Chapter 118: Tokyo Hell (XIV) - The Moon's Feelings

As the Jade Rabbit Tu'er Ye walk around her, this was the first time seeing her smile... I was in shock on how beautiful her smile is, she's truly a true God... But at the same time I'm very saddened by seeing this smile of hers too.

The fact the she's hiding this smile of hers behind that crying face pains me, now seeing that she was able to smile from seeing Tu'er Ye brightened me up. "*Tsk* I guess people say that animals are truly everyone's precious companions..." I better have fun with Flint when I see him again.

But for now I still have some other things I need to do, looking at Tu'er Ye and Chang'e right now I saw the rabbit releasing some sort of shining particle onto her, her enntire body released a shining light as the rabbit Tu'er Ye has started to disappear above her.

Tu'er Ye was transparent; you could see the building behind him, yet it didn't bother him... It felt like he knows that he was about to disappear, nevertheless he kept going... He was still releasing the shining particle onto Chang'e despite knowing he would disappear.

Even I seeing this was baffled at what it was doing, just basin it from their legends in Chinese Mythology and the stories that the other Gods told me, I knew that the relationship of the Moon Goddess Chang'e and the Rabbit God Tu'er Ye is what any pet owners would call admireable.

It just goes to show how much care Chang'e has put into Tu'er Ye that he is willing to sacrifice his life just to help her.

As Chang'e opens her eyes and saw that Tu'er Ye wasn't beside her anymore she let out a melancholic smile at us, her eyes were locked onto me and her smile completely disappear.

I felt a chill down my spine when I saw her looking at with me with a blank face, unlike before where she endlessly cry from sorrow of her past and her smile of joy upon seeing Tu'er ye come for her, but that joy or sorrow has completelya disappeared when she looked at me.

It was like she was back to her old self, she neither has feelings nor emotions again... Even that stare of hers shows no sign of hostility.

"Question: Haruki Hotaru, current Ruler of Hell, the Hero of mankind known as the Bones of Hell, I ask of you this. Why is a devil helping humanity from harm? To the point that you even become a Hero?"

Seriously I don't really know if i should be surprise anymore, I know that it makes sense for anyone to ask me that same question over and over again, even when I first accepted Lugh's order I knew that question would always be repeated by the people around me.

I could only smile at Chang'e's question which surprises her. "Who knows? Maybe because I just love humans."

"Reply: Love?" Chang'e along with Freyja were confused at what I said. "Love huh..? Are you an idiot perhaps Haruki Hotaru?"

Ahh... That actually hurts when a God called me an idiot... "What do you mean Chang'e?"

"Humanity has never loved devils and you know that love of theirs won't change, even if you did help the God Poseidon and the Goddess Amaterasu from their mission to save humanity, in the end humanity's view of devils will not change. So how do you still love them despite them treating you devils as nothing but cold-blooded monsters? Are you not sure that you don't have blind love toward them instead of real love?"

"You're right... It might just be blind love on why I wanted to save them..."

Chang'e's eyes widened from curiosity of what I meant, she let her guard down and looked like she was willing to listen to everything I say.

"Unlike my friends and people I am different from them, before I even met them I grew up believing myself as one." Yes... In my entire life I knew that I'm one, never in my life I believed that I'm not human. "Which is why my views of humanity is different from my friends and my people, unlike them they never experienced what if feels like to be human... They never knew what the ugliness and beauty if humans are capable of but at the same time do you Gods even know what humanity can even do?"

Chang'e along with Freyja and Sun Wukong were speechless of what I said, even if they wanted to correct what I said they knew that I'm right.

"In the end none of you Gods even tried to do something, humans prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed about a billion times to you Gods. In time of joy, in time of reunions, in time of sorrow, in time of despair... In the end despite the world having thousands of Gods none of you did a single thing... And now you're gonna appear in front of these poor humans just to tell to their faces that you're gonna end their world... How Godly isn't it? In the end none of you even tried to understand them."

Freyja's and Sun's sighed of what I said which made me confused, while Chang'e let out a wicked smile toward me. "How stupid..." She laughs wickedly. "How stupid of you Haruki Hotaru, you understood humanity but in the end you didn't understand us Gods."

