
Chapter 3 - Wow! I Get A Golden Finger? Coo-Wait Wut?!

Catherine is turning heads while walking into a sideroad mentioned by Morris, she continuously searched for any abnormal signs along the way.

A long enough time had passed since her recovery and she had calmed down from her initial euphoria. Catherine understood that it's likely to be dangerous, but she couldn't give now that she was here.

'If there's a natural treasure then so long as it has supplementary effects even the lowest grade could help Lily tremendously in the future.'

Her high heels made it difficult to walk for long, so she rested from time to time to try and sense anything nearby. Her senses were weak since her elementum had just returned.

She quickly lifted herself to sneak a peek over some of the gardens but after a dozen or so her arms were starting to hurt. She found nothing interesting other than a curious kid rummaging through what she guessed was his sister's underwear.

Such a scene was amusing scene help her calm the tension that unknowingly crept in.

During her search she passed by a cul-de-sac, just as she was going to in to check she suddenly felt an odd static feeling run through her. She knew she just passed whatever it was she was looking for.

Desperately looking around she tried to find it in her surrounding but found nothing. She checked her body and found that something was inside her, lodged in her heart; it was helping improve her blood flow while slowly eating her elementum.

"That's it? Seriously? It just helps manage my health a little? Can this even be categorised as a treasure? What is worse is that it can't be stored and suddenly appeared inside me so I can't give it to Lily. That's just great" Feeling that her hopes had be crushed she trudged back to the spa.

Many treasures were like this, just by encountering them they would attach themselves to you till death. Some would need a special bloodline or bloodline talent; they could have some really random requirements.

A famous example was called the incestuous stone, not only was having intercourse with a sibling a requirement but both siblings must be married to loyal lovers and having a child each when they have the incestuous affair.

When this treasures requirement was brought to light it caused a huge uproar partially for its requirements but also for its incredible abilities. It could purify and evolve a bloodline talent and heal all those who carry their respective bloodline talents and the parents from almost any illness or injury.

It was confiscated by the African artefact alliance and locked away for its abhorrent requirements. A decade later it once again appeared on the news as it was found that it was not a natural treasure but crafted by someone in revenge.

The creator of the artefact was called Abrafo, a famous African shaman over a thousand years ago. He was close to a woman whom he had already agreed to marry but once she had his child with high bloodline talent she went to an enemy tribe.

She married their shaman, and her brother married the daughter of famous craftsman of the enemy tribe. In rage he cursed both the shaman and craftsman to slowly die from having their bone marrow rot away. He then created this treasure to scorn them.

The shaman and craftsman then spent two years trying to have children but were forced to wait for Abrafo's child to be born first. They didn't dare harm the child and were forced to wait for the child to be born and for the mother to recover.

In the months of waiting the shaman of the enemy tribe did everything he could think of to escape the curse. But his skills were proven to be pathetic when compared to a legend who would be remembered a thousand years later like Abrafo.

The women even went and begged for mercy; hoping he would listen to his old lover, but he only played with her for a month until the child was too big to risk hurting and sent her back.

In the end after birthing their own children they were forced to make the siblings have sex to heal themselves.

The reason this is still known is because Abrafo had made it public what he did, and all the tribes of Africa knew of the 'affair'. The story even travelled to the oriental counties and was the start of Abrafo's legend.

Now Catherine had just walked in the vicinity of the treasured artefact and it bound itself to her. She didn't have high hopes of it being powerful with such lax requirements.

While not absolute, the stricter the requirements the stronger the treasured artefact has been proven to be around 80% accurate.

Heaving a sigh, she decided to go back to work for now.

"Cathy, you're back? Did you get what you needed?" By the time Catherine got back her mood was cheery again.

After all, she managed to recover her ability to get a beast companion again. Be mindful of what you get, not what you didn't.

It's tough being the only one around without a contract ability, no matter how mature and open-minded you try to be. She can finally get a new companion and move on from that one loss in her past.

"Hey Liyah! Something amazing happened!" Catherine responded to Aaliyah cheerfully as she walked to the receptionist desk.

This isn't a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man (I'm a fan) nor a pig-eating-tiger bullshit. Aaliyah was her closest friend who she truly trusted. There's no need to hide anything.

"Oh? Looks like today really is a day for celebration! What's up? Care to share the joy?" Aaliyah was intrigued, this was the first time she looked the happy for something that didn't involve Lily. Well, other than the time she got this job.

"Hehe it's amazing. Just now before I went to the toilet my contract suddenly healed! I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, so I decided to go to the toilet first to check." She then went on to describe her reasoning for trying to find that anomaly, finally adding, "It wasn't anything amazing, just a treasure that eats elementum in exchange for improving health. But I'm fond of it at this point because it really might have been the trigger for me to heal. It'll be my lucky charm. I can't wait to tell Lily!" Joy was practically radiating out of her at that moment.

Aaliyah just sat there in a daze before suddenly waking up and gave her friend a big hug in joy. She knew how much her friend wanted to heal, because to her healing was that same going back to 'normal'. It was a step forward for her. She was so excited she ended up giving her a peck on the lips.

Instantly, the air seemed to solidify. Aaliyah was thinking about slapping her herself silly for that. 'I mean we both kinda knew there was something between us but not enough for me to suddenly kiss her! I fucked up hard!'

