Chapter 125: Great God War II (IV) - A New Place a New Lesson

"....." Silence... That's right silence...

Everything around me is silent, my mind was still in shock of what happened, and I don't think it could get cured by anyone.

After all, my friends are not here with me...

Yes, they're not her and I have no chance to actually see them again.

It must've been confusing on why I'm saying this, but to clarify I'm in the sky, the sky I'm in is different from any other skies I've been in.

The sky in Hell when I'm flying was truly a phenomenal experience, and when I traveled with Lucas to Sendai going above the sky with a friend was more fun than I could imagine.

In truth, I have nothing against the sky. When I was still a young child I dreamt of flying from country to country because I'd never experienced traveling through the sky.

Even if I'm riding in an airplane, just seeing the sky is somewhat soothing to me. Of course this sky I'm in is different from what I've seen, after all, what kind of skies have floating islands on them?

Well I'm not surprise anymore to be honest, I'm now living in a word where the impossible turned to possible, so things like floating islands existing are not a surprise anymore.

But what's surprising is the person in front of me, well I can't be surprised anymore since I need to get used to this somehow.

I don't know why I'm in front of her again, but knowing who she is I knew that what is on her mind right now is always an unsolvable mystery.

"So? Can you explain why I'm here with you in this mysterious place Asherah?" Yes, Asherah.

The Abrahamic Goddess of Motherhood is here with me in this mysterious land, in any sense she would talk to me by transporting my consciousness to the Garden of Eden, but in this case it's different.

I don't know how I got to this place, but I know one thing.

My situation is really serious.

I mean it, my body right now is not my consciousness like when I was talking to either Lucifer and Asherah in the Garden of Eden, this time I'm truly in my real body not a fake one.

Panicking won't solve anything, so the only thing I could do is sit here and wait for Asherah to do some action, but looking at what she is doing right now which is just sitting in front of me drinking a cup of tea, I don't think she would do something like I wanted her to.

This is bad... If I don't get out of here right now something might be happening to the others right now, and worse I don't even know a single thing on how to get out of here.

What's way worse than that is that I don't have a single clue on how I got to this mysterious place, all I remember is that Luna and Dawn were with me to stop Freyja from creating another portal and when we caught up to her that's when my vision started to blur.

Then that's when I found myself sitting in front of Asherah who is doing nothing but eating and smiling at the same time, and when I saw her making that smile like she expected me to appear in front of her I was easily creeped out.

Talking to both the infamous Ruler of Demons Lucifer and the Wicked Goddess that caused the first Great God War has been an odd experience, at the same time I both feel threatened and safe with them.

So I wonder what I feel right now? Am I in danger or am I safe with her? Nonetheless, whether I'm safe or not there's still one conclusion, whatever she's gonna do is gonna help me in the future.

"So? Is there anything you want to say Asherah?" I don't want to disturb her from eating because she might get pissed off, but I'm running out of patience right now. "You know that I'm currently fighting in a war right now right? So why did you transport my body in this mysterious place?"

"Hmm..? What are you talking about Haruki Hotaru? I didn't transport o wanted to talk to you, I did plan on talking with you back at Eden after the war is finsished but from the looks of it fate has a different answer."

"Fate? What are you talking about? If you didn't send me here then who?" My body felt a chill when I heard what she said, just hearing the word "didn't" feels like I'm being cursed.

My body started shaking because of fear and I did my best to calm down, I look straight at Asherah's eyes waiting for her response, but all she did was stare at me with a smile.

"Hey Asherah..." I spoke in a shaky voice. "Please answer me, what did you mean by you didn't transport me here?"

"Just like what I said Haruki Hotaru, I didn't transport or wanted to talk to you. It was just fate wantinng us to meet again." She sipped her tea again with her eyes closed when she finished what she said, she stood up from the ground and pointed at the distance in front of me. "That sky over there, do you see a difference between it from the sky above us?"

I looked at the sky she was pointing at and saw the sky is blue and has many floating islands and clouds on it. "Nope, it's the same as the one above us." Not a single difference could be found from the sky at the distance, every sky around me is the same thing.

It's nothing but blue and filled with clouds.

"Their difference is the type of blue they have, the one above us is more darker while the one I'm pointing at is lighter."

"Really?" But... No matter how much I look at it there's no difference at all, I'm confident that my eyes are incredibly strong especially when I became a devil all of my senses strengthen, so why can't I see the difference between the sky above me and the sky she's pointing at. "Asherah, I don't know how strong the senses the Gods have but you forgot one thing, I've lived my entire life as a human so I'm not experienced in any of your magical weirdness."

"I see... What a disappointment."

"You know that hurts my feelings right?"

"Did you know Haruki Hotaru, that the sky is the most important place for Gods?"

"Well for everyone that's already common sense, in Abrahamic Mythology we got your ex living in Heaven with you children that is said to be somewhere in the clouds, the Norse Gods is said to be living in a giant tree so the sky is reachable to them. It's just common sense honestly, no matter how much some peope deny the sky can never be separated from the Gods."

Asherah looked at me with a proud smile, she stopped pointing at the distant sky and faced me with her veil down. "The sky changes color in each of the land of the Gods, the one I'm pointing at is the sky I used to live in which is Abrahamic Heaven, and the sky we're in right now is the sky that the Norse Gods live in."

"I see... So is the sky the answer I'm looking for to get out of here?"

Asherah's smile faded, she closed her eyes and sat back on the ground—immediately drinking her tea. "Mist." She muttered.

"Mist? What's that?"

"The name Mist is not most people would be familiar with, in old Norse the name Mist means cloud. That name was listed in both the Poetic Edda poem called Grímnismál and Prose Edda's Nafnapulur Mist is a member of the Goddess Freyja's warriors; known as the valkyries."

"Valkyries huh?" Just from what she said I know that the cause on how I teleported here is Freyja, it makes sense and I don'tknow why I didn't think of her as a suspect first, after all, Luna, Dawn, and I were chasing after her before I teleported in this world. "So this valkyrie named Mist, do I have to do something about her to get out of here?"

"Sort of, her skills were the ones used to create this space that you're in, the only reason I'm here with you is because of your connection with mine."

"Then what are we gonna do now? As of right now, I don't know if Luna and Dawn are safe from Freyja, so I need to get out of here quick!"

"No need to rush things Haruki Hotaru, from what I'm seeing what's happening right now in the outside world the two are safely defending your soul from Freyja, it looks like Freyja is taking the chance to apprehend your soul so that she could make you join their side."

"What a relief... I'm happy that their unharmed and doing their best to protect m, so what do I need to do so that I can get out of here?"

Asherah stood up and looked at the sky that she pointed, her smile turned into a melancholic one and the wind started movng her veil and hair slowly. "Haruki..."

"Ye-" Wait what did she say? "Excuse me Asherah, did I hear you right? Did you just call me without my last name?"

"Yes Haruki..." She smiled happily. "After all, you might resent me after this, which is why I'm gonna call you just Haruki for today."

"Hate..?" What is she talking about? Even if hers and Lucifer's action somewhat pissed me off, in the end, I can never resent them.

After all, if they didn't do it I wouldn't be born in this world; I wouldn't have met the people whom I call my own family, so no matter what she say I will never hate her.

"You've helped me many times Asherah, no matter what actions you'll do I won't resent you, so what is it that I needed to do?"

She looked at me with a sad smile, she walked closer to me and hugged me tightly. "This is gonna be hard for you Haruki..." She whispered to my ears slowly. "But this is the only way..."

One at a time her words came through my ear. "Can you talk to your mother?"