Chapter 12 - The Drug Bust

The following weekend was Itsuka's date day. Telling her that I would be taking her to the beach Hawaii, I arrived at her house around 9am. Since the incident last Sunday night, both Midnight and Mt Lady had been texting quite a lot. Asking me to do some Hero missions with them, I told them I would go tomorrow with them just to shut them up. I had seen the forbidden fruit Midnight carried so I felt bad just cutting them off completely. Too many times I watched girls get their hearts broken by guys who sampled what they had and left.

'Damn my sense of honor, I will make sure they don't drink again!', I thought.

"You ready Clark?", Itsuka asked running out in some warm clothing since it was cold out.

'For now, put that stuff aside.', I thought, "Yes I am, you got sunblock?"

"Yep!", she said.

Picking her up, I zoomed over to Hawaii to our estate on a small private island my dad had made. Having planned ahead, I had everything ready to go. Getting changed into bathing suits I helped put sunblock on her, and stretched with her. Getting out in the water, she quickly admitted to not knowing how to swim. Helping her learn, she held my hand tightly as she kicked her way through the water. Giving me a smile she really enjoyed having me to herself.

Stopping for an early lunch, I brought out some sandwiches I made and put out a blanket to sit on. Having our meal, we watched the waves come in with some sea life in tow. Watching the waves for a bit Itsuka soon passed out for a nap. Agreeing with her approach, I too took a nap enjoying the peaceful noises. Waking up an hour later, I found Itsuka curled up next to me sleeping peacefully. Poking her cheek till she woke up, she changed through three different shades of red before smacking me. Wincing as her hand stung, I apologized for startling her.

"How about we look at some of the tourist sites?", I asked, "I can take you up to the volcano."

"That sounds cool!", she said with a smile.

Getting changed, I flew us up to the volcano. Looking down at the lava, Itsuka held on too me tighter fearing she'd fall in. Not sticking around too long, I flew us to the gift shops where we did some window shopping. Buying a few souvenirs for her and her family I offered to take her out over the ocean to find dolphins. Nodding her head, I scooped up and shot out of the area and over the coastline. Using my heightened vision to locate a pod of dolphins, I took us down to see them. Putting on a show for us, Itsuka started recording with her phone with a playful laugh watching them dance for us.

"Is this normal?", she asked.

"Of course, dolphins love entertaining people.", I said, "They are very sociable animals, that are almost always friendly to humans. There are several records of them attacking sharks to protect people."

"Wow!", she said, "You mean they can fight off sharks!?"

"Those noses of theirs are brutal when they slam into the sharks.", I stated, "Hey I have an idea...want to take a side trip?"

"What do you have in mind?", she asked.

"Want to the Caribbean, and look for some treasure?", I replied.

"Uh...yes!!", she said with excitement.

Dropping her stuff off at the mansion, I flew us to the Caribbean where I got her a scuba tank, and mask. Flying out over the ocean, I used my x-ray vision to start looking for any wrecks we could explore. Once I found one I made sure her phone was in something watertight so it didn't get damaged. Diving beneath the waves she gasped as she watched the sea life swim by us. Getting down to the plane wreck her eyes sparkled as she saw the machine lying in the sand. Motioning to the nearby beach I nodded my head. Setting her on the beach, I lifted the plane out of water, and set it on the beach. It took a moment, but I immediately recognized the plane.

"This is one of the famous Flight 19 fighter planes from World War II!!", I said with excitement.

"Huh?", she asked.

"Back in 1945 several planes went missing here in the Bermuda Triangle, and were never found!", I said, "It's been one of America's biggest military mysteries!!"

"So you mean like this thing is really old?", she asked.

"Yes, close to 65 years old!", I said with excitement.

Checking in the cockpit for a corpse unfortunately there wasn't anything to be found. Assuming they had bailed at sea, I felt bad for the men that lost their lives. Taking a moment of silence for them, I asked Itsuka to come with me to return Eglin Airbase. Hesitantly agreeing, I carried her and the plane both to the airbase. As expected we were greeted by several airmen who demanded to know what we were doing. Stating we found the plane off the coast, I just wanted to drop it off. Recognizing me from the news reports about the fight in LA, the troops relaxed. Taking a look at the plane the men thanked me, and said to come check it out in a museum after it was cleaned up.

