Chapter 14 - Battle For The Drug Part 2

Colliding with Gigantomachia a few feet from the battle, a massive shockwave blew most people off their feet. The impact shocked the giant as he hadn't expected to be hit that hard in his life. Sure there had been skirmishes between All Might and him in the past, but this was different. All Might's punches hurt, whatever hit him this time made his bones creak and crack from the impact. Falling backwards he slammed into the ground making the entire area shake violently. All three groups held on to something till the shaking subsided.

"What the hell was that!?", Touya shouted, "What hit him!?"

"The kid you called a snot nosed brat.", Midnight laughed.

Flying above them all I looked towards the villains who were getting back up. Landing on the ground I slowly approached all of them fully intending to use Batman's tactic to keep them in line, fear. Letting them get up, I stopped about ten feet from them.

"I am only going to give you a single chance to surrender peacefully.", I said loudly enough so they could hear me, "If you want to fight you can come all at once."

Deciding to call my challenge several of the bigger villains stepped forward. Telling me that they had Quirk Jamming Quirks I gave them a big smile. Stepping forward, the largest man swung at me. Smacking his hand away, I slammed my fist into his gut. Feeling several organs burst the man fainted on the spot.

"Did you not know that my Quirks are immune to jamming?", I asked with a smile.

"Fuck...", they said before I sent them flying through the crowd of villains.

Since it was obvious they weren't going to back down, I dove into the crowd deciding to fight till Gigantomachia got back up.

---Transport Vehicle---

Today was not going Touya's way. He was the one that planned the route, and only had told his team. None of them realized there were schools on the path, but now it was too late. He knew his days were numbered after this. The Japanese government was already not fond of his team, and they had endangered the lives of children. Knowing they were looking at a jail cell at this point he turned to his team who were also thinking the same thing.

"We are fucked.", Sarah snapped.

"Yeah like royally fucked.", Darren said.

"Knew I should have skipped this mission.", Jo said, "Can't do shit about it now, and you won't let us fight."

"Don't blame me it's the Japanese government!", Touya snapped.

"We could be out there if you let us apply for licenses here.", Jo said, "You said no, and now we can't lift a finger without being reprimanded. This time I say fuck it, if I am going to jail for aiding this shitty plan I am going out fighting. At least I can say I tried to help."

"Agreed.", Sarah said.

"It's your damn necks on the line then.", Darren said.

Conjuring a spirit, Jo punched Darren's head through the wall.

"Shut the hell up!", Jo snapped getting out of the van with Sarah, "If you want to go down without even trying to help, sit here and shut up."


Running over back them up, the two were shocked to see that I had already knock half the villains unconscious. By that time Gigantomachia was up, and I told All Might I would take him out of the city to fight. Flying into him, I hit him hard enough to send him flying backwards through the air. Shooting after him I repeated the same thing till we were out of the public area.

"Alright, Young Clark has Gigantomachia under control and did half the job for us.", All Might said, "Let's split up with half of us dealing with the Villains and the other half helping injured civilians get to safety."

"Roger!", the Heroes said though some begrudgingly accepted the orders.

Endeavor and All Might rushed head long into the crowd of remaining Villains with others right behind them. Sidekicks started cuffing and restraining the Villains already knocked out. Police backup also arrived to aid in getting villains out of the street.

"Alright men we need a path cleared through the rubble to get medical people in.", the Commissioner shouted.

Several officers with Quirks that allowed them to move the debris quickly got to work. Having SWAT encircle the villains he made sure no one was getting away. While this was going both Overhaul and Shigaraki were both panicking. First neither of them realized the other was also trying to take the drugs till the fighting broke out. Second they didn't expect the Heroes to be ready to jump them. Lastly they were noticing that escape was becoming slimmer and slimmer. Both All Might and Endeavor were already plowing their way towards them.

"Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!!", Shigaraki shouted scratching his neck, "It's not fair, I had this all planned out and that kid ruined it!!"

'This fucking man child, maybe think of a way out instead of bitching!', Overhaul thought.

Grabbing one of the Villains close by with wings, he used his Quirk to merge their bodies and flew off before being caught. Looking for an escape route himself Shigaraki made the ballsy move to us the sewers to escape while using the others as shields. By the time the Heroes got there both of them were long gone.

