Chapter 139: What If (II) - Aquamarine

My voice roared as I shouted someone's name that I don't know who's name was it, the name Ayame just suddenly struck on my head when I watch this girl on the road.

Not anyone in my life there was ever someone I knew of that had the name Ayame, yet that name has a sense of familiarity that I couldn't describe.

Seeing the girl in the road- truck close to her face has made me feel some sort of fear of losing something, like some sort of proud achievement that I received that I don't even remember.

My hand tried to reach for her but I couldn't reach them, I did my best to crawl toward her but my body was giving up already, my eyes widened from anxiety seeing whoever this girl is about to die right in front of me.

Despite not knowing who she is I knew that if I don't save her I would regret it for my entire life, even if it was just an odd feeling I knew that she was someone important to me.

"Which is why... Which is why I got to do something-" Just then a figure appeared in my eyes.

It was a girl about the same age as me, she ran toward the young girl on the road at the speed of light, my eyes were fixated on the girl, her movement was elegantly done, the moment the truck was about to hit the young girl she grabbed the girl and got her out of the truck.

The truck then continued running, it didn't stop and the driver continued until the truck was a

already far away from our view.

I looked toward the other side of the. road and saw the two girls safe, the girl was hugging the child and was checking if she was okay. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

The child looked at her in surprise, tears started pouring down as she hug her tightly.

Her cries were silent which the girl noticed and figured immediately that she was deaf, the girl hug her back and whispered to her that it was okay.

Seeing that the two are safe was a relief, that uncomfortable pain that I had before was gone now, my body wasn't frozen anymore so I ran up to them.

"Hoy! Are you two okay-" I stopped, not because of another danger coming toward the little girl but because of seeing the face of the girl who saved her, her cute face along with her hair that reminds me of beautiful corals, her shining blue eyes like the clean ocean waves, and her tiny fangs that can remind you of a tiny cute shark? I knew it too well, she's someone I wouldn't forget for my entire life, after all, she's the only family I've met from my adoptive parent's side.

"Aqua..?" My voice was shaky when I said her name, she looked at me with a joyful smile.

"It's nice seeing you again, Haruki."

The two of us walked together, she explained everything that was going on in her life and why she was here in Japan, also the little girl that she saved was with us.

She said that during the death of my parents she and our other family member did their best to come to Japan to pay their respect and also to take care of me.

But during the time they were about to live their country suddenly had a war with another country, hence why they couldn't come to Japan and lost contact with me.

She didn't want to say what country they lived in, so I didn't pry her to say it, not only that but what got me uncomfortable is the fact that she said she was disowned by her, or I mean our grandfather.

It seems that her parents died in the war along with some of our family members, so the last person she has was our grandfather, and it seems like out of concern he doesn't want her to go to Japan but based on the tone of her voice I think it's for a different reason.

So she argued with him and went to Japan alon6 months ago, right now she's a college student in the same college my two friends- Homura and Asahi are in and she currently working part-time in a daycare.

She mentioned that she tried to find where I was but couldn't because she didn't know my address and I didn't mention my school to her in the past.

"That's about what I'm doing for a couple of months."

I was silenced, I looked at her in suspicion, because the Aqua that I know in the past she's like a spoiled princess who hasn't gone out of her castle at least once. Everywhere we go seems new to her, even things that can be found in other countries surprises her too, which is why seeing what she's doing right now is a bit strange.

But I guess everyone changes as they grow up.

"Hey, you're thinking something rude about me aren't you?"

"Nope, I was just surprised that you've changed a lot. You're not the same princess I know before."

"Princess?!" She said in a panicked voice. "What makes you think I'm like that?!" Her face was red from embarrassment at what I said.

"Can't you see yourself? Back then you were curious about everything, like a caged bird who's finally set free on the wild to explore the beautiful skies. That's what you are when you were still a child, a princess or a caged bird waiting to explore the outside world with its wings spread toward the sky."

She started blushing more from my compliment and hid her face with her bag. "If you say so..."

I smiled at her, I looked at the little girl she saved and saw her staring at me with curiosity.

I responded with a smile in which made her look at me with wary and his her face on Aqua's leg.

Aqua noticing this gave me a smile of pity. "Don't worry Ayame, this guy won't do any harm."

Ayame? I looked at the little girl who has finally revealed herself to me, seeing her is making my heart thump painfully and also it makes my head a little bit dizzy.

But that didn't bother me at all, is that she has the name Ayame is what truly bothered me.

Because not long enough, I remember randomly screaming the name Ayame when she was about to get ran over by the truck and now that same little girl's name is Ayame.

Just what the hell is going on? Thinking about it is hurting my brain but if this is some sort of scene in a mystery novel, then I have more reason to know more about it.

"Hey, I want to ask, do you know me?"

The little girl just stared at me curiously and didn't answer my question.

Aqua seeing this gave me a concerned look. "Hey Haruki, you know that she's deaf right?"

"Oh-ohh..." I was embarrassed of my stupidity of not noticing that she was deaf, after all, when I saw her hugging Aqua I noticed that she was oddly quiet. "Umm... Hey Ayame, I'm sorr-"

"There's the traitor!" On the distance in front of us a very loud shout could be heard, I looked at to see what it was and saw a flying knee.

The knee directly hit me on the chest, knocking me on the ground, the guy who kneed me then sat on my stomach to trap me on the ground.

The three of us were shocked at what had happened, I looked to see who the guy who kneed me was and saw that he was someone I know. "Homura?! What the h*ck are you doing?!"

"You should be the one I'm asking that!" He shouted, his voice was filled with rage and jealousy.

"Oh... I can't believe that you of all people managed to snatch a girl huh?" Another guy came, just from this voice, this guy was my other friend Asahi. He looked at Aqua in awe of her beauty, then when he looked at Ayame he was speechless. "Haruki... I can't believe that you stoop down so low... Don't worry, I'll still be your friend when you go to prison."

"Shut up... I may be a scumbag, but I'm not that scummy to touch a literal child..! *Cough*" I was almost out of breath, Homura noticing this finally stood up and gave me a hand to help me stand up.

"Anyway, care to explain who these two are and how you snatched them? Because if your reason is not good then I'll punch you for the amount of stupidness in your story that you left your boys for a girl." Homura asked, clearly with jealousy.

I thoroughly explained to them what I witnessed and who the two girls are, though I didn't tell anyone what I experienced in my bathroom, how the same thing happens when I saw Ayame, and I shouted Ayame's name without knowing why.

Homura looms about ready to punch me but decided not to, while Asahi was looking at my face with a clear hint of suspicion.

"So you're snaring both your cousin and a child..." Asahi said concerned about what he said.

"Stop saying things that could make other people misunderstand!"