Chapter 129: Great God War II (VIII) - Family Ghost

[Zadkiel POV]

"Mother..?" Zadkiel slowly opened his eyes, he felt like something was carrying him so he woke up to see who it was.

To his surprise, the moment he opened his eyes he saw a familiar fave in front of him that was carrying him behind her back.

It was Asherah, the Abrahamic Goddess of Motherhood, the ex-wife of the Abrahamic Gof of Creation Yahweh, and the mother of first angels and devils.

Seeing her face made Zadkirl smiled in joy, tears slowly fall on his eyes and he leaned his head on Asherah's back. 'I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. " He cried. "I failed... I failed to know what I truly wanted to do..."

He wanted to do what his father tasked him to bring the Even Miyu Kishimoto to the Gods, but at the same time he wanted to help the Devil King Haruki Hotaru in some way.

Zadkiel knew that he cannot do both at the same time, he knew but he never wanted to give up, but as time passed in the battlefield he soon realized that he needed to make a decision.

Which is why he has no choice, before he knew it doing the latter was already late. Azrael has already lost his respect toward him and the Devil King Haruki Hotaru might be enraged if he found out that Zadkiel attempted to kill Luna.

So... He had no choice but to take the former instead, even if he knew that doing so might make his relationship with Azrael deteriorate more, but if there's still a way to help Haruki Hotaru in some way he wanted to do it.

But, that plan of his was also a failure nonetheless, even with the combined power of him and his two sisters they weren't powerful enough to defeat the Japanese Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu.

"I'm a failure... I'm a failure..." Now here he is, the man who wanted just wanted peace to happen... He was completely broken at his mother's back.

"What are you talking about Zadkiel? There's nothing wrong with failing at all, because failure is just another path to success. Every path of failure you take would open up many path to either failure or success, so just take your time until you choose the correct path."

Her words made Zadkiel realize that crying now would result to nothing. "I should've realized that soon... Thank you, mother.."

"Hey! Hey! Don't thank her, thank me!"

Zadkiel was shocked when he heard what his mother said, seeing her mannerism change to that of a prideful one he realized who the person was. "Wait... Auntie?!"

"Didn't I say that you stop calling me that! It's making me feel old you know!"

"Umm... My apologies my Lord..."

"Now that's better!" She responded with a smug smile. "Anyway, can you get off me now! You know that you're really heavy!"

"Oh, my apologies..." Zadkiel got off his aunt's back, he checked his body for injuries and found none. "Thank you my Lord for healing me, but where are Cassiel and Jophiel?"

"I've carried the other two first before carrying you."

The two walked, Zadkiel was looking at his surroundings and saw that he was still at the cave in where they last fought Amaterasu. "My Lord, I know how powerful you are but how did you get us out of here?"

He was confused right now, he wasn't sure to whether trust or be wary of his aunt.

Zadkiel and the rest of the Archangels has already seen how much power their aunt has, if he was to put it into a ranking he would rank her to be at the same level as Zeus, but the power the Archangels has seen back at the Great God War wasn't her being serious.

Not only that but Zadkiel along with the other Archangels doesn't trust her at all, since they knew who she serves despite being the sister of Asherah.

"Well... Since I died back at the first Great God War I stood no chance against Amaterasu even if she's not serious."

Yes... Death, that's the main reason why she's using Asherah's body right now, because unlike Asherah who's body is dead but soul isn't, their aunt has been destroyed in both body and soul.

But even if she's fully dead and him and the other Archangels have proof of it, Zadkiel just couldn't let his guard down against her.

"To answer your question Zadkiel, in return of Amaterasu locking you three up, I kidnapped the King of Hell's soul and traded him with you three."

"Kidnapped his soul?" Kidnapping one's soul isn't an easy feat, not even some of the strongest Gods could do it.

Him seeing Asherah in his dream is just like kidnapping someone's soul, but the main difference between that and what his aunt did is that instead of Asherah kidnapping his soul, she kidnapped his consciousness instead.

