Chapter 117: Tokyo Hell (XIII) - Trap for the Moon

Looking at her now I was uncertain if she is lying or not, her question reminded me of what Zephyrus said.

Whether Poseidon's side is the good side or not.

Now I know the truth on why they're doing this, but I just cannot accept that what they're doing is good. Even if I said that humanity in this day and age are f*cked up monstrosity they're still some beauty left inside of them.

So I can see why I want to protect them, even if what Freyja said is something I wholeheartedly agree with, in the end, she hasn't still seen what humanity of this age is capable of.

So she can't just say that humans of this age should die.

"Sorry, but I'll happily decline your offer, Norse Goddess of Love Freyja."

"*Sigh* How disappointing, well I guess it's fresh seeing demons helping humanity instead of angels so I won't complain."

I don't know if it's luck that she didn't get annoyed from my answer, but I guess I'll take it...

"For now..." Freyja looked at in front of us and I did the same, we were already close to where Chang'e was and below us we could see Susanoo almost finished doing the ritual to summon his sword. "Hotaru Haruki, King of Hell, Hero of mankind known as the Bones of Hell, just reading the documents we have about you I saw that you haven't killed at least one enemy of yours, so are you prepared? Are you okay with killing the Chinese Moon Goddess Chang'e?"

I looked at Chang'e one last time when Freyja asked me that question, this is one part of our plan. Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Bishamonten, alongside Sun Wukong and Freyja has all decided that Chang'e's existence is a great threat.

Which is why if it's impossible to save her, we'll have to kill her. No, since I'm the one leading I have to kill her.

I admit that I'm afraid to get my hands bloody, which is why I'm scared but looking at how much power she has I know that this is the only way.

"Yes... I'm ready..."

(Haruki and Freyja, I'm ready.)

Both my and Freyja's eyes shone like a bright star, Freyja finally started speeding up her chariot toward Chang'e.

In a blink of an eye I saw myself being pulled by the chariot but I didn't get pulled by the air resistance of the chariot and I saw that we were already above Chang'e.

As our eyes met I saw her beautiful face with tears constantly falling from her pupils that shone like lapis lazuli. It made me feel weak...

Freyja's chariot was running in circles around Chang'e, she felt threatened by the chariot of Freyja so she started pulling the string of her bow and pointed it at us, the arrow let out a blue light and shot it at us.

It was already near us the moment we could even react to it, Freyja immediately spun his chariot and the rope that was tied on my leg pulled me along the chariot, I saw myself facing the arrow when I was pulled.

Even if I'm pissed off that she immediately used me as a shield but I don't have time to fight her because this is exactly what I was tasked to do!

The arrow hit me and let out a strong explosion more powerful than it was before she was using Soul Bound, before when I was still fighting her without her using Soul Bound I wasn't feeling any slight hint of pain at all but right now despite having over thousands of Zephyrus' feathers, it was painful.

The chariot was protected by a barrier that the five Gods made together and my body was taking most of the damage, and the smoke of the arrow started to finally disappeared.

I checked my body and saw many burns caused by Chang'e's arrow, the feathers that Zephyrus' put has decreased, just by seeing it the feathers would only last two more shot from her arrows before it all disappeared.

Just looking at how much injuries I've suffered from the injuries I noticed that it wasn't severe, but just remembering how painful the arrow was when it hit me I was afraid, that pain was worser than death itself. It feels like I'm being killed multiple times, that's how painful her arrow is.

"I see... Just seeing the amount of feathers you have left, the burns on your skin, and the scratches from the arrow, I can see that her power is really a threat. Which means..?"

"*Tsk*" This isn't what I wanted... Even if I said to Freyja that I'm ready to kill her anytime, I just can't... I can't imagine taking down someone's life... "Looks like I really... need... To kill her..."

I gripped my sword as I stare back at Chang'e again, another arrow has sstarted to form on her bow that was already pointing at us. I looked at Freyja and nodded at her.

She whistled very loud and the soldiers below us started to scream, it stopped Chang'e from realising the arrow and curiously looked at the soldiers below. She was shocked seeing them running around and screaming like they're in a natural disaster.

Freyja and I immediately went toward her, one of her cats roared and Chang'e saw us coming. I let out a smug smile when she looked at us and pulled out my sword, she immediately aimed her bow and shot her arrow at us.

It moved very fast, it was already close to my face, my smile became bigger as the arrow almost hit my face.

The first part of the plan is a success.

The arrow hit me and exploded, I did my best to hold out the pain of the arrow as we continued moving forward toward her.

We were closed and still alive which shocked her, so she created another arrow and shot it at us. The arrow hit me again and exploded many times.

It hurts... It hurts a lot, but even so, I can't just give up.

The smoke of the explosion slowly moved away from the wind, Chang'e stared straight at the smoke to check if we were still alive and there she saw a massive shadow coming toward her.

She knew who it was immediately and aimed her bow at the large shadow, the shadow became bigger as she waited for it to come.

Chang'e was wondering why the shadow became bigger, as she keeps on staring she noticed something moving behind her.

