Chapter 121: Tokyo Hell (XVII) - Broken Truce

A roar came from nowhere, all of a sudden every windows from the buildiings surrounding us were shuttered in an instant due to the occurinig loud roar. Everyone including the Gods covered their ears to guard themselves from the roar.

Suddenly when the roar has finally stopped, I looked at where Yú Húang is at and saw that something was blocking my view. "What is this thing?" I can't describe what this green thing is in front of me.

All I can see that it has some sort of weird scales, which means that this thing that I'm seeing isn't a non-living being at all, instead it might be some sort of animal. It could be a lizard or a fish, but there's no way a fish would be here out of the water which is why it could only be a giant lizard.

Also... For some weird reason I feel somewhat familliar to this lizard, I remember coming across this lizard twice back in Hell, both I have seen when I was training at Mt. Levi, first being those stupid wryms that I easily killed and second is Leviathan.

Even if Leviathan is human-like I know she's hiding another form from me, and this thing in front off me right now feels the same way as her.

When I stared at it I saw it moving, the skin of the giant lizard moved upward and there it appear in front of me was a giant eye. The eye stared at mine curiously, it's vertical pupils were like sharp swords piercing through my eyes as I stare at it.

The moment I saw this creature my face started to sweat. "This is definitely a dragon..." It is unllike the wryms that I fought back at Mt. Levi, unlike them this thing is far greater than anything I've seen... The fear that I had when I first met Levitathan was nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now.

Even a General of Hell and also one of the former Archangels of Yahweh, Leviathan doesn't stand a chance to this enormous dragon.

I saw it blinked once in front of us, the giant dragon started flying, seeing it now I saw that it was really long like a snake.

Despite not having wings on its back the dragon was still able to fly, seeing it fly in circles around the Jade Emperor on the middle of it was both phenomenal and scary at the same time.

The view of Yú Húang's jade armor and jade halberd combined with the giant chinese dragon encircling him was awe-strucking, everyone round me were mouth-opened from the scene right now.

"Haha! Isn't this amazing Haruki?" Yú Húang happily said. "Now, time to be serious." Clap! Yú Húang clapped his hands and the dragon started spinning around him, the giant dragon move it´s head close to Yú Húang and there I saw him touch the dragon's nose.

The body of the dragon started to glow and when it's enitre body as filled with light I saw it disappear the moment the light shone brightly to out eyes. I looked at Yú Húang to check what he did to that dragon and saw the something has changed.

I couldn't see what changed but I can feel it, it's like I'm being crushed by a giant jet right now... My entire body feels heavy and I notice that my breath has started to quicken. "What is this feeling?"


"Luna?!" I looked in front of me and saw Luna pointing her scythe at Yú Húang. "What are you doing here?"

"Chang'e escaped Lucas' space because of that dragon."

"I see..." Our plan is coming apart, now that Chang'e is free again it's only a matter of time that she'll start slaughtering every living being she sees, and with Yú Húang with her who knows what would happen.

I looked at Freyja to see what she feels about this and saw that she looks pissed without reason, she came closer toward me and Luna and looked at Yú Húang angrily. "Tian Gong, what does this mean? Did you plan all of this?"

"Nope! Actually I was surprised that Chang'e got Soul Bound!" Yú Húang replied with an excited smile. "But at least I got something amazing! Haha!"

"Hoy unpopular old man! Don't think that you're gonna left unpunished for this!" Every clones of Sun we're shouting at Yú Húang angrily. "You're there joyfully congratulating yourself for having a God in your Mythology obtainning Soul Bound, but did you even think about what's happening with the rest of your troops?!"

"Actually nope, I was busy jumping around the moon because of how happy I was!"

Luna and I were both completely speechless of what's happening right now, just seeing the massive dragon coming out of nowhere and was absorbed by Yú Húang the moment we were prepared to defend ourselves from it was already surprising to us. Also, since that Yú Húang is finally here it's already normal for us to expect that Freyja, Sun, and Zhao Yun would betray us but seeing that the two Gods Freyja and Sun are fighting him instead is what made us speechless.

"You d*mn old man! For god's sake we almost died! And that's what you're saying to us?! Seriously, this is why I'm always doubting on how you become the leader of China."

"Well nevermind that now, we still have a job to do-"

"Tian Gong..?"

