Chapter 110: Tokyo Hell (VI) - Family Gathering

Right before his eyes, Zadkiel saw a knife close to his eyes and behind the handle of the knife was Azrael thrusting his fist toward the handle.

The moment Azrael punched the knife, Cassiel ran and grabbed Zadkiel.

"I missed!" Azrael said in anger.

The three Archangel were in shocked to see the scene happening in an instant, just by looking at their surroundings they saw no broken windows that Azrael could've snuck in to, because they've fixed the damage that was done from the last fight.

Behind Azrael were Luna and Dawn; one thing Zadkiel and Cassiel noticed was that Luna is holding the scythe that she returned back to Azrael during their first meet up.

"Azrael! That's just rude!" Jophiel shouted in anger. "You know that disturbing someone who's about to leave is rude! Seriously, who taught you that?"

Azrael was dumbfounded upon hearing that come out of Jophiel's mouth, he thought to himself. 'This is stupid...' He pulled out his sickles and readied for a fight without responding to Jophiel.

Zadkiel and Cassiel who were laying on the ground stood up, Zadkiel then received a message from Cassiel.

(You better help me fight them for a moment before you to leave.)

"*Sigh*" Zadkiel pulled out his sword and pointed it at Azrael. "Sorry Azrael..."

Jophiel looked at how Zadkiel painfully pointed his sword toward Azrael, even if she doesn't want to fight Azrael she doesn't have a choice. She closes her eyes and raised her fist. "Zuriel!"

Flames came out of her hand and the fire molded into a sword, she pointed it toward Azrael like what Zadkiel did and gave him a joyful smile. "I guess I have someone to discipline right now."

The flaming sword of Jophiel, other known as Zuriel, the name Zuriel means 'my rock is God.' Like molten rock her sword is hot that ordinary life couldn't touch, she used this sword many times during the war and she has killed a lot of enemies with just one touch of it.

The smile she was giving was emitting some sort of angry motherly aura that was about to snap toward her children. The three Archangels who has suffered and saw the wrath of Jophiel many times for a long time, already knew that something bad is gonna happen right now.

Any children who have suffered what it feels like to get beaten up by an angry mama.

"Hmm... Oh no... Jophiel has gone mad..."

Jophiel sprinted toward Azrael and slashed her sword, Azrael noticed this and immediately blocked her sword with his sickle. Bang! The collision of their weapon let out a loud shockwave that shook the entire tower.

"You've become strong..." Seeing that Azrael block her weapon without even using is real one made him happy. "But..." She smiled smugly. "Not stronger than me!"

She continues swinging her sword toward him, she ducked and dodged his attack and coming from behind her was Cassiel, she kicked Azrael on the chest and Azrael disappeared.

He teleported beside Luna and Dawn and angrily held his sickles. "*Tsk* What a bunch of cheat..!" He ran toward them and threw his two sickle at Jophiel.

Zadkiel hit both of the sickles to protect Jophiel. "Not letting you do that-" He was immediately disturbed when a giant scythe was thrown at him, Cassiel saw the scythe was thrown by Luna so the moment Luna threw the scythe she ran toward her.

As she ran she attempted to kick Luna but Dawn attacked her by creating a wall made out of blood. Cassiel stopped the instant she saw the wall of blood emerging and she almost hit the wall when she stopped.

She jumped away from the wall and saw spikes made out of blood coming out, when she jumped back away from the wall Luna appeared behind her and created a dagger from a bone that she was holding.

Behind the three was Azrael fighting both Jophiel and Zadkiel at the same time, he had already taken out his scythe to fight the two seriously.

Zadkiel snuck behind him with his two daggers and started swinging it to him, when he hit Azrael the body disappeared and another body came out of the shadow and kicked him on the chest.

Jophiel then stabbed the new body that came out on it's chest and it disappeared again, another body then came out of the shadow and threw the scythe toward Jophiel.

But Jophiel immediately blocked the hit and Zadkiel coming from behind her rushed toward Azrael, he took out his sword and successfully stabbed him on the face.

The body disappeared again and another one came out of the shadows. Zadkiel jumped back beside Jophiel and let out a deep sigh. "This is never gonna end!" Zadkiel said breathlessly.

