Chapter 13 - Battle For The Drug Part 1

The next morning I awoke feeling different somehow. When I got back home I found I had grown to four feet tall which was bad. Not only that, I had bulked up a bit more which was even worse. A sudden growth spurt like this meant all my clothing was too tight, and I would have to make more in the lab. Putting on something that I could at least move somewhat in I flew to the lab, and got to work replacing clothing. As I waited for the machine to make my clothing I checked for any other improvements.

'Eye sight is sharper, no change in taste, no change in hearing, no change in touch, but my sense of smell seems to have increased.', I thought, "Strength...well I have to find something heavy, maybe try moving a moon somewhere in space.'

Checking heat vision and cold breath it appeared they had gotten stronger as well. When I checked my psychic abilities, my body was now seemingly covered by a barrier. It seemed to automatically expand over anything I touched which felt strange. As the objects became engulfed by the barrier I could vaguely sense imperfections in the surface. It was like I was running my hand over the surface without actually doing it.

"It's a weird, it feels really strange.", I said setting a mug down.

Strength and speed testing would have to wait as streaking wasn't something I wanted to do in public. Now that I had this barrier around me I could wear clothing into the Sun without catching them on fire. After the first set of clothing was done, I got them on in a hurry. Waiting for several more sets to be made, I flew back and got stuff put away just as Toga came in. Carrying her blanket, she plopped into my bed and passed out. One by one the others did the same as I stood there and watched.

"Ahem, you aren't fooling anyone. We need to get ready for school.", I said.

"We don't have school today.", Mina reminded me, "Today is Sunday, remember."

"Sunday.", I sighed remembering that it wasn't Monday.

"Yeah that thing.", she yawned.

"Why are you in my room, and not Toga's?", I asked.

"You have a bigger, comfier bed.", Ochaco mumbled.

"They are the same bed from the same place.", I sighed.

Ignoring me they went back to bed so I went to make breakfast. Making my meal I barely got seated when my mother came storming into the kitchen. Having an angry look on her face I realized my mistake on not sending them back to Toga's room. Lecturing me on why young boys and girls should stay in separate rooms when they sleep I just sat their reflecting on my stupidity. After a twenty minute lecture she asked if I intended to rectify the situation.

"Mother...they literally entered my room thirty minutes ago after I changed clothing.", I stated now that I had the chance.

" mean they didn't slip in during the night?", she asked.

"Why would you phrase it like that?", I asked, "You didn't put them up to it, did you?"

"You are overthinking things.", she laughed, "I will go talk to them."

Walking past my dad as she hurried away, he sighed and apologized. Telling me to just roll with the punches I nodded my head and ate my meal. I knew mom had grown to like them, but I hadn't expected her to encourage them to sleep in my bed. They probably passed out before they could move last night, and just did so when they woke up.

"Be thankful your mother approves now. If you were dealing with your mother from five years ago we'd be having a different discussion.", he laughed.

"Ugh...don't remind me.", I sighed, "Neither of you mind?"

"It's your life Clark, you can't decide what you do with your life. Just recognize once you cross that line, your mother and I will expect you to do good by them. Whether that is just one or all of them, you will have to take responsibility for your actions like a man.", he said sternly.

"I know, if they want to date when we get into U.A I will date them.", I said, "Dating right now doesn't make sense as we are only just going into Middle School."

"I know son, just making sure you know our position.", he said, "Oh, and your mother said if you hurt them she will sell your photos to the public."

"What!?", I shrieked.

"Don't worry, just make sure you make the decision you can live with.", he chuckled.

Coming down to eat a few minutes later, the girls played it off like nothing had happened earlier. Not wanting to cause a scene I just relaxed as they ate. After eating we ran off to hang out in my room before they focused on their studies later on. Taking them home that evening, Toga and I stayed up playing games till she fell asleep on my bed. Trying to move her only got me smacked in the head by her knee. Trying to have my mother move her, she said to let her sleep there tonight.

The next morning Toga and I went to school like usual, and I had to deal with Boom Boy shouting at me again for the Hero work I did on Saturday. Trying to call me an extra I chuckled and looked out the window. Ignoring him for now I looked around the view outside wanting to be out doing more Hero work, anywhere but here with him.

"Hey Clark...", Deku said, Think you can get autograph for me?"

Showing me one of his limited edition figures in the box, I nodded my head. It wouldn't be too hard to manage since I would be back working with him on Saturday. Putting it in my bag I made sure to wrap something around it so the box didn't get damaged.