Going back out to look for pirate treasure, we found a a shipwreck with a few chests of gold. Asking her what she wanted to do, she said she'd take a few coins back for her family and recommended taking some back for the others. Deciding to take a single chest back with us, when we returned to the mansion my parents about had a heart attack, and Ochaco fainted seeing all the gold.

The following day I played some games with Toga in the morning, then headed out to join Double Trouble for Hero Duty. The two had made it public that I was working with them today, and that caused a stir. Nejire accused me of cheating which made things spiral downhill.

'Accepting this offer was a terrible idea. I should have just stayed with All Might again...', I thought.

Meeting up with them, Midnight told me we be patrolling the waterways looking for smugglers today. Word came down from the government that drugs similar to the one I had encountered were being brought over the next few days. Since I had experience with this they asked us to handle it. Before we got going though both when bowed their heads in apology.

"We are sorry!!", they said.

"We are used to bitching about stuff with our girlfriends, and after started drinking everything just came out!!", Mt Lady said, "We mean no offense, and hope you can forgive us."

"As I said before you were drunk, and didn't know what you were doing.", I stated.

"That's still not an excuse, we should be more professional.", Midnight said.

"What you do off the clock isn't my concern.", I said, "You weren't on duty, and you were cutting loose...nothing wrong with that. Next time you, don't drag me with you. If you need someone to take you home, ask and I can do that."

Their apology made my opinion of them improve as I understood they were nice ladies with a bad, drunk personality. Thanking me I said we should get moving for work. Since neither of them had strength quirks I had to carry both of them so we could do our job in a timely manner. There were miles of waterways here that we needed to checked. Neither of them complained about their treatment, instead taking the chance to focus on the job.

Covering half the waterways by 4pm, they were starting to get frustrated. Both of them wanted to show off, but we were finding absolutely nothing. Stopping for a break, they bought some water to refresh themselves. Thinking that we were overlooking something obvious, I started thinking how I would approach this. Using an existing waterway was far to risky with high profile drugs like that. Bringing it into port would also be risky so it isn't likely they'd use a boat anyways. Looking around the scenery for anything, I stopped when I saw a well.

'Wait a second...I remember watching an old anime where the smugglers used underground water pathways to smuggle troops in.', I thought, 'Those pathways wouldn't be on any map, and they could operate around the clock.'

Turning back to the two women, I told them what I thought and they seemed to agree it was a possibility. There were many disused wells all over the area. Using them to move stuff would be very smart because no one was going to dig down several hundred feet to check. Going to city hall, we got map that showed where wells were located back in the day. Grabbing another map of the modern city, I overlaid them to find homes and properties with access to old wells. Finding several places the two women smiled, and patted me on the back.

"If we back them we will finally get some public recognition from something other than our looks!", the two said high fiving each other.

"Even if we find them...if the stuffs underground how are we going to get it?", Mt Lady asked.

"Leave that to me.", I said with a grin.

The first few places were of no consequence, but the fifth location was. Using X-ray vision I located a stash of arms, drugs, and cash lying in an abandoned warehouse. Landing outside I told them the number of people they had guarding the stash. Giving them the description of a few people Midnight clicked her tongue.

"They are all wanted criminals, and few have problematic quirks. One of them causes gale force winds, another has toxic gas, and another can change their body into materials they touch.", Midnight said.

"I can handle them, you want to secure the evidence and locate intel?", I asked her.

"What about me?", Mt Lady asked.

"You'll help me, you can make certain body parts bigger while leaving the rest normal right?", I asked.

"Uh...admittedly I haven't tried. Usually I make my entire body larger, I can certainly try though.", she said with an optimistic smile.

'I thought she could, but can't be precise with it.', I thought, 'Maybe I can help her with that later.'

Punching the door in, it flew into some of the men who weren't able to react in time. Crashing into the wall they were knocked unconscious, and fell to the ground.

"Damn kid!", Mt Lady laughed.

"Shit it's the Heroes!!", one of the men said grabbing a piece of concrete and turning his body into the substance.

"Who the fuck squealed!?", another man said causing a whirlwind to erupt.

"Let's kill them and get the hell out of here!", the transparent gas man said.

"Alright Mt Lady, show me what you got!", I said.

