Chapter 28 - The Unstoppable Force

---All For One's Hideout---

Receiving updates from his many spies, AFO was quickly updated on the situation. Learning of what Cupid had planned, and the response the Heroes were going with he was quite intrigued by the situation. He had intended to wait till the Sports Festival later in the year to strike, but this posed a unique opportunity for him. Knowing full well that Cupid was likely to go overboard, AFO saw an opportunity to get his hands on some new Quirks and bodies for the doctor.

"Sir, what should we do?", Kurogiri asked.

"I think we should partake in the fighting, and use the distraction to move to our third base.", AFO stated, "The boy already knows where we are currently so using this chance we can move our operation to a secure location, and pull Kyudai Garaki out of the hospital. It's time he devoted his full energy on both of our projects."

"I understand.", Kurogiri said.

"Have the doctor send all currently Nomu out when the fighting starts.", AFO stated, "If things get rough pull the High Ends back, but leave the fodder there. The doctor can use the opportunity gather valuable field data."

"What specifically are we aiming for?", Kurogiri asked.

"Chaos", he said with a grin, "Have a few of our double agents in the Oblivion group ranks, target that child staying in his home. Bring her to the battlefield, and lets see how far we can push the Young Hero. If both his adopted sister, and lovers are in peril...just how much of the monster can I bring out."

"As you command.", Kurogiri said bowing his head.

"Have my pupil stay away from the battlefield. If my guess is right, tomorrow will go down as a bloody day in history.", AFO chuckled.

---Japanese Prime Minister's Office---

Receiving the information from their ambassador, and Nezu, the Prime Minister was faced with a dire situation. He knew what happened the last time a member of the Oblivion Group made a move, and LA suffered extensive damage. Bringing Section 13 in for this was something he knew he was going to have to do, but it didn't sit well with him. Unfortunately the situation was dire enough that he had to swallow his issues with them to ask for assistance. Calling the Section 13 Commander, the commander picked up within the first ring.

"Hairicín.", the commander said only giving his name.

"Commander Hairicín, I am sure your are aware of the situation.", the Prime Minister stated, "Cupid will likely be showing up, and Superman will be in Spain when this happens. It's not that I don't trust him, but it would appear a troublesome villain on our side will be acting out as well."

"I understand, you need our assistance handling Cupid.", Hairicín said, "I figured you would call, I have a team departing from Guam now. They should be there in a few hours."

"Thank you, if this works out we will be willing to overlook past issues we had.", the Prime Minister stated.

"I sent out one of top field commanders, Blackout.", Hairicín said, "He will have four members with him. I will relay information to them to head for U.A to assist in the preparations."

"Thank you.", the Prime Minister said hanging up.

---Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport---

Waiting in the terminal for a call from the Section 13 Commander, Blackout was currently meditating. Blackout's Quirk allowed him to generate Dark Matter around his body causing tremendous damage to what ever he hit. Usually based on the East Coast, the commander ordered him to Guam immediately after receiving my information. His lieutenant, Excelsior, was responsible for their quick arrival. Unlike normal warp or transfer Quirks, his worked by punching a hole into Subspace. Under them was Enterprise a giant behemoth of a man who was rumored to bench pressed one thousand tons like eating breakfast cereal. On the team was his wife, Lightbender, who made light constructs similar to how the Lantern Corps did. Rounding out the team was Sonico, a young woman who could run several times the speed of sound. Together they were one of the most successful teams in Section 13. Getting the call from the Commander, Blackout said they would leave immediately.

"We have clearance to go.", Blackout stated.

"About time.", Enterprise replied, "Where are we headed?"

"Japan.", Blackout stated, "We are to head to U.A High School, and prepare for the fight. Intel says Cupid will likely make a jump there, we are there to stop him and his people. I don't need to say this, but some of those women are our people. Do what you can to rescue them, but if you can't...kill them. We are expecting local villains and reinforcements from the two Oblivion Group bases in Japan to show up as well."

"What about Superman, he going to be there?", Sonico asked.

"He is going to be in Spain with our team there.", Blackout said, "Expect him to show up if Cupid does make the dash."

"Hehe, I wonder if he will give me an autograph. Not often I get to meet someone faster than me.", she laughed.

"Don't forget that rumor has it he is spoken for.", Lightbender stated, "You tend to get carried away when you talk to men your age."

"I am eighteen, and he is fourteen.", Sonico stated.

"That's legal in Japan.", her teammates said.

"Oh...", Sonico stated.

"Either way don't cause him issues.", Blackout sighed, "Your klutzy personality tends to be a problem for young's why you got assigned to us."

"That only happened once, and it's not my fault I got stuck with a pervert team!", Sonico stated.

"It would help if you wore a sports bra.", Excelsior chuckled.