Using the capsules I gave her, Midnight was knocking villains out left and right. Cracking out her whip she got rough with a few of them that weren't going down easily. In one case the villain was immune to her gas so Mirko jumped in. Using her aerial foot holds, she bicycle kicked the villain in the head knock him out instantly.

"Damn it's satisfying kicking people!!", Mirko laughed, "Clark has me all messed up, it's like I am kicking a mountain with him!"

"Should really be shouting your kicking a ten year old.", Midnight laughed.

"It's better than you.", Mirko retorted.

"What do you mean?", Midnight asked.

"Oh don't play games with me. I know your habit of teasing young boys. What did you do to him that night?", Mirko teased.

"We had had a nice dinner to celebrate his first outing.", Midnight said.

"Uh huh...", Mirko said staring at her, "I bet you did something."

"Nope.", Midnight said, "Anyways since when did you meet him?"

"Over the weekend, he upgraded my equipment.", Mirko said with a grin.

"Oh how nice...", Midnight said.

"Jealous much?", Mirko asked.

"No, why would I be?", Midnight asked.

"He is young, strong, and most certainly going to be a big name in the future.", Mirko said, "Maybe I should pursue-"

"Keep your paw hands off him.", Midnight said.

"Oh, so you do like him.", Mirko grinned.

Just glaring at her Mirko twisted her verbal knife.

"He asked to go on patrol with me this weekend, maybe I should-"

"Don't do anything, or I will track you down.", Midnight huffed.

"That mean your finally going to fight me?", Mirko said with a grin.

'They do realize we are in the middle of a fight...right?', Mt Lady thought.

Putting their argument to the side when the next group of villains arrived the two made a competition out of how many they could capture. Watching from the sideline as his part was done, Eraserhead watched the two women going at it using the villains as score points.

'Poor kid, doubt he realizes he has those three crazies after him.', he thought, 'Ain't my problem though. He can handle it himself.'

---Outside the City---

Skidding across the ground with the last blow, Gigantomachia tore down several acres of trees before stopping. Receiving three consecutive blows that were enough to toss him like a wad of paper, Gigantomachia was in pain and was pissed off. Enlarging himself to his max size, he got back up and charged me.

"You don't get it do.", I said with a smirk, "Now that there isn't anyone around to worry about injuring I can cut loose a bit more. Don't worry I won't kill you, but I will make sure you think twice before challenging me a second time."

The next blow I threw broke the sound barrier nearly six times before slamming into him. Gigantomachia thought my blows before were hard, but this one dwarfed that. Feeling his bones shatter under the blow, he screamed out in pain. Stumbling backwards he looked at me with genuine concern. For the first time there was someone that could actually cause him to have broken bones, and make him feel fear. His fight with All Might left him in pain, but this kid was utterly destroying him without any signs of strain.

"What's wrong?", I asked, "You had no problem plowing through those buildings full of innocent people, and were going to seriously injure or murder Heroes. Did you think this was some kind of game? If this is the best you have I suggest you stay down because it only gets worse from here."

"I can't, I have a job to do.", he said forcing himself to get back up.

"I commend you on not giving up.", I said with a smile, "Unfortunately you have run into an Immovable Object, resistance is an exercise in futility."

Throw a punch at me, I casually dodged it with a yawn. I knew what this guy was capable of, and knew he killed a lot of people in the main story right before the Tartarus Prison Break. Taking him down now was the only way to ensure all those people didn't die, even if it meant beating him to near death.

"Since you want to fight, I will show you just how different we are!", I said throwing a punch to his ribs.

Skin and bones shattered under the blow. The force from the impact knocked the wind out of Gigantomachia, and he even felt his heart skip a beat which sent a shiver of fear down his spine.

'This kid is trying to kill me!', he thought in a panic.

Switching from attacking to fleeing, he tried to dig his was into the ground. Quickly digging the immediately area out from underneath him, I lifted the massive pile of dirt into the sky. I would give him a lesson on what happens when a giant falls from the upper atmosphere.