Since we confirmed she couldn't adjust just parts of her that well, we opted to do a team attack. Picking her up, she straightened herself out like a javelin. Throwing her feet first, she enlarged herself mid flight as she sailed towards the one called Absorber. He went from being cocky to screaming like a little girl as she slammed into him. Feeling his ribs crack as he slammed into the wall, he fainted from the pain. Having cracked all his ribs, spiderweb crack skins, and damaged organs he wasn't getting back up for a long time.

"Haha that was awesome!!", she laughed throwing him back inside.

"Mt Lady we are still on the clock!", I said carrying out of the way as a cloud of gas got close to her.

Before they could attack again, I used my cold breath to freeze the men solid. Setting her down she thanked me as we went over to find Midnight. Walking over to the area where she should have been, she came flying out of the wall before crashing into me.

"They had...two guys already juiced...up.", she wheezed.

Checking her out I found she had several broken bones and a punctured lung. Deploying Med Bots to treat her, the two men ripped the hole open she came through. Telling Mt Lady to stay there, I walked over with an annoyed look.

"Listen idiots, if you want to pick on someone try me.", I said appearing in front I round housed both of them back through the wall.

Grabbing the cargo van they were using to transport good, I used it as a beat stick to smack them around with. Watching me through the hole in the wall the two women found it amusing to watch me throw them around like rag dolls. Knocking them out a minute later, I sneakily took a blood sample. If I encountered more of these druggies I wanted an antidote to remove the drug for their safety and the publics. The problem with this drug was the healing factor, strength enhancements, and the roid rage. The healing factor meant I had to hit harder to knock them out, but I could still easily kill them if I wasn't careful. I felt they should pay for their crimes, but not with their deaths.

Calling the cops, they came in a hurry to take the smugglers. Deciding to go down the well, I spun at a high rate of speed acting like a bore to widen the opening. Carrying the two down once I got to the bottom, they flicked on some flashlights and gasped looking at the tunnels leading in every which direction.

"There is a whole network of tunnels!", they said, "Digging this much have taken a lot of time and money."

"I am sure it's not just for the Quirk Booster, this has been here for years.", I said.

"Damn it...I bet there are places that connect to the sewers.", Mt Lady said, "Explains how they get around so easy."

"That one leads to the coast pointing where the water flowed out.", I said, "Let's go."

Following me, the Heroines and I followed the tunnel for nearly three miles before we saw the ocean. Coming out of a sea cave, we realized they likely came ashore during high tide, and swam in without detection. Spotting two guard stations only a few hundred feet away the two were irritated by how smug the villains must of felt slipping by right under their noses. Informing the Commissioner, he came down immediately and was visibly angry.

Apparently his men knew of the cave, but thought it went nowhere. The fact we walked straight there from the abandon warehouse pissed him off. He wondered how many villains had slipped out without detection. Cursing his luck he ordered his men to search the tunnels thoroughly for signs of activity. Since Midnight was slightly injured by this point he suggested to call it a day. They seemed okay with that as we had found the smuggler's route thus ensuring supply would be disrupted.

Before I let them go, I asked them to come back to my lab. Giving me a conflicted look, I said I wasn't going to do anything physical. Accepting my offer I dashed them inside so they didn't see where it was. Getting them seated the two looked around my lab at all the equipment I had down here.

"You aren't going to clone us or something, are you?", they asked.

"Of course not, that's a horrible idea.", I said, "I want to help both of you become successful at being Heroes. As it stands it's unlikely you'll remain a team permanently. That said I want to help you take your powers to the next level with equipment."

"Go on.", they said interested in where this was going.

"Let's start with you Midnight, I want to strengthen your suit so you are bullets and knife proof. In addition, I have an idea for your Quirk. Problem with it is the range, and you can't focus it as it comes out everywhere thanks to the wind. My plan is to make a mechanism to compress your sleep gas into capsules that you can shoot at enemies. The highly compressed gas can be used in small, dense doses to knock out targets while minimizing the effect to bystanders.", I said, "That and I can make a method for you your gas to become liquid, and have you use it to knock them out by introducing it into their blood stream quicker."

"Oh I see, I like that idea.", she said, "If you make that happen I will make it worth your wild."

"Uh me in a few years, I am a bit young for that.", I said.

" didn't play the innocent kid that time!", Mt Lady said, "You were shy last night before we took you to the restaurant!"