Zadkiel looked outside the window and saw the moon shining brightly, because of the light that it reflected from the sun plus the lights inside the tower, there's shadows around the tower, which is why they're having a hard time beating Azrael.

His skill to manipulate the shadows plus his ability to create several clones can put anyone at a disadvantage. Also it's in the middle of the night, so using light magic to destroy the shadows won't work because some would still appear.

Which is why both the night and the shadow is Azrael's main weapon. "What are you two doing just standing there!"

Azrael appeared in front of the two and pushed the two with the handle of his scythe, they were pushed back very far and when they looked in front Azrael was gone. "You two are too slow!" From behind they have been pushed back again with his scythe.

As the two almost tripped and fall down on the floor, Jophiel released a magical ball and destroyed the floor.

The floor collapsed and everyone fell down from the tower, but they immediately let their wings out and flew.

They went on the very top of the tower and as they ascend to the top, Azrael, Luna, and Dawn started attacking the three.

Dawn started creating bats made out of her own blood, while Luna summoned skeletons with wings, and Azrael started multiplying and encircling them on the middle.

The three Archangels found themselves trapped by the three, with Azrael's clones having an equal strength to his original body plus with the assistant of the flying skeletons and the blood bats, there was no way out.

All of the three Archangels have light-based magic on their skill list which are effective against vampires and undead, but light magic won't work against the blood bats, and with Luna having the blood of an angel light magic wouldn't work on her that goes for Azrael too.

Cassiel covered the two with her body and she shouted. "Quaphsiel!" A large circular shield appeared and trapped them inside to protect them, the shield has golden crosses and characters that symbolize the toughness of her shield.

Back on Hell when they were fighting the clone of the deceased Archduke of Hell Abaddon, her shield Tegumendei along with Zadkiel's dagger Pieest are just mere copies of their true weapons.

The reason they keep on using the copies is to make sure that they could easily maintain their strength and not kill anyone on their surroundings, but seeing how Jophiel easily controlled her real sword Zuriel, Cassiel finally decided to use her power to the fullest.

While inside the shield the three heard a loud sound inside; signalling that they've strike the shield the best as they could.

With Cassiel's true shield Quaphsiel, she could block any force with it, even if a God is trying to attack her, Quaphsiel could easily defend her from the God's power.

"I can't believe you two used your weapons against them!" Zadkiel said in a panic.

"We had no choice Zadkiel, even with us three there's no way we can beat Azrael if he use his ture weapon against us."

"Hmm... Seriously... You never change... Idiotic Zadkiel..."

"*Sigh* So, how do we plan on beating them? Both Luna and Dawn are not as strong as the Generals of Hell, but if they team up they could easily take out one or two Archangel, and Azrael hasn't gotten even serious on us yet."

Even if Zadkiel wanted to end this battle peacefully, there's was no choice about wanting peace right now. All they could do is fight back, Zadkiel stared at Cassiel and pointed at Jophiel with his eyes.

He messaged her. (If we could get Jophiel out of the way, we might have the chance to talk peacefully to them.)

(Then how do you suppose we do that?)

(I don't know, I thought you had an idea.)

"Hey you two! What are we gonna do?! They won't stop attacking us!" Jophiel was already panicking and crying from fear.

Zadkiel and Cassiel are stressed right now; thinking of a way to escape this.

As far as they know, Freyja is already coming here but it'll take time until she gets here and maybe she might even get caught in the fight outside the tower. Also, if Azrael gets impatient he might finally use his real scythe against them.

Even if there are three of them, fighting Azrael seriously would just be an immediate loss.

The Four Archangel of Yahweh, they're the strongest Archangels that serves Yahweh. Those four are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, but those are only in Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, the Four Archangels are Mikael other known as Michael, Jibrael other known as Gabriel, the late Archangel of Music Israfil, and lastly the Archangel of Death Azrael.

Being titled as the Four Archangels of Yahweh is not just for display, the three Archangel's knew how powerful those Archangels are just from seeing their strength with their own eyes.

