Chapter 124: Great God War II (III) - Spark of the Gods

A snake... That was what appeared in front of us...

It's skin is white as snow and scales as sharp as a pointy knife...

It's size was enormous... Something that shouldn't exist in this world; a giant you could say but it's viciousness is not something that you could compare to one.

More like it's something I have seen before... Yes it's skin reminded me of the stones of Mt. Levi... A skin so bewitching that it made me wonder if this thing can truly beat her.

Its gaze was like being stabbed by thousands of knives, the way its tongue feels like I being frozen to death.

This feeling... This feeling is exactly like Leviathan...

The moment Susanoo shouted its name; Yamata-no-Orochi we saw Zeus swallowed by the giant serpent, that's right... Swallowed...

It may be hard to believe that the legendary God of Greece Zeus was easily swallowed whole by a mere giant snake.

But I cannot just underestimate the snake that swallowed him by calling it as 'mere', maybe I should replace it, instead I'll call it legendary like Zeus and every other Gods.

After all the name Yamata-no-Orochi is not a name that can easily be joked about.

If Leviathan is the legendary dragon of Abrahamic Myth, then in Japanese Mythology their legendary dragon is that white snake that swallowed Zeus; the dragon that Susanoo slayed and got the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi from one of it's eight tails, it's name was Yamata-no-Orochi.

I slowly got closer to Yamata-no-Orochi with eyes widened from surprise, I looked at the hole that it created and saw Susanoo changed.

At first, when I saw him and Tsukuyomi we're about to lose on their battle with Chang'e I was losing hope that we'll easily be defeated by them, but looking at him now I saw that he was hiding his hidden trump card all along.

The sword of Yamata-no-Orochi named Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and his sword that he used to defeat the legendary serpent Ame-no-Habakiri which he still hasn't revealed yet are weapons that he didn't fully used at his fight with Chang'e.

That's because all this time Susanoo was hiding his true strength all this time, and now I get to see one of his true strengths.

His clothes were now torn apart, his entire body was now covered with snake scales that seemed to be drawn in his body, he now has two large horns that as sharp as his blade, his eyes are now the eyes of a snake that has a gaze that can pierce through anything it sees, and the smile on his face reveals his two sharp fangs.

In front of him was Yú Húang and Freyja that were injured severely by Susanoo, Freyja was guarding Yú Húang from her chariot but her chariot looks like that it can break the moment Susanoo slashed his sword once.

On both of his hands are two swords, the first one on his left his is the one I'm familiar with because I've held it once: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, and on his right hand was a sword that's beauty is like a legendary artifact that is owned by the hands of the Gods, seeing it I already knew what it was...

It's the sword that slayed Yamata-no-Orochi: Ame-no-Habakiri.

A smile appeared on my face upon seeing Susanoo defeat not one, but three Gods without even getting injured by any of them, even if he defeated Zeus with a sneak attack it still counts as defeating him easily.

"Amazing job Master!" I shouted at him with a thumbs up.

"Thanks for the compliment Haruki, but remember don't get cocky if you don't confirm that their dead."

"Wait wha-" I stopped what I was gonna say and looked behind me to check on Zeus and the massive snake, and there I saw Zeus standing up with many bite marks and was holding down one of the heads of Yamata-no-Orochi on the ground.

"*Tsk* Never expected that to happen." With no sign of hardship, with one crush on his hand one of the heads of Yamata-no-Orochi was crushed easily. "Yamata-no-Orochi... The legendary dragon of Japan, I can't believe that you're this... Weak..."

My face was full of surprise at what Zeus said to Yamata-no-Orochi, my body started shaking knowing that Zeus is truly a monster among the Gods if he could say how weak Yamata-no-Orochi is with a straight face.

"Well... I at least expected that..." Susanoo said with a disappointed sigh. "It is to be expected honestly, unlike my sister I'm not as strong as you Zeus."

"Ohh... So you're telling me that Amaterasu's strength is equal to mine? But... Too bad that I'm not gonna have the chance to fight her since Yahweh is currently gonna kill her right now."

Yahweh?! This is bad... From what I've heard and learned from the others Yahweh's strength is comparable to Zeus, which means that Amaterasu has a high chance of dying.

"Now..." Zeus started clenching his hand, he looked at Susanoo with a massive smile, it started emitting electricity. "Just seeing you use the power of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, Ame-no-Habakiri, and Yamata-no-Orochi is making me shake from joy... Now as both Gods that controls electricity I want to see how strong you truly are!"

Not even in a split-second, he was gone. The moment he finished his sentence I saw a fast light travel through my eyes, looking outside now I saw Zeus in front of Susanoo.