"Listen carefully, it's called acting. If something happened last night because you two got carried away there, you'd both be out of a job. I am ten years old, and given how the media targets Heroes you'd be out of work...maybe in jail.", I said, "I do find you attractive, but I am a ten year old boy! What do you expect me to do!"

"Oh...forgot about that.", they laughed, "You don't talk like a ten year old so we kind forget your only ten."

"When I get into U.A, you are more than welcome to flirt in private. Just keep it down in public so you don't get public backlash.", I said.

"Thanks for the consideration last night.", Mt Lady said, "That could have been really bad now that I think about it."

"No problem, now than as for you I need to manufacture a fabric like your current suit has and strengthen it. I also want to at a neural interlink so the suit restricts your growth to what you want.", I said, "It will also allow only certain parts to enlarge by your command."

"Any cool weapons for me?", she asked.

"I think I can make a hammer that works with your powers.", I said.

"Yes!! Make it match the suit!!", she said kissing my cheek, "What do we owe you?"

"Consider it a favor for now.", I said a bit flustered.

"You can touch my butt if you want.", she teased.

"Four years.", I sighed.

"You don't seem concerned both of us are teasing you. You think it's simple to handle multiple women?", they asked, "If you potentially had multiple that is."

"Super Hearing, no need to beat around the point.", I chuckled.

"Damn your no fun!", they laughed.

"Uh huh...", I said shaking my head.

These two flirts enjoyed trying to make me react to their suggestive actions, but I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. Getting their measurements I had my machines manufacture my schematics for the plans I made, it took only fifteen minutes to make Midnights and thirty for Mt Lady. Mt Lady's suit was a bit more complex, and I ended up using carbon nanotubes for her suit after swearing never to let anyone examine her suit.

Setting up a very fine weave of a special material that hardened when electricity was applied, I used that to set the limit on what grew and by how much. The neutral interface was a simple matter as I had plans for it already. I had made prosthetic limbs with a neural link before so the suit wasn't that had to setup. Using her own body's bioelectricity I had to power the link with no issues for her.

Trying out their suits the two women were quite happy. Flinging a gas capsule from her wrist Midnight smiled fiendishly as it exploded on impact. The suit effectively sucked her sleeping gas in, and stored it in small capsules on her new belt which was then used as a cartridge for the gas bullets. Her whip also used the capsules, but imbued the gas into water gathered naturally from the atmosphere. That was done in the grip of the handle which was again power by her bioelectricity.

"I feel much more confident now.", Midnight said kissing my cheek, "Thanks a million Clark, we will make it worth your wild when your in U.A."

"About my hammer...", Mt Lady asked.

"That will take longer to build. I have data on your Quirk now so I will come up with something for you.", I said, "I know to make it purple."

"Thanks!", she said flashing the peace symbol.

Taking them out of the lab, I dropped them off at their apartment then went home. Getting inside the two women high fived each other.

"That will be some high class fine wine!", they said like giddy school girls.

Running over to the kitchen they tested out how durable the fabric was. Happy to see none of the knives they had cut the fabric, they decided to crack open some alcohol and bum it on the couch for the night. Returning home earlier than expected, Toga came down to see me. Just over a week into living here, and her whole demeanor changed. She was no longer the timid, shy Toga but a more open, relaxed one. Living with my family she had grown accustomed to having parents again quite quickly, almost embracing it. It was too the point where she would sometimes address them as her parents which made my mother stare at me with a smile.

Having her move in caused some friction in the group of friends as the other girls thought it was unfair. My mother suggested weekly sleepovers with her making sure nothing funny happened. I don't understand why she thinks I'd do something, that sort of stuff should be reserved for a later time in my life. Still though I had to accept it as once the offer was made they were already set on it. Tonight was this week's sleepover, and the girls were already getting settled in Toga's room.

"You're home!", Toga said hugging me, "Come on we are playing games in your room."

'I get that you live here with us for the time being, but could you give me personal space..?', I thought with a grin, 'A guy has to have a private space to relax. You could have waited for me to return before going in.'

"I will join you after I shower, I had to go digging for criminals today.", I said with a grin.

"You will have to tell us all about it.", Nejire said looking me over like I was a cheating husband, "You did Hero work with Midnight and her temp, right?"

"I did, and I would appreciate it if I could could go shower. Digging down to the bottom of a well is hard work.", I stated.

