Chapter 104: Sibling's Bond

All of us teleported to the place Master Susanoo told us to go, it is located somewhere on Mt. Fuji to prepare for a countermeasure against them.

We were tasked to give orders to the soldiers, which is why we're currently preparing for them to follow us to Tokyo. Tsukuyomi with the help of Azrael is dealing with the Goddess Chang'e and the other angels right now, Master Susanoo is helping us to prepare the sodiers, Master Bishamonten is looking for the Goddess Freyja, and Amaterasu is setting up a barrier right now to protect the people of Japan.

"Great, you guys are finally here..." Susanoo said in relief. "Like Dagda said on Lugh's message, it looks like they're using Tokyo Tower to create their base there to easily transport their upcoming troops, sadly though it appears Dagda doesn't know who their back-up would be... Apparently, the oother Gods decided to keep their move a secret from each other, and the only thing we know is that Dagda would come to Japan along with the other Gods on Zeus' side the includes Zeus too..."

To clarify how Master Susanoo knew this, it looks like we can't message Millie and the others because their in another space, which is why Susanoo send a shikigami to Hell so that we could get in contact with them. It looks like Gods scan use the messaging system even if the other God is on another space.

And hearing what Susanoo said we all shouted "What?!" Now knowing that Zeus and the other Gods would be here it made us lose hope of winning this.

It looks like they became serious when I became a Hero now, which means that me becoming a Hero backfired at me... I thought it would help me become strongr, but instead it made our situation worse.

"What about Poseidon? Is he coming here to help us?" Lucas asked.

That's right, I forgot that we have other allies. With the help of the Greek God of Water then we have high chance of winning this!

"*Sigh* That's one of our problems.... We're alone in this fight, Poseidon had a problem back on Atlantis, as a result he could only a send a few soldiers to help us right now-"

Nope! We don't have a chance of winning this at all! They have about 8 or more Gods on them while we only have four! I can't believe I'm gonna die right now!

"So... To win we need to do our best to eliminate their soldiers andmake them retreat, and our chance of doing that is probably 10% utmost." Just from his voice and the look of his eyes I could see that he was afraid of what losing, because who won't? This battle would decide the fate of the world.

"Let's go now, remembber to keep safe okay?" Susanoo created a portal and we entered it.


[Zadkiel POV]

Shing! Shang!

The weapons of Tsukuyomi, Azrael, and Zhao Yun met, while Chang'e was firing arrows to support Zhao Yun.

Zadkiel and Jophiel were watching the fight and Jophiel didn't know who to cheer for right now. Would she cheer for the victory of her allies for the sake of the world or would she cheer for her enemies that her brother is in.

"Zadkiel! Put down the barrier and set up the portal now!-" Zhao Yun defended Tsukuyomi's attack with his spear. "*Tsk* There's no time Zadkiel! Jophiel can't move in her state, so you have to do it alone!" Zhao Yun avoided Azrael's scythe.

"O-okay!" Zadkiel replied. 'Get your mind up Zadkiel, you still have a job to do but...' Zadkiel stopped when he saw the line that Azrael created ith his scythe, he was shaking since he knew tthe moment he cross that line he would become Azrael's enemy.

He clenced his fist and closed his eyes so that he could ran to set-up the portal. The moment he set foot on the line that Azrael created, Azrael ran toward him and attacked him.

Zadkiel immediately blocked the scythe with the armor on him, but Azrael was serious when he attacked Zadkiel, which is why when Zadkiel looked at his arm he saw the armor destroyed and arm got cut.

Azrael then proceeds to get close to Zadkiel and kicked him on the chest. Zadkiel fell on the ground while putting pressure on his hand, he tried to stand up but Azrael was pointing his scythe at him.

He looked on his left and he saw Zhao Yun and Chang'e distacted from figthing Tsukuyomi and Azrael's clone, while Jophiel was still standing there undecided on what to do.

"You never change do you?" Azrael said in disappointment. "In the end your loyalty became a flaw to your life, I can't believe it... You of all people to attempt to kill my daughter, it-it seriously pisses me off..." Azrael's eyes were glowing red from anger and he put the balde of the top of his scythe on Zadkiel's neck. "In the end that dream of yours is nothing but a fairytale."

"No it isn't... It's not a mere faintasy of mine..."

"Haha! Haha! Hahahahaha!" Azraael was laughing loudly like a maniac when he heard what Zadkiel said, everyone including Tsukuyomi stopped and looked at Azrael when they heard him laugh. "Here you are lying to me again!"

