Chapter 131: Great God War II (X) - Rise of the Wings of Love

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

I opened my eyes slowly as I floated in the air without even using any sort of skills or my wings, seeing my surroundings I saw Luna and Dawn with tons of injuries and they were still fighting Freyja.

My eyes connected with Freyja who was smiling statistically as she pushes Luna away toward me.

I caught Luna on her shoulder immediately, she was shocked at that someone caught her, she looked behind and saw that the person who caught her was me. "Haruki, you're finally awake."

"Sorry for making you worried Luna." I looked around to check what happened to the city while I was away and saw nothing changed, everyone was still fighting but I noticed one thing, most of our soldiers are dead. "Where's Dawn?" I worriedly asked.

"Right here." A bat flew to my shoulder and sat on it. "That darn Goddess took a massive toll on me, so I'm doing my best healing myself and supporting Luna on the sideline at the same time."

"*Tsk* I see..." Looking at Freyja right now, I could see nothing on her. Not a single drop of blood; not a single cut are found on her body.

While Luna has her clothes almost torn apart from the amount of cuts she has suffered from Freyja's sword, though since she's an undead she has a high regenerative skill that can make any injuries heal immediately, but she has wasted a lot of energy just from continuously healing herself while fending off against Freyja.

While Dawn is injured the most due to the amount of blood she has lost, even if she has a regeneration skill it still wasn't on par on being an undead like Luna, not only that but every time she uses her blood magic she hurts herself in the process which is why she uses the blood of others, but just from seeing how much she is injured looks like she used a ton of blood.

"How Impressive... Haruki Hotaru, very impressive. For you to escape the power of the Valkyrie Mist is an amazing feat, though it looks like someone hijacked it and helped you escape. I don't know who did it, but I could see how much she cares for you to the point that she'll do something dangerous as that."

Care? Does she mean Asherah?

Yes... It could only be her, after all she was there when I first got trapped by the power of Mist, and she said something to me that bothered me a lot.

"The sky changes color in each of the land of the Gods, the one I'm pointing at is the sky I used to live in which is Abrahamic Heaven, and the sky we're in right now is the sky that the Norse Gods live in." That's what she said to me back at the space created by the Valkyrie Mist.

Then basing it from what Freyja said, Asherah hijacked the space to save me even if it was really dangerous? "*Tsk* Looks like I got to get better to not judging people without knowing their circumstances."

"What are you talking about Haruki Hotaru?" Freyja asked in confusion.

"Nothing, it just appears I need to apologize for my misgivings at someone." I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, I inhaled and exhaled heavily and slap both of my cheeks. "Sorry Freyja, but you're going down." I pointed my finger at her and let out a smug smile.

"Hehe..." She replied with a massive wicked smile. "Now that's what I like, as the Norse Goddess of War, I test you in Haruki Hotaru in the name of the Great God Odin, I'll test how capable you are Bones of Hell!"

A bright golden light enveloped her entire body, even if we're far it was still bright enough for us to cover our eyes.

"Oh brave warriors of Asgard; warriors who have been blessed by I. Warriors who've been with me in the past and present: Eir, Geiravör, Geirskögul, Göndul, Gunnr, Herfjötur, Herja, Hildr, Hrist, Kára, Mist, Róta, Sigrún, Sigrdrífumál, Skögul, Skuld, Thrud, and Brynhildr. All of you brave warriors who've endured hardship is now being called upon, though not complete; your bond as sisters would remain. Come! As I, Norse Goddess of War Freyja- leader of the Valkyries has call upon your arrival! Valkyries Saga!"

My eyes became filled with fear as I stare at Freyja, she has now four golden wings on her back and gold armors covering her body.

Behind her we're a bunch of light that were shaped like humans riding pegasuses, they were holding spears that were made out of light and they're body were also the same.

"Now come my precious warriors, show them the strength of the famous Valkyries of the Norse!" She raised her sword above and it shone a bright light, the light extended and the sword became a golden spear.

The Valkyries behind her started multiplying, there were 30- no there were now about a hundred or more of them behind her.

"Haruki Hotaru!" She shouted as she pointed her golden spear toward me. "Now show me where your confidence is!"

All of the Valkyries behind her ran toward us with their spear pointed toward me.

Oh sh*t! What've I done?! Why am I stupid enough to show off in front of a literal warmonger of a Goddess?!

I was covering in fear right now, once again my pride ruined everythin- "?"

Just then I felt something in my hand, something soft and small, I looked at what it was and saw Luna's hand holding mine tightly.

She was smiling at me with both joy and sorrow. "Looks like you got us in a bit of a pinch huh? But don't worry, I'll be here with you no matter what Haruki."

