Chapter 122: Great God War II (I) - The Power of Zeus

Gods... What exactly are they? People say that they are powerful divine beings that are capable of creating and destroying the Universe itself, they are perfect beings that shouldn't be equated to mere human life.

But what is a God perhaps? Not Gods but God... Those are what humanity keeps on questioning to themselves: Who is the true God of this world? Who leads the life living in the Universe? Could there be a Creator?

Humans said that God takes in many forms, some says there are multiple Goods representing the elements of the Universe, but others say that there could only be one.

It could either be the one who the magnificent Ruler of the skies with his roaring thunder: Zeus from Greek Mythology, or the God with the mighty spear that could cut through the very core of Earth itself: Odin from the Norse Mythology, or the raging God whose anger could cause the land to burn: Amun-Ra from Egypt, it might the God with intelligence that could solve every unknown mysteries: Ahura Mazda from Persian Mythology, or a kind God that cares for his surroundings even if it cause him his own very life: The Dagda of Celtic Mythology, maybe it could be the elegant God that's body is enveloped in pure jade: Yú Húang from Chinese Myth, or the star that shone first on land: Amaterasu-no-Ōmikami of Japan, or lastly it could be the almighty father of the fundemental of life: Yahweh of Abrahamic Myth.

In every part of the world; in every country; in every mind of humanity people always say that they're God is real and the others are fake, while some say that Gods doesn't exist at all.

So who's right among them? Who is the God that made this world? Thousands of Deities have been created throughout the past, present, and future.

But there's one thing that humanity doesn't know... Gods are not those divine beings that they think of, they are indeed far more powerful than us but there's one thing that they have that we lower-beings also have... It's feelings...

Right now the same God that people admired is right in front of us, the same God whose power is known throughout the world as one of the strongest Deities to rule over mankind. Whether is it in fiction or reality, everyone agrees that Zeus is not a God that you can easily mess with.

"Haha! I can't believe it Haruki Hotaru... I can't believe that you truly are the real deal!" small jolts of electricity came out of his body as he was saying that, his smile widened when looking at me and his fast started emitting a ton of electricity.

Everyone and I started to sweat from fear, knowing now who this person is in front of us gave us all goosebumps.

We couldn't believe it... The legendary God of Greece Zeus is in front of us right now, I knew that one day this would happen but I didn't expect it to be this frightening.

(Haruki... We need to be careful right now... Zeus' power... It's insane...) A message came from Luna, I looked at my friends and saw how frozen they were from fear.

I know that they can see how strong a person is which is why I know that if they're afraid, Zeus' power if truly something that a True God could have.

"Yo why aren't you talking Haruki?" Zues asked in a friendly manner.

Zephyrus pushed me forward closed which surprises me, I looked at him from behind and I heard him whisper. "He'z being a friendly, so go talk to him, boss." He said with a smile and raised his thumb at me.

There's no way I can do this! Zeus is scary! I want to go back to Hell! Millie please bring me home!

Back in Hell was Millie drinking a cup of coffee while looking at the window outside of her room. "*Sneeze* How can a devil like me get a cold?"

I stared at him with a single sweat falling down on my face, I was ready to released both my Soul Bound and Ignisvem to prepare for the worse, but even if I knew that I'm gonna die the moment I pull out my weapons there's still nothing I can do, so I need to do my best to entertain him so tha my friends could make time to escape.

"Is it okay for me to call you just by Zeus? Or do you not want a low-being like me to call you that?"

Zeus had a massive smile when he heard what I said, he started laughing and looked at me seriously after he finished. "Impressive! You're truly more impressive than I thought Haruki Hotaru! Calling me, the Greek God of Thunder and the Skies just by my name without fear is truly spectacular!" His screams were loud enough to echo inside the buildings, his loud voice feels like a loud roaring thunder.

I was confused, is this a good thing or a bad thing? I was still traumatized of what happened back at the moon between me and Yú Húang, I let my guard down for a bit so that I could show him that I meant no harm.

"Sure Haruki Hotaru, you can call me by my name! Haha!" He laughed out loud happily. "So Haruki Hotaru, before deciding your fate let me ask you some questions first! Since we're both Kings of this world there's nothing wrong with it right?"

"Of course!" I nervously replied. Seriously this is getting my blood to run cold, that memory of talking to Yú Húang feels the same as right now... It was scary...

"Then let me ask you this question, do you want to join my side Haruki Hotaru?"

There's that question again... I've recieved that question from most of the Gods on their side, at first I didn't really want to join bbut hearing what Freyja said to me there's this feeling deep inside me that they could be on the right, also when Chang'e said that I didn't even try to understand what the Gods are feeling that made me doubt more if my decision was right.

So... I'll need to get as much as information I can first. "I want to know Zeus, why do you want to end this world badly?"

"That's because I want power."

My eyes widened fro surprise at his answer, I coul only clench my fist in anger because of his greed.

That's insane... Power? But how? Humanity is what makes the Gods existence to be meaningfu- no... I can see why... I remembered Lucifer saying that Yahweh wants to kill the other Gods and destroy the Universe to be more powerful but that was proven false by Lugh.

he said that the true Creator of the Universe would stop Yahweh, which is why what Lucifer said could possibly be a lie... So... Why does Zeus wants to destroy it? It felt like Zeus is almost the same as Yahweh.

"But someone would stop you right? the Creator of the Universe was it?"

"Oh Xudstus? That old man has become weak, I'm a hundred percent sure that I can defeat him."

Xudstus..? Did he just say Xudstus? I've never heard of a God that has the name of that... But now that I know that the Creator of the Universe is named Xudstus, this could help Millie and Faust to their research. But... There's one thing bothering me...

"What do you mean Zeus? How can you be sure that you could defeat him?" That's what bothered me, the moment I asked the question that someone might stop him, Zeus didn't even hesitate to tell me the name of the True God and the fact that he said he could defeat whoever this Xudstus God is made our situationkinda alarming.

When remembering how Lugh talk about the Creator of the Universe, I could see from his eyes and expression on how much he fears and admires this Xudstus at the same time which is why I'm confident on how powerful this Creator really is.

But looking at Zeus' answer right now I'm uncertain of what Lugh said, unlike Lugh Zeus' eyes and expression have neither sign of fear nor admiration, instead it shows his confidence and pride.

I could see why people call him powerful... His skills are already powerful enough, but like I said Gods are like us lower-beings, they have feelings like us too.Which is why they're very powerful.

Feelings are neither an ally nor an enemy, proof of this is my fight with Chang'e. The confusion and fear when she saw that I was unscathed from the arrow she shot became her enemy which cause her to lose, but her melancholy and anger at what happened to her life became her main ally to winning the fight against me.

And looking at Zeus now those two emotions; his pride and confidence is what made him powerful, the fact that h could say that he can beat the Creator of this Universe with a straight face shows that he is not an enemy we can easily mess with.

"How can I be sure? Well that's because I said so. I'm not the most powerful God without reason."

Then he could be either right or wrong, I don't know how powerful the rest of the Gods are but I know for sure that he isn't joking since of his confidence of saying that, and he is also their leader which is why it only makes sense that he's more powerful than the rest.

Which is why I already know my answer to his question. "Like I said to the others I'm already taken by Amaterasu."

"I at least expected that as your answer so..."

My body started shaking when he stopped finishing his sentence, I looked at Lucas to signal him to trap Zeus in his space which he nodded in agreement.

"All of you die for me!"