Azrael kicked Zadkiel on the face which made Zadkiel lay on the ground in dizziness from the hard kick, Azrael proceeds to step on Zadkiel face. "In the end your nothing but a child! A hopeless child who can't do anything!" Azrael step on Azrael's head again hardly which gave Zadkiel a concussion.

Zadkiel was dizzy and his vision started to blur, he tried his best to grab Azrael's foot too stop him but in the end it was useless.

Zhao Yun tried to ran toward him but Tsukuyomi attacked him, and Chang'e was trying her best to fire arrows at Azrael to save Zadkiel but Azrael's clone was keeping her busy.

"Jophiel help!" Zhao Yun shouted. "We're gonna lose Jophiel! Please snap out of it and help us!"

Jophiel heard Zhao Yun pleading for help and saw Azrael pointing the blade of the scytes handle.

Azrael pointed it directly on Zadkiel's head and said. "Now, I'm gonna dispose you good for nothing trash."

Thump. Seeing what was about to happen Jophiel's heart started beating loudly. Thump. Thump. 'What is this?' Thump. Thump. 'Why is this happening?' Thump. Thump.

'My heart is afraid... I've been doing nothing but cower in fear...' Thump. Thump. 'If that's not my purpose of being alive then what is?'

"Jophiel." Hearing the voice call her name she opened her eyes and saw who it was.


"Correct! It's me Jophiel, it's nice seeing you again."

"Mother! Mother!" Jophiel cried when she saw her mother and hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong Jophiel?! Why are you crying?!" Asherah ask in a panic

"I failed! I failed to do the task you gave me! Camael and now Azrael have left Heaven due to my incompetence!" Jophiel kept on crying on Asherah's shoulder.

She was reminded of that day Lucifer first rebelled, she saw herself to be weak because she couldn't do anything to stop Lucifer and the other angels from rebelling against their father.

"No matter what I do... No matter what task you and my Lord gave me I always fail, and now... And now because of my failure, Zadkiel is gonna die..."

Asherah smiled at Jophiel, she hugged her while parting her on the head gently. "I'm sorry my daughter, it's not your fault that these things happened, it's my fault. I gave you an impossible task, it was due to my negligence as a mother that everything became bad."

Asherah looked at Jophiel's eye and wiped her tears with her fingers. "Stop crying my daughter, you'll lose your beauty if you keep crying, smile okay?"

"Okay..." Jophiel forced herself to smile but tears were still coming out of her eyes. "Did I do it right mother?"

"Of course." Asherah smiled. "Tasking you to keep the angels happy was a grave mistake of mine, and because of it you're now in sorrow... I'm sorry that I put a heavy burden on you, as your mother I should've put more thoughts into your feelings."

"No... It was my fault, if only I would've been more useful this wouldn't had happened, if only I could've killed both Adam and Eve our family would still be together."

Back when Lilith tricked Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit, Yahweh noticed that something was off with the two, which is why Jophiel was ordered to check on the two.

That's when she saw Eve at the tree using skills, she immediately contacted Yahweh about what she saw and she was ordered to kill them both.

The reason for their execution is so that the other Gods wouldn't find out about what Yahweh did.

Because at that time the Gods were still experimenting on the human faith, and if words got out to the Gods that Yahweh is giving them power it could make human commit terrible sins.

With the knowledge that the Forbidden Fruit has, humans could use skills to being chaos, they could get knowledge and learn science to disprove faith, or they could use the knowledge of fighting to bring war.

Those are the things the Gods doesn't want to do, and Jophiel knowing that this could endanger the life of Yahweh she decided to kill Adam and Eve.

That's what she thought anyway...

When she was about to kill Eve the elf Frihmats Kelnerius stopped her from doing so, which is why she failed.

And to this day she regretted failing that mission Yahweh gave her.

"I see... You're still in pain from failing that mission, it wasn't your fault for failing Jophiel, it's just your father's carelessness that you failed.x

"But... it was still-"

"Shhhh... Don't worry, don't worry... That's all in the past now Jophiel." Asherah said in a soft voice. "If you keep looking back at the past you won't be able to witness the present, and if you can't witness the present the future would be unpredictable."

Jophiel became confused of what Asherah said, but hearing it now she makes sense of it.

It was because she looked at her failure in the past that made her fail more in the present, and because of it the future keeps on changing hence why it's always undetermined of what to do.

"Don't let what happened in the past bother you, because if you do you can't be the mother that I tasked you to do right?"

Jophiel could only nod from what Asherah said, and she also smiled again.

"See?" Asherah tucked Jophiel's hair on her ear slowly. "Just what I told you Jophiel, you're beauty will be seen if you smile."

"Of course! without it, I'm not the Archangel of Beauty."

