Chapter 116: Tokyo Hell (XII) - Freyja's Perspective of Humanity

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

"I hope this plan of yours would work, Master..." Looking at my position right now I was sweating a lot from fear and anxiousness, I was wearing my Soul Bound and behind me were Zephryus' feathers attached on my back; a lot of feathers to be in fact his left wing is actually almost naked.

They did this so that Chang'e wouldn't kill me easily, right now in her Soul Bound form we don't know how much power she has, in her original form it only take one feather and my Soul Bound to be sufficient in facing her arrows with no harm, but right now we don't know how much feather it will take to be safe from from the arrows she's shooting.

Which is why me being a bait will take a lot of risk, because there's a chance that the feathers Zephyrus gave me wouldn't be enough, so any moment I do my duty I might die.

"Oh, of course! My plans always works, so don't worry Haruki!" That smile... Master Susanoo's smile reminds me of ifrit's... Both are full of nothing but mischief, which could only mean that I'm basically dead right now.

Even so... Even if this task that Susanoo has gave me is dangerous, this is still something only I could pull off, and as I said before I'll save her, I'll save the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e from the curse that's stopping her from showing who she truly is.

"Yo demon boy! Ya better not dyin in front of me k?" Looking at behind me I saw Sun Wukong sitting on Bishamonten's shoulder, I was shocked at the scene in front of me while Bishamonten looks like he's about to commit a genocide.

"Ahh okay..."

"Haha! What's with the low energy boy? Yer gonna die quickly if you won't put up a smile."

"Okay." I gave him a happy smile to show the monkey that I'm nnot gonna die, even if there's a ninety percent chance I'm gonna die I still have to believe.

"Haha! Nice one boy, I can see that yer not gonna die by that confidence of yours, because if you did I'll be sure to find a way to revive you so that I could kill you myself. Haha!"

What's with that statement?! Now I definitely need to survive, because knowing this monkey I know that he's the type that'll make his enemies suffer fate that is worse than death.

"*Sigh* Don't take this stupid monkey's words easily, don't worry Haruki as your teacher I know that you're gonna survive and defeat her, don't forget I still have to teach you in how to use the spear."

"Sure, thank you Master!"

Bishamonten and Sun gave me a smile and they walked away to go to their post, I looked in front of me to see how she was doing and saw that Chang'e was still crying.

It was painful to see her shed tears without stop, even for a God like her who's known to be powerful can make anyone pity her. I don't know if the old me; Haruki Mimasaka would feel anything right now because I would be stuck in denial that Gods can cry, but the current me is feeling pity for her now.

Throughout my life as Haruki Hotaru I've changed a lot, I'm not the old me who'll trust anyone, I'm now always overthinking of things. Now that I'm walking beside demons, angels, and Gods I now know that they are not different from humans at all.

All of us have feelings despite our difference in powers, and that feelings of ours can be used as a weapon and kryptonite to everything in our world.

Which is why I'll save her, I've saved someone before in my old life and now that I have more power I can save her; no I can save everyone.

"Are you ready Hotaru Haruki?" The Goddess Freyja asked me mischievously as she wipes off the dirt on her chariot in front of me.

Her chariot has two giant cats that has two large teeth like a saber tooth,

I was tied up from behind her chariot because Freyja was gonna be a bait alongside me too, her chariot can run as fast as the speed of light, which is why her chariot would pull me while I do my best to defend the chariot from the arrow by using myself as a shield to her.

Yes, a shield... Which is why this is suicidal...

"Yes, I'm ready..." I replied nervously, still sweating from nervousness.

I looked back to check how the others were doing and saw that they were now on their spot to the what they are tasked for.

"Then let's go." Freyja holds the rope trying the two cats, she let out a sadistic smile as she stares at Chang'e above the sky. "This is for shooting at my darling!"

The cats started running toward Chang'e, they were able to walk through air but most importantly... "Haa! I'm gonna die!" Due to the strong air resistance from the speed of Freyja's chariot I was being drag by the air.

"Use your wings and the feathers that Zephyrus Ziz gave you Haruki Hotaru! Seriously, what kind of demon are you if you don't even know how to use your wings?!"

"Sorry about that?! Maybe because I've been a devil for a couple months!" I let go of my wings and widened it, the air resistance started to weaken and I was finally able to fly closely to the chariot.

Chang'e was holding her bow and was still crying in front of us, looking at Freyja's face I saw it was full of worry right now, even if she was angry before because Chang'e shot whoever this darling of her is but seeing the face she is making I can see she's worried about her.

We were going toward her on a slow speed because Susanoo is still preparing to power-up his sword, once he is finished he'll message Freyja and she'll speed up so that we can finally start distracting Chang'e. While we're waitin, this is my chance to talk to Freyja.


"Zip it, don't dare hitting on me, because I'm already taken by my darling."

"I'm not even trying to hit on you!" Seriously, I know she's beautiful but she needs to chill down, it feels like she's bragging about her beauty. "I just want to ask about Chang'e."

Freyja let out a smile of surprise when she heard what I said. "Chang'e huh? Why? I can understand that she's beautiful but you got to have some boundaries, she almost killed you remember?"

"*Sigh* I'm not interested in her that way, I'm just curious about what caused her that much grief?"

"That's all? How disappointing..."

"What's disappointing?"

"This is my first time meeting Chang'e actually, even if I didn't talked to her when meeting her I felt something when I first saw her. It was love..."

Love? What does she mean? I thought Freyja already has a darling, I never thought she's into girls too. Well, I'm not complaining, because seeing those two together is kinda hot.

