Chapter 132: Great God War II (XI) - The Mage Whose Heart is Envious

[?∆? ] POV

Luna, daughter of a half-undead and half-demon Cianna and the Archangel Azrael, she's truly a one in an infinite chance of happening ,,,, something more to that? Hmm... I wonder wwwhhhyyy???

All I could do is watch her transform into this impossibility while I eat my cup noodles above one of the buildings, of course, Haruki Hotaru with his friends, and the Gods cannot see me watching them because of a skill I use to hide my body.

I'm not the type of person to brag but if I'm gonna scale my power, I'd say I'm above than the average Gods, but saying average Gods wouldn't make any sense to anyone so what do I do to explain it to everyone reading this?

"I got it!" I immediately ate all of my cup noodles and drank the broth as fast as I can. "*Phew* That was great! As I expected, Japan's cup noodles are super duper amazing, I'll probably try China next time!"

Now, now, now... Where was I? Oh right, I was about to explain what I meant by "average Gods" to the people reading this.

To put it simply, they're Gods whose power can be matched by people like me? A powerful genius! Joke... I meant Heroes who are not humans, to begin with, like a powerful demi-god becoming a Hero or that b*tchy fox lady are capable of beating average Gods.

Heroes like Zhao Yun and the Archangels are only powerful to defeat lower Gods, well Michael and Gabriel are powerful enough to match me though, even I'm afraid of confronting one of them, that's just how scary their power is.

But what is an average God perhaps? It can differ from person to person though, but I'll just say what an average God is from my perspective.

For me, an average God is about the level of Sun Wukong and Bishamonten, though they're one of the strongest of the "average Gods" they're still powerless against what I call an omnipotent God.

Those omnipotent Gods are obviously the Leader of the Gods in each Mythologies, the other Olympus Gods, and many more who are worshipped and known by a lot of people.

While those lower-Gods are Gods that are not worshipped and known by a few people only, so I guess that explains how powerful I am.

Hmm... But I wonder, Haruki Hotaru and Luna. I wonder how strong the two are? I already know the answer to that since I can see what will happen in the future, but for everyone else, it's still a mystery to them on how powerful a true Archnephilim and Demonic Hero can be.

Of course, as a demonic Hero like Haruki Hotaru I know how powerful our kind can be, after all, the proof is already my existence. Only one God has only known of my existence and he is what I call an omnipotent God, and yet even if he's omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, or omniwhateveritis he's still afraid to confront me.

It's kind of rude for him to do so because I'm not that powerful like he expected me to be, well... It might be because I'm the type of guy to hide his true potential from everybody since there's only one man who has seen my true power.

So I wonder how strong he'll be in the future? I already know the answer to that though, but not everyone...

Soul Bound along with the Soul Bound of Flint too, getting Ignisvem, and now being a Hero? Seriously, how lucky can you get Haruki Hotaru? As a matter of fact, even someone like me who knows the fate of the entire Universe is still shocked every time you act from fate and become more powerful.

It's insane really... Every time I see you shine it makes me laugh! "Hahaha! Oh no... I'm laughing right now! This is just too much to watch!"

It's funny! Very funny! Because how can a guy like you be blessed by the Gods while someone like me is completely forgotten?! "Hahaha!"

I continued laughing out loud for the joy and jealous I'm feeling, it was an odd experience, never in my life I have felt deep envy for anyone.

I'm so envious... I'm so envious... "I'm so envious of you Haruki Hotaru! Why does someone like you get recognized by the Gods?! While I, the strongest mage of all time is belittled upon?! Haahaha!"

I couldn't control my laughter anymore, as I watch Haruki Hotaru with his friends becoming stronger, it feels like my heart us being stabbed by the Gods multiple times.

"This jealousy that I'm feeling is quite amazing! I truly now have a purpose in life Haruki Hotaru! If the Gods can't recognize my power I will make them by killing you and your friends!"

I looked behind me with a massive smile on my face, I created a portal and entered it.

"Looks like you've returned."

In front of me was a room, not just any room but one of the rooms inside of Haruki Hotaru's home back in Hell.

A person was sitting on his bed and greeted me from my return, he or she is a very mysterious one.

I don't have any information about him at all and my skill Clairvoyance is not working on him so I don't know what he can do in the future.

Not even his name, gender, what skills he has, or how powerful he is can be seen in my Clairvoyance, which is why I don't know who he is.

But I do have one key piece of information about him though.

"So, is Haruki still alive? I hope you didn't kill him."

"Of course, even if I wanted to kill him badly our contract is what's stopping me and you know I take these things seriously especially if your gonna give me that thing I needed."

"Good, because I'm the only one who's allowed to kill him, so do your best in protecting him okay?"

"Of course."

"Then you can take your leave now."

I bowed and took my leave, I gripped my stuff firmly because I couldn't kill Haruki Hotaru, but since I have Clairvoyance I can see what will happen between the two of us when we meet.

Also I don't really want to make that guy angry, because if I cannot see him in my Clairvoyance then he might be someone more powerful than the Gods.

Of course, that's just an exaggeration. I said that I have one key piece of information about him right?

And that information is that he's one of Haruki's precious Archdukes of Hell.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

"I see... So you're that confident Archnephilim?" A smile filled with pride and aggression came out of her face, she grasp her spear and pointed it toward us. "My precious Valkyries! Show them that the daughters of Odin is not weak!"