"They are uncomfortable, it's like taping them up.", she replied with a shiver.

"Back when I was young not many women had that issue.", Excelsior sneered, "I guess it's because of all the sweets you eat."

"I eat them because I burn a lot of calories!", she huffed, "I don't like you insinuating that I am fat!"

"I didn't, I was just saying it went to those knockers.", he said, "I didn't call you fat, you did."

"Fuck you grouchy, no wonder you are a single virgin!", she hissed.

"The only virgin here is you.", he said as they approached the plane, "You can't hold down a boyfriend because you are a drama queen, and like showing off for the camera."

"Both of you shut up, we are on the clock.", Blackout said.

"Agreed, can it before I put you in one.", Enterprise growled.

"Sorry...", Sonico said.

"Roger.", Excelsior stated.

Getting aboard their jet, they were in the sky in moments. Excelsior's Quirk required a lot of stamina to use so with an upcoming fight he was conserving his stamina for when it counted.

"Alright, so as I already stated our target is Cupid.", Blackout stated, "Superman was able to get us a list of names for us to research, and figure out how he was likely going to make his play. He has a few women under him that use different forms of warp. In the event Superman spooks him he will likely head to U.A to use his significant others as shields per his usual MO. We have to capture him before he gets his hands on them...the commander made it crystal clear their capture means mission failure for us. In the event that happens we are too evacuate Heroes and civilians."

"You saying we can't fight if we fail?", Enterprise asked.

"The commander told me that if they are injured or captured that we are to make a tactical retreat.", Blackout said.

"Why the hell would we do that?", Excelsior asked.

"The commander said that Superman's safeties will come off completely should they be taken or injured.", Blackout said trembling slightly, "I saw what he did to Vlad...he is beyond our strength, that kid is in a league of his own."

"Why are we coming here?", Lightbender asked, "Sounds like he could-"

"This is our opportunity to get our foot back in the door with Japan.", Blackout said, "The commander is placing his trust in us to ensure we make this succeed. I can't stress how important this mission is."

"Understood!", they replied.

---Wayne Manor---

Coming back up from our workout, my mother helped Eri shower while I showered with the women. Keeping it down as to not draw any attention, Nejire tried some things she looked up that men supposedly liked. Asking her how she researched it, Melissa blush and said they found a few magazines under my bed. Truthfully I never used them, but left them there so when the day eventually came when we were intimate things would run along naturally. As expect Nemuri, Yu, and Nejire went along with it while the others were too nervous to try. They were happy with me feeling them up, kissing, and me handling foreplay.

'You will get there eventually, I am in no hurry.', I thought.

After a bit fun, we got out and settled in for the night. Holding her Tiger tightly as she got comfortable, Eri went to sleep almost as soon as she hit the pillow. The women passed out throughout one of their shows, and by the time it was over the women were out like lights. Looking at them all I steeled myself for tomorrow as I was likely going to execute the bastard in front of them.

'I won't let anyone hurt you, any of you.', I thought looking over them.

Going to bed with them, I woke up early the next morning to get things ready. Having Vision nearby Eri's school, I wanted him to watch over her in case someone came for her. Red Tornado, Amazo, and Eradicator were stationed around U.A as well. I trusted the staff, the Heroes, and the police...I wasn't going to place my family's safety in their hands. My girlfriends were far to important to trust other's to protect them. As for my parents and my girlfriends parents I had Superman robots on standby ready to mobilize to fight any threats that may come for them. The Kal-el Legion was also on standby around the city hiding from public eyes to aide in the evacuation.

If this became a warzone the Kal-el Legion would step in to evacuate the civilians, and injured to either the Wayne Group Complex or the Clark Wayne Hospital. These facilities were built with shielding to protect them in case of a typhoon or in this event a villain takeover happened. Designed to take explosions of a MOAB power all day it was highly unlikely that the villains would break through. In the event they did the Kal-el Legion would change from capture to kill on sight for villains. The public's safety was paramount, and so I made that red line the barrier. To me that was an acceptable line as if they were trying to cross it they were going in with the intent to kill civilians or injured people.

'I pray that it doesn't come to that, but I refuse to let an innocent civilian die because it's frowned upon to kill a villain. At some point you have to make the call that they are an acceptable loss, that happens the moment they cross that red line.', I thought donning my Hero costume.

Looking at myself in the mirror I realized that I would likely kill a few villains today, and it bothered me. I honestly hated the idea of taking a life, parent's died because they didn't nip the problem in the butt in my last life. We could have sued people, and had protection to safeguard our lives.

'I won't lose another family...', I thought clenching my hands, 'You have to be willing to fight to protect those you love. I do what I couldn't do in my past life.'