"Hmm? What's that?" H looked behhind him to see Chang'e calling for him, upon looking at her, he saw her eyes were clouded in darkness, her smile wasn't a smile of joy at all but instead anger, and her right hands was clenching the bow very tightly.

"Tian Gong... Jade Emperor... Yú Húang!" Chang'e pointed her bow at Yú Húang.

"Oh sh*t!" Yú Húang pointed his halberd at her hurriedly, her body glew when the halberd touches her body and before my very own eyes I saw Chang'e; the tragic Goddess that I was suppose to save, I saw her gone...

She isn't gone like gone as in dead but she really is gone; she disappeared without a trace, not a single hair nor garments were left behind when she disappeared.

My eyes both widened and darkened at the same time, seeing her gone made me speechless... My bodt feels like it was starting to crumble one by one for not doing a thing to save her. Susanoo said that the mysterious blonde girl wanted me to save Chang'e from her prison, but seeing that I failed my mind felt like it sopped functioning. "Yú Húang..."

"Yes, Haruki?"

"Yú Húang....."

"You know that repeating my name won't change a thing right?"

"Yu Húang!" I ran toward him angrily but I was stopped the moment I shouted his name.

"Haruki stop!" Luna said. She was hugging my chest; desperately doing her best to stop me from running to Yú Húang. "If you continue he could kill yoou easily!"

She's right... Right now since something happened to him when he abosrb that dragon and is very far from me, he would have the time to use his skill unlike before in the moon.

But... Chang'e... I failed you and that mysterious girl...

"Answer me! What did you do to her Tian Gong!?" Freyja shouted angrily and pointed her sword at him.

"Don't worry Freyja, I only sent her back to the moon. Leaving her here while she's in that state would only make things worse for both ours and their side."

I was relieved when Yú Húang said that he sent her to the moon, I was finally easing up my anger and stopped resisting at Luna's. "Thank goodness... Thank goodness she's safe..." I whispered to myself.

"Now... Since you finally know that she's somewhere safe let's continue what we came her for." Yú Húang pointed his halberd upward, he has a giant smile coming out of his face and his eyes became bigger.

"Oh no you won't!" Susanoo came rushing toward Yú Húang with his sword being taken from me without even myself noticing it.

He moved in the speed of light that when both Luna and I looked at him we saw that he was already close to Yú Húang's face. Shang! We heard something, like two blades colliding to one another, we took a look at what happened and saw Freyja blocking Susanoo's sword with hers.

We looked around us and also saw that the clones of Azrael and Sun are now fighting one another, on the ground were Bishamonten and Zhao Yun dueling each other with their spears.

Both Luna and I immediately held hands and ran toward one of the buildings, inside of the building was Lucas, Dawn, and Zephyrus preparing their weapon.

"Looks like our plan both failed and succeeded at the same time. " Zephyrus muttered. "*Sigh* I don't know if I should call this luck or not..."

"So? What happened Haruki? From what I've seen it appears that something happened to you while you were about to save Chang'e." Dawn asked.

"Long story short, I was teleported to another space that looks like the moon and while I was there I talked to the Jade Emperor; now I'm calling him by his name due to unimportant reason, and because I stupidly declared that I'm a Hero of a God, so now he decided to test me by fighting me."

"I see..." Dawn mumbled. "What a fool you really are for making things worse."

"Well it's not my fault!"

"*Sigh* For now let's wait here." Luna said as she check the window outside. "Because for the looks of it, the Jade Emperor is about to do something, so it might be dangerous to go outside. Any idea what he might be doing Lucas?"

"I don't know... I've never seen something like this, for the looks of it, what he's about to do is something big since his taking a long time starting it. If I would take a guess, basing on what's happening right now he might possibly release that dragon full-powered or worse he might possibly be planning to create another portal for the other Gods to come in-"

Everyone and I immediately looked behind us when we noticed something coming, from there we saw a portal appearing right in front of our eyes.

A man came out of the portal, he was muscular man who's also a freaking giant in height, he has long white hair with a white beard too and he was wearing an ancient clothes from ancient Greece.

He looked at me and a smile appeared on his face, he said with a chilling voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you King of Hell and Bones of Hell Haruki Hotaru, I'm the Greek God of Thunder and the Sky, Zeus!"