Chapter 128: Great God War II (VII) - Equivalent Exchange

"Nice to meet you, Asherah of Abrahamic." Those were the words that came out of Amaterasu's mouth in front of us.

She was sitting in a Japanese-styled sitting called the seiza while drinking green tea.

Something about her presence was overwhelming for me, the first time I met her she was doing her best to remain calm in front of me so that I won't get scared, but even if she was trying to be calm in some way I was still freaked out by her presence.

Right now my stomach feels heavy, I don't know how to describe it but every time she stares at me it feels like I was gonna get bitten by a viper.

Even if her eyes are closed while taking a sip on her tea, I could still fill the staggering gaze she was trying to give me.

"It's nice to meet you two Amaterasu-Ōmikami of Japanese." Asherah replied with a calm demeanor voice.

"So, is there any reason on why you're with Asherah instead of helping the others in the battlefield, King Haruki?" Her eyes opened upon saying that, the way she stared at me was intimidating enough to make me freeze.

"Umm..." It was hard to create a word to respond to her question, the pressure that she was giving me was just insane.

It was unlike Leviathan who's presence was just a slight bit intimidating and it wasn't like Asherah whose aura is calm. Hers was on another level that I couldn't describe, it wasn't a hint of anger or disappointment toward me but more like an act of superiority.

Asherah stepped forward and replied. "I asked Haruki Hotaru to come with me so that when I come here you won't think of me as an enemy Amaterasu."

"I guess you're right about that." Amaterasu chuckled. "But... Don't you think what you said is a bit of a stretch Asherah? Just seeing you I know that there's more than what you said or perhaps bringing King Haruki here to help you is just a massive lie to cover your true intentions." Her smiled disappeared and her guard increased.

Even if she's not showing it I could feel the intense hostility she is giving to Asherah, her right hand was already prepared to pull out her weapon against Asherah and her eyes were now closed again to convey she won't take another lie as an answer.

Looking at Asherah I saw her face was showing a sign of defeat and like Asherah her guard toward her has increased. "Looks like I've been caught..." She unwillingly admitted.

I looked at Asherah in confusion of what she said, I didn't understood what she and Amaterasu were talking about. "Hey Asherah, what does Amaterasu means when what you said was just a lie? Don't tell me what she said first was wrong and the latter was correct?"

My hands where clenched together from anger when I asked Asherah, I was gritting my teeth from the feeling of betrayal, even if I'm now a little bit confuse I have a small grasp of what's happening right now.

"....." Asherah was silent at what I asked, her body wasn't moving at the same time and she was increasing her guard at me too.

"Amaterasu what do you mean at your last question?" Due to my anger my fear toward her has disappeared which surprised Amaterasu but she was happy at the same time.

"To put it simply, the three Archangels- Cassiel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel are currently in my hands right now, to free them Asherah wants to use you as a bargaining chip to free them."

My eyes widened and my chest felt like I was being stabbed many times, I felt like puking... "Asherah... Is what Amaterasu is saying true?! Are you just using me for whatever plot your planning?!"

"....." Asherah wasn't responding to me again.

It pissed me off more so I grabbed her shoulder without even thinking about it. "Asherah, answer me!" I shouted in anger.

"Now, now, can you lower your voice? It's kinda irritating hearing it." Both Asherah's voice and mannerism changed to the one I saw before.

Amaterasu was in shock of what happened and she immediately ran beside me with her sword pointing at Asherah. "*Tsk* I can't believe that you're still alive."

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down Sun of Japan, I meant no harm by coming here. The only reason I'm out is that my little sister is being a sore loser." She calmly back down, but I could see that she isn't putting her guard down against us.

Looking at Amaterasu now, I could see how serious her face has become when Asherah's older sister came out.

It was like she knows how much of a threat Asherah's older sister is, she wasn't like this in front of Asherah but the moment her older sister came Amaterasu's expression changed.

Her body was shaking a little bit and she was gripping the handle of her sword tightly. "Nevertheless, it's a surprise seeing you here, no... I guess it shouldn't be surprise to me anymore on why you're here... Just seeing Asherah alive and well is already proof that you're still alive."

"Haha!" Asherah's older sister laughed hysterically. "I guess, I can't underestimate your intelligence Sun of Japan, you were always cunning even now you still are, but that's what made you who you are right?"

"I guess so..." Amaterasu replied coldly.

"So, will you do it now Sun of Japan? Even if Haruko Hotaru is right behind you, in the end I still have the upper hand when it comes to strength."

"First answer my question, what are your plans on the seven? When I took time to research their body I found out that the title of the Heroic Candidate for Miyu Kishimoto has been split to the three Archangels along with the three humans."

"How would I know the answer to that? Asherah's the one doing it."

Both Amaterasu and I were silent at what Asherah's older sister's responded, to be honest, her saying that with a laid-back manner ruined the hostile tension in the air.

Her hands were now wrapped behind her neck and she was leaning back on the wall. "Well, if you want my answer to that: From what I know, it's something about Haruki activating his position as a Hero, so she was experimenting on some way to get a Eve for him, and as you can see that's her solution."

"By creating not one but seven Heroes at the same time? That's insane."

"Insane? It's not that odd for multiple Heroes to appear in the same year, as rare as it may be you know that there have been cases in where there are more than seven right?" Asherah:s older sister came closer to us and smiled at me happily.

"Hey b*tch, you know you're creeping me out with that stare right?"

Amaterasu and Asherah's older sister froze when I said that, Asherah's older sister looked pissed off at me while Amaterasu has a panicked face.

(What are you doing King Haruki?! Do you know who you're talking too?!)

(Umm... Asherah's older sister?)

"Who are you calling a b*tch!" Asherah's older sister pointed at me angrily. "*Hmph!* I shouldn't have come out knowing that a pervert like you is still lurking here!"

"Who're you calling a pervert!?"

"It's you of course! What kind of man licks a ladies' foot aggressively?!"

"The most degenerate and virgin men would do worse than I did!" Of course, I can't deny that what I did was kinda of gross. "And unlike them, you ordered me against my will! That counts as sexual harassment know that!"

"Huh?! I didn't tell you to lick my foot like a rabid dog!"

"You're the one who didn't tell me what type of licking I would do, so I did the most obvious one in my book!"

"Then why is your perverted side the first thing written in your book!"

"That's because I'm one of those degenerate and virgin weirdos!" Even if it hurts admitting that I'm one of those disgusting idiots, it's still better than lying to this b*tch.

"Wow! What kind of a man are you to admit such a thing with pride!" She said with pure disgust.

"Pride?" I chuckled hysterically. "I've lost my pride as a man since the day I was born, b*tch!"

Asherah's older sister fall on her knees in defeat. "This is hopeless... How can a guy like you make the Gods fight for you..?"

"*Cough* Anyway, then we got ourselves a deal then..." Amaterasu looked at the both of us with pure disappointment in her eyes.

Asherah's older sister was lying on the ground in the defeat of what she experienced, tears were falling on her eyes and she was groaning like a spoiled child. "How cruel fate can be when they chose you! Wah!"

To be honest seeing them like this I was speechless, but at the same time, I'm glad that things haven't gone bad for all of us.

And now that I think about it, Gods as like us huh?