Getting up with a yawn, the women looked at me half asleep. Asking me if everything was okay I told them I was antsy for today. Having our breakfast, I escorted them to U.A where I gave them kisses.

"Clark is something wrong?", Ochaco asked, "You are acting a bit weird today."

"It's nothing.", I stated giving her a smile, "I will be back for lunch."

"Okay.", she said.

---Madrid, Spain---

Flying to Madrid in seconds, I met up with the Section 13 team a mile from the warehouse. Mostly comprised of men, all of them had personal grudges against Cupid. In fact many Heroes in Spain wanted in on this operation even if they didn't get paid. Most of them had family in the Hero industry, and he was literally the last person they wanted to meet them. A few knew damn well how big of a tool he was, and they were bidding on parts to rip off the man.

"Superman, what's the plan?", the men and police asked.

"I will lead the charge in.", I said using my x-ray vision to confirm there were people inside, "Looks we have roughly two hundred of his subordinates running around in there. Potential drugs, and other contraband inside as well. I will take the initial fire from the villains while you break in from the sides of the building. We will box them so the only place they can run is out to sea. Coast Guard is already in the harbor waiting for them."

"Let's kick this bastard right in the dick for all his shit!", the men growled, "We will take turns till he sings like a canary!"

'Wow...the Heroes here don't mess around.', I thought with a grin.

Waiting for the police and Heroes to get into position, I slammed into the massive warehouse doors blasting them off the hinges. Flying into the warehouse the poor souls behind it were sent flying, and crashed into crates full of goods Cupid was peddling.

"Knock knock motherfuckers!", I shouted.

Within moments bullets, lightning, and dozens of things came flying at me. With a single swing of my arm I blasted all attacks to bits with sheer air pressure. Stumbling back in disbelief the villains were petrified trying to think of a way to escape. Before they could though both Heroes and police burst in from the side of the building. Readying themselves for a fight I blew the entire building apart with a wide swing of my right arm. Seeing the building vanish, the villains immediately fell to their knees no longer having the will to fight. Approaching them slowly the villains screamed curling into the fetal position.

"Where. is. Cupid.", I asked in a cold tone.

"He...he isn't here!", one of the men replied shaking like a leaf, "Please...please don't hurt us...we surrender!"

"Where is he?", I asked.

"He...he left two hours ago with his...his ladies.", he replied, "They...they warped to Japan I think..."

"Listen to me very carefully, you are going to get taken in by the police here. If a single one of you gives them any problems I will be sending you to the ER, understand?", I asked.

Shrieking the word 'Yes' several of the villains pissed themselves on the spot. Clicking their tongues the Heroes were a bit disappointed they weren't able to strike Cupid. Telling the villains to show the Police and Heroes where other warehouses for Cupid were, I pulled out a map for them to mark. Marking nearly three dozen places within ten miles of here I handed the Heroes the map.

"I apologize that you can't hit him, but I hope this is a good complimentary prize.", I stated.

"You aren't going to strike them?", the Heroes asked.

"I have to go chase Cupid, all of you take care of it. I am sure you all have the need to blow some steam, and while you might not be able to hurt him'll be taking his money which we all know is more important to him than anything else.", I stated, "You'll also be saving countless lives getting that shit off your streets."

"That's right!!", the Heroes said grinning ear to ear, "We will make him a broke ass bastard!!"

Dividing out locations among them the Heroes contacted the others that had wanted to come as well. Inviting them to do the raids most of them were happy to lend a hand. Making sure the villains didn't give the police any troubles, I left once the police secured all of them at this location.

"You ever heard of a Hero just giving up free money?", a few cops asked scratching their heads.

"I wouldn't put him on the same sheet as other Heroes.", the Police Chief laughed, "We are going to have a very busy day boys, let's bring these bastards in and go out for more."

"We going to have enough cells?", a lieutenant asked with laugh.

"I honestly never thought we'd have a day where I would be asked that.", the Police Chief laughed nearly falling over, "That is a good problem to have! Let's clean these streets up, and use this opportunity to make this a safer place for our families!"

"Yeah!!", the police officers shouted.

---Fortress of Solitude---

"You hearing me robot guy?", Ivan asked, "We are ready for transport!"

"Same here!", Charles said, "All our teams are ready."

"Confirmation accepted, sending you to the requested locations.", Kelex said teleporting them, "Happy hunting."

---Siberia Oblivion Group Base---

Teleporting the groups into the center of the Oblivion Groups bases, the Section 13 teams caught many of the people slacking off. In Ivan's case he arrived behind the leadership of the base as they were in the middle of a poker game. Recognizing all them Ivan smile grew as his blood lust boiled over.

'Kid I owe you a whole damn six pack.', he thought advancing towards them.

