Chapter 109: Tokyo Hell (V) - The Moon of Destruction's Protection

Over half of our army was left, not even a hour has passed by and we already have that much casualty. Even many war veteran would call somting like that impossible, but in a world with magic anything is possible.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, the Japanese God of the Moon and the middle sibling of the three Japanese Gods, with him was his younger brother Susanoo-no-Mikoto the Japanese God of Storms, if you measure their strength to any Gods they're right no top, after all Tsukuyommi and Susanoo were one of the first Gods in Japan to exist.

Right now the two Gods are fighting the Chinese Goddess of the Moon, Chang'e. Unlike Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, she isn't a major Deity. Her only notable role in Chinese Mythology is when she stol the elixir of immortality from her husband Hou Yi, but based on what Tsukuyomi said on the meeting we held Huo Yi doesn't exist which means her role of stealing the elixir of life was a fake.

But...If what Tsukuyomi said is true, then it gives her a more bigger role, since if the Chinese God of Archery Hou Yi doesn't exist, it means that his role of shooting down nine of the ten suns is passed down to Chang'e.

Which is why she became a dangerous opponent...

Right now, the others and I are looking above the sky, both Tsukuyomi and Susanoo are severely injured by Chang'e while the Goddess wasn't even injured at all, not even a single scratch or torn clothes are seen.

Her eyes were bright red as she held her now, her long black hair that defies gravity is floating above her, also eight lights were encircling her entire body.

Just seeing this sight made me feel both fear and awe toward her, just looking at her right now describes that this should be what a true God should be like.

The menace on her blood red eyes is giving us all chills, the way the moonshine mixed with her beauty and frightening looks made me froze still.

I could see why Taukuyomi called her a monster, after all she's like a beast at this point.

She reaches for the string of her bow again and closes her eyes, both Tsukuyomi and Susanoo we're exhausted and were having a hard time to catch their breath. "D*mmit..." Susanoo mumbled.

I couldn't bare it, Chang'e was aiming toward Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, but that doesn't matter at all because her arrow would still spread toward the city.

"*Tsk* Sorry everyone!" I let my wings out and immediately flew toward Chang'e.

Before I left I could hear Luna and Dawn shouting. "Wait! Come back here!" At the same time, and Azrael saying. "What an idiot..."

I flew as fast as I can with the use of Electric Manipulation to speed up my wings, I looked down to see how Lucas and Zephyrus was doing against Zhao Yun, for the looks of it even if there's two of them they're still having a hard time to defeat him.

Looking at Chang'e now I could see how bright her arrow is just from here, and if I'm gonna try to defeat her there's three things I could use right now. First is Soul Bound to ensure I could be safe from the shot, second is Ignisvem because I could use it to power it up with Chang'e arrow, if my theory is correct that the arrow is basically like a star then Ignisvem is gonna be more powerful than before, third... "Zephyrus! can you spare me some of your feathers?!"

"What?!" Zephyrus was confused on what I was doing but when he saw me flying toward Chang'e he immediately figured out what I was gonna do. "I could only send 5!"

Five of his feathers flew toward me and attached it to my wings, I looked above to check on Chang'e and saw that she was about to release her arrow now. "That's not gonna happen!"

Using Electric Manipultion to speed me up is already tiring but I can't let that defeat me, I released a lot of energy and powered up my Electric Manipulation to boosten up my speed. At the speed of light, the moment she shot her arrow I got in front of her and took the hit.

The arrow struck me on the chest and the moment it glowed the arrow exploded.

Both Tsukuyomi and Susanoo were speechless at what happened in front of them, my friends along froze when they saw the arrow exploding at me above them. "Haruki!" Luna shouted and tried to ran toward me.

Azrael immediately grabbed Luna's arm and stopped her from coming.

"Let go of me! I'll help Haruki!" Luna angrily said at Azrael.

"Wait Luna, look." Azrael said as he pointed to the smoke of the explosion.

The smoke slowly disappeared and everyone saw someone coming out of the smoke, and that someone was noneother than me.

I flapped my wings as fast as I can to make the smokes go away and when it fully disappeared, I was flying in front of Chang'e unharmed from her arrow.

My friends, Azrael, the Gods, Zhao Yun, and the angel watching from inside the tower were shocked to see me with not a single burn from the explosion, also they saw me inside of Soul Bound already but not even a dent could be seen from the armor of my Soul Bound.

While Chang'e who was in front of me and the one who shot the arrow at me has no reaction to what happened, not even a slight surprise on her face can be seen. She was just standing there with no emotions like an inanimate object.

"Question: To the devil in front of me and the one who blocked my arrow with no injury, what is your name?" She asked me. The only thiing I could describe her is robotic, she was like an AI; no emotions, no feelings, just an empty shell that's waiting for a host to live inside it.

"I go by many titles, I used to be called the Prince of Hell but later became the King of Hell and right now the Japanese Gods gave me the title of Bones of Hell. Haruki Hotaru, that's my name Goddess Chang'e." Even if no one is syaing it, I can tell that I look cool right now.