That afternoon, we went back to my place to find Mt Lady waiting outside for me with someone rather unexpected, Mirko. Wearing tight workout clothing she looked she had just come back from a run with My Lady. Asking what they were doing here, Mt Lady said Mirko wanted me to make her equipment.

"You didn't tell her I made yours, did you?", I asked.

"No, I promised not too. She assumed based on your inventions thus far you made it.", she said, "Well...made Midnights."

"I thought you flew solo.", I stated.

"I do, but I still have friends.", Mirko said, "I just don't socialize often. Anyways you taking commissions?"

"Come inside, and we can talk about what you want.", I said.

Taking them inside I got everyone refreshments then sat down to talk. My Dad and Alfred were a bit surprised to see two adult women in our dining room talking with me. Looking to Alfred he asked if I was into mature women instead of ones my age.

"Basically I need some weights I can adjust, and would like whatever material you used for their suits used for mine.", she said bluntly.

"Anything else?", I asked.

"Anything you can think of, Midnight has been using that gas pellet thing you made to take out criminals left and right.", Mirko said, "Anything you can think of that will help me is appreciated."

"Hmm...", I said looking her over.

"Don't fall for it!!", Nejire said.

Ignoring that comment I found an area she could use assistance. Grabbing some paper I drew up schematics that would allow her to make footholds in the air she could use to lunge at criminals with. Showing her the schematics, I explained how they would work.

"So you are saying you'll make something that can give me a momentary foothold in the air, and want me to use it for fighting...", she said, "I like it a lot kid, when can you have it ready?"

"Give me an hour.", I said leaving for my lab.

"Damn...usually special orders take a week or two.", Mirko said.

An hour later I returned with her suit, footwear, and weights along with an additional extra. Handing them over she went to the restroom, and came back in her new uniform. Moving around a bit she gave me a nodded of approval. Handing her the extra bit she gave me a confused look.

"Ear buds?", she asked.

"In case you fight a villain with sound quirks. It will block out the noise so you can function normally.", I stated.

"Nice, and they fit perfectly. I get you guessed my sizes but the did you guess that?", she asked.

"Went based off of a rabbits ear canal.", I said.

"Gotcha mind if I test it out, also why the see through leggings?", she asked.

"In case you fight a villain with a sword or other sharp object. Don't want your limbs being chopped off.", I said.

"I see, well how about a test run?", she asked.

"You two can use the backyard if you-"

"No, I meant you spar with me.", she said.

"I think that's a bit much.", Mt Lady said.

"You concerned for him?", Mirko laughed.

"No, your safety.", Mt Lady said, "He is stronger and faster than you."

"All the more reason to see the upcoming freshman Hero.", Mirko grinned, "Fight me kid!"

"My name is Clark.", I sighed, "Fine, but if you want me to be serious we have to go out of town."

"Why can't we fight outside?", she asked.

"I don't want to damage the property.", I said, "It will only take us a moment to get there."

"Kid I don't thing you realize how far we-"

Blinking several times she realized she was already outside town with everyone else. Looking at me dumbfounded, Mt Lady just laughed at Mirko.

"You don't realize you are out of your league fighting him.", she laughed.

"Shut up!", Mirko snapped.

"Don't be an ass Mirko.", she retorted, "If you don't want me to be concerned for you, don't blame me when I laugh at you."

Rolling her eyes Mirko watched me get into position before saying I was ready. Lunging at me I vanished from her sight, and the next thing she knew trees were flying pass her before she crashed into one. Shakily getting back up she looked at me floating over head. Grinning she put my equipment to the test, and tried making footholds in the air. First time she underestimated the foothold, and sailed past me. The second time she got it right managing to get close to kick me.

Striking me in the head she expected me to blackout, but instead she felt her bones fracture causing her an immense amount of pain. Catching her before she hit the ground I used the Med Bots to heal her leg. Staring at me with mixed emotions she asked if I even felt her kick.

"No.", I said bluntly.

"You really are something, I put everything I had into that kick.", she said standing up after treatment was done.

"I am a lot more durable than anyone you'll ever meet.", I chuckled, "Now did that satisfy your urge to fight me?"

"Hell no, how about we go again?", she asked.

"You are one crazy rabbit.", I sighed.

"Shut up and fight kid!", she said.

Sighing we fought another thirty minutes which consisted of her trying to get me to react, and me throwing her around. By the time she called it quits she was covered in tree sap, dirt, and sweat. Helping her out of the crater she was in she dusted herself off, and looked for any damage to the fabric. Not finding a tear she gave me a nod of approval.