Signaling his team and the Heroes with them to secure the base, he made sure to slam the door behind them. Snapping to attention when they heard the sound the men looked over to see Ivan showing his pearly whites and a fire in his eyes.

"Ivan!?", the men screamed reaching for their gear.

Ripping the head off the leader first he pegged one of them with his head.

"It's been too long gentlemen, last time I saw you my team was killed by you. I owe you a lot of pain, and interest on that pain...", Ivan growled.

" won't get any information out of us!", they said grabbing their weapons.

"Oh I wasn't intending too, we can get it out of the computers.", Ivan said cracking his neck, "Now then...shall we begin?"

---US West Coast Oblivion Base---

Currently going over the base's ledger their accountant was making sure that their buyers were up to date on payments. As the woman was going over the paperwork, voice said something to her over her shoulder.

"You forgot to carry the one.", the North American Branch Head said.

"Thanks", the accountant said before realizing something was off, "You shouldn't be in here, this is a-"

Looking into the person's eyes the accountant was immediately turned to stone. The team under the North American Branch Head's was systematically picking people off in the base without raising the alarm. Other teams across the world were also capturing people without any real resistance. None of the bases were equipped for internal defense, just external. They didn't expect Section 13 to just spontaneously appear as they killed anyone that fled the Oblivion Group so they never thought they would be discovered. Capturing the bases without alerting the core members, Section 13 immediately began striking their servers to grab anything they could.

---U.A High School Earlier On---

After dropping off the women, the girls went to their usual classes only to be redirected out to Sports Festival Stadium. All the students were a bit surprised in the sudden change, but the teachers simply said it was a special surprise event sponsored by former alumni. Rolling with it since they were seeing famous Heroes the students didn't question it.

"Any signs?", the Commissioner asked his men over the radio from Nezu's office.

"Yeah, we haven't gotten a single call this morning.", one of the cops dispatch said, "Clark was right, something big is about to go down today. There hasn't even been a pickpocket reported this morning."

"The calm before the storm.", Rumi replied, "I can feel the tension in the air."

"Agreed, thankfully we planned for this.", Nezu said, "We had enough time to organize evacuation measures, and Clark has his robots on standby. The Heroes can focus on taking on the villains while the robots evacuate the civilians."

"I wasn't convinced of him using the robots, but in situations like this it makes complete sense.", the Commissioner said, "It frees us up to focus on the villains solely. It's also good the hospital is full stocked up for injured people, and we already have established safe zones to fall back too."

"We sure the robots are going to be-", Hawks started to say before Kelex came over the radio.

"Clark has made contact with the base personnel.", Kelex said, "Cupid and his women aren't at the base."

"Thank you for the update, anything else?", the Commissioner asked.

"Yes, the cities water system was just hacked into. Someone has rerouted the water from the area, currently restoring the water now.", Kelex said.

"You able to trace it?", Nezu asked.

"Affirmative, the hacker is located in the U.A server room.", Kelex said, "Pulling up the footage now."

Pulling up a live feed from the server room, the group found several of Cupid's women attempting to sabotage the utilities. Kelex had deployed the Riot Protocol in the school's system ensuring that outside interference in the room would be much more difficult to do. Sending some men to collect them the Commissioner told them to be care.

'Clark's AI is terrifying, we had the system specially built to alert us of outside breaches yet his robot broke in like it was nothing. Had he not been watching though we wouldn't have had any water for fires that are likely to happen.', Power Loader thought.

"I am activating the test robots now. Several entities are on course to arrive at the school in ten minutes.", Kelex stated, "Estimate arrival point is the main entrance of U.A. Also, a convoy of vehicles just entered the city, confirmed the passengers are with Oblivion Group."

"You able to tell what they are wearing?", Hawks joked.

"I can secure a video feed if you wish.", Kelex stated.

"No that's fine!", Hawks quickly said.

'Something like this...I am glad it's Clark and not a villain.', Nezu thought, 'Something like this would be terrifying in the hands of a villain.'

"Cupid has been located, currently headed to Sports Festival Stadium from Class 1-A.", Kelex said.

"What!?", the Commissioner snapped, "You mean he got that close!?"

"Target was teleported in.", Kelex stated.

"He is using former alumni of ours to navigate.", Nezu stated, "Alert the-"

"Heroes have already been alerted.", Kelex stated, "Kal-el Legion is beginning evacuation of civilians, and reinforcements have been activated."

"You know...this robot is really killing the mood.", Hawks sighed.

"Haha, admittedly I am surprised that the robot is already reacting.", Nezu laughed.

