Chapter 123: Great God War II (II) - Wrath of Zeus

Zeus ran toward us and as quick as lightning he was already in front of me; first clenched tight and was already near my head.

"Haruki!" Luna shouted my name, he pointed his palm at me and at that moment I saw my vision zooming out, a small tingle came from my body and when I looked at it I saw that I was now behind Luna.

The old place that I was in was now changed from Zeus punching my head to Zeus punching a skull.

"*Tsk* Haha! If the Hero of the demon race has allies like you, then apprehending both you and your colleagues is a must!" He ran toward us again and like before I saw him behind me.

Lucas blocked Zeus' hand with his sword, he immediately kicked Zeus away and created a circular barrier that protected us. "His mentality is too strong Haruki, there's no way I can trap him."

"This is bad..." Even if there are five of us here there's still no way that we can defeat Zeus, I don't even think we could injure him in some way...

So what can we do? What can we do? This is getting stressful already, just one wrong move we'll die.

He isn't unlike Chang'e who's mentally unstable and he isn't like Sun Wukong who's just a minor God of China, so we can't underestimate him.

So analyzing his strength and our numbers, despite him being outnumbered it doesn't matter, in my calculation I guess we have no chance of winning whatsoever.

Yep that's right, he has a hundred-percent chance of winning this fight, even if I love what Millie said about there's no chance thing as zero-percent, but at this point what she said is useless.

"Hey Dawn, do you think you can steal his blood or something?"

"If you can cut him or something, but Zeus is immortal like the other Gods, so there's no way I can kill him."

"Sorry I forgot..." That's right, Amaterasu told me that the only way to kill a God is by using any weapon that the Gods owned or another God, so we're basically useless.

"Then I'm gonna do something stupid and suicidal, can all of you trust and follow me in this?"

Everyone smiled at what I said, Zephyrus started summoning many feathers and pointed them at Zeus. "You are our King Haruki, whatever smart or dumb decision you do, we'll always follow you."

"I don't like the sound of that..." Well, Zephyrus is right... As their King, it is my duty to guide them not the one being guided by them, so this is my chance to prove that. "Lucas, Luna, and I would go in the front to fight Zeus, while you two; Dawn and Zephyrus you'll support us from behind. What matters is to either get Dawn to suck his blood or Zephyrus to engrave his feather on Zeus' body, so us three would distract him so that you two find an opening."

All of them shouted at once. "Roger."

Even if it looks like this plan of mine wouldn't really work, I wouldn't know if I try.

Dawn said that her sucking Zeus blood wouldn't kill him since he's immortal, but we still don't know if what she said is true. Proof on why I believe that there's a chance my plan would work is none other than Lugh.

When we first met him in Hell, Lugh was afraid of us, but why though? Like Dawn and Amaterasu said Gods are only killable by another God or a God-killing weapon, so why is he afraid of us then? Well that's because of one thing, Yahweh created both angels and devils hence why we can kill a God, because both angels and devils are Yahweh's God-killing weapon.

The three of us ran toward Zeus, our weapon pointed at him, he was waiting for us patiently with a cherished smile on his face.

"Now let's see what you all can do, Heroes of Hell!" He shouted in joy, he started preparing his stance and electricity started coming out on his body.

I was running on the front while Luna on the right and Lucas on the left, Dawn and Zephyrus started running around the building in circles to check an opening to use their skills.

I held Ignisvem with pride, Zeus stared at us and prepared his right hand to start defending. I was already close to him, my hand swung my sword at his torso and he grabbed it with his hand like it was nothing.

Luna and Lucas both at the same time attacked Zeus on his side, he immediately threw me away and released a shockwave from his body that pushed both Luna and Lucas away from him. "Haha! This is quite fun- Huh?!"

Zeus was shocked to see many feathers surrounding him, not only there's feathers but also a lot of Zephyrus' haladie was spinning around him.

He released small jolts of lightning toward the feathers but was surprised to see that it didn't have an effect. "So you're the successor of Ziz, this is interesting..." Tons of electricity started coming out of his hands, it started spinning around him and started to form into a small ball.

"Then I'll show you mine!" He releases the ball of electricity and it created an explosion that has a lot of electricity emitting on it.

All of the feathers and Haladie that Zephyrus created has all disintegrated without a trace.

We were all shocked to see it happen, the feathers that saved me from getting killed by the stars of the arrows of Chang'e was easily destroyed by Zeus easily.

