Chapter 111: Tokyo Hell (VII) - The Hollow Soul of the Moon (18+?)

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

"Question: Is being cool like this?" Chang'e went above me and positioned herself directly at the full moon.

It was a cold feeling, the combination of her big red eyes staring at me with the full moon behind her. Like I said, this sensation and her style is what I would call Godlike, she's neither human-like like my friends nor she is like us demons nor the other Gods I know of too.

Unlike Lugh, Bishamonten, and the other Gods she doesn't have what any life would call emotions, though there are some people who are apathetic but hers was different... It was creepy, she's more like a ghost to me right now.

Everything she do gives me a chill down my spine that I couldn't explain, it was like being in a paranormal situation. In front of me is the ghost of that paranormal activity, even if I'm a devil I can't stop being afraid of her, after all she wasn't normal.

I was shaking and breathing rapidly; heart beating loudly and sweating a lot. She was cool, scarily cool... I can't believe that I'm afraid of her right now...

The aura she was releasing was undescribable, it was not like something cold like the one with Leviathan and it wasn't like that motherly aura that Asherah was giving, hers was different from everyone I've met... She was just a monster with a human face.

Both Susanoo and Tsukuyomi who was starinng at me from below were worried when they saw me shaking from fear. "Haruki! As your Master, I'm proud to say that you became my student. Seeing that you've managed to do something that us Gods cannot even do, I know that you can beat the crap out of that monster of a Goddess." Susanoo said as he gave me a thumbs-up.

"I concur Haruki Hotaru King of Hell or Bones of Hell. Even if I hate to admit it, you're the only one who can beat the Moon Goddess Chang'e."

Wow... Nice encouragement, seriously being called the Bones of Hell is more painful that being afraid of Chang'e.

"Thanks Master Susanoo and Tsukuyomi!" I slapped myself on the face and forced myself to smile, I looked at Chang'e who still has this scary atmosphere surrounding her I gulped. "Man... Why am I even doing this?"

This is stupid, I;m the weakest among my friends and now I'm gonna fight the enemies strongest unit? This is some bad strategy, wait I guess this is a good strategy right? If they sacrificed me the weakest unit in the group; once Chang'e has killed me and has been distracted then Susanoo and Tsukuyomi could use this as a chance to attack her.

Wait... Then that means I'm just nothing but a worthless shield to them, because why would they even send me toward her?

I looked behind with tears on my eyes to check on Susanooo and Tsukuyomi but saw that they're gone, I looked around and saw them heading to the soldiers from below. "Wait then they're serious..." If they're leaving then what I said on my mind before is just my opinion.

Knowing this now I could only smile because two of the powerful God of Japan trusts me in defeating a powerful enemy. "Then... I'll need to make them proud!"

I dashed toward Chang'e with my fist ready to punch her, even if it's weird that a man like me is punching a girl it doesn't matter because of two things. First if i don't punch her I would die immediately and second I believe in the word of equality, so I don't care if I punch a child, woman, or elder!

I went for the head but she dodged it like it was nothing, I looked at her and saw that she was pointing her bow at me already. She shot it and I dodged it, I could feel the heat of the arrow as it's misses me.

With only four feathers with me I cannot afford to get shot, I have to use it wisely but if she can pull the string of her bow the moment I look at her I don't know if I can dodge everything.

But I still have something hidden on my sleeves...

I dashed toward her again and this time I was pointing Ignisvem at her, it looks like she's not fast at moving so with the power of Electric Manipulation I'm faster than her.

She nearly dodged my sword but I stopped flying when I was beside her and spun on the air, my swords slashed toward her as I spin and she blocks it with her bow.

Clang! The tip of my sword and the limb of her bow that was made out of metal met and let out a loud sound. I fired a fireball at her but she dodged it but the moment she moved her head to dodge it I used my left arm to punch her on the face.

Chang'e saw what I was going to do and grabbed my left hand with her other arm, I tried to force my hand but she was strong to stop my hand from punching her on the face.

I let out a smile and said. "Uhm... Sorry?"

She just blankly stared at me and kneed me on the bottom.