---Area Around U.A---

Contacting his men, the Commissioner ordered them to intercept the convoy on the highway. Telling them that they should expect heavy resistance the police sent SWAT and their heavy hitters to run intercept the villains. Out in the field the cops watched in disbelief as the robots descended from the sky alerting civilians to stay calm, and allow them to help. Simply stating that there was dangerous villain activity in the area they said they were here to escort them to safety. For those who didn't understand English the robots switched to Japanese to convey the message. Accepting the aid, the robots then carried the civilians to the safe zones.

"The fuck was that!?", one of the officers gasped, "Were those the robots the Commissioner told us about?"

"I think so.", another officer said.

"Are any of you officers in need of medical attention?", one of the Kal-el Legion robots nearby asked.

"No...we are fine for the moment...", they replied in shock, 'They are programmed to provide aid too!?"

"Be advised, villain contact expected in one minute.", the robot said, "Civilians have cleared from the immediate area."

"Thanks...", the officers replied not really knowing what to think.

Looking at around they realized that the area was empty as the robot said. When a group of villains came barreling down the street the cops were waiting for them. Instinctively going for civilians for cover the villains panicked as there were none there.

"Take them out!!", the commanding officer shouted.

Rushing the stunned villains, they quickly recovered from the momentary shock and ran at the cops. The two groups clashed in the street, and the cops were immediately pushing the villains back. Assisting the police, the robots prevented the villains from fleeing into the side streets allowing the officers to stay as a group. Unlike the villains they were trained to as a group, and they were putting the screws to the villains. Subduing them in minutes, the robots immediately jumped in to start healing the officers. Once they were healed the robots assisted officers in securing the villains.

'These fucking robots are fucking cool!', many of the officers thought.

Completely healed the officers reported in the number they caught, and that they were ready to assist anywhere they were needed. Similarly other squads around the area called in the same. On the highway my robots had evacuated all civilians, and had cut off escape routes for the villains. Currently engaged with SWAT it wouldn't take long for them to be subdued especially as almost as soon as they were injured the SWAT team was being treated making them nearly endless in number compared to floundering villains.

---U.A High School---

Alerted to Cupid's presence on campus, the Heroes immediately sprung into action. Watching the Pro's and teachers get ready for something the students became nervous. When Kelex teleported the Pro's from Nezu office to the group in the stadium they started to panic.

"Is something wrong?", Ida asked.

"Class we have a breach in the school.", Eraser Head said, "Villains have infiltrated the grounds, and are headed our way. All of you need to mind your surroundings, and be careful."

"Is this some sort of test?", Bakugo asked.

"This isn't a drill, this is the real deal.", All Might replied, "We may need your assistance."

"About damn time!", Bakugo laughed, "Bring those bastards on, I will fry them!"

"Young Bakugo, don't get cocky.", All Might stated, "These aren't ordinary-"

A laughed echoed through the stadium as Cupid made his appearance.

"You better believe I am not ordinary.", Cupid laughed, "We can make this really easy, I am only here to kill a couple of Pros and take a peek at Superman's lovely girlfriends. If you submit peacefully I can make this slightly less painful."

"Someone is a cocky bastard.", Endeavor laughed.

"Haha, cocky?", Cupid laughed, "You haven't fought anyone like me, let's see you fare mister Number 2 Pro Hero!"

"From what I hear you don't even fight.", Nemuri replied.

"Why should I bother myself with piss ants?", Cupid laughed, "Girls, take these annoying fucks out. Bring me the girls alive, and in one piece. I want to see that bastard on his knees when I am done with them."

Clenching their fists my girlfriends readied themselves for a fight along with the others. Suddenly a serious of explosions shook the stadium as his 'pets' poured out of the holes along with his best subordinates. Charging the students and Heroes, the groups clashed in the stadium causing the field to explode as the first series of blows were traded. Arriving on the scene the training robots came to provide back up support to the Heroes. About that time a Warp Gate appeared in the stands as dozens of Nomu poured out of the gate, along with Kurogiri.

'He is here...", Eraser Head and Present Mic thought twitching with anger.

With Nomu on the field things went from tough to bloody. Sent in with the orders to cause the most amount of damage, the Nomu were going batshit crazy trying to kill both sides. The higher ranking Heroes ran interference to try and fight the Nomu. Entering the fray, Eradicator dropped from the sky causing a pressure wave that blasted many of the Nomu and Cupid's subordinates away. Using this chance, Red Tornado separated the Hero women from the villainesses for immediate treatment. Amazo was scanning all the villains copying their Quirks into his system.

"What the hell!?", Cupid shouted at the women, "Fucking kill them!!"

"Your Eradication is assured if you don't stand down.", the Eradicator said standing in front of the students.

When one of the villainesses went to attack Tsuyu, he caught her midair and slammed her into the ground making a four foot deep crater. Incapacitated from the blow, Eradicator went to engage the Nomu. Joining the fray after scanning all the villains, Amazo started laying down the smack down on the Nomu. Having analyzed them Amazo was exploiting their weaknesses, and killing them easily.

