Chapter 115: Tokyo Hell (XI) - The Archangels and the Sun

A proud smile could be seen from her face, having seen her barrier being destroyed by an Archangel surprised her. If it's some from the Four Archangels she wouldn't be surprised, but seeing that Zadkiel the Archangel of Freedom made her knew that she shouldn't underestimate them.

Zadkiel gripped his dagger and attempted to stab Amaterasu on the chest.

"Zadkiel!" Cassiel who saw what Amaterasu was about to do ran in front of him and summoned her shield.

Flames came out of the ground in where Amaterasu was sitting on, it almost burned Zadkiel's hand but Cassiel was fast enough to block it with her shield.

Zadkiel looked at Amaterasu who was still doing the ritual calmly, the three were shocked to see that she is able to use her skills despite doing the ritual.

They were awestruck from what she was doing, they knew that what she is doing is impossible even to a God as powerful as her, knowing that she's far more powerful than they have expected they acknowledge that there's no chance in defeating her.

The two backed off and returned to Jophiel, they saw Amaterasu stood up and elegantly wiping the dust off her kimono. She took out her fan and hid her face with it, her eyes opened slowly; as she stares at them like a snake spying on its prey. "Now... Let's begin the show shall we?"

'I'm feeling fear toward her again...' Zadkiel was shaking right now, he never expected to feel this much fear toward someone, all he could do is hold his other hand tightly to stop it from shaking.

Jophiel looked at the two and whispered. "There's no way we can defeat her... If she can do the ritual while fighting us, then her power is scaled above Lord Zeus."

"But that's impossible..." He was in denial that someone is more powerful than Zeus, but looking at Amaterasu now he know that there's a possibility she's powerful than him.

In term of the power of the Gods in Zeus' alliance, only the Leader Gods could rival him but someone like Dagda and Ahura Mazda aren't able to beat him, and in the reports of Tian Gong before to them. It shows that he is stronger than Amaterasu, which means that she is weaker than Zeus but seeing how things turned out right now they found out that Tian Gong made a mistake on his reports.

"If this is a miscalculation on the Jade Emperor's side, then it's a massive one... Because we could die from here." Cassiel answered. "If you're saying that it's impossible for her to defeat Lord Zeus then you're wrong, proof of her being strong is Lord Chang'e... Despite being a minor God only she overpowered two of Japan's strongest Gods, which is why if someone like Chang'e is powerful than Zeus then there's a possibility that there's someone who's equal to her, that or she has been training herself nonstop to prepare for things like this to happen..."

"I agree... Since the Gods are at war, it's normal for them to make themselves to be more powerful than the others, hence why Amaterasu's strength is the result of her diligence."

Zadkiel looked at Amaterasu who was touching Miyu's hand gently, she looked at her with a smile and said. "Don't worry Miyu Kishimoto, I'll protect you from these intruders." Amaterasu looked at the three Archangels with a smile. "Now you three, answer me honestly. It is said that angels are protector of mankind, so why are you three destroying mankind then?"

"You're not gonna trick us in joining you! Stop lying because you're the one who wants to destory the world!"

Zadkiel and Cassiel looked down on the floor when they heard Jophiel's answer, they knew that what she was saying was wrong but they just don't know how to say it to her. Amaterasu folded her fan when Jophiel answered her, she could only look at Jophiel with pity but upon seeing Zadkiel and Cassiel her smile brighten up. "It must've been hard realizing it without the other's isn't?"

Jophiel was confused by what Amaterasu said but Zadkiel and Cassiel understood what she was saying, they could only nod at her slowly so that Jophiel wouldn't see what they were doing, Amaterasu seeing their reply looked down in pity of the two Archangels. "Seeing that you're confronting me right now I understand that there's still something you need to fulfill, so don't worry this is our secret."

Zadkiel smirked in joy when he heard Amaterasu, he looked at her filled with gratitude and gripped his dagger. "Cassiel be sure to guard me and Jophiel, you'll be our main weapon in defeating her. Jophiel you'll be in front to take her on, I'll do my best to support you on the back and find an opening to do attack her."