"You make good stuff...Clark.", she said, "I really like the mid-air footholds and these ear buds."

"I am happy you like them.", I said.

"What do I owe you?", she asked.

"Two things...first don't tell anyone I made your outfit, I am not in the market for making Hero equipment for everyone just friends and family.", I stated, "Second take me on patrol next week. Want to see how different Heroes handle things, already tagged along with All Might, Midnight, and Mt Lady."

"You survived?", Mirko said jabbing Mt Lady.

"What are you implying!?", Mt Lady snapped.

"That both of you like teasing young men way too much.", Mirko said, "Especially Midnight."

"Is that true!?", Nejire shouted, "Did they do something!?"

"No, they teased me that was it.", I said.

"Uh huh, I am sure it was more than that.", Mirko said trying to dig me a hole.

"What does that mean?", Toga and Toru asked.

"Listen rabbit...if you give them any bad ideas I will make sure you can't eat carrots for a month.", I said.

"They did do something!", Mina and Itsuka shouted.

"Have fun lover boy, get my number from Mt Lady...assuming you get out of this.", Mirko said running off.

"I will get you for this Rabbit!!", I shouted.

"Tell us everything that happened.", Momo and Ochaco said.

'I will kick her butt twice as hard next time for this.', I thought.

Giving me Mirko's number, Mt Lady bolted leaving me to explain things to the girls. Explaining things in a way that didn't give the wrong impression was going to be difficult.

---All For One's Hideout---

Expecting Heroes to be following the truck all the way to it's destination, All for One wanted measures in place to distract them. He wanted the assault to happen in a very public place where the Heroes would be forced to prioritize the public first. Settling on a section of the route that went past several schools and businesses he felt they could use those places as a distraction for the Heroes.

'Gigantomachia will be on standby it my pupil needs assistance so that should a sufficient option if he needs to flee.', All for One thought, 'We have nearly one hundred and fifty villains assisting with this as well. The only two wild cards are the ten year old and the other group targeting the transport. I haven't been able to make contact with them, it will be problematic if both end up fight each other.'

Looking out at his pupil organizing the group he had mixed emotions about this. Usually he wouldn't trust him so early, but there wasn't much of an option. In his current state he would easily lose, and there was no one else to lead this operation.

'I hope this operation is successful, or he will have issues moving past the loss.', he thought.

---Next Day---

Wearing my Hero suit under my school clothing I intended to go out on patrol tonight with All Might tonight. My group had plans with family, so they weren't going to be here anyways. Toga would be busy with my mother so she was already tied up as well. Packing the figure in my backpack Toga and I went to school like usual while the Section 13 team arrived at police headquarters.

---Police Headquarters---

Welcoming the four men in, the Commissioner showed them the confiscated drugs they had. Taking inventory of what should have been there, the team was satisfied nothing was missing.

"Alright Commissioner, Section 13 thanks you for your assistance.", the Team Leader Touya said.

Touya's Quirk allowed him to cut things at an Atomic level with a sharp object. Under him was Jo, Darren, and Sarah all of whom had equally powerful Quirks. Jo was able to manifest spirits into a semi physical state, and use them to fight under his orders. Darren had a Sonar Quirk that allowed him to detect people, and determine if they hold ill will for him or his comrades. He also was adept at hand to hand combat, and knew his way around a vast amount of weapons. Sarah was like Midnight in that she released gas from her body, but hers was a very strong paralysis gas that could kill if used too much. The team had been working together for seven years now, and felt confident they could handle this.

"I wish Charlotte here.", Jo said.

"Getting wishy washy over your wife?", Darren chuckled.

"I don't like having her away from the team. Her Flight Quirk works well with your Quirk since it's limited to your view range.", Jo retorted, "And yes I will be, she just gave birth to our daughter, and I couldn't get today off to be home with them."

"Boohoo.", Darren mockingly said.

"Don't make me break your face again.", Jo said fixing his sailors hat.

"Oh my going to go all Navy on me!", Darren laughed.

Conjuring a spirit he had it put a hole in the sofa an inch from Darren's junk.

"Next one won't miss.", he said.

"Will you both stop?", Sarah sighed, "Acting like fools when we are on the clock, act like professionals or I will hang you outside by your feet again."