"Luna..." I was happy that Luna was willing to lend me a hand despite of our current situation right now.

She looked at Dawn who was still a bat in my shoulder, Dawn looks a bit pissed off from what I did but she decided to not to complain.

I cannot understand what the two are doing but to explain it clearly, the two are looking at each other in the eyes; Dawn with a worried look while Luna has more of a determined one.

"*Sigh* Dawn sighed heavily. "Fine... Goodbye then." She flew away toward one of the buildings.

I looked at Luna to check at what was going on and saw her face locked on toward the Valkyries coming at us.

Her eyes were dead-serious as she stares at the upcoming Valkyries and her hands were gripped tightly to mine. "I was never prepared, but now I am."


"Haruki, please don't let go of my hand."

"Of course!" I replied happily.

A giant smile came out of her face. "Thank you Haruki, that's what I love about you."

I started blushing from embarrassment of what she said. What does she mean that this is what she loves about me? Wait, I have a suspicion that she likes me but is she confessing right now?!

"Hey Luna..."

"The enemies are already close, now's not the time to lengthen our conversation Haruki, let's talk again later once we win this."

"Of course, let's win."

She looked at the upcoming Valkyries and let out a deep sigh; she closes her eyes and her body started letting out a bright white light. "Norse Goddess of Love Freyja, do you want to see what true love is?!"

The Valkyrie stopped when Feeyja became curious at Luna's remark, she put down her spear and waited for Luna to speak.

She opened her eyes and smiled gently. "Come with me Haruki."


She started walking toward The Valkyries slowly, the light enveloping her body was still around her and as we walk I was shocked to see part of her clothes breaking and falling apart.

Due to the light, I couldn't see what was going on in her body, but I could feel slight heat coming out of it and an aura with the color of white on the left and black on the right was coming out of her back shaped like wings.

"Heaven... Hell... Angels... Demons... Two sides at constant war; two sides that are different yet are similar. With wings as white and pure as a dove; with wings as dark and dirty as a bat, I am what defines the consequences of both virtue and sin put in together. As the daughter of an Archangel and undead of Hell, I am the result of their love!"

The two light soon took shape of actual wings, behind her back were four beautiful wings that were unlike the wings of a demon and angel.

Their beauty were on par with the wings of the Goddess Freyja, but some may say that Luna's wings are more beautiful than any wings in the world.

The mixture of a good angel and an evil demon has resulted to this: a phenomena that the Gods would be surprised with.

"My name is Luna! Daughter of the Archangel Azrael and a commoner from Hell Cianna! I am what the Gods would even call an impossible phenomena! I am what describes the word impossible! With the blood of both an angel and a demon flowing inside on my veins and with wings that shouldn't exist! I'll show you the love of an angel and a demon!"

The light on her body disappeared and there she shows her true form; her true colors.

She is an impossibility in the world, even the Gods haven't seen something beautiful like her.

A one of a kind being that Gods would even cower in fear for, she is the result of an impossible love that shouldn't happen.

The love between an angel and demon is always deemed impossible by the Gods and mankind, two beings that are at constant war with each other for thousands of years.

Yet an impossibility like her happened.

On her back are two dove-like wings and on her right are two bat-like wings; they are the wings of an angel and a devil, but she is something greater than a mere angel and devil.

Archangels and Archdemons both have four wings and she has two wings like them too.

She is an Archnephilim, she is something that shouldn't really exist, a 1 in an infinity number chance of happening even with the help of multiple Gods.

The idea of an angel and demon falling in love with each other is already impossible on its own, but for an Archangel especially one of the Four Archangels of Yahweh to fall in love with his enemies is what would you call the impossible of impossible.

Everyone stopped fighting once they saw the one in an infinite chance of happening of an event happening in front of their eyes, some were filled with fear while the others were filled with joy.

Zeus, Yú Húang, Freyja, Sun, Zhao Yun, and even Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, and Bishamonten were all staring at Luna in shock.

Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, and Bishiamonten despite knowing her true identity were still looking at her in surprise and admiration.

Lucas, Dawn, and Zephyrus we're smiling proudly at Luna, they were happy to see that she has now accepted her true self.

Azrael was looking at Luna almost in tears at the sight of Luna's transformation, he clenched his fist and cried out Cianna's name.

Everything around her body changed, her hair and eye colors were now dark purple and her clothes was like the dress of a princess or goddess.

She was now holding a fearsome scythe that has a very dark color and has a skull of a mysterious horned animal attached on the back of the blade.

Luna looked at Freyja in which Freyja flinched from fear. "Now... Let's get back to where we were shall we?"