Before she could say anything, the sexiest lips she had even known suddenly blocked hers, the slight fruity scent making thirsty as her heart was about to burst. 'Yes! I've been wanting this for so long!'

Over on Catherine's side, she had many thoughts on her mind. 'What do I tell Lily? How far do I want this to go? Should I follow up?'

Before her thoughts could decide, her body did it for her. She pressed her thin lips over Aaliyah's full ones. Feeling the softness from them, she couldn't help but let her tongue wander over those full, plump lips.

Aaliyah responded with a shiver as goosebumps came over her from the sensation. The contrast between their light and dark skin just making things feel sexier. Aaliyah put her hand on Catherine's knee and pulled her closer, the chair rolled over while the hand softly stroked the inside of her thigh.

Catherine's breathing became heavier as she let her tongue venture into Aaliyah's mouth. Her small tongue found its partner, then it decided to slowly caress every inch of it.

Aaliyah couldn't help but moan into Catherine's mouth as felt her tongue being licked gently.

She greedily drank up the Milf's saliva while her hands went up to gently cup her cheeks. The kiss between the became more of Catherine's ministrations while Aaliyah moaned quietly as she swallowed everything that flowed into her mouth.

'Getting my mouth tongue fucked by Cathy is gonna become a habit, she's so good at this. I really might cum soon. Plus, her face is so gorgeous, I can't get enough of it from up-close like this.'

At the moment. Catherine's thoughts were dominated by how Aaliyah's mouth was better than anything she had ever imagined. In the meantime...

[System elementum absorption complete. Sufficient for initial start-up. Host, please apply keyword to use as system core protocol... No response, taking hosts thoughts as bases... result: homosexuality, lust, desire for sexual and emotional happiness. System calculating best response]

All good this must end; Catherine felt her mind getting fuzzy from the lack of oxygen so pulled as they took deep breaths.

It was only 5 minutes, but it felt a whole lot longer, especially for a certain ebony babe who discovered a new erogenous zone: her tongue. Catherine lurched forward and grabbed her to give a tight hug, it wasn't so much lust as it was pure joy.

"Today definitely deserves a celebration, but can we hold out on telling Lily? I don't want to affect her thoughts on sexuality. She's just starting to understand, if her mom's like this she might feel pressured by it."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. We can just wait a couple of years at least. It's not like I'm not gonna get any action in the meantime, right?" Aaliyah understood Catherine's consideration but that didn't stop her from getting a promise for more action on later date.

"With those lips around I don't think you need to tell me. They are so addicting to taste; I'm so happy today is the best day in years!"

Since there was no protagonist halo bestowed up them just now. They had been seen by a few customers, they got up and apologised for the trouble caused.

On one hand, many customers were regulars who were happy about their romantic progress. On the other hand, it seems that when two high quality women make out it just makes people want to see more instead, women included.

Work that day was much more enjoyable, with the two of them much closer and lots of friendly gossip from the regulars, hours flew by.

Of course, being able to openly check out Aaliyah also helped, what helped more was Aaliyah play all sorts of naughty games and teases as they worked. She ended up changing here panties before closing for the day though.

'Damn it Aaliyah, even on the way out you stick your tight butt in my face. I love it but I'm pent-up mom, have mercy on me and my third set of panties! I don't have spares in the lockers left.' But Catherine knew she wouldn't have it any other way.

After work was over that day Catherine cleaned up the paperwork then split up with Aaliyah after agreeing to dinner later with Lily. Catherine then drives to her daughters' school and found the usual cat café (the real one isn't so close to the school lol but it's convenient) only a couple minutes' walk from the school entrance.

Liliana had joined the volleyball team this year and was very enthusiastic. So, this thirty minutes of peace at the cat café was her rare moment of complete relaxation.

'Let's not forget how cute the waitress uniform here is.' Aaliyah had come with her in the past to relax here too.

They both liked to guess which waitresses would be interested in trying something new and which would be firm believers in the art of muffin munching, of course they had to cross out those who preferred a good dose testosterone.

In the end they made a unanimous agreement on someone rather surprising: The Manager~. She liked to work as a waiter too since the uniform was cute, she was the mature sensual type. 80% of the male customers came along just to hear her say their names.

If you're lucky you'll get a smile, she was the kind of women who had that effect on those around them.

At one point Catherine has looked at her lips for a little too long and got busted. The manager then came along and decided to have a sip of her tea, not hiding how she left a clear lipstick mark or how she ran her tongue along the teacups edge.

Catherine had insisted on using that cup ever since. Of course, Aaliyah always asked for the manager to sit and chat with them when she came. She had always been proactive in this kind of thing.

As Catherine sat down and ordered some tea and small sandwich, she liked to pet these cats with all sorts of unusual abilities. Her favourite being the ginger cat who whole body gave an odd yet relax vibration when it purred.

Suddenly in front of her a blue screen appeared, a loading bar that had just gone from 99% to completion blinked then appeared with the following text,

[System has analysed hosts desires, character, relationships, ambitions and come up with a final core protocol. FutaMama system has been activated. Initiating in 1 minute 30 seconds]

Catherine could feel the changes occurring to the item lodged in her heart. Something seemed to flow out of it and entering her mind.

She could instinctively tell it won't harm her, but she mostly too stupefied to be worried at the moment. "What going on?! Oh, a system? Wow! I Get A Golden Finger? I guess that treasure wasn't useless after all. Coo-Wait Wut?!"