Chapter 102: A Side to Take

[Zadkiel POV]

"So have you decided yet Zadkiel?" Zadkiel along with Cassiel and the others were in China to prepare for their attack on Japan today, the two are currently alone together in the garden of the Chinese Heaven. "Whether you'll be a Hero or not?"

Zadkiel picked up Arabian jasmine from the garden and looked at it. "Even if you're gonna ask me again, I'll keep on answering no... As an Archangel of our Lord, I can't kill someone the Gods have created..."

"Hmm... Even if that Lord of yours is planning to destroy the world along with the life that they've created?"

Zadkiel was silent upon hearing that from Cassiel, he clenched his fist and snickered. The flower he was holding was crushed and fell down on the floor.

"Hmm... That's bad Zadkiel, you've destroyed a plant... Oh no." Cassiel walked closer to Zadkiel and put her face close to his ear; she whispered to him. "You've just killed a life that the Gods had created Zadkiel, I can't believe that you would do something like that."

Zadkiel could not respond to what Cassiel has said, he doesn't know what to do in his situation right now.

Cassiel picked up the dead flower from the ground and put it on Zadkiel's hand, she held Zadkiel's hand along with the flower and looked at him on the face with a smile. "It's easy, isn't it? You took out the life of this Arabian jasmine, so that means you can take out the life of the Eve easily right?"

"Why Cassiel? Why do you want me to be a Hero? Isn't it being an Archangel of our Lord enough?"

"Hmm..? Pick one Zadkiel, do you want to be an Archangel that humans will soon fear in the end of the world or someone that mankind can call their Hero? If you become a Hero, won't your desire for peace be easier?"

He could only grit his teeth after hearing what Cassiel said, he knew that becoming a Hero would up his chances to bring peace to the world, but to do that he'll have to dirty his hand.

Killing someone is already normal for him, but now that time has passed and the Gods have decided to stay away from humans, Zadkiel has finally opened up to life at Earth more.

And knowing that he would kill someone to achieve his dream felt selfish for him, especially since the Eve was still a child he knew that she has more things to achieve than him.

"*Tsk* Cassiel-"

"There you two are!" Behind them Jophiel shouted at them angrily. "We've been looking for you two, it's time to head out now."

"Hmm... Sorry Jophiel." Cassiel looked at Zadkiel with a smile one last time and waved at him as she leaves.

Jophiel looked at Zadkiel's face and saw that he looked angry about something, she asked. "Is there something wrong Zadkiel? Did you and Cassiel have a fight or something?"

"No... We just talked about what the outcome of this attack would be..."

"And..? I know that there's something more than that, right..?"

"It's nothing, I was just afraid that we would lose..." Zadkiel could only lie to Jophiel, he wasn't afraid to lose but he was afraid to kill right now.

"*Sigh* We won't lose, I promise that Zadkiel."

"Yeah I know, I guess I was just over exaggerating... After all, we're tasked to not only capture the Eve Miyu Kishimoto, but also the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi."

"Makes sense that you'll be afraid, but don't forget that Lord Zeus has a plan B in case our group loses, so we still have a chance to win."

"*Sigh* I guess I was just paranoid... Let's go Jophiel, everyone's probably waiting."

Zadkiel along with everyone are standing in front of the stage, he was with the other two angels, Freyja was on the other side with Zhao Yun and Chang'e, and the audience are the army that they'll fight with. On the middle was Tian Gong readying for his speech.

"*Cough* Okay, all of you has heard of the plan that Zeus changed, so remember that we're fighting against three of the strongest Gods in Japan, even if those three are the strongest among them you still need to remember that they have the Japanese God of Fire Kagutsuchi and also the Japanese Buddhist God of War Bishamonten. Now that you know there are five Gods with them and there are still unconfirmed ones, so remember that you can retreat if you found yourself losing, and keep on fighting until backup comes got that? If all of you were to die in the attack when the second army is not there yet we already lose, so be tough and strong cause the Gods will always be with you."

All of the soldiers applauded, and Zadkiel was still thinking about what Cassiel said.

He knew that Cassiel is in the wrong when she said that he needs to kill the Eve Miyu Kishimoto, but be also knows that Cassiel was just doing this to help him.

His dream of having peace with the demons is like a fairytale at this point, but knowing that fairytale could turn into reality makes him wants to do it.

'For now... Let's just see where this is gonna go.'

After that speech that Tian Gong delivered they were teleported on Tokyo, and they were currently going to Tokyo Tower to set base there.

Right now they were at the entrance, they were dressed as tourists so that they wouldn't get caught by the Japanese Gods immediately.

"Okay, Alpha set up the barrier immediately, Beta contact Gamma that we're finally here in the entrance of the tower." Zhao Yun was ordering the soldiers with him.

He was with Zadkiel, Jophiel, and Chang'e. Their mission was to set up camp in the tower and put the device that Hephaestus created to easily teleport the second army that are coming.

"Sir, there's a barrier on the tower." One of the soldiers reported to Zhao Yun. "It looks like only you four can enter, and us soldiers are too weak to enter it."

