Chapter 126: Great God War II (V) - The Mask on Asherah

Mother huh? That word is already in the back of my head, I'd rather forget that word more than anything, especially with him.

The moment I heard Asherah mentioning her my mind immediately darkens, it was like the same as when my father saved me from Lucifer.

Even if he did save me from him, my heart keeps saying one thing: I hate him, I hate him very much, I hate him to the point I wish I would never see him again.

That goes for my mother too, no matter how much they ask for forgiveness never in my life I would forgive them.

The city they've built and also the suffering of my friends in the war, all of them... All of them are the cause of my parent's actions.

The land they spent their time building go be the perfect place for their people to live in was made out of the blood of their enemies and people...

Just remembering how my father sucked in the soul of the deceased with his Soul Bound still traumatized me to this point.

I don't want it to happen again... Everytime I remember my parent I start shaking because I'm afraid of them, even if they're already dead it doesn't matter in the world of impossibility.

Just like with Leviathan back in Mt. Levi, just like her they could return back to this world as a spirit if they want to, so even if Hell is already in danger by the angels and the Gods I still have to worry about it's safety from my parents.

Lucifer has helped me a lot of times, the same goes for Asherah. But that help that I've been receiving from them has at least contributing to what they wanted.

But even if they're help is satisfying whatever they planned, all I want is one thing— the peace of Hell.

I'll never be like them, as their current King I'll do my best not to fail my people. "That's what I promised to myself..."

"We're here Haruki." Asherah was flying in front of me, she now has the wings of an angel on her back and a halo also appeared on top of her head.

Looking at the island that she said I saw a giant black cube sitting on the island, you can't see anything behind the cube and it's letting out a loud screeching sound every second.

The screeching wasn't loud enough to hurt my ear, but it has an intense feeling that I can't put into words.

Neither joy nor sorrow is what I'm feeling, but this feeling is likely gonna suffocate me to death.

"Hey Asherah, what is this weird feeling I'm getting from that sound Asherah? It's making me sick..." It feels like my stomach is rumbling, if this sound stays I might puke.

"The sound is a signal that your mother is still inside the cube, if the sound stopped it means that your mother escaped her cage."

"Really- wait what?!" I was surprised at what Asherah said, my mouth was wide opened and my eyes were twitching.

When I heard that this cube was a cage for my mother my brain almost lost it's function, I couldn't describe what I'm feeling right now, whether I should be happy that a traitor like her is in a cage or be sad that my mother is in a cage.

Those two things were stuck in my head, I tried my best to calm down but this is just unbelievable.

Yes, I despises my mother because she betrayed Hell, but even so I still love her since she took care of me really well.

"You must be confused on why she's in a cage right? To answer that, things has happened in this side of the world."

"Things huh? Just knowing how cryptic you and your children are, I have a feeling that something messed up happened right?"

Yes, messed up... They're family is completely messed up, well... Only the demon side it is.

Even if I hate to admit it, but after talking with Lucifer and the others I've been wondering how my sanity is still there.

For them the world being destroyed is like just a play for them, even if they're helping me save the world but in their perspective it's only for pure entertainment.

"Well just like the outside world misunderstandings happens here too, not only that but there's currently a civil war happening right now."

"Civil war huh? So what are the two sides then?"

One of the side is definitely Lucifer.

"It's just a small quarrel between Lucifer and Metatron, don't mind about it."

I knew it...

"Small huh?" That word "small" is a really suspicious, if it's really that small then why is my mother in a cage? "So... If it's just little then why is my mother inside a cage?"

"To put it simply, your father sided with Lucifer while your mother sided with Metatron."

"I see..." From what she's saying then could it be that they're only playing something? That's the impression I'm getting right now. "So which side are you in?"

"Of course none, I treat my children equally."

"*Sigh* Whatever you say..." I looked at the giant cube in front of me in distraught, just knowing that my mother is close to me still doesn't feel right to me.

What do I say when I see her..? During my reunion with my father I shouted at him, but my mother is different.

Unlike him, my mother can easily be heartbroken, so if I say anything rude I might not ever speak to her ever again... "Asherah, can you do me a favor before we enter?"

"If it's something I can do, sure."