"Question: Hotaru Haruki, son of Hotaru Jarren and Hotaru Xuntea, I ask you. How did you avoid getting injured from the 8th sun Shèshōu Zuò?"

"That's because I'm very cool!" I shouted in pride.

My answer of being cool is not correct, lookint at my back now to check on the five feathers that Zephyrus gave me I saw one of them gone, because like I said I need three things to defeat Chang'e and the third thiing I needed was Zephyrus' feathers.

Just from our battle Ilearned many things about Zephyrus, he could use heat as his main source of energy to power-up his skills and himself and that can only happened because of his wings; actually his feathers.

Back in our meeting he said that his feathers could not also absorb heat but also the source of the heat, so whenn I heard that from Zephyrus I was happy that Bishamonten stopped our battle and decided that our battle would end up in a tie.

During the last part of our duel we both fired a large ball that has most of our powers put on it, which is why if those two power balls that we created were not destroyed by Bishamonten, I would've lost our duel because he could just absorb the fireball I fired at him.

Which is why when I thought of to go here to protect Tsukuyomi and Susanoo for Chang'e, I immediately thought of using Zephyrus' feathers. But just from one of the feathers getting disintegrated from the flames that her arrow let out I wouldn't survived with just feathers, so I powered-up the feathers with Soul Bound.

And for the looks of it I could only used the feathers to block her arrow only once, and I have four left right now.

"Response: Cool?" Chang'e said in confusion " Got it, saving it on my memory that being 'cool' is a way to be powerful."

".... What..?"


[Zadkiel POV]

He was speechless, no everyone was speechless. The three Archangels who were watching inside the tower couldn't say a thing to what they've seen.

"After all this time the King of Hell still has that mysterious skill on him..." Jophiel said in shockness.

Everyone was reminded of what happened back on Hell when they were ordered to kill Jarren and Xuntea. They're nine on one battle with Haruki Hotaru's Soul Bound brought terror to them and seeing what's happening right now, it made Jophiel trembling with fear.

"Do you think the King of Hell could beat Lord Chang'e?" She asked the two angels beside her.

Cassiel remained silent and kept on staring at Haruki and Chang'e at the sky, while Zadkiel was clenching both of his hands.

'Millie's older brother Haruki Hotaru, he is the current King of Hell and the one who equally fought against nine of the ten Archangels of the Abrahamic God Yahweh.'

Jophiel could only think of Haruki as a monster, while Cassiel thought of him as something close to a God, but despite his jealousy Zadkiel was happy seeing Haruki here. 'If the King of Hell is here then I could rely on him to keep Luna and Dawn safe.'

"*Sigh* But I wonder where Lord Freyja is-" Before Zadkiel was about to finish his sentence, he recieved a message.

(Darling, this is your beautiful Freyja, I saw what happened from my position here so I'm currently trying my best to go there now, also I finally found the way to go inside the space in Mt. Fuji without the ugly Amaterasu noting us. Also I've discovered that she's now doing the ritual to remove the Eve's candidation to become a Hero, so I'm counting on you darling to take her down and I promise to give you a kiss if you succeed)

Zadkiel froze up after seeing what's in the end but he decided not to mind it. "Lord Freyja sent me a message, she told me that she found the location of the entrance of Mt. Fuji. Lord Freyja has also discovered that the Eve Miyu Kishimoto is inside the space and Amaterasu is now removing her candidation. So she tasked me to head there to stop Amaterasu."

No matter how much they think about it, they knew that there's no way Zadkiel could defeat the Leader God of Japanese Mythology alone, even a kindergartener would have the common sense to know that.

"Knowing that I'm gonna fight the Japanese Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu, i could use some help... So, who's coming with me and who's gonna guard the portal until our allies come?"

"I will!" Jophiel raised her hand in excitement.

"Hmm... Then I'll guard the portal then." A message that came from Cassiel was sent toward Zadkiel.

(I saw Azrael, Luna, and Dawn coming here on the tower, so I'll stay here to have a conversation with them about my plan.)

Zadkiel became confused on what this plan of hers is, he was curious about her plan because knowing who Cassiel is he knew that she has a solution to everything he has problems with.

He could only let out a deep sigh right now and pray that they'll be safe. 'Please Mother, give us the strength to survive this battle. Protect my two sisters from harm, that goes to Zhao Yun, Lord Chang'e, and Lord Freyja too. Also please make sure to keep on protecting haruki Hotaru and his friends, always... I know that you're the only one who could do it. Knowing who you are, I know you're doing your best right now to do what I prayed. Thank you, Mother.'

Zadkiel looked outside one last time and saw the dead bodies of both his allies and foes, he could only clench his hand in anger right now and keep on praying that this war would finnaly stop.

"Are you okay Zadkeil?" Jophiel asked him worriedly.

"Yes, I'm okay..." he forced himself to smile in front of Jophiel and said. "Come on, let's go now Jophiel-"

Before finishing his sentence, another message coming from Cassie came. (Remember this is your timme to decide now Zadkiel, do you want to become a Hero to easily fulfill your dream or don't and have a chance of losing your dream but also the people you cared for?)

Zadkiel gritted his teeth angrily and a single tear fell from his eyes. 'I want to-'