Chapter 105: Tokyo Hell (I) - Legend of the Two Clashing Satellites

[Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto POV]

"Cassiel..?" Azrael said in an confusion, but seeing Cassiel come and helping Zadkiel and the others he was angered. "Can't believe that you joined Cassiel!"

Azrael created many clones, two of them restrained both Jophiel and Zadkiel. "You'll regret this Cassiel!-"

"Now Lord Chang'e!" Zhao Yun ordered.

"Action: 2nd of the 10 suns Cygnus will now be released." A black arrow appeared on Chang'e's bow and she shot it at Azrael.

Azrael tried to escape but when he tried he felt like the arrow was pulling him even his clones were being pulled, and then arrow got close and hit Azrael on the chest.

When the arrow hit him he felt his body being torn apart, he saw the arrow disappear on his chest and when it fully disappear without a trace a strong explosion came out and pushed him away from the tower.

Tsukuyomi was shocked to see what happened and seeing how much power that arrow Chang'e shot he knew what that weapon was. 'How could this be?! So that was a lie?!' Tsukoyomi thought

He looked around and saw a chance to escape. He stood up and grabbed his sword, and the others noticed him.

Cassiel immediately tried for a kick but Tsukuyomi blocked it, Zhao Yun came from behind; aiming for the head and Jophiel sneaked behind him thrusting her sword on his back.

Tsukuyomi was trapped and bewildered that he lost. 'Can't believe that I have to resort to this.'

"Ukemochi!" Before the three got close to killing him, Tsukuyomi shouted the name of his weapon.

The three were pushed back by the force that the sword Ukemochi brought and Tsukuyomi looked at them in anger.

"I'm not letting anyone of you escape this place!" He swung his sword even if they're far from him, but to their surprise their armor was cut.

The three stepped back and Chang'e came forward pointing her bow and shot an arrow at Tsukuyomi.

Tsukoyomi immediately cut the arrow in half and pointed his sword at Chang'e; his eyes glowing red from anger and he has a smile of pleasure on him. "Chang'e, as a fellow Deity of the Moon I ask for a duel!"

"Answer: Tsukuyomi, Japanese God of the Moon, I shall accept your proposal of a duel."

The two stares at each other, Chang'e was ready to draw her now while Tsukuyomi is already on his fighting stance.

Chang'e blinked her eyes slowly and the moment she opened her eyes again she shot the arrow.

Tsukoyomi responded by running toward her, he cut down the arrow she shot and continued running. His sword let out a sinister shadow, Chang'e noticed the dark aura surrounding Tsukuyomi so she accepted that Tsukuyomi is not someone to underestimate.

"Action: 5th of the 10 suns Fornax will now be activated." Her arrow shone brightly again but when she was about to shoot her arrow she saw that Tsukuyomi was gone.

"My Lord!" Seeing that Tsukuyomi teleported behind her, Zhao Yun moved immediately and blocked Tsukuyomi's sword taht was about to cut down Chang'e's head.

Tsukuyomi expected this to happen so he pulled out a green curved comma-shaped jewel that is called a magatama. Tsukuyomi threw the magatama below him which are Chang'e's behind and in front of Zhao Yun.

"Action: Releasing you now, Hou Yi." A hot flame surrounded Chang'e's body and the magatama that Tsukuyomi threw melted before it started to explode.

Zhao Yun was affected by the intense heat surrounding Chang'e's body so he has no choice but to retreat, and Tsukuyomi held his sword tightly and slashed it at Chang'e despite being burned.

Chang'e blocked the sword with her bow and many arrows came out of nowhere and hit Tsukuyomi in the back. Tsukuyomi didn't mind the injuried he had suffered, he still kept swinging his sword at Chang'e

Shang! Another hit blocked again by Chang'e, Tsukuyomi used his skill to control gravity and used it on Chang'e. Chang'e felt being pulled down on the floor and was having a hard time to move. Tsukuyomi saw the opening and cut her chest.

Even despite the massive cut on the middle of her stomach up to her chest she didn't feel pain which made Tsukuyomi speechless. "What are you..?" He asked in fear.

He thought about it, this was not hsi first time meeting the Goddess Chang'e in his life, since they're both Deities of the moon it makes sense that they know of each other.

But the moment Tsukuyomi saw Chang'e today he felt different about her, it was like she was just a stranger to him, not even being acquaintances would suffice, she's just a nobody to him right now.

The sweet, loving, caring, and shy Goddess is what anyone would describe Chang'e, but right now it is the opposite. She was neither good or bad, she was empty.

Neither emotions nor feelings is on her, she was just an unintelligent monster to Tsukuyomi's eyes. 'What are you? You are not the Chang'e that I know of, you are just a monster. A monster with no sign of what humanity feels or what divinity does.'

"Action: 2nd of the 10 suns Cygnus. Eliminate." The black arrow swalowed up Tsukuyomi, he notices the arrow and snap out of what he was thinking, he tried to dodge but the arrow was pulling so he couldn't evade the upcoming attack.

He could teleport away or turn into a shadow but he felt that something wasn't right, he's feeling something that he doesn't know of.

'What could it be perhaps?' He asked himself.

Being confused of what this was he could only shiver when he see Chang'e, he kneew that ther was something wrong about himself, it was like the same feeling when their father Izanagi scolded him for making trouble.

'Yes... It was that feeling I didn't felt for a very long time now.' From his entire life he only felt this when he was still a young God, but now he didn't expect to go through it again.

Seeing that he couldn't move and was shaking right now just from staring at her, he knew that this feeling was none other than fear.

He could only struck the arrow with his sword and when it hit the arrow exploded and pushed him upward to the tower; the cieling broke from the strong force of the explosion.

