Chapter 119: Tokyo Hell (XV) - Saving the Trapped Moon

In front of us was Chang'e sleeping, this is one part of our plan if we decided to kill her. Lucas has trapped her in another space in where he makes the rule, so even if it's someone as powerful as the Moon Goddess Chang'e there's no way she can overpower Lucas and destroy the space she is trapped in, but to take precaution because there might be a chance that she could still overpower Lucas, that's when Luna, Dawn, and Zephryus comes in.

If her spirit, blood, and body heat stopped functioning at the same time then it would mean game over for her, well for humans they would die but since she's a God organ failure is basically non-existant for her, but there's at least one thing she can't do if those three aren't funtioning: skills would be unavailable.

With the flow of the mana around her body being unprocessed, her Skill Soul would be unfed and it'll cause it to make Chang'e to stop using her skill.

"Now! It's show time." Susanoo was standing below us on the ground looking at us happily with a massive smile.

Upon smiling at us we heard a strong growl, it wasn't a growl of an animal but instead it was the sky. Even if it's dark I could see tons of clouds gathering on the middle of the city; where we were located, it was roaring loudly... The sound of the thunders could even rival a pride of lions.

And there he was below us, a bright line shone on Susanoo's body; small jolts of lightning were coming in and out of his body, while the clouds started spinning abov us and thunder were stricking down the road.

The power of the Japanese God of the Storms Susanoo-no-Mikoto was phenomenal, my eyes shone brightly and my mouth opened from awe of him releasing his true power.

At that time when the Chinese Goddess of the Moon first got her Soul Bound my reaction to it was priceless; my face was filled with awe and astonishment when I first saw her using Soul Bound, and no seeing Susanoo using his true power, my reaction was the same; it was just that beautiful.

He raised his right hand on the air; his body filled with light that his eyes and mouth are unable to be seen by others anymore, and his massive smile disappeared and turned into a serious one. "Oh the blade of Japan, your edge as sharp as the point of a diamond, and your beauty that rivaled the Gods... As the serpent inside you keep slithering within, I need the mouth of yours to pierce through everything in my way. Come to me bones of Yamata-no-Orochi! Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi!"

Lightning struck Susanoo's body followed by a loud thunder, when the lightning has finally disappeared, his right hand wasnow holding a shining katana. The katana appears to be made out of something different than metal, for the looks of it there is no sign of any metal found in the sword.

It was just like what he said in his chant, it is made out of the bones of the legendary serpent of Japan, the famous eight-headed and eight-tailed beast named Yamato-no-Orochi.

The sword released small jolts of lightning throughout it's body, Susanoo gripped it's handle and pointed the sword at Chang'e. "Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e! I know that you can't hear me from the other side but I'll tell you this! With this sword I can save you!"

All of us are shocked to hear what Susanoo said, also all of us especially Freyja and I were overjoyed at what we have heard.

If what Susanoo said is true then that's fantastic, it would mean that me or Susanoo won't kill her anymore, and that means I could finally see the true smile she's hiding on that pitiful face of hers

Susanoo let out another smug smile, he closed his eyes and swung his sword at the air, and at the same time he swung the sword a lightning came and hit Freyja's chariot.

We weren't damaged by the lightning that struck us instead it was absorbed into the chariot; tiny jolts left by the lighting were now coming out of Freyja's chariot, seeing her react to this I saw her letting out a massive smile. "Time for a spin!"

The chariot started moving and in an instant the chariot ran around in circles, it was very fast, from my perspective I couldn't see what's happening anymore due to how fast it was; it feels like my head was spinning...

Nope... Looking at it now my head is really spinning. "Freyja... I think I might puke..." I'm afraid to admit it in front of a God but I'm truly gonna puke now! This is embarrassing but I just can't handle how fast the chariot is moving.

"Don't even dare throwinng up in my beautiful chariot Haruki! If you do, I won't hesitate to terminate my side in the plan and kill you here immediately."

"Well sorry about that- *Glurgh*, It's my body's fault not mine!"

"*Sigh* I expected this to happen but I at least expected that a human would be the one to throw up and not the King of Hell!"

"Sorry to say but I've lived my entire life as a human for 18 years! *Glurgh* I'm about to puke..."


My body started to finally ease when Freyja healed me and my vision has finally started to clear out, I could finally handle the speed and the motion sickness of the chariot, when I looked outside the chariot I finally saw what's happening to the others.

Due to the lightning being stored in the chariot and moving at a fast speed in circles, the lightning that was stored was moving toward the many clones of Azrael and Sun, they're scythe and staff were being used by the lightnig as storage and the movement of the chariot is helping the lightning that Susanoo suumoned to be moved without using a wire.

And below the ground was Susanoo holding his sword upward, beside him was Bishamonten and Zhao Yun holding their spear and pointing it at Susanoo's sword.

