; he was a person that was deceived and used by someone he trusted.

After that dream, I saw myself back in the hotel room that we were staying in Tokyo. I looked at my chest and saw that my injuries were already healed. "*Tsk* I can't believe that I survived something like that..." I looked around the room and saw Miyu with the little girl that I saved sleeping on Lucas' bed.

Seeing them okay made me happy. "Thank you... Who knows what will happen to me if either one of you didn't survive..." I stood up even if I'm in pain and went closer to the two, after seeing the familiar face of Miyu I couldn't describe the joy that I'm feeling. "I'm happy seeing you again Miyu..." I patted her on the head gently before I left the room.

When I went outside, I heard voices coming from the girls' room so I knocked. "I wonder what they're doing right now?"

The door opened after I knocked and Zephyrus who opened the door was shocked to see me walking. "What are you doing Haruk?!" He worriedly asked me.

"I'm here to take a visit." Zephyrus moved aside for a bit even if he doesn't want to, and when I went inside Lucas, Luna, Dawn, and also my two friends Homura and Asahi were shocked to see me awake.

Luna went to me immediately and angrily told me. "Seriously, if you're injured don't go outside without our permission!"

I smiled at Luna and told her. "Sure, I promise that I wouldn't do it again." I looked at Homura and Asahi and saw them nervous from seeing me awake.

I entered the room and sat in front of the two. "It's nice to see you two again, Homura; Asahi." I said to them with a smile.

"*Tsk* Seriously Haruki... Who knew that all along you were a devil..." Homura said with a grin. His voice was already trembling from both joy and sorrow after seeing me talking to them again.

"Yeah... Homura and I were surprised when your friend told us what happened to you after you died..." Even Asahi was about to cry. "But... Even so, I'm happy..." Tears were already falling from his and Homura's eyes when he said that. "Homura, Miyu, Ayame, and I are all happy... I can't describe the joy we are feeling right now talking to you again..."

"Yeah... Me too..." Without even noticing it, I also started to cry. "I'm glad that you two didn't forget me... I'm happy that you four are currently okay from harm..." I'm happy... I'm happy that I was reunited with them, I can't tell how much joy I have right now.

The friends that I grew up with, the same friends who I call my family, I couldn't describe how much joy I'm feeling right now from being reunited with them.

"Are you an idiot?" Homura asked. "Why would we ever forget you..? After all, the friendship we three have is irreplaceable..."

"*Tsk*" I went to the two closer and hugged both of them tightly; many tears were already falling from my eyes when I hugged them, and I couldn't stop them from coming out. "Homura; Asahi! I'm happy that we're reunited again!"


[Tian Gong POV]

"I'm happy that you three agreed to talk to me." Right in front of Tian Gong were three Gods.

Those Gods were the three Legendary Gods of Japan. Susanoo-no-Mikoto the Storm God, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto the Moon God, and finally the Leader of the Japanese and the Japanese Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu-Ōmikami. And behind Tian Gong are the Chinese Moon Goddess Chang'e and the Nine-tailed Fox Jiuweihu.

"What do you want with my sister?" Susanoo asked. "Answer now if you don't want to die."

"Calm down Susanoo, remember that I signed a contract with Amaterasu so that I can prove that I meant no harm." Tian Gong said with a mischievous smile. "I heard that the devils are currently working for you Japanese."

"What of it? Sun Wukong has already damaged Haruki and his friends, so if you try to lay your hand on one of them remember that I'll kill you."

"Don't worry Susanoo... If I killed Haruki my relationship with Yahweh would be ruined, so I don't intend to kill him yet."

"Good... Because if you do I'll kill you."

Tian Gong smiled after hearing what Susanoo said and just let him be for now. "Zeus and the other Gods on my side already knew about this, so I'll tell you so that you could say this to Poseidon."

"What is it?" Susanoo asked in curiosity.

Tian Gong let out a smile. "It appears to be that Haruki Hotaru the Prince of Hell and a normal Japanese human named Miyu Kishimoto are destined to be the next Adam and Eve."

The three Japanese Goods were silenced upon hearing what Tian Gong said, it's not like they have no reply to Tian Gong, but instead, they were speechless when they heard him say that.

"What makes you say that Tian Gong?"

"Oh, you didn't notice Susanoo? I thought you would've noticed since you saw him, but *Cough* I guess it's normal for someone like you to not notice."

Susanoo was pissed off from what Tian Gong said, but he remained calm for now. "*Sigh* Just tell us will you?"

"It looks like Asherah has told Haruki the secret of Eden and Miyu isn't an incarnation of Eve yet, but if there's luck she'll become one."

The moment Tian Gong said that the three Japanese Gods already knew what would cause Miyu to become the new Eve, so Amaterasu smiled at Tian Gong and asked him. "Is there a reason why you gave us a clue?"

Tian Gong smiled. "Who knows? Maybe it's because it's more entertaining to make the war deadlier!"

The three Japanese Gods knew that Tian Gong would answer Amaterasu question with that type of answer, so the three decided to leave to prepare for the countermeasure of what's gonna happen.

Since if Miyu who's a human were to get a skill, it could cause an anomaly to the rules that were bestowed upon the skills.

The rule of any being living on Earth without the Gods permission would be unable to use skills... But... That can be broken if humans were to discover the extraordinary.

And the three Japanese Gods along with the other Gods have already seen how much mess a human can do if they have the power to use skills.