---AFO's Third Hideout---

"Why are the Nomu falling so quickly!?", AFO asked.

" would appear that robot is somehow seeing where their weaknesses are.", the doctor said in a panic, "This was an unforeseen series of events...the other two seem to be physically superior to the Nomu."

"How is the kidnapping of the girl going?", AFO asked.

---Eri's School---

The news stations were reporting on the events happening at U.A when several villains had attacked the school. Teachers lead the children away from the danger, and the children were terrified. Crying, calling for their parents, and calling out for a Hero to come they thought they were going to be killed. Clutching her Tiger tightly as the villains caught up to her class, Eri started to panic as well.

"Activating Safety Protocol, Safeguard Eri.", the Tiger said in a calm voice.

Deploying a barrier around her and her classmates, the Tiger started using it's sound weapon to force the villains back. Looking at her Tiger as it was shrieking at the villains, she watched them fall to the ground holding their ears in pain. Rolling on the floor in pain the villains were incapable of moving without reeling in pain.

"What the hell is that noise!?", they screamed, "Make it stop!!"

Fazing through the roof, Vision arrived and stared at the men. Using a mental energy burst he knocked them unconscious instantly. Seeing the robot from my lab there, Eri relaxed as relief washed over her.

"Lady Eri, Master Clark sent me to ensure your safety.", Vision said, "The Kal-el Legion is here to evacuate the teachers and students."

On queue the robots appeared, and started evacuating them all. Vision stayed with Eri, and escorted her to the Wayne Group Complex. Delivering her to my parents, Vision stayed with them as Eri's bodyguard.

---Wayne Group Complex, President's Office---

"Eri are you alright!? You aren't hurt are you!?", my parents asked worried about her.

"Mr. Tiger and Mr. Vision protected me!", Eri stated with a smile.

"Thank the lord you are alright!", my mother said holding Eri.

"You must be one of Clark's inventions.", my dad said.

"I am, my name is Vision.", he said with a smile, "Master Clark assigned me to ensure Lady Eri's side for the duration of this event. Rest assured that the complex is currently under lockdown, and things are okay. Master Clark is currently enroute to U.A High School, he should arrive momentarily."

"So Cupid is here in the city then.", my mother stated.

"Yes, the police are currently engaged with the local riff raff that are attempting to breach U.A.", Vision said, "The Heroes and students currently in U.A are locked in battle with Cupid's forces and another enemy believed to be All For One's people."

"Are there any injured people?", my father asked.

"Civilians in the areas have already been airlifted out of harms way.", Vision said, "Currently no civilian's have been injured."

"Thank heavens.", my mother sighed.

---U.A Sports Festival Stadium---

After the three robots entered the fray the tide turned in the Hero's favor. Section 13's crew was also fighting hard, but the introduction of the Nomu had taken out Sonico. One of them clocked her head, and slammed her in the ground. She was currently receiving treatment from my robots away from the fighting. Up from his vantage point Cupid was realizing that things weren't going his way.

"Damn those fucking robots!", Cupid snapped, "This wasn't supposed to happen!! Damn it, time to make a tactical retreat. Eva, go-"

"Who said you were allowed to leave.", I said making the entire stadium freeze for a moment.

Cupid's blood ran cold as he felt my killing intent pour over him. Looking up into the sky he saw me staring right at him. Starting to open his mouth to call out for one of the Warping Quirk women to save him, the next thing he knew his whole body was in pain, and he was lying in a crater on the field. Spitting out a mouthful of blood he got back up, although at a slow speed. Taking full advantage of the women he captured he had many procedures done to himself to strengthen his body. In prior conflicts with Strength Quirk users he managed to tank most hits pretty easily, but mine felt like he took a a tank round to the chest.

'What the fuck!', he thought.

"You have quite the nerve targeting my girlfriend's Cupid.", I said touching down near him, "You even had the bullocks to tell your men you intended to rape them."

Of course they hadn't, but I had read his mind already knowing how he wanted to play this out.

"I...I don't know what you-"

"You can save the act Cupid, you are a weasel bastard that enjoys raping Heroines and Villainesses like it's a sport.", I said exuding more killing intent.

There was so much emanating from me now the Nomu were back pedaling to get away.

"I already read your mind Cupid...", I said in a very cold, ominous tone, "You have anything to say for yourself...this field is going to be your grave."

"A...A Hero doesn't kill!", he snapped shaking a bit.

