Chapter 88: Inherited Sins

"I still have one more spot to go..." After my fun times with Homura and Asahi happened last night, I still haven't know if my complex has disappeared. "If I have the time, maybe I'll go there tomorrow."

I stood up and looked at my surroundings. All of us boys had a fun time last night; we talked about our past and I told Homura and Asahi what happened to me.

Lucas and Zepyrus we're now good friends with Homura and Asahi, while Luna and Dawn are already good friends with Miyu and Ayame.

The two girls woke up when they heard us all having a fun time partying, and so I took that as a chance to meet Ayame.

She kept on repeating to me. "I'm sorry." I don't understand what she's saying a little bit, because Homura told me that she was deaf and her parents left her.

I was saddened when I heard that, and knowing that my sacrifice wasn't in vain I was happy. Now that she's in safe hands with Homura's parents, my mind was at ease.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:00 am. "*Sigh* Why did I wake up at this time?" Well... I haven't had a chance to refreshen up yet, maybe I'll go outside to take some fresh air.

As I was walking down the hallway of the hotel, I noticed someone outside when I looked at the window. "Who's that?" Due to the outside having no lights, I couldn't see who it is. "Hmm... Probably a staff."

"*Groan*" I'm currently in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. "D*mn, I'm turning uglier every day..." It's probably just stress, but meh... I don't care.

I washed my face with cold water and slapped myself. "Okay, Haruki!" I pointed at my reflection. "You need to get stronger! I've been defeated by Milicas, Azazel, and now Sun, so I need to get stronger." I don't want any more losses, or else I might die someday if I lose again.

Especially now that we're fighting literal Gods. Remembering my fight with Sun made me tense because he was just like Lucifer; completely unbeatable by any normal means.

Both my battle with Sun Wukong and Lucifer didn't even last for a minute, and I can see that they were not serious at all when we fought. "If only I could find a way to fully power Soul Bound..." But what Yahweh said still frightens me...

Every time I used Soul Bound, I always remember what he said when Sora and I battled Milicas in my bedroom. "if I kept on using Soul Bound, it'll drain my life huh..?" It sends a shiver down my spine; knowing that I have the same fate as Ruri's I finally understood how she feels.

Both of us are gonna have a slow death if we live long enough.

Knowing that I clenched my hand in pain. "*Tsk* If only I can be on equal footing with everyone..." I want to grow stronger, I want to be someone who can be an equal to my friends; both physically and mentally. "*Sigh* Here I am comparing myself again... Asherah might scold me if I meet her again."

After going to the bathroom, I walked again in the hallway to return to back to my room. I looked outside the window again and saw the same silhouette standing outside. "Now this is getting creepy..."

The silhouette was looking at the sky and sitting on the fountain. "I wonder who's he's waiting for?" If only I have a skill that can see in the dark or see farther away then I can know who that person is.

Wait a minute... Noticing the silhouette, I can see that it's waving. Not because there's someone outside with him, but because he's waving at me.

Even if I'm far away, I can see that he's looking at me. "How creepy..." I said in a shaking voice. But if it's waiting for me, then I can't keep it waiting for me.

I went outside the hotel and took a closer look at the silhouette. "Why are you here?!" Seeing who it was, I was angered.

"It's nice to see you again, Haruki." He smiled at me, he wasn't wearing any armor like back in Hell, but instead, he's just wearing clothes that humans are wearing. "It has been a long time, right?"

"What are you doing here, Milicas?!"

"Calm down..." He said calmly with a smile. "We don't want the others to notice me here."

I looked at Milicas angrily and I clenched my fist to show him my anger. "What are you doing here Milicas?"

"After Yahweh broke us the news, I came here to check on you and your mortal friend Miyu."

He became more prideful; I can't believe he still uses the word mortal. "What do you want from me and Miyu? If you touch her I'll kill you."

"Don't worry, I won't touch her. After all the Gods might be angry if I did."

"What do you mean the Gods getting angry?" I'm confused, why are the Gods gonna get angry at him if he touches a normal human?

"You don't know?" He said with a happy smile. "As of right now, Haruki Hotaru and Miyu Kishimoto are now the second sinners; other known as the second Adam and Eve."

I held his collar in anger and confusion. "What do you mean Milicas?! What do you mean being the second Adam and Eve?!"

He gave me a smile and said. "Asherah gave you the memory of the Garden of Eden right? Which is why you inherited Adam's will and sin, so blame Asherah for showing you Adam's memory."

"No way..." Did I get tricked by Asherah? But why would she help me though? There's got to be something that Asherah isn't telling me. "What about Miyu? There's no way that Asherah would talk to her."

"Sun Wukong's hair."

"Hair, wait you mean Miyu has the hair that Sun is looking for?"

"Yes." He answered and fixed his shirt. "In the past when humans roamed the Earth, Ea discovered that humans are good vessels to store mana, and you know that mana powers up everything including the usage of skills right? And when Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit they got to manifest the power to have a skill, and since Asherah hasn't shown you yet I'll tell you what will happen."

"Tell me what? You mean that humans are forbidden to obtain skills?"

"It's not entirely forbidden, but the Gods are just cautious because humans might use it fight against them or destroy the world, and if you want to know there are some humans that have already the power to use skills."

"Miyu wouldn't do that! There's no way she would destroy the world!"

"She won't, but her mind will."

"Mind?" I was confused by what Milicas has said, I feel alienated right now. "What do you mean Milicas?"

"If a human has a weak core, then the mana inside its body would die. That moment when all of the human's mana is dead, they would lose control of their body and become something far worse than humans."

"What? Tell me what will happen?"