I felt something, it was very painful... My two sons has been annihilated by a Goddess' leg... Honestly, I wouldn't mind if she attacked my two pride of joy with her foot or thighs but does she really need to knee it?! I literally felt my two nuts exploding from that knee.

I'm not joking when I say this, but Chang'e obliterated my two balls, which means I'm currently eggless.

I dropped my guard because of what happened to my balls and Chang'e punched me with her palm; pushing me on one of the buildings.

Crash! I rolled very far because of how much force she installed on just that one punch, I stopped when I hit a metal pole on my back.

I couldn't move properly, not because of the damage I suffered from the punch plus almost breaking my spine from the metal pole that hit my back, but because I don't have my balls anymore.

It hurts, I felt like suffucating from it, I can't believe I'm gonna die a virgin right now, plus with no testicles! This is any mans pride and joy along with their enormous or baby spear.

"How will I fight her no- Wait... That's right... Ignisvem have the power of that Turkey... Guidance Soul, come out..."

My Guidance Soul appeared in front of me. [Nice to see you again Master, what assistance you may need from me?]

"Yo, I want to know... Can I sue Ignisvem's power to heal back my testicles?"

[Yes Master, the power of the Phoenix can do anything to heal itself or it's owner, but to do it you have to use the Phoenix's flames to heal your testicles, Master.]

"Thank you, I never thought I would see my sons again, I'm forever indebted to you..."

"I'm grateful Master, then goodbye now." My Guidance Soul returned to my body, I could only smile in joy and let out many tears of joy since i can still get my nuts back.

But to do it I have to use the flames of Ignisvem to return it back to its original state. "I can't believe that I'm gonna be the first man in war history to castrate his own testicles..." Not an amazing feat but I guess it's better than having nothing.

I heat up Ignisvem and bit my shirt, I could only close my eyes because I'm afraid on how much it's gonna hurt. I moved it on my crotch and pressed the blade of the sword.

"Ah!" I screamed like a little girl when I castrated my balls, it felt weird when I feel it growing slowly.

I watched it as it grows back while I scream in agony.

And finally, my pride and joy my two balls is finally back. "*Sigh* Good thing that I'm not gonna die as a virgi-"

As I was saying that I saw a big hot light hitting me and destroying the building I was resting in.

"*Cough* *Cough* What happene-" No, I already know... I looked behind me and saw that I have three feathers left.

So Chang'e fired an arrow at me...

The building shakes and it was falling, I flew out immediately and saw her above me when I got out.

She was staring at me in surprise at what she saw, just from that reaction on her face and how wide she opened her mouth from the shock I knew that the arrow she shot was powerful.

Seeing that I'm alive right now and got out safely, it must've made her surprise.

I gripped Ignisvem tightly and dashed toward her again, due to the wrath of my balls getting destroyed by her I'm gonna defeat her now.

I'm gonna avenge my old balls...

I swung my sword at her but she dodged it, I continued attacking her by swinging my sword at her.

I powered my speed with Electric Manipulation and swiped my sword at her very fast, she couldn't attack back because she was busy blocking and dodging my sword.

When she blocked my hit with her bow I immediately punched her on the gut.

She was pushed back from how strong my punch was and stared at me in shock. "Question: How did you hit me?"

"Heh, if you have something to avenge for then you'll gain power! Unlike you, I have feelings and the fact that you a woman massacred my two sons, how can't I be mad?!"

"Reply: I'm in confusion, I don't remember you having two children and I don't remember killing them."

"Can you stop taking things seriously?!" I dashed to her and tried to punch her.

She dodged it but I used my Fire Manipulation skill to produce an explosion on my palm.

The explosion hit her and she retreated, she aimed her bow at me again and shot a flaming got arrow.

I intentionally get myself hit by the bow and I didn't get damaged by it, when Chang'e saw me fearlessly get hit it made her caught off guard.

This is what I meant when I said I have something hidden down my sleeve, it is to make her feel human emotions, particularly shock and fear.

This is why I used Zephyrus' feathers, it's to show her that I'm immune to her attack which would make her surprised and get her to guard down.

If she would think that she has no chance of fighting me then that means she would think that she has no use of her bow anymore.

Which is why I win, this is checkmate Chang'e!

I produced explosion on my palm and hit her again, she retreated and shoot her arrows at me again.