"A Hero doesn't kill a villain, yes. What I am looking at is a monster", I said staring him down, "You are beyond saving, and what you did those women is unforgivable. How many of their lives did you ruin? How many loved ones did you force them to kill? How many terrible things did you force them to say? Don't bother answering, I already know. You hold those tapes over their heads to keep those that start becoming immune to your gas in line. If they step out of line, you destroy their lives in the public's eye so they can't ever rebuild their lives. I can see in your memories that you party watching them suffer public backlash because they couldn't meet the publics unreasonable standards for a Hero. You made it so they can't ever hope to recover their lives if they leave you."

"So what if I do!?", he hissed, "They are a bunch of fuck sluts!! All I do is just free them from societies morals!!"

"Is that what you think?", I replied, "You think brainwashing them into saying what you think they feel is freeing them?"

"I run the fucking show in this damn world!", Cupid shouted, "All of you are nothing to me, but pawns!! If I wanted to I would have you all on your knees begging for my mercy!! I can do whatever the hell I feel like because I am the one with all the power here!!"

"Oh really...", I said walking up to him, "Make me kneel then."

"You fucking moron, you came in my range!", he laughed spraying gas into my face, "Haha you are such a dumbass!! Maybe you should have fucking looked into my records before walking into my strike range!"

"Clark!", my girlfriends shouted.

"Fuck them now, I want you to kill them all!!", he laughed, "Slaughter every single fucking one of these bastards!!"

The Heroes immediately readied themselves thinking I was going to attack, but I didn't move. Realizing that as well he went to hit me, though his hand fell to the ground without a sound. Seeing that his hand was missing he went to scream, but my hand covered his mouth.

"I am not impressed.", I said in a dark tone, "Is that all you had?"

His eyes went wide as fear set in.

"Maybe you should have read my information, you would have known I am immune to toxins and poisons.", I stated.

'Shit shit shit!!', he thought, 'This isn't where I fucking die!! I won't fucking die in this rat hole city!!'

Winding up the money shot to end his life, he snapped his fingers at one of the women. Sending a beam of energy into him, I sensed an immediate change in his body. The woman, Jenette, in question was almost like AFO, but her targets had to be deceased for her to be able to take their Quirks and she had the ability to combined them. She was Cupid's number one girl, and she had been with him since he started down the path of evil. Using her ability he had her collect Quirks from all the dead individuals that had crossed his path. Acting like it caught me by surprise I let him go as he started bulking up.

"Your dead now fucker!", he howled, "This is the combined power of all the Heroes I had killed!! You still feeling cocky you bastard!?"

"Still all bark, and no bite.", I retorted.

"Be careful!! He is stronger than he looks!!", some of the freed Heroines shouted.

Slamming his fist into my face with a smirk on his face, he felt confident that he was currently stronger than me. The force of his punch kicked up small dust storm behind me making him think he sent me flying.

"Haha eat dirt you cock sucker!", he laughed injecting himself with a more potent version of Overhaul's serum variant his hand regenerated, "Now then fucker, I am going to make your women squeal like pigs!!"

Feeling a puncture in his chest, he looked down to see my arm through the center of his chest. Sweat started pouring from his head as I ripped my hand back. Feeling his heart regenerate in his chest he felt a sudden overwhelming fear come over him.

'No...he is still stronger!?', Cupid thought backing up, 'I spent a decade gathering all these Quirks!! You can't be stronger than all of them combined!!'

"Was that all you had?", I asked as I blew the dirt away with my mind, "If this is all you had, you had a death wish threatening my girlfriends. Come for my girlfriends you better make damn sure you can go toe to toe with me! Since you insist on assaulting the women I love, you can fight me as their boyfriend and as a Hero!"

In an instant his entire top half exploded into a mist as his lower half started to falling backwards. Immediately kicking in, his regeneration factor repaired his body in moments but the shock in his mind stayed. For a moment he literally saw the other side, and it terrified him. Punching him in the gut I twisted my fist blasting a hole through his gut. Pain shot through his whole body as he started to regenerate.

"Please stop!!", he screamed, "I don't want to die!!"

"Did you fucking stop when those women pleaded for their loved ones!?", I snapped punching a hole through his chest, "Did you stop when their loved ones pleaded for their sisters, mother, and lovers while you assaulted them!? Your whole pitiful life you took every damn thing you wanted without working for it! You ruined thousands of lives, and tortured all these women!! There is no escaping your judgment!!"

"You can't kill me!!", he screamed, "You'll lose your licenses!!"


"You can't-"

"God is busy watching over entire world! He sent me to send your ass on a one way ticket to hell!!", I shouted pumbling him with a serious punches that blew his body apart.

Immediately regenerating after each hit he could only endure the punches howling with his death screams. Beating him to pieces for five minutes his serum started to loose it's effectiveness, and was losing to my hits. Crying while sending snot everywhere he called out for someone to help him, but none of his former servants came. All of them had been cured, and were glaring at him. To them he deserved every damn hit and then some. He had made a disgrace of them while they were trapped in their bodies helpless to do anything. For all of them they had been living in their bodies this whole time helplessly stuck on autopilot, and voiced whatever he told them to say.