---News Chopper---

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are bringing you live coverage from the battle that has erupted outside the Blossom Elementary and Sakura Middle Schools.", the reporter said, "Just minutes ago the current youngest Hero in Japan flew the massive Gigantomachia out of the area leaving the other Heroes to engage the remaining villains."

"Uh...Ruth.", the pilot said.

"Damien, I am trying to report on the fight.", she snapped.

"You might want to take a look at the horizon.", the pilot said pointing.

Bringing the chopper around so they could see on the camera the reporter shrieked seeing the massive flying land mass in the sky.

"What the hell is that!?", she shouted, "Get us in closer!"

Taking the chopper in closer she screamed even louder when she could see me holding the mass up.

"How strong is he!?", she shouted, "That has to weigh more than the building he lifted two weeks ago!!"

---In the land mass---

Having sensed that the surrounding around him were moving strangely, Gigantomachia poked his head out to see he was currently high up in the sky. The sudden realization that digging was a bad idea came to mind, but now he was stuck. A fall from this height would leave him seriously injured, and they were only gaining altitude at this point. Trying to think of a way to make me stop nothing came to mind as the air started getting thinner.

'Where is he taking me!?', he thought as the blue started to fade from the sky as it turned black.


"What the hell is he doing!?", Jo shouted.

"You don't think he's going...drop him, do you?", Mt Lady asked.

Suddenly several Heroes looked at her as they realized that was the only option unless I was going to toss him into space.

"I hope that kid knows what he's doing.", the Commissioner said, "Something that big falling from space, he's gonna wipe the city out."

---Outer Orbit---

Unable to breath now Gigantomachia was panicking a lot. There was nowhere for him to flee too, and there was nothing around for him to grab. Flying in front of him with a smile, I tried speaking directly into his mind.

"Do you understand now?", I asked, "You and I aren't even in the same league. Out here you are in my realm, and there is no reason to hold back out here."

Punch him in the jaw, he felt the world around him start spinning. With nothing around him to grab all he could was float there, and take the beating. Borrowing Saitama's move, Serious Series Serious Punch, Gigantomachia stared death in the face as every inch of his body screamed for him to flee. Taking the blow to the gut he felt a second blow from behind almost instantly. As the two forces hit at nearly the same time there was no loss of energy. Feeling his organs rupture and rib cage collapse completely he puked up a large amount of blood.

"Listen closely...if I ever see you on the streets again committing crimes, you better hope another Hero gets to you first.", I said staring into his eyes with my eyes bright red, "I will be the last thing you ever see."

Fainting from the pain, I threw him back towards the ground.

---In the City---

Looking up into the sky the population could the fiery red glow of Gigantomachia plummeting towards them. Only those that knew me didn't panic because they trusted I wouldn't let the city be harmed. Those who didn't however started to panic, and ran around like crazy, insane maniacs.

"You aren't worried?", Best Jeanist asked.

"Not at all, I am sure Young Clark is using this to scare Gigantomachia into submission.", All Might said, "I am curious what he intends to do about the hole he made though."

"Brat will probably put something crazy there, another invention maybe.", Gran Torino said.

"Aren't you retired yet old man?", Endeavor asked.

"I am still able to give you a butt kicking!", Gran Torino retorted.

"Whatever you say.", Endeavor said.

---Two Miles Above the City---

Stopping his descent slowly so I didn't caused a massive shockwave on the ground, I landed softly on the ground with the heavily injured villain in hand. Setting him down, his body shrunk down to normal size as he no longer had the strength to maintain it. Giving All Might a thumbs up I said that he would need immediate medical attention, and that he was safe to handle.

"No need to worry about him fleeing, he is in no shape for fighting and will stay that way for a long time.", I stated.

"How bad are his injuries?", the Commissioner asked.

"Broken bones, and internal bleeding.", I stated, "That said for a guy like him it isn't really that serious. It's just a precautionary thing as I don't want him too die. He has to pay for his crimes, and death is far too kind for all the bad he has done."

"Not a problem kid, considering his quirks this is well within the law. Sure you gave the news crews quite a fright, but that is fine.", he said, "It's good to know that you made him quite easy for us to handle. We will get him confined then start his treatment."

"I will work on making him special handcuffs so you can rest easier knowing he can't break out.", I stated.