Tsukuyomi instantly struck a hook onto the the broken ceiling when he was pushed o that he could maintain his posture and keep on attacking, but right now he was still being pushed by the strong force that the explosion has let out.

Since Chang'e has said her weapon's name it's only normal that it became more powerful, but Tsukuyomi didn't expect her weapon to be insanely powerful. 'If Chang'e said her chant before summoning her weapon, who knows how powerful her bow could be...' Tsukuyomi thought to himself.

Hou Yi, that was the name of Chang'e's bow.

In the past the Gods have kept many secrets from other Mythologies and the other things they did was falsifying certain stories.

From what the other Gods from outside Chinese Mythology and what humans knows, Hou Yi was the Chinese God of Archery. He is famous for shooting down nine of the ten suns that was burning the Earth, also one side note about his life is that he is already married, and the women he is married to is the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e.

But from what Tsukuyomi has find out is that the story of Hou Yi is false, Hou Yi wasn't even alive nor a God in the first place. In truth, the Archer Deity of China is also the Moon Goddess herself, she was the one who shot down nine of the ten suns. Which is why she has the ability to manipulate the power of those nine suns and also the power of the moon.

Looking at it now Tsukuyomi felt cheated, because not only Chang'e has the power of the moon, but also the sun.

"Even if that was the truth I can't give up..." Tsukuyomi snickered. "For the sake of japan, for the sake of my beloved home I can't surrender now... Which is why... I'm gonna take you down Chang'e!"

Tsukuyomi struck another hook on the opposite side of the ceiling, he pulled the hook and shot himself like a stone on a slingshot toward it's target; Chang'e.

The Goddess noticed what Tsukuyomi was doing, so as Tsukuyomi is now starting to launche himself toward her she closed her eyes and started chanting, while Tsukuyomi held the handle of his sword tightly and closes his eyes too to concentrate.

And at the same time, the two God and Goddess of the Moon started to chant for their weapon.

"I, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, the son of Izanagi and Izanami-"

"Action: Both the moon and sun has blessed the Chinese mainland-"

"Even in darkness nights where light cannot be seen the moon was there-"

"Despite one sun remains of the ten, the sun wasn't alone on the sky-"

"Although I've been disgusted by thee actions and has eliminated you, I'll use you so that I could ask for your forgiveness once more."

"With the arrows I've used and elixer I've stolen from Heaven, the string I've used that day hasn't left my side during my punishment."

"I call for you my Goddess, to assist me once more! Ukemochi!"

"Let's shoot down our target. Hou Yi."

Their weapon shone brightly, Chang'e declared. "Action: 9th of the 10 sun Ton, destroy." The arrow started to form on her bow and Tsukuyomi has propelled himself toward Chang'e.

She finally shot her arrow at him and Tsukuyomi with no chance to move from other directions to dodge the arrow, he decided to take it down instead. "I'm coming! Chang'e!"

The arrow closes in and with high confidence Tsukuyomi hit the arrow with his sword. The arrow was tough and it was hard to cut it down, not even a small dint was created from his blade.

"I can do this! As a God of the Moon, I'll take this impostor down!" He forces his sword to push the arrow doown but it wasn't budging, the strong motion of the arrow was too strong for Tsukuyomi. "Keep up! Tsukuyomi!"

Blood was coming out of his hands and due to the arrow being as hot a star it was burinng him. If the arrow isn't gonna kill him the heat will.

Half of his hand has already been burnt, but he was still trying to push down the arrow. 'If this won't work then I'll have to use my trump card...'

Tsukuyomi closes his eyes and kept on pushing, he whispered. "The benevolance of the Land of the Rising Sun, one of the three Imperial Regalia. Give me your strenght, Yasakani no Magatama!" A rainbow colored magatama came out of Tsukuyomi's pocket, it encircled him and got absorbed by the sword Ukemochi.

Crack! With the extra power that Yasakani no Magatama has given him, he finally heard the tip of the arrow crack. He opened his eyes and shouted. "Die!"

Crack! Bang! The arrow exploded and for the first time Chang'e became surprised, she tried to pull the string again to shoot out another arrow but the time she looked above again Tsukuyomi was already close to him.

"Take this! You fake Moon Deity!" Tsukuyomi slashed his sword at Chang'e, she tried to use her bow to block the sword but the sword went through her bow like a ghost.

The balde of the sword slashed Chang'e's face down to her body, one of her eyes was cut and she retreated.

The moment Tsukuyomi got down to the floor he cleaned the blood out of his blade and pointed it at Chang'e once more. "This is your end faker-"

He stopped, the moment he saw Chang'e standing still like her injuries were nothing made himm feel sick. Even if blood were coming out and she couldn't see on one of her eyes, Chang'e was still standing like nothing happened. "Question: how did you overpower me?"

He held his sword tightly and gritted his teeth. "That's because I'm a God and you are not, whoever you are or whatever you are, using the face of the Goddess Chang'e in front of her fellow God of the Moon is a massive insult."

"Question: What makes you think that I am not the Chinese Moon Goddess Chang'e?"

"Any sane person would know why! Someone like you who doesn't know what pain or hardship is doesn't belong in the category of living beings, even if us Gods are unlike the life here on Earth we still have something in common with them. It's that we are nothing but a lump of atoms smoosh in together."

"Reply: It doesn't matter anymore of what you think, after all you have already lost Japanese God of the Moon Tsukuyomi."

Tsukuyomi was surprised at what he said, but the moment he looked behind her he saw Zhao Yun and Jophiel creating the portal that would transport their army.

The moment the portal was created someone came forward and laughed. "So this is Japan! How nice to be here for such a long time. Hmm?" The person that came out of the portal saw Tsukuyomi and smiled in joy.


The man smiled. "Yo! Nice to see ya again moonlight!"

"I can't believe you're here again, you darn monkey!"