"I might say something that would upset my mother, so if I start to remember what they did back in the past, can you stop me from talking?"

Asherah went silent at what I said, her smile turned smaller and she slowly turns to me with her eyes closed. She said. "As the Goddess that represents Motherhood I can't do what you said without Xuntea's permission, in the end it's up to you two as mother and son to decide where your conversation would go. I would only listen here outside and wait for you until you're finished talking to her."

"I see..." Didn't expect that, but at least what she said gave me a little bit of courage now. "*Sigh* Then I'm ready to talk to her then, by the way, before I go what do I need to do exactly? You said that my mother is one of the key to get me out of here."

"Xuntea has the skills to construct any item, if you can get her to make you something that can cut off this space that Freyja trapped you in then you can get out."

"I see... One last question." My smile lost when I said that, I gave Asherah a serious stare and readied my hand in case of something bad would happen. "If this space we're in is created by Freyja, then why are you and your children here?"

It felt like everything stopped when I asked her that question, her face was now looking down on the ground and her eyes darkens.

The moment I first got here everything was suspicious to me, after all, if this is a space created by Freyja then why is she here?

Even if she's dead it still doesn't make any sense, Freyja is from Norse while she's from Abrahamic, so overall they don't have any connections. Yes, both of them are the Goddess of Love in some way, but that doesn't matter if you're not in the same Mythology.

"Who are you and why are you using Asherah's face?" Even if they're voice, body, and mannerism is the same there's still one thing she's lacking that Asherah has.

"Hmm... Since when did you realize that I'm not Asherah, Hotaru Haruki?"

"My first assumption is when I saw you in this space, but of course knowing Asherah she still might figure out a way to talk to me but not directly."

"So my mistake is when I talked to you face to face..."

"Not really..."


"I did have my suspicion when you first talked to me but I didn't have any evidence so I didn't believe what my gut is telling me, the proof I needed to confirm that you are not Asherah is when you didn't help me."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if Asherah is wicked in her own way, she's the type of woman that'll do anything to help her family."

"So what you're saying is that she considers you as her family?"

"Even if my bloodline is completely far, in the end Asherah considers every demon and angels as her family, even if some of them are converted from other races."

The woman smiled, I heard her mutter. "In the end she never changes, haha!" She laughed loudly with pride.

There was no sense of defeat on her laugh, it was just filled with pride. "I see... I lost to her again, I'm so gonna kill her if I see her face to face."

"I don't know who you are or what you wanted from me, but know this." I created a flaming sword and pointed it directly at her neck. "In every circumstance, in every danger it may be, a true mother always does her best to protect her children."

"Hahaha!" She laughed loudly again. "Sorry for laughing, but you're just to funny! Hahaha!"

This is quite unexpected, I thought this stranger is dangerous but I cannot sense any of that on her at all.

She's just loud and obnoxious, the complete opposite of Asherah.

"Anyway... Who are you?"

"*Cough* Sorry but my name is not something a peasant should hear."

"You know that I'm a King right?"

"I'm not talking about that jeez! *Cough* Unlike you, I'm a God and you're just a lower-being."

"I see... So who are you?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?!"


"Then why are you asking me that question again?!"

"Because I want to?"

"That doesn't mean you have the rights! Anyway, as a Goddess you have no rights to talk to me!"

"Then what are we doing right now then?"

"That's!-" She felt silence when she realize what she meant.

I could only look at her in silence because of how surprised I am right now. When I first saw her I thought she would be someone incredibly dangerous but looking at her right now...

She was still frozen from what she has realized and hasn't moved a single inch, even her breathing stopped moving which is very concerning.

Now that I think about it, I should probably not get my hopes up every time I met someone new.

"Hello! Freyja's space to Asherah's wannabe, you there?"

"Of course I am!" She shouted with pride. "And what did you say?!"

"That you're Asherah's wannabe?"

"How dare you say that! I need to teach you a lesson!"

"Yeah, yeah, I wonder what it'll be-" When I looked at her I saw the clouds above her forming something.

It was like an animal, when I inspected it I saw that it turned into a giant white bull.

My body stopped moving upon seeing the bull and I just looked at her with eyes filled with guilt for insulting her.

"Haha! Now feel the wrath of my might pet!"