Chapter 107: Tokyo Hell (III) - Thoughtful Plan and Regret

Amaterasu and I entered the base after the barrier has been set, she lined up everyone for a meeting and right now we were currently waiting for Tsukuyomi to return.

Master Bishamonten isn't with us because he's busy making a deal with the shikigami's that we're gonna use to fight back the enemy soldiers

My friends and I were tensed right now, seeing how massive this fight is made us feel little at that time we battled Satanael on Hell. At that time we were only protecting our home from the snak who have betrayed us, but right now is something greater than that, this time we're fighting for the future of our entire world.

I'm worried, seeing that fight between Tsukuyomi and Chang'e made me afraid of what will happen right now, I couldn't even defeat Master Bishamonten when we dueled and this time there are many Gods that are coming for me and Miyu, and one of them is our greatest enemy Zeus.

Also... If Zeus and most of his allies are gonna be here it makes sense that we would encounter Yahweh, Satanael, and the others.

Even if I say it again, we are in a disadvantage right now... A big disadvantage... Not only we're gonna protect Japan from the enemy Gods, we're also gonna remove Miyu's position as a candidate of Eve, and the enemies main goal is to capture one of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan; the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and to either apprehend the Eve Miyu Kishimoto or me; the Adam Haruki Hotaru into their custody. Also Luna and dawn implied that they heard the Archangels and the Hero Zhao Yun talking about Luna as a target too.

That's the basics of the goal of our enemies, looking at it right now I'm completely anxious, I couldonly bite my fingernails to remove stress right now, but it's not effective in a life or death situation.

Right now... This so-called Great God War that the Gods are currently facing has one rule: It's kill or be killed.

"Are you okay Haruki?" From my right, Luna asked me worriedly.

I guess she saw how worried I look from my face. "It's nothing... I was just worried of what the outcome would be..." I replied to her nervously

Looking at her now, I'm happy that she's back to her usual self, even if there's still doubtness deep inside her, I could see that it's healing right now.

"*Sigh* How disgusting... The moment you two are in good terms again you two started flirting, seriously... It makes me sick." Beside Luna was Dawn looking at us in disgust.

"Flirting?" I was confused by what she said, because this isn't the time to flirt at all so why would she think that? "We're not flirting at all, this is just a normal converstion between friends got that?"

"That's right Dawn, jeez... Don't say things that could make anyone get the wrong idea!"

"Don't worry Dawn, if you're salty just keep on waiting until you find someone that would love you."

"Love huh? Like I'll ever experience it, people these dayys are nothing but cowards right now." Without even hesitation Dawn said it, it looks like she means what she said, I guess she's not interested on romance at all right now.

And I can see that, even if I keep on lusting for my female friends, I do admit that I'm interested in dating them but looking at our current condition I'm not interested in those stuff right now too.

H*ck! I don't even think I could get at least one girlfriend since I might die right now. Especially since I have this useless luck of mine.

"But seriously... I'm worried about them-" The moment I said that a portal appeared in front of us.

An injured Tsukuyomi carrying Azrael who was heavily injured and a is unconscious came out of the portal. "Sorry we're late! It took time get to a safe place, that darn monkey just doesn't want to let me go..."

Luna's eyes were filled with fear when she saw Azrael unconscious, she immediately went to Tsukuyomi and asked in a panic. "Is he alive?!"

"Of course, it looks like when Chang'e fired the arrow at him he used every type of defensive skill he has on him." Tsukuyomi layed Azrael on the table and the moment he did we saw a big injury on his stomach.

Even if he covered and compressed the wound with his clothes we could see how big it was because his entire clothes is soaked in blood, there's even blood dripping out of his clothes. It's a surprise that he's still alive despite all of the blood he lost, but I forgot that I'm basically talking about a God right here.

Amaterasu stood up; eyes closed, a green light came out of her hand and with one wave Azrael and Tsukuyomi's injuries were gone, not even a trace of blood has been left behind. If you look at them they look basically uninjured right now.

Seriously, why do Gods want more power if they can do very impressive things like this? I don't get them at all.

"So Tsukuyomi, what would you think our chances of defeating them is?"

"Honestly, while that monkey was chasing for me I did my best to gather as much information I could, good thing that monkey was stupid enough to tell me some of their skills and good thing none of the were lies. Just by basing from what I heard we at least have a 70% chance to defeat them, but that 70% would drastically decrease if their backup came."

"Makes sense that we can defeat them." Susanoo said. "Right now they only have 3 Gods with them. Out of those three Gods Sun Wukong is the weakest and seeing how Chang'e almost defeated Tsukuyomi I'm afraid to admit that Freyja might be powerful."

"I concur." Tsukuyomi said. "If I didn't use one of the Three Imperial Regalia I would've lost, Chang'e is just a walking beast right now and we don't know yet if that arrow she shot at me is the strongest, because she might be hiding some other powerful skills on her."