"Thanks kid, you really saved our hide today.", he said, "Now if you wouldn't mind, could you get those two to stop fighting?"

Looking back I saw Mirko and Midnight arguing. Mirko was really taking it seriously, it looked like she was trying to provoke Midnight into a fight. I wondered if they had some history or something because Midnight was quite heated about whatever they were arguing about. Mouthing to me that the two had done a competition I realized that someone like Mirko wasn't going to take a loss lightly.

"I can, how goes rescuing survivors in those buildings?", I asked.

"We just got started.", All Might said, "We have been busy getting the survivors from the immediate out first."

"The civilian's take priority.", I said turning to the two women, "Are you going to do your jobs, or do I have to do it for you?"

Looking back at me the two nodded, and got back to work though their argument wasn't done. Using X-ray vision to look for trapped survivors, I lifted chunks of concrete and furniture pieces off of people allowing others to haul them to safety. Taking debris out of town I left it in the hole I made as a temporary measure to keep things out of the way. The whole rescue operation took about thirty minutes, but by the time we were done we had our death toll.

"Seven people...", I said looking at the corpses.

"Young Clark there is nothing you could have done to save them.", All Might said.

"I could have acted sooner.", I stated.

"You had to get the children to safety, no one is going to blame you for making their safety priority.", he said, "The death toll is much smaller than it would have been had you not called the raid out. You can take pride knowing that you probably saved countless lives today, and many more in the future by ensuring the criminals didn't get the drugs."

"I am not so sure, the leaders got away it seems and more importantly...Section 13 has a leak. The Commissioner told me no one, but them knew of the route they were taking.", I stated.

"Believe me kid, I intend to have their butts in jail.", the Commissioner said looking at Touya with an angry look, "Transporting dangerous substances, especially ones that villains would want, has to have approval before taking them through school zones. There isn't a single shred of paperwork filed for this little convoy. The city thanks you for protecting those children, and giving us as much warning as you could. I will see you are rewarded in some way for this."

"I thank you.", I said, "Anything I'd get, put it into the program for the troubled youth. I have no use for the money, and they need it more than me."

"I will see that it's done.", he said with a smile.

"Now if you wouldn't mind arresting those four, or detaining them at least, I will see that this stuff is delivered to their base in Tokyo.", I stated.

"Give me just a moment kid.", he said grinning, "All Might, do you mind helping me ensure that these suspects don't escape?"

"We will help.", Mirko and Midnight said trying to hide their anger.

"Haha they seem to be capable of handling this. Young Clark, I will see you later this evening for patrol.", All Might said before taking off.

Watching their leader try to weasel his way out of being arrested, I saw Mirko deck him before the Commissioner arrested him. The other three surrendered without any resistance freeing me up to deliver the drugs in peace. Lifting the vehicle up, I flew to their base where I got signatures from the people I handed them off too. Saluting them I zoomed off back to my friends.

Arriving at the drop off point that the cops designated for the children, my friends came running up to me. Asking me about my fight I told them that I would tell them all about it. Explaining that I fought Gigantomachia alone the girl's eyes widened with excitement. Even Deku seemed excited to hear about it which was a nice change of pace. Pretending not be listening, I could see Bakugo listening in as well. Explaining to them that I took him into space, I said that that I beat him to a pulp then brought him back down. I didn't want to tell them that I threatened him because obviously they would frown on that.

"That sounds so cool!", they said with excitement.

"It was.", I said, "Still I am glad that no one in our school was hurt."

"You know what this means though, right?", Mina asked.

Shaking our heads she quickly pointed out that it meant we wouldn't be at school for several days if not longer. Honestly with the Quirks in this world I expected us to be back by Monday, but it didn't hurt to dream a bit.

Having seen the news, parents came rushing to get their children from the drop off. Holding their children tightly they all said they were grateful that they were uninjured and safe. Turning to me the parents thanked me for protecting them, and getting them out of harms way. Telling them that it was all part of my job, I said I was happy to help. As my friend's families came, and picked them up Toga and I said we would see them later. Carrying Toga back home with me, I wasn't the least bit surprised that my parents weren't fazed by the news. After all the crazy stuff I did they stopped worrying it since it was useless. That said they did still come out to make sure everything was alright.