At first the lightning was created by Susanoo, the chariot was struck by the lightning and is using it's speed to move the lightining toward the clones of Azrael and Sun; of course it won't be possible to do this without the help of Susanoo moving hhis lightning for a bit, then as the lightning move toward the scythes and staffs of the clones the lightning would move on either the right or left toward Bishamonten or Zhao Yun's spear, lastly it would now be absorbed by the sword.

It is like a large circuit, it is constantly create electricity and is storing it'spower at the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.

"Yo Chinese Moon Goddess Chang'e, as a fellow God of East Asia I have a special connection to you, both Japan and China have been a lot of together; whether it is in the past or the present China and Japan just cannot leave each other behind, and I'd think that goes for the future too... So Chang'e as payback fro China teaching Japan a lot of things in the past, us Japanese will save you." The sword shone brightly when he said that, he pointed it again at Chang'e and flew toward her.

Chang'e was asleep due to her consciousness being trapped by Lucas in another space, he looked at her and saw what he was looking for. "That necklace of yours is the curse given to you."

The necklace was shining a green light, Susanoo could see the amount of wickedness that the necklace has. "Which is why I'll destroy- No... Looks like it's back to the original plan..." Susanoo stared at me with a smile and pointed the sword at me. "Haruki Hotaru! As my student, as the Hero that has the title given to him by a Japanese God, as the devil who lived here in Japan in his entire life, also as the ally of the Japanese Gods! I entrust of you to save the Moon Goddess Chang'e from the pain she's dealing with."

I pointed t myself confusedly when Susanoo called for me. "Wait me? I thought the plan was for me to kill her if she didn't use the help of the Rabbit God Tu'er Ye? And that plan would change if she changed it, because my strength woudln't be enough to kill her once she gets the help of Tu'er Ye?"

"Well looks like we just don't know how much power Tu'er Ye holds, for the looks of it anything that has divinity touching her would be terminated immediately, so you not being a God and also having the power of Soul Bound, you're can do it. No... You're the only one who can save Chang'e, Haruki Hotaru."

I clenched my hands upon hearing what Susanoo said, I looked at Freyja behind me and she gave me a smile. "Seriously I told you to have some certain boundaries between you and her because she almost kiled you not once but twice, but... I expected that you're the only one to save her right now Haruki Hotaru, I guess they did say that only a God can defeat a God but this time only a Soul Bound user can defeat another Soul Bound user. So save her for me okay?"

I nodded back at her with a smile and went to Susanoo, he smiled at me and handed me the sword proudly. "While powering this up with the circuit we created I made a barrier in the sword so that it won't harm you when you used it."

"Really?" I touched the handle of the sword and felt a slight sting, but I could feel the barrier he created relieving the pain immediately, so I held the sword and looked at it in awe. "Can I ask a question? Why did you create the barrier when you just found out that Tu'er Ye's power nullifies and attack from a God?"

"To be honest even if I didnt find out that Tu'er Ye nullifies attacks from Gods, my plan has always been you saving Chang'e, there was no plan for me to ever kill her because you're the only one who can."

"But... Why though? Why did you make it for me to kill or save her?"

"To tell you the truth someone told me that you're the only one who can save her, I won't tell who that person is but when I talked to that person I knew that what that person said was right."

"Well I don't know who this person is but I got a gut feeling in who it could be." It could only be her, the mysterious beautiful blonde girl. "So I'll do it Master Susanoo!"

I went in front of the sleeping Chang'e, behind me was Susanoo and Freyja smiling at me as they watch me save this pitiful girl. I looked at the supposed neclace that's trapping her real self and looked at it in disgust. "Even if I don't know who you are Chang'e, but I do know that saving you is what that mysterious girl planned."

I thrusted the sword upward and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again. "Here i come! Chang'e!" I swung my sword at the necklace on her neck, the moment it touches the necklace I heard a strong scratching sound coming from my ear.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to remain still so that I can break the necklace trapping her, then I heard it stop. I opened my eyes again to see what happened and I was shock to see that I'm in an unfamiliar place.

It wasn't the Garden of Eden in where I met Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Asherah, but instead the place has no sign of life at all. It was rocky and filled with many holes that appears to be craters caused by asteriods, and the sky wasn't blue but instead it was dark.

Many stars shone brightly from the sky and looking at it now I saw something that surprised me. "Is that?"

No matter how much I think what it is I could only find one answer, no it's because there's no other answer beside this one. Up in the sky wasn't clouds or flying birds but instead it was the Earth. "Am in the moon?"

That's the only possible conclusion I could come with, since Chang'e is the Chinese Goddess of the Moon it's only normal for her to create a space to trap me here, or am I teleported by Chang'e onto the moon? Either way I'm stuck.

Thud. Thud. Thud. I heard footstep coming behhind me, I looked at who it was and saw a mysterious man with long black hair, was holding a green halberd, his body was covered in a jade-like armor, and he was holding the Rabbit Good Tu'er Ye.

He looked at me with a smile and said. "It's nice to meet you King of Hell Haruki Hotaru, my name is Yú Húang... Or I'm famously known as the Jade Emperor."