"But..." He was silenced, to kidnap a soul you need to be powerful and not only that but she kidnapped someone very powerful, so he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I'm already dead Zadkiel, so doing something like kidnapping someone's soul is something a very dead person can do, as you can see I'm using Asherah's body, transferring my consciousness to her soul is harder than kidnapping a soul."

"I see..." Zadkiel looked at her aunt curiously, he was a bit weirded out that her dead aunt was using the body of her dead mother.

He had mix-feelings about it, both the feeling of anger and joy, he doesn't trust her aunt but knowing that she's helping him without hostility is somewhat relieving to him.

'Relieveness huh? Just knowing she's not our enemy this time is somewhat relieving...'

He was reminded of the First Great God War, during one of the most notable part of the war: Lucifer's rebellion, it was the day he and the other Archangels met their aunt.

Their first meeting is not something Zadkiel could easily forget, after all their first meeting wadn't that friendly at all.

He still remembered what her first words were to them. "So, you're the children of my stupid little sister eyy?"

At that time she was floating above them, when everyone saw her they were already bewitched by her beauty, so they couldn't do a thing but just stand. "Now my precious nieces and nephews, feel the power of a true God!" After she said that, that's when the Archangels have seen what she's capable off.

With just a single blast from her, their aunt killed all of their soldiers. It scarred them for life, even to this day that moment of them meeting their aunt was something every Archangel wishes to erase from their memories.

"My Lord, it may be rude to ask this but..." He tensed up a bit, he was debating to whether say this or not. 'I need to keep calm, the past is the past... I know that she would never attack us again...'

"My Lord, if you've kidnapped Haruki Hotaru's soul, I want to know... Did you do something to endanger his life?" He was worried, knowing how his aubt acted back at the Great God War he could only be terrified to think that she might've done something that scarred him for life.

"Oh..." She stopped, both her hands were clenched angrily and her she was gritting her teeth from frustration. "Don't even dare say that pervert's name again, hear me?!"

Zadkiel was surprised at his aunt's reaction, to see someone as prideful as Lucifer to be this frustrated was a bit odd.

Not only that but the fact that she called Haruki Hotaru a pervert means that he might've done something that got her angry. "Anyway... Then, did you do something to that pervert?"

"Oh you better listen!" His aunt told stories about her meeting with Haruki Hotaru, some of her stories were mixed with lies that Zadkiel could easily read due to her exaggerating some of the stories.

"I see..." Zadkiel could only respond in a low energy voice, he was a bit tired of hearing another word from her, but knowing her he knows that she would only stop once she's satisfied.

They continued walking toward the exit of the cave, it felt really long for Zadkiel but only because he was tired of hearing her aunt's complaint.

After a couple of minutes that felt like an eternity for him, the two saw two silhouettes waving in front of them.

"Zadkiel! Is that you?!" One of the silhouettes shouted, the voice was the same as Jophiel so Zadkiel eased up a but upon hearing her voice.

"Looks like they've finally woken up and are waiting, let's go my Lord-" He looked at the direction we're her aunt was supposed to be at, but upon staring in her direction he saw her gone.

There was no trace that she was there, not a single piece of clothing, not a single strand of hair, or not a single footprint on the dusty floor.

But there was one thing he found, a single paper was on the place she was suppose to stand on.

He took the paper and saw there was a letter written on it.

(Dear Zadkiel, it may have been rude of me to leave while we were having fun with our conversation, I know you must hate me for what I've done back in the past when we first met and I don't expect for you to forgive me sooner, but know this... Even if I didn't have a good relationship with my younger sister I still love her dearly and that goes for you and your siblings too. I may have not been the perfect aunt for all of you, but remember that I'll do my best to help you and your siblings achieve your goal of peace between angels and devils.)

Zadkiel smiled happily reading the letter his aunt left, a single tear came out of his eyes and he was overjoyed at what she said. "Auntie, you don't have to worry... I'll achieve my goal...'