Cassiel looked at Zadkiel in surprise since she never expected him to be hostile toward Amaterasu, while Jophiel smiled in excitement and summoned her flaming sword. "Let's go then!"

Jophiel rushed toward Amaterasu with her flaming sword aiming toward her head, Amaterasu was just standing there; eyes closed as she wait for her to get close, Jophiel was shocked to see this and let her guard down as she kept on running toward her.

When she got close she noticed a bright circular light thrown in front of her, she stopped the moment it got brighter, she covered her face with her arm and Cassiel ran immediately in front of her and shielded her. Bang! The ball of light exploded.

"Nice support, everyone." Amaterasu said happily.

"Yeah that was awesome!"

"Nice shot Ayame, big bro's proud!"

On the side of the arena were three humans; two male young adult and one female child. The three humans were holding the glowing stones that Jophiel saw was thrown at her.

The three Archangels were shocked to see the three humans in here, Jophiel looked at Amaterasu and saw that she was smiling proudly. "I can't believe she's involving innocent humans in this battle..."

Zadkiel was surprised too when he saw those three humans helping Amaterasu, he ran toward them and pulled out his dagger; not planning to kill them but talk to them, but he was shocked when he saw that they were fearless watching him come toward them.

When he got close Zadkiel stopped and punched the air in front of them, he felt his hand going through the air and turning invisible on his view. 'Is this a barrier created to protect them?' He thrusted his dagger to the barrier to break it but was surprised when he saw the dagger went invisible. 'No... They're in another space...'

He looked at the three humans and saw the child; Ayame holding one of the stones, she flipped it above and when it landed on her fingers she shot it toward him like a gun.

Zadkiel's eyes widened from fear and ran immediately, it quickly exploded on his back but he has successfully dodged it. "For some reason, she reminds me of Millie too... Not as smart as her but as deadly as her..."

He looked back at Jophiel and Cassiel; only got him to see them having a hard time getting close to Amaterasu due to Homura and Asahi's stone.

'This is bad... It looks like Amaterasu has no plan of fighting us to focus more on the ritual which is why he's using these three humans, so what do I do? My dagger can't break a space because it's not a matter, so which means I only have one option and if I don't succeed in hitting them then it could cause our defeat.'

"We can't move forward..." Cassiel was now having a hard time holding his shield to block the exploding stones, the explosion was already pushing her away. "The explosions are just powerful."

She know that she could use her speed to get away, but Jophiel would be left defenseless from the stones. 'Zadkiel... Where are you-'

"Take this!" In front of her was Zadkiel who cut down the stones that were thrown at them, both her and Jophiel noticed that the stones didn't explode when Zadkiel cut them with his dagger.

"I'll deal with the stones, you two head for Amaterasu!" He ran toward another stone coming at them and cut it.

Amaterasu seeing that Zadkiel could destroy the stones without trouble could only smile. "*Sigh* Looks like I have to work harder than I thought..." Her eyes looked at both her left and right; Jophiel and Cassiel was coming on both sides.

On both of their mind they said. 'We got you!' But seeing that Amaterasu was standing there not doing a thing, Cassiel immediately created a shield in front of Jophiel.

Shing! Jophiel's shield was cut in half in front of her, they looked at Amaterasu to see what happened. Instead of her just standing there kike it was nothing, she was now holding katana.

Cassiel noticed that there was a slice on her shield which made the two more afraid of her.

It was like in the Japanese movies that they've seen.

In a speed of light, she pulled out her katana and attacked them; only to put it back to her scabbard.

For them, she was like any strong clichéd swordsman, that's what she was. 'Even if she's a God there's still got to be at least certain boundaries that'll make things like this impossible?' That's what's on their mind.

They stopped when they were closed at them, because they saw Amaterasu holding the hilt of her katana again.

Even if her eyes was closed she noticed that they stopped. "Hmm..? Why the sudden stop?"