He blocked Susanoo's sword with his arm guard. "Oh how nice... Just as I expected from one of the three Gods of Japa-"


"Not letting you!" Yú Húang immediately guarded Zeus with his halberd from Tsukuyomi's sneak attack. "Nice try Tsukuyomi."

"*Tsk*" Tsukuyomi slowly put his sword down and looked at Zeus angrily.

Zeus who was still surprise of what happened smiled, he started clapping his hands and looked away from Susanoo to confront Tsukuyomi. "Impressive, as I expected from the God of the Moon of Japan." He looked at Tokyo Tower which is still destroyed by Chang'e's attack, a smile came out of his face and looked both at Tsukuyomi and Susanoo. "Looking at the famous Tokyo Tower, don't you think that it's kinda amazing how much of a wreck it is? This is what Gods should do, Gods should show the world how powerful they are not show that they can live with these lower-beings, so what do you two say? Want to join me?"

"Sorry... But I'm to afraid of my sister so I can't join you!" Eight snakes came out of Susanoo's body, it all started wrapping around Zeus and started biting him.


"Ukemochi sprout!" Tsukuyomi's sword started turning into many vines, it wrapped around Yú Húang like many snakes and Tsukuyomi's eyes started shining a red light. "Die!"

The vines glowed brightly, the moment Tsukuyomi said "die" it exploded on Yú Húang.

The smoke covered their entire body, I was starting to become worried of what happened so I pulled out my sword to prepare.

"Haruki where are you going?" Luna asked.

"I'm gonna go after them."

"After them? Zeus and Tian Gong are stronger than any of us here, there's no way you can fight them!"


"But what?! Would you rather disappoint them by dying instantly?"

She's right... if I die now then I cannot truly prove myself to Amaterasu that us devils are worthy of their alliance, which is why I got to think smart.

What do I do right now? Bishamonten is busy fighting Sun Wukong, while Azrael is fighting Zhao Yun, even if the smoke is blocking the view it's still common sense to know that the four Gods survived, so what can we do? What can we-

Wait I'm forgetting something... No way! "Where's Freyja?!"

Everyone was shocked from what I said, all of us immediately looked outside to see where she was.

"There!" Dawn shouted. "She's heading to the tower, probably to continue making the portal."

"Okay, Luna and Dawn come with me to stop Freyja, while Lucas and Zephyrus will stay here to lead our soldiers."

"Roger!" All of them replied.


[?∆? POV]

What is it perhaps that makes someone a Hero? Is it due to their feat of saving humanity from harm? Or is it because their strength is recognized by the Gods?

That's what I kept asking myself...

No matter how much I try to solve that question there's always a hole to my answer.

That hole can neither be filled with facts nor calculation, all it needs is definitive proof.

By proof I mean by finding out what caused someone to be a Hero.

The Goddess Asherah who made the system is hard to get through due to her being deceased for a long time now, that goes for the first Hero too Adam and Eve.

And now that I think about it I wonder what they felt? Adam the first male Hero and Eve the first female Hero.

In anyone's position they would be thrilled to become the first Hero of the world, but everyone on Earth is different than them.

This curiosity of mine is something I need to overthrow, it can bring danger to everyone especially to my friends

"So... How do I get the answer I want?" I said that as I stare above the raining clouds of Tokyo, Japan.

I'm currently watching the scene unfolds of the second Great God War.

All I could do is smoke my cigarette and look at Haruki Hotaru in awe.

My curiosity is now leading toward him, after all his existence is somewhat of a mistake and a miracle.

"The first Hero of the devil race huh? That's really surprising..." Yes surprising... No matter how much I think about it, the existence of a demon Hero is nothing but impossible.

There can never be one, after all for all the years I've been watching this world a demon can never be a Hero...

In the past, no matter how much the demon race try to make their Hero it fails... It either concludes to the said Hero to die instantly or to go insane leading it to destroy everything it sees.

"So why aren't you either dead or berserk already Haruki Hotaru?" I could only smile in curiosity of the Haruki Hotaru.

I threw away my cigarette and looked away from the fight, in front of me right now is something I call my home.

It is just a normal house for me but others would call it something out of a fairy tale, well I can't blame them because that's how it truly looks like.

I looked back one last time to check on the first Hero of the demons Haruki Hotaru, I could only smile in melancholy on how much would it take for him to truly become the Hero of this world.

After all there will never be a place for a demon to be a Hero of this world... "Yes... There will never be a place for us Heroes with the blood of a demon inside of them..."