"Glad that you're energetic again." Asherah looked behind her and gave Jophiel a sorrowful smile. "I guess I have to go now Jophiel."

"Oh really..?" Jophiel said sadly. "You can visit me anytime mother."

"Of course, I'll talk to you again if I have time my beautiful angel."

A bright light cam flashing to Jophiel's eyes and when she opened it again she saw that Azrael was about to kill Zadkiel.

"Stop!" She shouted. She fired a strong wind magic at Azrael and he was pushed away.

She hurriedly went to Zadkiel. "Are you okay Zadkiel?"

"*Tsk* This is nothing Jophiel."

Whoosh! Jophiel noticed that Azrael threw his scythe at her, and when she looked she saw that Azrael caught the scythe before it hit her.

Azrael stared at Jophiel's eye and said. "Move Jophiel."


"I said move you dumb swine!"

"No! No! No!"

"Do you want to die? If you do stay there and I'll kill you!"

"Then do it Azrael, kill me! Kill me right now if you mean it! Because I know that you're not yourself right now! And I know that the real Azrael would never hurt me!"

"What makes you say that?"

"Even if keep badmouthing me every time I annoy you, even if you called me an annoyance or useless I still know that you don't mean that! After all if you did want to kill me, you won't stop your scythe from killing me." Jophiel gritted her teeth and looked at Azrael. "I love you Azrael! I love you, Zadkiel, Cassiel, and everyone else! You're my beloved brother, even if you're hiding it I know that you're in pain right now! I know that you didn't want to kill Zadkiel! I know that you've regretted killing the devils! And I know that you sneaked out once because you went to Hell to save your daughter!"


"Azrael... I've known about it, when we had a sleepover at Raphael's bedroom I was the one who decided to have that sleepover. Not because I want to know your dream or the others, but because I want to catch you leave."

"You had a lot of time, and now's the time you've confessed? Seriously, you're an idiot."

"Yes, I am... I was an idiot for letting you go, I was an idiot for not reporting it to our Lord, and I was an idiot to put my feelings first before my duty as the servant of the Gods..."

Everyone right now was confused about what's happening, seeing that this scene has turned into a drama instead of war made them refrain for a bit to watch.

Tsukoyomi was looking at Azrael and asked him with only using eye contact. 'What's going on Archangel of Death?'

Azrael replied. 'Don't ask me... I'm shocked myself to see this sudden dramatic turn of event.'

Tsukoyomi looked outside the window to check if Jophiel was planning to do something and the moment he looked he saw a bright light coming toward this way. "What's that?" He whispered to himself.

He looked at it and focused his vision on the light, while Jophiel was still talking nonsense about how she knows about Luna's identity.

"Did you know Azrael?! That it is a sin for angels to have a child?! Especially with a demon?!"

"What are you saying, moron? Did you go insane?"

"Also Azrael! Did you know that our Lord and the other Gods would kill you if you betray us?!"

"*Sigh* What a waste of time-" The moment Jophiel said that Azrael saw her smile wickedly. "I told you, you can't kill me!" A ball made out of many type of magic came out of Jophiel's hand and she punched it to Azrael's stomach.

Azrael realized that this would happened in the beginning, and when Jophiel landed her hit Azrael disappeared.

"Nice try." Azrael said.

The body that Jophiel was talking to was just Azrael's clone, and the one behind her is his real body. His sickle is on Jophiel's neck which made Jophiel shocked in fear.

"*Tsk* I told you that you can't kill me... Because if you would've, I should've been dead right now."

"Shut up! D*mmit! Why can't I move my hand?!"

"Don't forget Azrael... I've done so much to you, and is killing me the thanks you'll give me?"

Hearing that made Azrael remember what Jophiel has done to him and the rest of the angels in the past. It was that time when Asherah died, they were all depressed at that time but Jophiel despite being the most upset of all of them faced her sadness bravely.

She remained strong even if it pained her, as long as her brothers and sisters has stopped crying she remained close to all of them, hence why she's both like a mother figure to newer angels. And that fact cannot change.

Just being reminded of that Azrael could only snicker and force himself to try and kill her, but no matter what he does his arm won't move an inch.

"D*mmit! Why can't it move!?" He shouted.

Zhao Yun could only look at Azrael with pity but he remembers that he still has a job to do, he looked at Chang'e and whispered. "Prepare one of the suns."

Chang'e heard Zhao Yun and looked at the light outside the window.

It be a.e closer and Tsukuyomi became curious of it, he looked and stopped after seeing what it was. "An angel?!"

The light crashed like a speed of light on Tsukuyomi, the angel who did that was Cassiel. "Hmm... Things looking interesting here."