Chapter 106: Tokyo Hell (II) - Venomous Star

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

We were outside waiting for our turn to come, Amaterasu hasn't finished making the barrier yet, which is why we haven't started the attack.

I asked Susanoo about this and he told me that ever since the Great God War ended many humans were killed and at that time humanity almost went extinct.

So, when another war started they first laid out a rule, and it is to never involve any life on Earth ever again on their war and ploy.

I looked behind me to check on my friends, they are busy mapping the crystal to create the barrier.

What they were doing was the same when they were trained by Tsukuyomi, I never knew why they were clicking things on the map but now I know.

It seems that they are helping Amaterasu to set up the barrier to protect the life here on Japan, also it can give us an advantage.

We could see what's happening right now on the tower, it seems like Tsukuyomi and Chang'e are still fighting and Azrael has been shot out of the tower a minute ago.

When that happened I saw Luna having a fearful look on her face, even if I know how much Luna despises Azrael for what he has done to her and Hell, it doesn't change the fact that he is Luna's father and seeing how he betrayed Yahweh just to save Luna shows that he is not really an assh*le like I thought he would be.

But even seeing all of that she remained strong and stayed to do her work like the Gods tasked her to, she and the others are now hastily setting up the barrier.

I was just here doing nothing... Definitely not bored. "What the h*ck?! What am I suppose to do?!" I could only shout in despair right now, seeing that my friends are doing something useful outside of battle made me useless.

Just remembering my battle with Sun Wukong and seeing the battle of Tsukuyomi and Chang'e is putting my self-esteem to so much shame, h*ck! I don't even know if i'm gonna useful in this fight at all! My Soul Bound is useless and Ignisvem is kinda useful but not enough to defeat a God.

Seriouly... What part of my life did I go wrong? My luck just hates me!

"*Sigh* What to do..? What to do..?" I was walking back and forth while thinking of a way to help them, because if I talked to them they might get distracted and lose track of what they're gonna do. "If only I have someone to talk to-"

"Hmm? Is something troubling you King of Hell? Or should I go by Bones of Hell?"

"HA!" I screamed like a little girl when someone talked out of nowhere, I looked around to see who it was and saw a beautiful lady wearing a kimono with the design of the flag of Japan and she has a crown that has the shapes of the sun designed on it.

Just by seeing her appearance I already knew who this woman was. "I'm sorry for my rudeness, Lord Amaterasu!" I bowed nervously.

Amaterasu-Ōmikami or simply Amaterasu, she is the first-born of the three main Gods of Japan and she is also the Leader of the Gods of Japanese Mythology.

Her youngest brother Susanoo who is now my Master alongside Bishamonten is not that frightening unlike their middle brother Tsukuyomi, but now that I've seen the oldest sibling among the three I could see her having the aura of any strict mother.

"You don't need to apologize Hotaru, I'm at fault for scaring you."

"No, no, no. I can't make someone as great as you to apologize to a pest like me"

"Calling yourself as a pest is too much Hotaru, you're a devil aren't you?"

It seems like sarcasm doesn't work on her that much, but it looks like she is nicer than her brothers. "But Lord-"

"Don't worry Hotaru, you can call me by my name, there's no need to use such word."

"Are you sure?"

"You're calling my husband and younger brother by their names right? So it's only fair for you to call me by mine too."

"Oh okay... Guess that makes sense." To point out what Amaterasu said about her brothers, in the legend Amaterasu is married to her younger brother Tsukuyomi and it seems like that legend is true.

Which.... Hmm... How should I put it? I know that incest is weirdly normal for the Gods so I can't really judge her for that. "*Cough* Anyway, what are you doing here Amaterasu? I thought you were busy setting up the barrier?"

"I have finished my tasked, your friends just need to finish theirs to fully set-up the barrier, and for now I have decided to speak privately with you Hotaru, since you're the King of Hell and I'm the Leader of the Japanese I want an explanation on what you are here for. Just think of this as a private meeting between us Leaders."

I've been busy dealing with my inferiority complex and my reunion with my friends here that I forgot what we were here for in the first place, now that I have time to talk to Amaterasu alone I have to do my job now as the King of Hell.

"Us devils want to have an alliance with the Japanese Mythology along with the Greek God Poseidon and the Norse God Thor."

"Why is that King Haruki? There's the other side too you know? And your Mythology is from Yahweh's right? So why choose ours instead of the other side?"

"Yahweh destroyed my home many times... Many of my people are dead because of him, also my friends have suffered a ton because of his actions."

"I see... In the end, you just want revenge right? Just looking at what you've been through it's normal that you want one, but are you sure about that King Haruki?"

"What do you mean Amaterasu?"