"I see, well then go shower so we can play!", she said pushing me up the stairs.

Getting in my shower I made sure to double lock the door to prevent unwanted peeking from Toga and Nejire. Both of them had mentioned trying to bathe with me under their breath, and I didn't want them joining me. After I got out I got a drink, and sat down with them. Telling them about the bust today, I said I also made clothing for the two Heroines. Looking back at me I knew they would start asking questions, after last weeks bombardment of phone calls from people while I was working I made it a rule not to hide things like this from them.

"You mean you took measurements, and everything?", Nejire asked.

"Not the way you are thinking, I had a machine do it.", I stated, "I will make all of you suits as well when we make it into U.A, I promise."

"You better keep that promise!", Toru said currently visible to the others.

"I will, all of you know where I live.", I laughed, "Besides I wouldn't go back on my word too any of you."

"Enough talk, are we going to play a game now?", Mina asked, "I brought Wario Party 6 over!"

"Haha alright let's play.", I stated.

Playing till late evening, the girls went to Toga's room around 11pm. Locking the door I made sure no one would be getting in. Shooting off to the Sun, I left my clothing on the moon and went for another Sun Dip.

---Underground Base---

Deep under an industrial complex a young man is currently sitting at his desk going over some paperwork he managed to purchase on a Dark Auction. The paperwork gave detailed information about a Cold War serum that interested him. He had heard of a similar substance being made, but didn't know much about it as it was still in the early stages of development. The papers he currently had would allow him to start developing his own Quirk Enhancer Drug for himself. He saw this as just a piece in the bigger plan to eliminate the Hero Society which he hated.

In his hands was his answer to leveling the playing field. If he could manage to replicate and improve the formula he would be able to strengthen their group by a large margin. He would have to do some testing, but he was confident he could make it work. Not only did he have that, his boss's granddaughter Eri was also showing promise for being able to make things work even more in his favor.

"All I need are test subjects.", he said to himself, "The Russians could take anyone of the street without repercussions, that won't fly here. That ten year old can find our operation if we aren't careful."

Going over the notes he had, it appeared the formula was easy enough to make. The problem was this particular one didn't have a long shelf life thus he ordered some to test and see himself. He already had plans to get his subjects, all he needed was to get some extra hands to help out. His plan was to test the drugs while doing a raid on Tartaros where he would try varying doses of the drugs to see what came of it.

'The hired muscle and drugs should be arriving any day now.', he thought, 'Then we can get this plan underway.'

As he was going to plan out how to do this, he received news that his drugs had been intercepted. Finding out that the ten year old found them he flipped his desk in anger. All that time and money was gone out the window. About to call the plan off, he looked back at the formula with a smirk.

'If I can't have the finished product, I will put my own spin on it.', he said with a twisted smile behind his mask, 'I will call the muscle off, and just use druggies to do my work for me. Get the villains I want, retrieve the drugs, and then vanish. All that is required is for them to cause mayhem, and distract him so I can do my work.'

---All For One's Recovery Room---

"Sir I must say I am sorry, but the samples I bought from America were picked up by the police this afternoon.", the doctor said.

"No matter, we can have our insiders swap them out from fake vials.", All For One said.

"Section 13 has already dispatched men to retrieve them.", the doctor said, "They will be transporting it in three days."

"I see, well this will be a good test run for my pupil. Are any of Nomu ready enough to be used as fodder?", he inquired.

"If I pull an all nighter I can get three ready, but they won't be much more than meat shields.", he stated.

"I see, that won't do.", All For One said, "See if we can't some low ranking villains to cause an incident so we can smuggle them off the truck while Section 13 is busy."

"It shall be done.", the doctor said calling in people under their thumb.

"Shigaraki, please come in here.", All For One said.

A few moments later his pupil arrived scratching his neck with excitement.

"I have a job for you, it should be easy enough given the timing.", All For One said, "I need you to intercept a Section 13 convoy, in it are drugs necessary for my healing and the advancement of the Nomu. I can't stress enough how important it is that it brought back at intact, even if we only get a single vial."

"I understand Master, I will see that it is done.", Shigaraki said with a grin.

'I know that smile well, he isn't thinking logically.', All For One said, 'I may have to step in myself, I am in no shape to engage in a drawn out battle with either that boy or All Might though. Maybe I should call him in, and have him distract those two for Shigaraki.'