Sighing Touya apologized for his team. Saying was fine the Commissioner brought in the Heroes that would be escorting them halfway there. Endeavor, Midnight, Best Jeanist, Mirko, and All Might would be riding along to the halfway mark where they would be meeting a large escort for protection back to capital. Other Heroes would be nearby throughout the trip if support was needed.

"Any special reason you dragged us all here?", Endeavor asked.

"Not like we asked to work with assholes.", Mirko said glaring at him.

"Allow me to explain, thanks to the tip we got from All Might a while back we can confirm All for One is still alive. Since he is out of our jurisdiction we can't arrest him, but can confirm he is after the drugs. I don't need to tell you that him amped on this shit is bad news.", Touya said, "We have reason to believe that another group is also gunning for them as well. If both groups hit at the same time..."

"You'll need us to pull crowd control, got it.", Endeavor said.

'All for One is alive...I didn't want to believe Young Clark, but now I have too.', All Might thought before something came to mind.

"Why not have Young Clark fly it to the drop off?", All Might asked, "At his speed the villains wouldn't be able to react to stop him."

"It was put on the table.", Touya said, "The American Branch pushed it hard stating it was the safest option, but I trust my team. Besides, I am not going to let some snot nosed kid do my job."

'Cocky.', Mirko and All Might thought, 'This is going to be a long day.'

"You still should have brought him.", Mirko said, "You forget about All for One's freak camping out in the woods? If he really means to get that stuff that monster is going to show up."

"That's true, maybe I should call him.", Midnight said.

"We aren't calling in a kid, you saying you can't handle it?", Touya asked.

"I am saying I want to make sure we don't destroy half the city getting the stuff out.", Midnight said, "I don't know you, and for all I know your attitude is going to put a lot of people in danger."

"I second that.", Mirko said, "Last time I helped your group you sat on your hands saying the criminals were out of your jurisdiction. You going to sit on them again?"

"Our orders are our orders.", he said.

'This dick, he's making us do the work so he gets the glory. This is one reason I work alone.', Mirko thought.

'I am still letting him know prick, and I am calling in my temp.', Midnight thought firing off the messages.

"Now if you two are done bitching we can go.", Touya said in an irritated tone.

'Eat a dick', Midnight and Mirko thought, 'and choke on it.'

Getting the package secured in the armored can, All Might was watching them closely. Telling Endeavor to have his Agency ready to send people, All Might knew it wouldn't be easy. As someone with a history with All for One, he knew that he would likely strike in a populated area. Unfortunately this team wasn't sharing the plan, and was just having Heroes within thirty miles of the truck ready to come in if needed. It was inefficient, and would take a lot of Heroes off their patrol routes.

Once everything was loaded they all got in, and headed out with a small police escort. Once they were gone, the Commissioner called me to have me on standby if it came down to it

---In Class---

" I will need you to be on standby.", he stated.

"I thought I needed a-"

"This time I am making an exception given the consequences of failing.", he said.

"Alright.", I said, "Keep me posted."

Ending the call I looked at my messages, and found four texts for me to be ready if needed from Mt Lady, Midnight, Mirko, and All Might. Replying that I would be available, I took a seat at my desk. As of late I had been tuning things out since I had all but been tied to only doing my work when with a Licensed Hero. Listening for things again, I sat in class pretending to pay attention. At first I could hear just normal school activities going on, but after getting outside the school sounds I heard someone digging underground to my left which was the roadway. Seeing no one in that direction I used X-ray vision to look for threats.

Spotting two groups, one underground and the other in a building undergoing renovation, I immediately recognized several faces including big boy burrowed a few blocks away. Realizing they were intending to use us as a hostages I quickly got into action.

"Teacher, I hate to be a bother but we need to move away from the area.", I said.

"Clark we are in the middle of class.", she said, "We just can't-"

"You can give me all the detentions you want if I am wrong, but right now we are in a dangerous spot. There over two hundred villains across the street about to ambush a convoy coming this way. If we don't leave now in ten minutes we are going to be used as hostages.", I said.

Knowing I wouldn't lie about something that serious she told the class we were going to move. Letting the principal know, he notified the classrooms as well as the neighboring schools to move the children away from the area. Calling All Might first I told him where the ambush was, and how many villains to expect. Also informing him that Gigantomachia was there his tone grew heavier.

"I am evacuating the schools across the street, I think they intended to use us as hostages to lure the Heroes away.", I said, "Just so you know it appears like it's two groups not acting together making their moves. One is under the street the other is in a building that's being renovated. I don't see any crew inside so I assume they were chased off, Gigantomachia is also a few blocks away buried under a disused building."