---All For One's Hideout---

Stumbling into the hideout covered in sewage, Shigaraki was shouting up a storm about how his spotlight had been stolen. Hearing him from his recovery room, All for One sighed knowing it would be a while before he was actually ready for fighting again. Turning on the news to see how bad things were, he watched me drop his bodyguard on the ground and saw the extent of the damage I did to him.

'He has turned out even more troublesome than I estimated.', he thought, 'The strongest fighter I had was taken out single handedly by him, and he is unscathed. Judging by his looks he didn't break a sweat.'

Listening to the information about me taking him into the outer atmosphere All for One rubbed his forehead.

'He is able to survive somehow up there, and fight without external equipment to sustain him. This boy is far more complicated than any Quirk user I have met.', he said looking at his files, 'I already ran background checks on his family, and find no answer as to where he got all the Quirks. It should be impossible for him to house all those powers without repercussions yet it seems like he is only growing stronger. Drastic actions may be the only option I have to deal with him.'

"Sir, I am here to check your vitals.", the doctor said.

"Did you see the news?", All for One asked.

"I did, it's most peculiar that he managed to pull that off.", the doctor said, "This proves the boy is stronger and more durable than All Might. Should I have our men get Gigantomachia out of jail?"

"No, if we do that now it will draw too much attention. The state he is in it's better for him to be receiving treatment there than here.", All for One said, "Is my pupil injured?"

"Physically only a few minor cuts and bruises. I will treat him once I am done here.", he said, "As for the mental damage, I am concerned that at this point his growth may be hampered by the upcoming Hero."

"I understand what you mean, this loss is far to steep for him to recover quickly from.", All for One sighed, "It will require a lot of guidance, and rebuilding our forces. It will be a long time before we are ready to lash out again."

"I can work off of the formula's we purchased, but without the actual thing here to examine I am afraid we are flying relatively blind. There is no way I can condone using any batches of the serum on you till after we know we have the right mixture.", the doctor said, "The mixture could cause your Quirk to burn out, or kill you immediately. That is a risk we can't take, I hope you understand."

"I completely understand your point Doctor.", All for One said, "For now use your creatures as test subjects, and when you have promising results we can capture some low ranking Heroes for live testing."

"I understand, I will do as you say.", he replied.

---Overhaul's Base---

Throwing his desk against the wall Overhaul was furious that his plans had been ruined. Not only had the Heroes shown up in force, another group of villains botched the hit and run job he carefully planned out. Believing that the other villains were the ones that were careless, he wanted to exact revenge on them for costing him so much money.

"Those fucking bastards cost me several million yen!", he snarled, "I will make them pay with blood for everything they cost me!"

Right now he wasn't himself, suffering from the after effects of his own mixture of the serum the only boost he experienced was a shortened temper. Cursing his bloody luck he decided to triple his efforts into making a drug that would boost Quirks. If he could make something like that he would crush the enemy villains under foot, and kill the enemy leader.

"That's right, I will make you all pay!", he howled full of rage, "You will all die!! HAHA!!"

Outside the room his subordinates all thought he had snapped, leaving him be all of them decided to not even attempt to calm him down. Right now they would likely be killed the moment they stepped into the room so they just let him be.

---Wayne Mansion---

Plopping on my bed, I found Toga already fast asleep hold a plushie my mother bought her. As one of the first gifts she received from an adult, she cherished the pufferfish plushie and had started sleeping with it as of yesterday. Now the reason she was in here instead of her mother said she could so she moved herself in here. Apparently I had no right to say no, but at this point I was fine with it. By now I had confirmed they liked me so it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like we would do anything aside from play games, talking, and watching tv anyways so it was fine. When we were older was when it would be slightly awkward.

'We will cross that bridge when we get there.', I thought laying back into bed, 'Tomorrow...I start doing Superman things in space. Let's see how far I can get before I hit a roadblock. The best material I think of to use for Gigantomachia's chains...Dwarf Star Material. I know Superman made his door key to the Fortress of Solitude out of it, and just a small key was several million pounds so a super thin band should be sufficient to hold him in place so he doesn't escape. We will see how well I can shape it, and...make sure I don't drop it.'