Chapter 103: Father and Child

"*Tsk*" Zhao Yun looked pissed from what Azrael said. "Are you out of your mind Azrael?! What do you mean my daughter? Aren't you a child of Lord Yahweh?"

"Yes, I am..." Azrael clenched both of his sickles tightly and looked at them to intimidate them. "But... Aren't Lucifer and Satanael the child of my Lord too?"

"I'll handle Azrael myself, you two lead Lord Chang'e to break the barrier and capture those two behind him-"

Azrael created a line on the ground in front of him with his scythe. "If anyone of you set foot on this line, I'm warning you all... I won't hesitate to kill..."

Zhao Yun hesitated to move when he heard what Azrael said, and that goes for Zadkiel and Jophiel too.

Even if what Azrael did was unforgivable to the Gods, Zadkiel and the other two don't want to harm Azrael. "Azrael..." Zhao Yun muttered.

Zadkiel has mixed emotions of what's happening right now, he knew that someway Azrael would come to Japan to protect Luna, and he was hoping that Azrael would find a way to hide his identity. But, it what he hoped for has lost.

He knew that Azrael did the right thing, but at the same time he was feeling guilty that he didn't even do a thinng to protect his former allies, all he could do was cowardly use them to achieve his fantasy dream.

Jophiel was hurt and speechless right now, she was shaking from fear of what's gonna happen to Azrael if the Gods find out, the last rebellion that Lucifer and Azazel did hurted her in the past, also Camael hasnow betrayed him which cause her more grief, and now she would lose another family member right now.

"Azrael! I don't want to hurt you!" Zhao Yun shouted painfully. "Please.... just leave and hand over your daughter to us, it's for the sake of your Lor-"

"Lord?" Azrael disturbed. "Why would I do something for his sake? Tell me why Zhao Yun? He hasn't done anything for me at all! All he cares about is what would benefit him! And that goes to all of the Gods too! They're nothing but greedy creatures! Which is why... I'm not your ally, I told Michael already about how much I detest the Gods, and he accepted me for it..."

Azrael recollected the memory where he confessed to Michael about what he feels. "Azrael... I know how much the Gods has almost destroyed this world and I can see why you would loathe them for what they did." Hearing Michael say that to him, he became happy, but when he looked at how shaken Michael is so he knew that he was gonna say more. "I know about it Azrael... When I was surveying Hell I found her, I know who Cianna is and your relationship with her Azrael."

Azrael became tense after hearing what Michael said, but seeing his situation right now he knew that there's no hope in lying anymore. "What about her? It was only one time, and I've regretted meeting her."

Michael gripped his hand and slapped Azrael in the face.

Azrael was shocked when he was slapped and asked. "What was that for Michael?!"

"I saw her Azrael, I saw Cianna struggling while holding a baby...!"

Azrael was shocked when he heard what Michael said, he remembered that something did happen to her and Cianna at that time when they were together, but he remembered what Cianna told her at that time when they were together. "I'll soon get married off to my fiance when I turn 25, it was decided that I would be married to someone older than me."

"You're misunderstanding this Michael! I heard from Cianna that she was being forced to get married to someone! Maybe he's the fathe-"

"She has the blood of both an undead and an angel? What makes you think that the baby isn't your child?"

"I have a child..?" Azrael said softly. He was dumbstruck when he heard that, and he was now confused on what to do now that he found out he has a child.

If an angel like him were to have a child then he knows that he would be cast away from Heaven by Yahweh and the other Gods, but since he has a child with an undead he knows that being cast away from Heaven is not the only punishment he would get.

"Now that you know you have a child what will you do? Will you abandon her and keep on following our Lord because your afraid of being find out? Or will you follow your role as her father?"

That question remained on Azrael mind, he couldn't forget that day no matter how much he try. 'What was my decision at that day perhaps? No... I already knew what it is when I heard Michael mentioning her name... Cianna, the first time I saw you and that time we spend together, I felt something an angel shouldn't... Which is why I already knew my answer the first time I heard that queestion coming out of Michael's mouth...'

Azrael looked at Luna with a smile and looked at everyone seriously on the eyes. "No matter what achievement I may have I am still a failure... I am a failed servant of the Gods and a failed husband and father to Cianna and Luna..." He gripped his sycthe tightly and grinned. "Which is why I have to do something to be someone successful in life... I may not be a father to Luna when she was growing up, but I can still prove myself to be one in the present."

Luna was speechless when she heard what Azrael said, she was looking at him in awe. She never expected that he would look at his father with joy, but she was wrong, all this time she was being rude to him when they first met even to the point that Azrael became depressed.

'What is this?' That's what Luna asked herself on her mind. 'What is this feeling? I promised to myself that I wouldn't forgive him no matter what he'll do... But why am I feeling joy?'

'Way to go Azrael!' Zadkiel happily said on his mind.