The two could only smile at her question, Amaterasu felt someone running toward her, she opened her eyes and saw that Zadkiel was above her.

She was surprised on how this happened, she looked at what the three were doing and saw that many giant shields has covered the entire space they were in.

Even if she could use her swordsmanship to fight them it would still be her loss once her sword make contact with Zadkiel's dagger, she could use her skills against them but it would disturb the ritual.

That's what Zadkiel planned when he went to the three humans and he saw that his plan worked, he could only smile as he fall on Amaterasu; dagger first to announce his victory.

Amaterasu could only close her eyes as she waits for Zadkiel to come, Jophiel and Cassiel took their weapons to and attacked her on the side.

In her perspective it felt like everything stopped moving, seeing that she's in a pinch she smiled... Not in the sorrow of her defeat but in the joy of being outsmarted. "That's not enough to defeat me..."

A solar flare was released on her body when the Archangels got close, it was fast that the three Archangels got burned severely.

They were shocked that she could use a skill but upon seeing how her katana shone brightly like flames they realized that it didn't came out of her but her sword instead.

Amaterasu took out her katana from her scabbard and cut the air, the Archangels saw the air tearing apart like glass cracking.

The arena finally broke, they saw themselves floating on empty space with nothing to see or hold onto. As they float on the space they saw Amaterasu in front of them with the three humans who attacked them, the Eve Miyu Kishimoto was being carried by one of the boys who looked like her.

Amaterasu pulled out her katana again slowly; revealing it to everyone the hot flames coming out of it that was hot as the center of a star, she raised it above and cut the space another time.

Cracks appeared everywhere again and the three Archangels felt like they're body were being swallowed by something powerful.

They could only close their eyes from fear and waited... 'Please save us my Lords...' Those were their prayers.

Upon opening his eyes he saw that they were in a dark cave, in front of them was Amaterasu and the three humans, the Eve was floating on the cave and lights were coming out of her body.

Jophiel couldn't move from the trauma of what happened, Cassiel looks to be unconscious. It was only him that was awake.

He knew that Miyu's status as a candidate would now be removed, even if it was painful for him to stand up he forced himself to do so.

Amaterasu was shocked that he was still able to stand up from what she did to them. "Do the three of you have any stones left?!"

The three immediately looked at their pockets to see if they have any of the exploding stones, but only to reveal to Amaterasu that they don't.

She looked at Zadkiel in fear because now that the ritual is about to end she couldn't use her sword anymore.

Zadkiel ran toward them as fast as he can, even if his veins were already popping from the stress that he induced to them. He pulled out his dagger and threw it toward the light encircling Miyu.

Homura, Asahi, and Ayame who knew what the daggers can do ran toward Zadkiel as fast as they can.

"Wait stop-" Amaterasu tried to shout at them to not get close at Miyu but she was too late.

The dagger reached Miyu's body and destroyed the light enveloping her body.

Time stopped completely at the cave when that happened, even a God like Amaterasu was frozen in time.

The light that represents that Miyu was a Hero has cracked into five pieces, it was looking for a way to fix itself but it noticed that someone was coming.

It was a beautiful woman wearing a veil that was hiding her face, it knew who the woman was because she was the one who gave Miyu the light for her to become a Heroic candidate.

It was Asherah. "You've split into five which means you can't turn someone into a Hero, but that doesn't apply if you are powered up." She looked at Zadkiel, Miyu, Homura, Asahi, and Miyu with smile on her face.

She looked at the light and politely asked. "Take care of them-"

Amaterasu felt her heart beating fast, she opened her eyes and saw that everyone were fast asleep. "What happened? Did the ritual succeed?" She looked at Miyu Kishimoto and saw that her status as a Heroic candidate has disappeared. "*Sigh* What a relief..."

Amaterasu then looked at the three Archangels and went to Zadkiel. "It must've been hard for you decide in which choice you would pick..." He created a rope made out of light encircled it the Archangels body. "For now I'll let you three stay here, I promise to let you go once the war is over so that you could fulfill your part Archangel Zadkiel..."