Susanoo replied. "Also, they have three Archangels and a Hero with them, so what we're gonna do is that me, Tsukuyom, and Bishamonten would handle the Gods while you devils would handle the Archangels and the Hero. Also, it looks like the backup that Poseidon has sent would be late and our new ally Azrael is sill healing, so we're not gonna rely on them in this first round-"

"No... I'll come." Azrael woke up and stood up, even if he was badly injured compared to Tsukuyomi, he was standing still like nothing happened. "I know who my siblings ares so I'll deal with them, even if it doesn't look like it compared to the other angels Zadkiel and Cassiel has a chance to betray Yahweh."

"Oh? What made you think of that Azrael? Just from what I saw Cassiel didn't hesitate to fight you, but I could understand Zadkiel though, just seeing him I could see that he is somewhat hesitating to harm you. But what about the other one? Jophiel was it?"

"Theres no way I could convince her, she's very loyal to Yahweh..." Azrael said in disappointment.

"I see... But are you sure you could handle them?"

"For now, if possible I want at least one help to any of Luna's friends here, I can't let Luna join the frontline right now... Because she's more valuable than the second Adam and Eve."

"I'm okay with that." Susanoo said, and he looked at Luna. "But are you okay with that Luna? In the end, it's your decision to fight or not."

"I'll fight." Hearing that made Azrael freaked out, but he stopped because he knew that this would happen. "But." Luna continues. "Since Azrael said that I'm valuable than Haruki and Miyu, I'll stay by Haruki's side... Because I know that I'm safe with him."

I blushed after hearing that and I said while flustered. "Of course! Don't worry Azrael! I'll keep her safe, just put your trust in me!"

[Zadkiel POV]

"Hmm..? Are you awake now?"

Zadkiel felt something soft on his head, the moment he opened his eyes he saw Cassiel staring at his face, looking at it now Zadkiel knew that he was laying on Cassiel's lap.

He noticed that he has many bandages covering his body, even in the slightest movement it felt painful. "What happened?" He asked Cassiel who was still staring at his face with no expression.

"Hmm...? I wonder what it could be? Did you tripped and got this injuries from falling down the stairs? Or did you get beaten to a pulp by Azrael?"

"*Sigh*" Zadkiel stood up even if he's in pain and looked at his surroundings, he saw that he was inside the tower that was supposed to be broken but was now unknowingly fixed again, beside him was the portal they were tasked to create. "Looks like you succeeded..."

Zadkiel gritted his teeth in anger and he clenched his hand, he was blaming himself for putting his friends in harm, even if he knew that this might happen in the future he saw that he wasn't prepared to face then at all.

"I put a soundproof barrier so that the others won't hear us, care to tell me what's on your mind Zadkiel? Or if you don't want to it's okay, but know that I might not help you again."

"Thanks for the offer Cassiel." Zadkiel went closer to Cassiel and sat beside her. "Hey Cassiel, did I perhaps do the wrong decision to attempt to take Dawn's life? I told myself many times that this might happen one day, but it looks like... I wasn't ready at all..."

"Hmm... Who knows? Whatever you did it is finished now, going back to time is not real so talking about whether you made the right decision or not is pointless isn't it?"

"*Sigh* Seriously... I thought you would help me ease up my regret, but you never change don't you, Cassiel? You're still cold-blooded as ever..."

"Hmm... Isn't that one of my charm points? I saw from what humans called the media that many men are into that stuff. Whether they'll be called 'stupid', 'pigs', or 'pests' they still tend to find it as a compliment. Seriously... What has humanity become too?"

"Whatever you say, I guess you being nice would be weird right? I can't imagine you being nice to me or the others, I guess you being cold and mean is the norm."

"Hmm... Zadkiel you idiot."

"Wait, what did I do to get insulted?!"

"*Hmp* Calling a woman cold and mean how rude."

Zadkiel became confused of what Cassiel was doing, he could only laugh right now seeing that the usual cold Cassiel he knew can be girly right now.

"Hmm..? What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, *Chuckle* It's just that seeing you change made me happy, seeing you girly is honestly unexpected, but it fits you. Honestly, you should do it more often, you look cute when you try to do it."

Cassiel blushed when she heard Zadkiel calling her cute, she tried to say something mean to him but she couldn't do it.

She felt a burning sensation on her that she couldn't describe because this was the second time someone called her cute. The first time she was first called cute was when she was still young and Asherah was dressing her up.

"Hm? Is there something wrong Cassiel? You're face is all red? Don't tell me you got a fever."

"*Sigh*" Cassiel slapped herself in the face and stood up. "Let's go now Zadkiel, you said that you wanted to know if you made the correct decision right? For me, you made the correct choice because if you didn't Azrael wouldn't become the father that he was supposed to be."

Zadkiel smiled when Cassiel said that, he replied to her with a bright smile. "Really? I'm glad, thanks Cassiel."