
Chapter 4 - This Isn't too bad... Oh God, it's permanent?!

At this life changing moment, Catherine went to where all protagonists should when in a shop to cope with sudden changes: the toilet.

"This means that I can grow a penis, right? Honestly, a skill like that sounds great, I could use it when I finally get in Liyah's (Aaliyah) panties." She said to herself when she reread the previous announcement by the system.

She was sitting in the toilet cubicle to make sure nobody saw her muttering under her breath. It's never a convincing scene to claim good mental health when someone suddenly wants to ask if you're okay.

There were only thirty seconds left by now, she was nervous as to how useful this thing is. If she ended up with a skill like this but nothing else, it would not do the reputation of the legendary system justice.

'Maybe I'll get missions? Or points from doing it as a futanari? Could there be a shop? Lotteries are the biggest scams! My stomach hurts from all the tension.'

Catherine was in fact a lover of online novels; naughty harem novels were also in her repertoire. She likes the system genre even more, so when she saw this, she was imagining all the missions that would make her wet every time she read them online. She enjoyed imagining she was the protagonists, but a little less face-slapping and bit more 'action'.

With the chance before her how could she not be excited? Even a mother like her wants to hold a girl in each hand. Just as her imagination was running wild the countdown hit zero and the screen folded then vanished.

After a few seconds of worry as to what would happen next, the screen appeared again. Catherine bit a lower lip as she carefully read the following words, [System has begun assimilating hosts new gender identity. Futanari conversion has begun]

Catherine's pretty little mouth opened in surprise, "Wait, my gender is changing? So, it's permanent?! I won't suddenly have a deeper voice or something right? System, please just make it an active skill or something!"

[Apologies host, based on the systems analysis this will be best for the host in the future. Also, there is no need to fear any other physical alterations.]

Just as Catherine was going to reply she heard the toilet door being opened. There were two cubicles in this toilet and Catherine was the only person currently using one.

She was planning to wait for the other person to leave, however it looked like luck wasn't on her side anymore. She used too much of it in the morning.

The person who came in walked in front of her cubicle instead. Catherine saw a pair of open-toe Mary Jane shoes that she was familiar with. She always got a little footsie with these pair of feet when she had the chance in the cat café.

"Cathy sweetie are you in there? It's the manager, are you okay? You looked a little pale on the way to the toilet. Are you getting stomach cramps?" It was the manager!

When Catherine was going to the toilet, she happened to be taking away the plates of customer who just left, so she happened to see Catherine's shocked face as she hurried to the toilet.

'Manager I'm really happy you're worried about me but your timing sucks!' Just as the manager asked about her in concern, Catherine started feeling a warmth below her navel, the feeling was pleasant and ticklish. This resulted in her voice sounding high-pitched and strained.

"I'm fine manager it's not that time for me, I just had a bad stomach, so I'll be fine soon." Her voiced hitched a little at the end due to the heavy and full feeling in her gut. It was a foreign sensation that she couldn't find anything to compare to. The closest would be when you feel full or maybe a full bladder?

The change in her voice just made the manger more worried, "Are you sure? Just tell me if you need something okay Cathy?" But she didn't get a reply, "Cathy?"

At this moment Catherine was in an odd situation; in between her legs was a cute little pecker with an equally adorable size sack underneath. She felt like she was a rich lady who was gifted a new, beautiful horse only to be kicked in the head, then shat on just to make things more complete. 'Why tf is it so small?!'

It was barely an inch long and maybe another couple inches more when erect, it was literally a palm-sized wiener that had no actual function at all! This is supposed to be a penis? System don't mess with me like this!

She was then pulled into a separate space that seriously messed with a mental health. It wasn't even the size of a fist. It was10cm3 and yet she somehow fit into it. She tried to reach her hand in front of her and realise it wasn't there.

[This is the starter space given with the system. Only select types of item from the system can be put in here. More space and further privileges can be bought to improve this space in the future. You are currently perceiving this space with your consciousness. Your physical self is still in reality]

"Okay that's fine but can I get out here? This feeling of being compressed in like this is driving me nuts. I think I'm going hurl soon." She was trying her best to focus in this mind-bending situation.

[Host has highest authority. Do you wish to leave immediately or listen to the required explanation first?] The white text appeared again on a blue screen.

"Alright but make it quick. I really wanna get outta here!"

[Understood. The futanari system has given the host a basic physical characteristic needed to enjoy host's future with any women desired. This can also be upgraded, which is why host may find it lacking in stature. Missions will be given; all with rewards but some with penalties should any mission fail. Both a shop and lottery will be available in the future. Now per host's request, ejecting from the space immediately. Good luck.]

And with that Catherine opened her eyes and made two very important observations. First, the manager had opened the cubicle and came in. Two, she had put her skirt back on earlier, but it couldn't hide the little erection she currently had that was poking out.

It would be more accurate to say three observations since the manager was looking at the bump in her skirt and from the flirty smile on her face it was clear she was clear as to what it was.

"Well, I was wondering what was wrong but it was just this? I must say I'm surprised but what delightful surprise it is. I think you and I need to have a long~ conversation." She said while stepping into the cubicle and closing the door behind her.

Her long, curvy, stocking wrapped legs stepping forward and stopping in between hers. She leaned forward and breathed lightly into Catherine's ear. Her eyes not once leaving her new appendage.

'I'm in so much trouble' Was her first thought but that couldn't hide how it twitched in excitement under the seductive woman's scrutiny.