"Luna, Dawn get back!" They heard Azrael talking outside. "Death has arrived and life would be taken, even if they sin or not, death is here. When thy has seen death, then it's inescapable. And I the Archangel of Death Azrael, an ally of both death and life is giving you all order, as the embodiment of death itself, come forth as the name Grim Reaper will be the last name you hear. Death's Scythe!"

"Get behind me!" Cassiel immediately put her shield in front of them.

They heard the shield that was protecting them cracking, Cassiel gripped her shield and closed her eyes.

Crack! The shield cracked but they were protected from Cassiel's shield, the moment they opened their eyes they saw Azrael in front of them; giving them ominously, he was gripping his scythe and the blade was behind them, and on his back were his four white wings slowly turning black in front of them.

Seeing how his wings turn it's color to black the four Archangel's eyes widened, Jophiel became happy because she knew they'e saved but for Azrael, Zadkiel, and Cassiel they became worried.

Azrael immediately put his scythe in front of him and used his body to shield Luna and Dawn, on their right where Azrael is staring right now was someone flying toward them with a sword pointing directly at Azrael.

Angels become fallen angels if Yahweh saw them doing a sin or disobeying an order, but since Yahweh has no time to look at every angels the other Gods could turn angels to fallen angels too. But the difference would be is that it neede to have two or more Gods to have seen an angel sinning.

With Azrael being seen by the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e as a traitor and right now the person coming toward them made him turn into one.

"Don't you dare hurt my darling, traitor!" Freyja, wo was the one coming toward Azrael was bewildred by what she has seen. She gripped her sword and at a blink of an eye she flew toward Azrael.

Their blades met and Azrael was being pushed back by the force of Freyja's sword, he's trying his best to pushed back Freyja but he was losing strength.

Luna and Dawn couldn't help him because they were holding onto each other, when Freyja's sword hit Azrael's scythe they were pushed back by the strong motion of the air caused by the collision of the two blades. And the three Archangels were the same, they were also holding onto each other to not get pushed back.

Blood were already coming out of Azrael's arms but he was still forcing his strength to push back Freyja.

He looked back behind him to check on how's Luna and Dawn managing the force of the collision, he saw them struggling and hugging each other. His eyes became red the moment he saw them, he gripped his scythe tightly and looked back at Freyja in anger.

Azrael was reminded of how a failure he is to become a father to Luna and seeing that Luna has slightly accepted him, Azrael doesn't want this chance to be a waste. He gritted his teeth and pushed his strength to the limit.

His wings has fully turned black and his face was filled with wrath; blood vessels from both side of his body were exploding from the heat that their balde were emitting, even some parts of his skin were getting burned.

"So this is how much you love your daughter, as the Norse Goddess of Love I'm happy that you care about her that you even betrayed us, Azrael... You truly are a real father..."

Freyja pushes her sword and Azrael's scythe started to crack; his eyes widended in fear and so are the others.

Zadkiel and Cassiel were shaking from what they're seeing right now, and Jophiel has tears falling on her eyes, she tried to reach for Azrael but when she tried her hand was being burnt.

Luna seeing this tried to reach for Azrael too, but she couldn't. With the motion of the air that was being pushed by Freyja's sword and the heat coming along with it, both Luna and Jophiel reaching their arms toward Azrael was impossible.

Crack! The crack of the scythe became bigger and Azrael kept on trying, many blood are already coming out of his body but the pain didn't mind him. 'As long as Luna and Dawn are safe I'll keep on trying.' That's what he said to himself.

'So Azrael keep on.." He closes his eyes and gripped his scythe tightly. "GOING..!"

Bang! A loud explosion occured, it was big enough push away the three Archangels, Luna, and Dawn.

They opened their eyes in fear of knowing what happened but they were in shock that Azrael with a cracked scythe on his hand and Freyja who was blocking the blast wave.

They thought that the explosion occured when Freyja destroyed Azrael's scythe, but to their shock it came from somewhere else. Even Freyja and Azrael were confused on what happened.

Everyone looked at where the explosion happened and saw that it came from the direction above the battlefield in where Chang'e and Haruki were fighting.

They saw two figures from the sky, one of them was an injured Haruki and in front of him was...

"Is that..?" Those were the words of disbelief in everyone's mouth.