Zephyrus became frozen in fear of what he has seen, he was in complete disbelief that Zeus easily destroy his feathers. "How is that possible..." He mumbled.

"Don't look focus Zephyrus!" Dawn shouted angrily, she took blood out of her body and created two swords with it, she ran toward Zeus and started summoning blood spike flying around her.

I ran in front to assist Dawn, like her I summoned two sword made out of fire and electricity.

We both raised our swords at the same time at Zeus, he was still at standing there with a smile on his face.

Our swords at the same time slashed toward Zeus' chest, Luna and Lucas we're behind him with their scythe and sword thrusted directly at his head, while Zephyrus threw two haladie on his right and left.

"That's it?" We heard that come out of Zeus' mouth, the moment his eyes blinked once we saw ourselves losing balance.

Our vision started to slowly get blurry, we noticed that all of us fell on the floor, our body was weak from what happened, it was very hard to move even if it was only for a tiny bit.

"Wh-what happ-ened..?" Just talking was almost as hard as standing up, we couldn't feel our body nor we could force it to move, it was just impossible to move it.

"Even as a God I hate to use this term but to easily explain it to modernized being like you I'll have to do it. Did you know everyone that electricity that is quite lower than 42 volts can kill a human? But in this case humans are not present so that rule is useless, so what if I made the volt over a thousand but made you all survive it? This would happen! Haha!"

The moment he said that we all realized what was happened, if electricity as strong as that was use not to kill us then the only logical thing is that our whole body was paralyzed.

This is bad! Really bad! Not even a 5 minutes has passed and we're already down on the floor, and we haven't even scratched him once! This guy is on the same level as Lucifer, no he's way above Lucifer!

"Now..." Zeus walked in the middle slowly in where our paralyzed body encircled him, his smile finally disappeared and is now changed to a more serious one. "It's truly disappointing that either one of you won't join me, all of you here... I admire both your strength and courage as the Heroes of Hell; same goes for the other Archdevils that I haven't met yet, so it's quite sad that you won't join me me... Which is why I'll control all of you instead-"

Zeus stopped what he was suppose to say, and what happened made all of us surprised and happy at the same time.

Behind him was Luna, her scythe has stabbed through Zeus' chest, it was so deep that the blade can be seen from the other side. "Let me tell you this Zeus... An undead cannot die! Go Dawn!"

I looked at Dawn to see what she was gonna do, I was shocked that she was forcing herself to stand up, blood were now coming out of her body and she looked weak from forcing herself. "What a bother..."

Her eyes shone like blood and Zeus' blood started coming out of his stomach. His eyes started turning white and his body started to turn pale, the moment Dawn stopped taking blood Zeus' body dropped on the floor.

Us three guys were still in awe of what happened, the Greek God of Thunder Zeus was beaten by both Luna and Dawn, and his corpse is in front of us.

We tried to move slowly and noticed that we can now move normally, the three of us stood up and looked at the three girls with eyes that shone like a twinkling star. "That was cool!" All three of us said.

"This is easier than I expected!" I excitedly said. "I thought Zeus would be the final boss, but from the looks of it he's weaker compared to Chang'e and the other-"

"Who's weaker Haruki?"

My eyes widened from what I heard, I couldn't believe the voice coming from behind me, I looked slowly to confirm if what I thought was real and there standing behind me was a giant muscular man; it was Zeus.

"Sorry but those types of attack wouldn't work on me."

All five of us pulled out our weapon and remained on guard to keep safe, all of us looked at Zeus with our weapons pointing at him and our face angrily looking at him with killing-intent.

"Haha! To be honest I was surprised at what the undead and vampire did! Now I really need to brain was Haruki and his companions! Haha!"

This is bad! There's really no way we can beat him, Susanoo and the others are very busy with the other Gods so there's no way they could help, so the only thing we could do is get controlled by Zeus.

"Now time to really start my brainwashing!" Zeus ran toward like a normal human, but despite that we couldn't move our feet from shock and defeat of what happened.

It feels painful... My failure to lead them as their King caused us to be brainwashed by our enemies, I would be happy if my plan succeeded in some parts even if we lose but none if what I had planned didn't worked.

In the end I just relied on Luna and Dawn, but they were still defeated too... This is just impossible for us.

"Take this!" Zeus started creating a ball of electricity on his hand, he pointed it at me and readied his fist. "Now be mine Haruki Hota-"