"*Sigh* What a pain, then us four will destroy the barrier from the inside, and when it's destroy being the device on top immediately."

"Then let's go everyone." Jophiel said.

The three followed Jophiel on top of the tower, now that they were on top they immediately looked around.

Zadkiel was first to enter to check if it's safe, so that the other three could enter. He walks slowly checking every side of the base, and when he's finally far from the door he saw two figures.

He checked who those two are, he saw that the they were woman, one of them has black long hair and the other one has white, the one with white hair was hugging the girl with black hair who was crying.

He looked at the two closely and was shocked to see who those two are. "Luna, Dawn? What are you two doing here?"

Seeing that those two people were Luna and Dawn, Zadkiel was happy, but that happiness stopped when he realized what's about to happen.

He looked behind him and thought about the other three who was waiting for him, and he looked at the other two with fear.

Dawn checked to see who called her and Luna, and was surprised to see Zadkiel here. "Zadkiel what are you doing here- wait... Don't tell me that Zeus is gonna attack now?" Dawn readied his blood to create a weapon and she was protecting Luna from Zadkiel.

"Yes... I'm afraid that's true..." Zadkiel was saddened, he knew that they were not allies today, but seeing that he's gonna fight his former allies saddened him. "Luna... Dawn... I have three people behind me, please escape now and return to Hell..."

"What do you mean Zadkiel? We have work to do here in Japan, so we can't go back to Hell."

"But! *Tsk* This is for you two's safety, especially Luna... Right now my Lord wants to capture Luna because she is a Seraphim-"

"Zadkiel is there something wrong? You took so long so we came-" Behind him was Jophiel with Zhao Yun and Chang'e with her, she stopped finishing what she was about to say when she saw Luna and Dawn in front of Zadkiel. "Good job Zadkiel! Isn't she the Seraphim that Lord Yahweh said that we need to capture?"

"You're right!" Zhao Yun happily said. "So that's one job done, come on Zadkiel. Since you found her why don't you do the honor to tie her up, and eliminate that vampire along the way."

"Eliminate..?" Dawn was afraid right now when she saw the other three comes in, she could only look at Zadkiel to see what he's gonna do.

Zadkiel could only stare back at Dawn and tremble from fear, he didn't know what to do. He doesn't want to hurt them but at the same time he doesn't want to be branded as a traitor.

He was standing still and clenching his hand, he thought to himself. 'Why?! Why now of all time?!'

"Is there something wrong Zadkiel? Why are you standing still?" Zhao Yun asked?

"No... I was just thinking about something..." He grit his teeth and whispered to himself. "I'm sorry..."

Zadkiel walked slowly and took out his sword, he was holding back his tears as he walks closer, while Luna and Dawn were in denial that someone they befriended is gonna kill them.

The two girls couldn't escape because they knew that it was pointless, they could only watch their death come slowly.

Zadkiel raised his sword and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry..." He said to the two. He continued and slashed his sword to the two.

Cling! Zadkiel heard that something blocked his sword, and when he opened his eyes he saw that it was blocked by a sickle, and the one holding that sickle was Azrael.

He was happy seeing Azrael come, bug at the same time he was shocked because the three behind him saw Azrael protect Luna and Dawn.

Azrael punched Zadkiel back and Zhao Yun caught him. "What is this?!" Zhao Yun said angrily.

Jophiel was shocked and she was about to cry when she saw was Azrael did. "Azrael... What are you doing here..? And why are you protecting the Seraphim and the vampire?"

"Jophiel, Zhao Yun, Zadkiel, and..." Azrael looked at Chang'e and he said. "Chang'e." Hearing that Azrael didn't say Chang'e's names with any honorific they were surprised. "Leave if you all don't want to die!"

"What do you mean Azrael?!" Jophiel shouted angrily, tears were falling from her eyes and she couldn't accept that Azrael was here fighting them. "What do you mean Azrael?! Answer me! Why are you protecting those two?! And why are you being disrespectful to Lord Chang'e?!"

"*Sigh* Are you stupid?" Azrael looked at Jophiel in the eyes with pity. "When we attacked Hell, you talked to me and Michael right? And you said that you found me with a human once in the past right? That wasn't a human Jophiel, she is Cianna! An undead! She is the person that I fell in love with, the woman of my life!"


"Then that means that Nephilim is your daughter right?" Zhao Yun disturbs the crying Jophiel. "It only makes sense since seeing her wings from that photo, it only makes sense that she has either an Archangel of an Archdemon as a parent, and I guess she has two wings because of you right?"

"You're correct Zhao Yun, this Nephilim is Luna! She is my beloved daughter, and I'm not letting anyone of you to touch her!"

Luna looked at Azrael when she heard that, she was trying to say something to him but she stopped.

"It's okay now Luna, I'm here." Azrael looked at the four angrily and he shouted. "Death's scythe!" He held his scythe angrily and pointed them at the four. "Now fight me if you want her!"