"Revenge, despair, grief, and many more... I have seen and experience all of them in my entire life, I have seen many people being overcomed by their emotions because of those unnecessary things poisoning their mind and seeing how their life turned out... It became futile, thier sacrifices and their hardwork are nothing but a waste." Amaterasu looked down in sorrow after saying that, she then faced against me and looked me in the eyes seriously. "Are you saying you are like them King Haruki? The reason you want to join us is for your revenge?"

Her eyes were like that of a viper and her words were the venom, I felt fearful right now from answering her question,

I frozed just by staring at her eyes, looking at her now I felt weaker than before. Even if she isn't using some sort of skill to put me in this much pressure I still couldn't fight back, just seeing her face made me realize that this was the question that would decide what would come next in life.

Is that really the reason I wanted to join them? Just for revenge of what he did to my people? It's the truth though, I always wanted to avenge them in someway, but looking at it now why am I involving the others in this though?

Lugh and the Celtic Gods, the Japanese Gods, Poseidon and the others. If my true purpose of fighting the Gods is to end my want for revenge then what Amaterasu said is true.

Everything I'm doing right now is futile, my revenge is not part of the Great God War so I can't be with the Gods, but... My friends... Homura, Asahi, Miyu, and Ayame.

Unlike me and the others they are humans, so if the Gods are involving them in the war like they did in the past then I have a reason to join.

My revenge to the Gods isn't exactly the reason why I want to form an alliance with them, knowing that the world safe from harm will give me benefit because there are people I care about on Earth.

"My answer to that Amaterasu is both. Yes I want revenge for what the Gods did to my home and people, but knowing that you Gods are having a war made rethink on how safe humanity would be... I have people here on Earth that are important to me and that goes for Hell too." I clenced my fist and gritted my teeth. "This is why I want to join you Amaterasu, if the world is safe from the Gods then it's just killing two birds with one stone."

"I understand, it looks like you are indeed trustable Haruki Hotaru." Amaterasu looked outside the mountain with a smile, her hair was moving gently from the motion of the wind.

Seeing her like this now I could only be shock, she was like a venomous snake when she was talking to me, but in the end she has a side where lost her teeth and became not venomous anymore.

"Amaterasu, I want to know, what are you gonna do if I chose a different answer?"

"Oh that." Amaterasu looked at me again and in a blink of an eye she was now holding a fan and pointing it at my neck, the fan has a sharp gem-like blade on it;s end, I know that it was sharp because my neck was cut and bled.

The cut wasn't painful at all, she cut it clean amd fast that I didn't even feel a single pain, I was still alive because it wasn't deep but just seeing her stare at me again made me feel what death is.

"If your answer has disapointed me then you and your friends would have no use for us Gods anymore." She pulled the fan awy from my neck and hid her face with it. "But I know that I didn't have to resort into that after seeing how brave you and your friends are to face us Gods, any humans would be afraid just by seeing us Gods and that goes for the devils too, but it looked like I was ignorant and wrong about you devils, so sorry about that Haruki Hotaru." She bowed slowly.

"You don't need to bow Amaterasu, I understand why you would think of that way."

"Are there anything else you want to ask me King Haruki?" She asked while hiding her face again on her fan elegantly.

"Oh right... *Cough* I want to ask, why are you fighting against Zeus?"

Zephyrus told me about what Sun said to him, if what Sun is saying is true then I'm dead.

It bothered me a lot when Zephyrus said that to me, and I kept asking to myself on who is saying the truth and who is the one lying. Is it Zeus' side perhaps that wants to destroy the world like we first though? Or is it Amaterasu and Poseidon's side that wants to destroy the world? Or could it be that those two sides wnat to destroy the wolrd but with different means?

It scared me a lot that I'm standing in front of a potential enemy right now, knowing that one wrong move would kill us is giving me anxiety.

Also we don't know if Millie and the others are safe too, there could be a chance that Lugh is planning something that we don't know of.

"Why I want to fight Zeus huh? If you look at it King Haruki that's very suspicous of you to ask me that, whether my side or Zeus are the one destroying the world doesn;t matter right? In the end all of us is destrying it." Amaterasu stopped hiding her face with her fan and gave me a smile. "It's up to you King Haruki to believe me or not, but all I could answer is that my side is on the right, my reason for fighting them is for the future of humanity."

"I see... That's a great answer Amaterasu, I'm sorry for asking you that."

"It's okay Haruki Hotaru, I'm actuallyy happy that you asked me that, I could see how reliable you are from that question, because being cautious in our situation right now is always a must."

"Really? I'm glad that yu weren't pissed off."

"What type of person do you take me for? I know that I can be scary sometimes, but I'm not that scary at all."

You almost scared me to death just from that stare. "I guess you're right." I lied to her.

"*Sigh* Now..." Amaterasu looked outside again, but this time it wasn't magnificently or beautifully at all, inst,ead it was full of malice. "Looks like your friends are done, let's go now Haruki Hotaru."