"What are you-"

"*Sigh* How foolish of me, very foolish of me... In the end I just wasted my time talking to a foolish demon..."

It was scary... It was like talking to another Leviathan and Amaterasu, her presence was scary... This fear that I'm feeling is not something I could explain but I just feel it.

And the thing that scares me the most is her power, from the memory that Millie showed me of that time I first got Soul Bound I was out of my mind and never had a chance to regain it, but looking at her right now I see that she's sane.

"King of Hell Haruki Hotaru, tell me- no... Answer me." In an instant she was already aiming her bow at me when she said that.

Her eyes glowed bright and a single tear fell from her eyes as she looks at me and points her bow. "Answer me... Why try to understand and learn about humanity, but not try to understand how much pain and suffering that Gods has been through? Did you think that we don't suffer since we're Gods?"

I was baffled at what Chang'e said, my mind has been influenced by humans that I thought Gods were perfect beings, but remembering the fear that Lugh showed toward us devils, or the love that Freyja holds for this darling of hers, and the sorrow that Chang'e felt from the pain she has experience.

How can I not think about their feelings? How can I not think that they're not different from us? In the end any life whether it is humans, devils, or Gods we share something in common: all of us feels emotions...

"In the end you didn't even think about what all of us Gods have been through, despite being the ones who created and helped all of you, none of you even tried to understand what we felt." As the single tear from her face fell, her arrow was shot toward me.

"*Tsk* Looks like reasoning won't work!" A loud thunder was heard when Susanoo shouted.

As the arrow move toward me two spear flew from both it's side and hit the arrow. It let out a loud thud when the two spear collided and the arrow Chang'e shot was destroyed.

Looking at where the two spear came from, I saw Bishamonten smiling at me on the right and Zhao Yun fixing his long hair on the left, and both of their spear that they threw disappeared and returned to them.

Susanoo walked toward the center of where we are and looked at me with a smile. "Don't worry Haruki, even if you're regretting that you didn't realize that us Gods are like humans I'm still happy the you've figuring it out now."

"Master..." I was happy when Susanoo said that, and a giant smile appeared on my face due to the amount of joy I'm feeling right now.

"Now Chang'e for you to almost kill my and Bishamonten's student, I'm quite pissed off... So as revenge can you connect it now please Tsukuyomi?" A giant smile appeared at Susanoo's face which shocked Chang'e when she heard Tsukuyomi's name.

A dark shadow then jumped from one of the buildings onto the chariot, I looked at the shadow and saw Tsukuyomi with a long chain attached to his body. "*Sigh* In the end we'll still worked together with Freyja to beat her." He let out a deep sigh and transformed into a dark shadow.

The shadow enveloped Azrael and Sun's clone and the chain tied all of the clone down.

Chang'e became wary of what Tsukuyomi did and aimed her bow again, the arrow started turning black which signify that's a black hole. "In the end... I'm gonna feel pain again... Which is why I'll kill all of you first!"

"Sorry Lord Chang'e... But I won't let you do that."

Chang'e opened her eyes and saw that she was somewhere different, she was in the sky and sitting on a cloud, she knew that we was not in the real world because the sky was pink instead of blue.

"Now let's fight here shall we? Well fight when you're gonna lose." Lucas smiled happily when he said that to Chang'e.

"Where am I?" She asked confusedly."

"You're in a space that I created to trap you in, well you're consciousness in. You're body is still in the original world sleeping."

Chang'e laughed out loud when she heard what Lucas said, her eyes stared at him filled with pity and said. "Do you really think that a devil can trapped a God like me-" She stopped and her eyes widened from shock. "How..? How can't I destroy this space you created?"

"Out of all the Generals of Hell, I, the General of Lust Lucas Asmodeus is the only one who can create another space, it my be weak compared to what you Gods made but it's powerful enough for the power of friendship to help through."

"What do you mean..?"

"With Zephyrus tampering your body heat with his feathers, with Dawn stopping the flow of your blood, and with Luna controlling your spirit. The mana that flows on your body that powers-up your skill is basically non-existent."


"Which is why I said that you're gonna lose, Lord Chang'e."