"What is it perhaps? As the Norse Goddess of Love, I saw that she was lacking it, love. Right now she's trapped in a world where no one can go, I world so dark that not even a small hint of light can be seen, that's what fills her heart, hence why I promised myself that I'll do my beat to help her. Also she reminds me of one of my Valkyries, a woman who was only used a weapon by the Gods but got saved by her one true love, Chang'e is kinda like that right? She's like the oldest Valkyrie Brynhildr."

Brynhildr? I guess she's right, looking at how much pain Chang'e is in right now and Freyja saying she lacks love, it remins me of the story of the oldest Valkyrie in Norse Myth, the famous Brynhildr.

Even if someone like me who has no knowlledge of ancient history I would still know who Brynhildr is, her story titled the Völsunga Saga is where the French author Charles Perrault was inspired to make the story called the Sleeping Beauty.

In the story of the Völund Saga, the Valkyrie Brynhildr was punished by Odin and she was put in an everlasting sleep surrounded by a wall of fire that mortal human cannot pass. A Hero named Sigurd who was asked to kill the evil dragon named Fafnir, he successfully slew the dragon Fafnir; he bathed in the blood of the dragon and he then noticed that he changed, he wasn't human at all but something close to a God.

Sigurd then found the place in where the Valkyrie Brynhildr is sleeping, since he wasn't a human anymore he successfully crossed the wall of fire that Odin made, there he saw a beautiful woman who was Brynhildr sleeping, he fell in love at first sight and kissed her. Upon kissing her that's when she woke up, both fell in love toward one another and Sigurd proposed to her in which she happily accepted.

But their love story isn't finished yet, in an unfortunate reason Sigurd has to continue his adventure and leave Brynhildr behind. As he continues to do his adventure he recieved a magic potion that made him forget of his love for Brynhildr the same goes for her too, which is why Sigurd married another woman.

Then in an event cause by either good or bad luck the two met again, the brother of the woman that Sigurd married wanted to marry Brynhildr, which is why he disguised himself as his brother-in-law and saved Brynhildr from the prison she was eternally stuck in. Brynhildr who was tricked to know that the one who saved her was Sigurd's brother-in-law then married him.

And one day Brynhildr found out the truth that the man who saved her wasn't Sigurd's brother-in-law but was him instead. She was filled with grief and anger upon knowing the truth, she misunderstood what happened and thought that Sigurd just used her love so she arranged for Sigurd to be killed.

In the end when Sigurd died she still loves him very much, she knew that she cannot leave in a world where he isn't with her so she killed herself do that she could reunite with Sigurd and love one another again.

That was the story of the Völsunga Saga in Norse Myth, it is a heart-rending love story filled with unhappiness and wickedness.

Brynhildr, a God of some sort created by the Norse Gods as a weapon, she lacks what humans would call feelings or emotions like Chang'e, but in the end when Sigurd came she felt something she never knew existed. Love and Sorrow. Which is why she is similar to the Chinese Goddess of the Moon Chang'e.

Who is Chang'e's Sigurd then? Who is the hero that'll save her from the everlasting prison?

But unlike Freyja I cannot compare Chang'e's to that tradegy, no I just don't want to compare her to their story. Even if what Freyja said is true just comparing her to that is just awful.

If she'll get a Hero it doesn't have to be someone like Sigurd, just remembering that story pisses me off and now knowing that both Brynhildr and Sigurd is real it makes me more pissed off. Brynhildry remembered who Sigurd was but why can'r Sigurd remember her?

"It must be unbelievable to accept that I compared her story to them, but just seeing those two in front of my eyes while I was in Valhalla changed my perspective of humanity no it changed most of the Gods perspective of humanity, ever since then I want to find love close to her. At that time love between Gods and lower-beings are often looked down upon, the only people who got away with it is that bastard Zeus who impregnates everyone at first sight."

Love between Gods and lower-beings are looked down upon? I guess that makes sense because in the past Gods might be filled with pride and wanted to make their lineage pure but ever since some Gods fell in love with beings lower than them their perspective changed.

"Which is why I was happy when I found my darling, even if he's not a God I still love him and if someone will take him away from me, I won't hesitate to kill that woman who'll steal him from me!"

"Ahh... I hope that guy would stay safe then sso that you wouldn't start killing someone..."

"That's basically the reason why I love humanity and why I want to save them."

What? What does she mean? "What do you mean Freyja?"

"Oh I said I wanted to save humanity, but I guess a demon like you wouldn't understand."

"Of course I would understand!" Before I knew it I shouted, I was angry at her from belittling my race, even if I am a devil I want to save humanity from them so why si she acting innocent? "Aren't you on Zeus' side the one who wants to destroy the world? Aren't you the one who wants to massacre every life on the world?!"

"Yes we are, but we're doing this for their sake! The old humans back at the ancient era are different than the present, they are heroic and faithful to the Gods; they take care of Earth because this is the plave they live in, so where is that same humanity now?"


"Humans this day and age fights a lot! Not for the sake of their country or beliefs but to satisfy their greed! Before they fight with pride and honor so where is that right now? The only thing I could see is that they hide themselves from the outside world, they fight through words in their foolish devices and with just mere words they die through sucide?!"


"Also look at our surroundings! Filth are scattered everywhere, from the land, the ocean, even to the air! How do you think it was like before Haruki Hotaru? Despite the hardship humanity faced from the past because they don't have gadgets to hep them they still live with triumph and positivity, now today just simple words can ruin someone's sanity. So you're telling me that these humans are worthy to survive? They don't! Which is why once the world is destroyed we Gods we'll make humans better than today's."

I understand... Humanity today are dangerous beings, which is why the Gods from Zeus' side wants to destroy this world, and I completely agree that it would be better if people like these humans would be gone from this world.

They are living cancers that slowly destroy the plave they are living in, which is why it's understandable that the Gods wants to be the doctors and remove the cancer.

"So Haruki Hotaru, after hearing my side who do you want to join? Zeus' or Poseidon?"