"They'll become monsters. You heard that monsters exist in many countries right? The jiangshi's at Chinese folklore, aswang's in Philippine stories, the Bhoot in India, or maybe a dullahan like Hans in Irish folklore."

"Hans?" First Lilith being connected to Adam and Eve... Now Hans? "Tell me more Lucas, does Hans know about this?"

"Of course, after all, he used to be human. A malevolent man who fought against the Gods and was punished in the end." Milicas came closer to me and whispered. "And he's also the guardian of Adam and Eve." Milicas let out a smile and he vanished.

Hans, the guardian of Adam and Eve? What does that mean? Is Hans like Lilith?

"Huh, Haruki? What are you doing outside?" I looked behind and saw Zephyrus coming out of the hotel. "I was woken up when you went outside, what are you doing here?"

I looked on the ground in anger. "*Tsk* I talked to Milicas."

"What?!" Zephyrus shouted in surprise. "What happened?!"

"*Sigh* For now, wake up the others and tell them that there's something important that I'm gonna discuss."

"Including your friends?"

"Yes, they're very important from this discussion."

Zephyrus has woke up and gathered everyone in the boy's room, everyone was sleepy from the partying. "Why did you wake us up at this hour Haruki?" Dawn asked.

"*Sigh* Milicas visited me." Upon hearing what I said everyone was shocked, except for my friends.

Homura raised his hand and asked. "Uhmm... Why are we part of this Haruki? I don't know who this Milicas guy is, but I have a feeling that he's involved in your life as a devil."

"You're right, Milicas is involved in my life. After all, he's Lucifer's son."

Homura, Asahi, and Miyu were surprised by what I said and they became anxious. "So what does he want from us..?" Homura asked in nervousness.

"He doesn't want anyone here, more as he gave me a warning."

"Warning? What do you mean?" Luna asked in confusion along with every one of my devil friends are also confused. "There's no way that Milicas would give you a warning..."

"I know... But I don't know why he warned me about the Gods."

"Why did he warn you about the Gods Haruki?" Luna asked worriedly

I let out a deep sigh and told them about everything I've been doing. From meeting the Abrahamic Goddess of Motherhood Asherah, how she showed me the past of Adam and Eve, and what Milicas told me. But I didn't tell them about Lilith and Hans' involvement with Adam and Eve because I don't want them to panic, especially Luna.

And Miyu and Asahi were the most shocked, after all, Miyu's life is on the line right now.

"We got to tell this to Susanoo and Bishamonten quick-" Before Lucas finished his sentence, a portal appeared in front and Bishamonten appeared. "Don't worry, we already know about the situation..." He said in disbelief. "This night, the Chinese God Tian Gong with two of his Gods had a meeting with Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo. and that's when Tian Gong declared that Haruki Hotaru and Miyu Kishimoto as the new Adam and Eve."

Zephyrus raised his hand and asked. "What does being the second Adam and Eve even mean? I thought that humans are not allowed to use skills?"

"Humans can indeed use skills, but if one of Zeus' allies apprehends either one of you then it's game over to this world. Because Miyu has now the probability of using skills then they can turn her into a weapon..."

"But she's just human right? Then the Gods can literally get a better candidate like the Archangels." Dawn said.

"Yes they can, but since most of you Archdemons are young, you haven't probably met a human with skills right?" Bishamonten replied proudly.

I asked him. "Then how deadly can they be? And is there perhaps any humans that can help us if they're powerful?"

"We can't get their help, after all, most of them are already dead while some are helping Zeus. If you want an example of how powerful they are, then you would probably know just by watching these so-called movies or animes that you watch."

"Movies and anime that I watched..?" I think for a moment to guess what Bishamonten meant and I remembered the number of historical movies that I watched... "Heroes..." That's what came out of my mouth. "Heroes, you mean heroes right?"

"Yes, heroes. An example of a hero famous here on Earth that even the Gods acknowledge his strength is the Legendary King of Britain, Arthur Pendragon. And some famous heroes that the Gods also acknowledge are the Chinese monk Tang Xuanzang, the Saint of France Jeanne d'Arc, and many more."

Arthur Pendragon, Xuanzang, Jeanne d'Arc, and many more humans are well-known for their adventures and story, if the Gods have them and are now targeting me and Miyu, then that means that they want our power... But something is wrong though. "But their target is Susanoo's sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi right? So aren't they gonna have a hard time obtaining either one of us?"

It doesn't make sense if they're gonna target not only us but the sword too... Even if you let someone as dumb as Sora think about this, he would know that Zeus' army is at a disadvantage.

"Yes we know, but their actions are currently unknown, we don't know why they would do something that's guaranteed their defeat, there's got to be something they're hiding from us right now... Which is why I'm afraid to admit this, but I think we might lose." Those words came out of Bishamonten's mouth, and I know that he's serious when he said that.

"What do you want us to do Bishamonten?"

"Next week the enemies are already here to attack us, so Haruki Hotaru; after I got to see that skill you used against Sun Wukong, Susanoo and I will be your teacher."

"Teacher!?" I was surprised when I heard what they said. Do you mean they're gonna train me? The God Susanoo and Bishamonten are gonna be my teacher?! Now I'm afraid of what to do right now, but Ai can't let this opportunity slip by. Because if Gods like Susanoo and Bishamonten will teach me, then that I might have the chance to be on equal footing with my friends.

Bishamonten gave me a joyful smile and asked. "so what is your answer Haruki? Want to become my student?"

I replied with a wide happy smile. "Of course, Master Bishamonten!"

If Master Ifrit were to be here, he would be jealous by now. So I'm sorry Master, but I hope you'll accept that I have two new teachers now.