I got hit but didn't get damaged which made her more shock and feel fear of me.

"You see yourself Chang'e?! You see what's happening right now?! You're becoming more like us, you now feel fear like us."

She became shock by what I said and she started trembling, she shot at me again and saw that I was unaffected.

That was my last feather but it was enough to make her feel fear.

I got close to her and headed for a punch, like I predicted she didn't try to move or block my hit. It's because she was now consumed in fear.

She was more human-like now instead of having no emotions, I could see her face filled with fear as my fist get closer.

Her eyes shone from her tears and I could see how much she suffered.

I felt it, what she has been through...


[Chang'e POV]






That's what everyone called her, both humans and her fellow Gods.

After killing nine of the ten suns she has suffered discrimination from everyone.

Xihe, the Chinese Goddess of the Sun said to her. "Murderer! You killed my children! You're a monster!"

The ten Suns was the Goddess Xihe's children, they were not stars at all like the original Sun but instead they were just mere lower Gods.

They were innocent Gods that was created from the heat of the Sun and the powers of the Goddess Xihe.

Those nine children were killed by Chang'e and the last one was filled with fear and guilt that it returned itself to the Sun thus killing it.

The other Gods heard of what Chang'e did and half of them are angry at her but because they were controlled by the Goddess Xihe.

Without their knowing, Xihe planned this all along to downgrade Chang'e, she used her beauty and grief for her children to control the other Gods and humans to go against Chang'e.

But the other half of the Gods supported her because she saved the world from the ten Suns, but that support didn't last long...

Tian Gong found out what Chang'e used to power herself up to kill the suns. So in from of every God of China Tian Gong talked to Chang'e. "How dare you drank the Elixir of Immortality to power yourself! That's our weapon to win against the other Mythologies, from here on out you're exiled greedy girl, you'll be imprisoned on the Moon for eternity!"

The other Gods who supported her immediately turned against her. They shouted at her; they threw their belongings at her; they spat at her until she grieve.

They called her a freak for murdering innocent children, they called her emotionless for not feeling any remorse at all, they called her useless because she used their weapon to fight against the other Mythologies, they called her useless because she didn't do anything to benefit their own Mythology, and lastly they called her a monster for all of those things she has done.

For her entire life she was on the moon on her little cage with no one to talk with.

"It's my fault... It's my fault... It's my fault..." She blamed herself for being a monster in her entire life.

She did nothing but cry and cry and cry, she even harmed herself many times but because of being A Goddess, she has high regeneration skills.

Which is why she infinitely tried to kill herself many times.

She lost her emotions because of her depression...

Her last word from her old self when she still have her emotion was. "Please... Let there be a Hero that would save me from this eternal suffering..."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

I can see how much you've suffered... Just from your eyes, I could see that you were someone bright and cheery before... I know that this wasn't your first time feeling fear because the first time you felt it was when the time you were depressed.

You've suffered, I want to help you but I don't know how...

You've cried every day that any man would lose count if they counted...

That's just who you are... A pitiful being, you are not a monster but you are what I call human-like...

But being the victim of someone made you one...

Which is why when I first saw you at that tower I knew that there was something wrong with you, I don't know why but I wanted to save you...

So, please... Stop crying...

My fist came close to her as she cries, I tried to stop my fist but I felt a heavy pressure. "I'll save you! I'll become the Hero you need!"

I heard her crying. "Please... Save me!"

Bang! Her body exploded the moment she shouted that, I was pushed back by the strong pressure of the explosion.

What is this?! Is Chang'e okay?!

I'm worried, I wanted to save her but why did she explode all of a sudden?!

My hurt stopped beating, I looked at Chang'e but the smoke was still covering her, but for some unknown reason I felt it again... I'm afraid of her again.

But this time, it was more extreme...

The smoke clear out and then I saw her change, rocks were flying above her with ten lights that resembles the sun. Her clothes changed to orange that matches the stars and her bow became a longbow that has flames coming out of it, also she was crying.

This feeling when I saw her change I knew what this was, because I felt this many time already when I use it, when I saw both Lucifer and my father use it.

I was speechless, right now the Chinese Moon Goddess has something I have. "That's Soul Bound..."