"Azrael..." Zhao yun muttered. "Azra-"

"Detected: Azrael, the Archangel of Death shall be executed for betraying the order of the Gods. I, the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e shall do the task of executing the traitor." A light shone on Chang'e's hand and a bow came out with an arrow already pointing at Azrael.

Everyone was shocked to hear Chang'e speak, it wasn't because they're used of her being quiet but it was because she feels like a different person, Zadkiel and Azrael already has a suspicion that Chang'e felt odd that time the Gods visited Heaven for a meeting, but they didn't expect to see her change a lot.

Zadkiel and Azrael has a chill down their spine when they saw her point the arrow at Azrael, her movement and mannerism wasn't normal at all... They knew that she was a shy Goddess but when they first met her she was very open, and right now that Goddess wasn't sentient anymore; she was like a machine.

"Lord Chang'e... Please withdraw your bow." Zhao Yun said worriedly.

"Question: To the Buddha- Apologies: It appears I got the wrong person. Question: To the Draconic General of the Tigers Zhao Yun, are you protecting the traitor Archangel of Death Azrael?"

"No-no! I'm not... Please just withdraw your bow my Lord."

"Question: A lower being like you shouldn't order a God, are you implying that you're breaking that rule?"

"No, I'm sorry my Lord." Zhao Yun became afraid after hearing Chang'e asking him that, so he could only stay quiet right now.

Zadkiel and Jophiel tried to say something, but when Chang'e looked at them they felt afraid and couldn't move or speak when she gazed at them.

"Action: 1st of the 10 suns, Sirius will be launched." The tip of the arrow shone brightly and became hotter when Chang'e said that. "Question: To the individual Archangel of Death Azrael, do you have any last words?"

"*Tsk* I better dodge this." Azrael mumbled

"Action: Firing now-"

Crack Crash! The glasses from the windows shattered and a person came crashing toward Chang'e.

Chang'e noticed the person coming and shot the arrow at the person. The arrow hit and made the unknown man retreat to Azrael's location. "*Tsk* Should've been more careful."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

We were about to open a portal on top of Tokyo Tower now, we couldn't create one earlier because a barrier laid out by the Luna was keeping us from coming.

Which is why Tsukuyomi went to the tower without using a portal, and that's when he reported to us that there are angels inside with Luna and Dawn and he has now stopped the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e from shooting a destructive arrow.

(Haruki, I have now destroyed the barrier." Tsukoyomi messaged me.

I looked at Lucas and Zephyrus to warn them that Tsukuyomi has finally broke the barrier. I closed my eyes and remembered what the tower looked like; I shouted. "Space Cutter!"

A portal appeared in front of us and we ran to it, we were teleported at the inside of the tower and saw Luna and Dawn in front of us. "Thank goodness you two are safe!" I shouted in joy.

I looked on my side and saw Tsukuyomi holding his katana and beside him was another man I don't know. "Who's that?"

Looking at Lucas and Zephyrus, it appears that they knew who the person was and they seemed confused on why he is here.

The mysterious man looked at me and smiled. "King of Hell Haruki Hotaru, I don't have time for introductions but escape with Luna and your friends now, I'll handle these people myself."

"O-okay!" I replied in a hurrh, and ran to Luna and Dawn. I hurriedly grabbed Luna's hand and said. "Come on Luna, let's leave."

She looked at me with fear on her eyes and said. "But..."

"Don't worry, no matter what you are I'll be always with you."

Luna brightened up from what I said and stood up to run from the portal, he looked at the mysterious man one last time and smiled at him. "Thank you..." I heard her whisper before she and Dawn escaped to the portal.

Zephyrus and Lucas also entered the portal and I was the last person here, I saw the people they were fighting and saw that they were in a disadvantage.

"Haruki Hotaru!" The mysterious man shouted. "I said that I'll handle them myself along with Tsukuyomi, please... I beg of you... Even if I'm a failure I hope you'll forgive me, King Haruki. So please protect my daughter and make her happy."

I was shocked when I heard him say that, now I know who the person was, I could only ran to the portal speechlessly from what I experienced.

At that time when I first heard about him and his relationship with Luna from my friends, I was enraged.

I hated him because he was like my parents, he and them didn't care for their child at all, which is why I loathed him for abandoning Luna and his wife.

But looking at it now I was wrong, I shouldn't judge someone with no reason at all, because seeing him right now I can see that he regretted everything he did in the past which is why I'm grateful for him from coming.

Despite him being an enemy of the demons, he hasn't forgotten his role as a father, the Archangel of Generosity and Death Azrael will suffer many hardships because of what he did.

Now that he has been discovered to have an undead child and a traitor by the other angels, I was worried about him, but at the same time I can see that someone like him can handle this situation his facing right now.

He may not have been a perfect servant of the Gods, he may not have been the perfect husband and father to Luna and her mother, but in the end he was still a good father.