The Heroes stood their awestruck at the hurricane I was causing with each swing. By now the stadium was in pieces, and the only reason they were still standing was because the Kal-el Legion was holding up barriers to hold back the wind pressure.

"What the hell is that kid!?", Endeavor shouted, "Is he even human!?"

"He is human!", Momo said glaring at Endeavor, "Clark is human no matter what you say!"

"Yeah!", the other girls said glaring at him.

My second to last hit brought Cupid to his knees as his body was slowly healing itself. Feeling every single hit I gave he was currently in so much pain that literally breathing felt like he was being stabbed by thousands of hot blades. Crying with slobber and snot running down his face he looked at me with terror.

"Pwease...dowt...kiww...we...", he said unable to speak anything right.

"You don't get to beg for mercy scumbag.", I said staring at him like he was garbage, "Plead your case with your maker. Now is the last moments you live on this world."

"PWEASE!! DOW'T DU ET!!", he cried.

Coming up with an upper the air in the entire area started to pick up, clocking over six hundred miles an hour. Several consecutive sonic booms echoed through the stadium as everything happened in slow motion for him. Feeling my fist slam into his testicles, and then through his gut, the last sensation he had on earth was the blow I gave him under the chin. Sending him into the atmosphere at over Mach 30 he disintegrated somewhere in the atmosphere.

Seeing that display the Section 13 team, Heroes, and students were all in shock. Even Kurogiri was petrified as every fiber in his body told him to flee because I was far out of his league. From their new base AFO opened a portal, and tried to have his underlings go get him. None of them wanted to go through while I was on the other side of that portal. Regaining enough composure to do something Kurogiri was able to move his hands to open the portal for the Nomu and himself to flee.

Cracking my neck, I ordered the legion to start doing repairs to the area. Getting to work immediately I walked over to the teachers and students.

"Everyone alright?", I asked, "No injuries or anything?"

"No...", Eraser Head said.

"It's over now, you all can relax.", I chuckled, "Cupid is no longer a threat."

"Yeah...we kind of assumed that.", Vlad said.

Looking at them hoping they would snap out of it, the first one to really react was Sonico. Running over to me she grabbed my hand with sparkling eyes.

"Can I get your autograph??", she asked.

"Huh?", I asked.

"You are super fast and strong!", she said with a smile, "You looking to expand your harem? I am single, and I would-"

"Hands off!", Nejire shouted pulling me away from her, "You stay away from him, he is our man!"

"He can make the decision for himself!", Sonico huffed.

"He can, but he already told us he isn't looking to add more.", Nejire said.

"Yeah, keep your hands off him!", Mina and Melissa shouted.

Jumping in with them, the others jumped in as well. Rumi, Yu, and Nemuri stayed quiet though they wanted to bitch at Sonico. She was really curvy, and it made them uncomfortable she was getting grabby with me. Pulling my arm into her chest though was their breaking point. Jumping into it they started to argue with her telling her she had no business interfering in our relationship.

"Haha", All Might laughed breaking up the tension, "It would seem that even with all power he is still helpless against them."

"I am just glad I don't have to clean this all up.", Cementoss stated, "I think I am going to get something to drink after that, anyone coming?"

"I will take that...", Enterprise said, "I am just needs to be over."

"Sonico will you cut it out!", Blackout shouted, "You are causing problems for-"

"Let me take him out for ice cream!", she shouted.

"No!!", my girlfriends snapped.

Playing tug of war with me they were pulling me back an forth. Rubbing his forehead Blackout groaned as he didn't have the patience to deal with this.

"So...what happens now?", the Heroines asked clutching their sides, "His men are going to post all those pictures and videos he had of us."

"Don't worry about that, my robot assistant is currently finding any footage or photos he had, and destroying them.", I replied, "You don't have to worry about that stuff coming on the internet. Anyone that tries to upload it will have it deleted the moment it hits the internet."

"You mean...all of that stuff won't be shown to the public?", they asked.

"Correct, you and anyone else he had under his heel should have anything to worry about.", I stated, "I knew the type of scumbag he was from the reports of Heroines that escaped him. Doesn't hurt to have a a plan to make your lives easier. While I can't undo all the torture he did, I hope this gives you some kind of closure."

Tearing up, the women fell to their knees crying their eyes out. All the fear they had of being torn apart by the media and public came out hearing that they wouldn't have to worry about that. Having scene wipe the floor with Cupid they believed my words without any doubts. Thanking me for saving them, and deleting those shameful things he made them the police took the women to the station to undergo a psychological evaluation to make sure there were no underlying issues before sending them back to their home countries.