"Lookout!" I shouted, behind her was me and Freyja encircling her with the chariot, she became shocked to see us behind her instead of the smoke of the arrow she shot at us. The shadow that she saw became bigger and as the smoke started to finally pass from her sight she saw what the shadow was.

The shadow who was Azrael with many of his clones encircling him jumped toward her, one of the clone who was the lead of the others pulled out his sickle as he ran toward Chang'e. She immediately held her bow in front of her to shield the upcoming attack of Azrael, the clone already near Chang'e swung his sickle at her.

Her flames started emitting a hot air that surrounded her body to help her guard against Azrael, and as the clone swung his sickle and Chang'e waited for the attack she saw the clone coming toward her going above her instead of coming for her.

She looked at her surroundings and saw hundreds of Azrael's clones encircling her, and Freyja and I who were still in the chariot are going around in circles as we both wave at Chang'e.

She didn't give any reaction to our taunting and just kept moving her eyes at us, her bow created an arrow that we couldn't see, no it's not like the arrow is invisible but instead it is very dark colored that it matches the color of the night sky. The arrow has a lot of mass that it was powerful enough to pull us, but we're doing our best not to get pull by using the barrier the Gods created to protect us.

We already predicted that she would shoot an arrow like this, when we were meeting to create a plan Azrael and Tsukuyomi told us about one of her arrows, the second sun named Cygnus.

Azrael told us what he felt when he got it by that arrow, he said that he felt that his entire existence was being erased when the arrow touched him, not only that but his clones were pulled by the arrow and were killed the moment it had contact with the sun Cygnus.

Just from what he said we concluded that not only she could fire arrows that's as hot or hotter than the sun, but also black holes.

Which is why the Gods created a barrier to protect us from getting pulled in by the arrow, so me and Freyja continued going around in circle without any danger.

Chang'e became surprised that we weren't getting sucked in by the gravitational pull of her arrow, as she looked at the chariot that was running in circles around her she gritted her teeth from frustation, her arrow changed and shone a bright white light.

She shot it at us and we saw it starting to spilt, knowing that this arrow was the same arrow that eliminated both our soldiers and their soldiers I started clapping my hands.

The clap was loud due to the help of Freyja strengthening the volume of my clap, the arrow were targeting both the chariot aand the clones so it split to many smaller arrows.

"Hahaha!" A loud laugh came and as the arrow was supposed to hit us many clones appeared and was shot by the arrow. The clones were the ones from Sun Wukong, Chang'e and everyone else saw that her arrow didn't kill Sun's clone due to him using his staff as a shield.ll

As we circle around her, I was in excitement seeing Azrael and Sun's clone floating all around her, from her perspective it was a very nerve-wracking situation.

Enemies around her; zero sign of escape from her view, she knew that releasing another splitting arrow would be pointless.

She looked around still hoping for a way to escape but every direction was blocked by the two's clone. "Why..? Why..?" She mumbled to herself. "Why am I always... trapped?" Even if she knew that she was in another cage she kept on looking for a way out.

The memory she had on that neverending prison on the moon felt nostalgic at this scene; another inescapable prison...

"No... I don't want to go back..." Tears started to fall again on her eyes as she remembers what happened to her at the moon. The amount of trauma that filled her from hearing or seeing what being trapped meant is shaking her. "Never again... I don't want to go back... This time I'll escape by myself."

She knew that she could only do it, she's the only one who can save herself from the everlasting prison she is in.

There will never be a hero that'll let her free, there will never be someone she could listen too.

The hero she dreamed of is nothing but mere fantasy for her, and what that mysterious man told her are nothing but lies. In the end she'll always be alone, even until death comes no one can reach her.

"Neither a hero nor the other Gods can save me..."

As we watches her float in the middle, I felt a slight chill coming from nowhere. Just from that unknown feeling of creepiness I could tell that my intuition is saying that something is about to happen, I looked at the otthers to see if they're feeling the same thing as me and saw that they're faces filled with both wariness and nervousness.

A bright light then came from above, I looked to see where it came from and saw that it came from the moon, the light shone on Chang'e and she looked above the moon; eyes closed. Her beauty reflected to the bright light and her snowy-white skin matches it as her bow floated above her with the ten suns that was spinning around her.

Something was coming, something we couldn't describe... A white small animal came from the light of the moon and was hopping toward her. It has long ears and could only hop instead of walk, for anyone who lacks knowledge of Mythological things they would think that this is just an ordinary pet of the Gods, but for someone who has knowledge they know what it is.

The Jade Rabbit or the Moon Rabbit, we knew that it would be bound to happen that he would come to help Chang'e.

His name is Tu'er Ye, the rabbit of the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e, most of all he is also the one who made the Elixir of Immortality that the Chinese Gods would use as their weapon.

Which is why despite his appearance as an innocent creature, he is powerful. Freyja and Tsukuyomi said that Tu'er Ye's power is strong enough to even make someone like the Jade Emperor and Odin tremble in fear.

Her eyes opened upon seeing Tu'er Ye come and a small smile appeared on her face, we could hear her mumbling/ "I'm happy you came, Tu'er Ye..."