The Valkyries continued to run toward us, this time they were faster than before.

With just one blink of my eye I saw spear pointing directly at my eyes.

"Haruki!" Clang! At the speed of light Luna's scythe blocked the hit of the spear.

I was frozen when I saw the blade of the scythe in front of me. "Haruki, snap out of it!"

"Oh right!" I swoop my sword toward the Valkyrie and beheaded her. "Sorry for that-"

Clank! My hand Immediately reached behind Luna and my sword met with the spear of one of the Valkyries.

"Thanks, Haruki." She slashed her scythe to the Valkyrie and beheaded it quickly.

We put our back to one another and readied our weapon. "We can do this Luna!"

"You better believe it!"

The Valkyries are already very close to us; right now they're staring at us to check an opening.

Even if they're just a weapon of Freyja and are just made of light, I still cannot underestimate them, just now I almost got killed by just one Valkyrie and seeing that they're sentient makes our situation a lot worse.

"*Tsk* Seems like they're smarter than we thought they would be." Luna snickered.

"Yeah-" Clank! I immediately shielded the attack with my sword, the Valkyrie continues to push it forward and I'm doing my best to push it block.

It's strength was way stronger than Sun, even if it's body is fragile I can't say the same thing for it's power.

Because... "Sh*t!" I fired a fireball toward it and it died immediately. "*Phew*-" Clank!

I immediately blocked the spear again with my sword. Clank! Another Valkyrie came from my side and I blocked it's spear with my handguard.

"*Tsk* Just how strong are you two-" A flash appeared in my eyes and just a second the flash disappeared I saw the two Valkyries gone.

"Haruki, use your sword's ability to kill them! These things are basically undead but at the same time they're not, so I can take them out since I'm a Nephilim and with your sword having Phenex's power, the result would be the same!"

Luna quickly moved her head away to dodge the spear and stab the Valkyrie with a bone knife on it's waist.

Phenex's power? But how do I use it though? The only time I used it is when I castrated my balls to heal it back, but before I use it I was dubious to do it, because I wasn't sure if it's gonna work.

So how am I gonna- "Sh*t!" Clank! Clank! "Another two-" I immediately pushed the two Valkyries away and block the hit of the third one. "You've got to be kidding me!"

I kicked one of the Valkyries away and fired a fireball at her, it Immediately died but then another three came and threw their spear at me at the same time.

Clank! I swoop my sword at the spear and blocked all of it, I immediately started firing a lot of fireballs and electric balls at the upcoming Valkyries.

Luna was the same as me, the Valkyries were moving at her at the same time, and their attacks are magnificently planned which is why she was having a hard time blocking the attacks while defending herself from the other upcoming ones.

"Luna." Clank! Clank! "How are things in your end?"

"I'm okay, but-" Luna spun her scythe and the wind that was released from it made the Valkyries die instantly. "Using my weapon- Archnephilim is really exhausting!" Clank! Swoosh! "At this rate, I don't know if my body can last long."

"Sh*t..." Swish! Swoosh! Clank! "D*mmit!" I heated up my arm to power up Ignisvem, but doing it while defending is already making me tired.

At this rate, I don't know if we can last any longer. The Valkyries are duplication once we killed one and not only that but beside Freyja is a Valkyrie taller than the one we're fighting and her spear are longer than them too.

Seeing her even if she's made out of light is giving me a chill down on my spine, and just looking at Freyja I could feel the disappointment in her eyes as she looks at Luna.

Even I was confused about why Luna hasn't shown a sign of change in her abilities, the only thing I see is she can now use light-based magic, but that's about it.

"Hey, Luna." Shing! D*mn, we're in the middle of a fight and I'm gonna ask her a question? Clank! Show stupid can I be?! "I want to-"

Just right when I was about to ask, I saw the change that I was looking for.

Her eyes glowed to a dark light that seems to be releasing small jolt of black electricity, she raised her scythe above her head and the moment the Valkyries ran up to her she let go of her scythe.

The scythe slowly fell on the ground and the moment it hit the road a strong shockwave came out of it.

On the tip of the spear a bright beam shot up to Luna and engulfed her into it, I back out of her to avoid getting hit and my eyes were filled with anxiousness when I saw her inside of the beam.

The Valkyries are now starting to get attracted to the beam and they let out a war cry that sounds like a beast. Freyja was confused at what was happening, the same goes for the tall Valkyrie beside her too.

"Luna! Are you there?!" I went closer to the beam and tried to reach out to her, but as soon my finger touched the beam my vision started to blur.

"Luna... Are you there..?"

I did my best to fight the fatigue I was feeling, but soon I saw my surroundings spinning.

My head hurts a lot and my body was shaking nonstop; dizziness was all I could feel and when I blinked I saw that I was somewhere unfamiliar.

In front of me was Luna laying on the ground and was unconscious and also a mysterious man holding a staff while standing right in front of me.

I looked at him in the eyes and he greeted me with a smile so welcoming and yet filled with hate.

"This isn't what I imagined our meeting is supposed to be, but nevertheless it still happened." His face has a smile full of mischief and pride. "It's nice to meet you Haruko Hotaru, I'm the man who is kike you yet still different."