"Thanks for the heads up, make sure you get them clear.", All Might said.

---Convoy Van---

Ending the call All Might gave them the update.

"Alright, just got confirmation that we have 200 villains waiting in ambush by the schools.", All Might said, "Two groups one underground and one in a building across from the school. Endeavor call your people in, and tell them Gigantomachia is close by."

"Shit I knew this was a bad idea!", Midnight snapped.

"Whose your source, that fucking kid!?", Touya snapped, "I don't trust a kid whose nuts haven't even dropped."

"Doesn't matter, I trust him.", All Might said, "I am calling the Commissioner."

---Commissioner's Office---

Taking All Might's call the Commissioner immediately ordered all police officers to get to the schools near me, and evacuate the students.

"I want every man we can spare getting those kids out of there, I won't tolerate any excuses from cops that don't show up!!", he snapped putting his coat on, "Also get me as many Heroes as you can, Gigantomachia is in the area."

---All For One's Hideout---

Receiving a call from one of his police informants All for One clicked his tongue for not realizing his ambush point was right next to my school. Trying to reach his pupil, he got his voicemail which made him even more furious. Calling Gigantomachia he ordered him to move in the moment the fighting started.


With the cops ten minutes out, the schools got to the sport complex behind them just as the convoy rolled into view. Endeavors agency and several others showed up around the same time from behind the villains. Getting ready to engage they waited for the villains to move first.


Drawing near the spot I said they would be ambushed Touya was still saying I was insane. The moment they reached the spot in front of the renovation site, the entire building exploded causing the driver to swerve out of the way of debris. Leaving the vehicle immediately the Heroes got to work. At the same time the ground under the transport vehicle caved in, and would have fallen in if All Might didn't push it out of the way. The two independent forces clashed then and there with the Heroes.

Following their original plan several dozen villains ran towards the schools. A few Heroes and sidekicks gave chase after them. Bursting through the walls the villains went to snatch kids, but it was a ghost town. Quickly closing the gap the Heroes and Sidekicks started to fight them.

---Sports Complex---

Seeing one of the classrooms go up in flames the teachers and students started to panic. Some had doubted my reliability as I was only 10, but now they were thankful they listened. Watching the fight in the street some of the children started crying for their parents.

"Clark we are going to be okay, right?", Ochaco asked.

"Yeah this is getting scarier than the arena fight.", Mina said.

"It will be alright, I won't let them touch anyone.", I said with a smile.

Trusting me they sat their calmly waiting for the police to arrive. Watching the fighting in the school closely I kept waiting in case a few villains got through. Within three minutes a few villains had managed to slip away to charge us. Freezing them in place with my cold breath, the next few that came barreling in slipped on the ice and bashed their heads into the ground knocking them out. One very big guy did get back up, and turned his body into a human torch. Shaking my head I told him to enjoy his ride. It took a second, but he realized that extreme cold and heat down mix well. One second he was there the next second he was air born. Catching him in the air, I threw him back into the crowd of villains on the road.

Crashing into several of them, they all went flying in every which direction. Chuckling to myself I heard the sirens from the police cars approaching at the same time the ground started shaking. Looking back toward the Heroes, Gigantomachia was barreling towards us plowing through buildings like they were made of cardboard.

'Well great...I warned them he was close, and they didn't do anything.', I sighed, 'I guess I will have to deal with him after the students evacuate.'

Just as he broke through the building his group was hiding in, the police arrived in force. Loading the children into vans they did their best to take head counts. Coming over to me the Commissioner thanked me for guarding them.

"Just so you know...some of your men called All for One.", I stated, "You have a leak."

Listening to the voices from the cops, and seeing what squad cars they were getting out of I gave him the three car numbers saying to watch them carefully. Now that the children were with them last thing we needed was to try for an arrest now.

"I will deal with the matter in private.", he said having already suspected them.

Three squad cars I listed were all ones that had multiple infractions on their teams. Showing up late, skipping out of their patrol routes, and abuse of power were just some of the infractions they had. Unfortunately they had always been protected by their lawyers who would argue on their behalf. If he found the evidence, he would see that they were locked up in the very cells the people they arrested were.

"Alright Clark we got it from here, think you can handle Gigantomachia?", he asked.

"I can, but I will need to take him outside the city. Any fighting inside the city limits is going to end up destroying a lot of property.", I stated.

"Do what you need to do.", he said.

"Roger.", I stated zooming over to help out.