Chapter 29 - Renewal

---NYC, One Week Later---

"Thanks for coming on tonight with us, Superman!", the host of Late Nights with Jeremey Show said shaking my hand as I came on stage.

"Pleasure to be here Jeremy.", I said.

For the past week I had been on several newscasts and talk shows. I made headlines with my declaration that I was willing to throw my licenses away to protect the innocent smiles of my loved ones, the Heroes, and the public at large. As expected my executing Cupid like that caused a stir, but surprisingly I didn't lose my license. In fact many European politicians came to my side saying that I had done what needed done. The Female Heroes I saved spoke out in favor of what I did, and told their stories to the public. As expected the public at large didn't know the full extent of Cupid's powers, but the demonstration they saw when he tried using it on me told them all they needed to know.

Many news anchors came out with public apologies to the Heroes they slandered on international tv. Of course this came too little too late for those that had killed themselves, but it allowed those that were still alive to find some peace. Assisting in their recovery, the Clark Wayne Hospital was giving the Heroines free therapy to help regain some of what they had lost. Those that had lost loved ones were finally able to make their peace at their graves which helped most begin to release their pent up depression.

Officially the UN said my actions were warranted given Cupid's history, and the number of deaths he caused. Along with that they said that my status as an International Hero wouldn't change. As for Section 13, they announced that at the same time I was fighting Cupid they had taken out several massive Oblivion Group bases across the globe. In the days following that they struck several more bases before the Oblivion could close them down. Now in hiding the core members of the group had become ghosts, and Section 13 was going through all the data they had collected from their servers. The UN gave me one hell of paycheck for helping with that, and for Cupid's death.

The debuted of my Kal-el Legion was overwhelmingly received by the public, and law enforcement. Footage of my robots in action was blowing up on the internet as people thanked me for ensuring their safety. Police told the news how helpful it was that the robots evacuated the civilians, and provided medical care as needed to them. Stating that it was a game changer, they all said they would wholeheartedly support me using the robots in the future.

"So Superman, the world is fascinated with your seemingly endless strength and stamina.", Jeremey said, "The public wants to know, have you found a limit yet?"

"When I do all of you will be the first to know!", I laughed.

"Haha, so word is that you have a rather close relation to Section 13 member Sonico.", he said with a grin, "Is there something going on there?"

"Haha no, it is strictly professional.", I stated, "She is a talented young woman with a bright future. Recently she has been asking me for help designing a fabric to help with the air friction she has to deal with. As you know she is a Speedster Quirk holder, most of them have issues with air friction when approaching super sonic speeds. I have been working with my girlfriend to develop a fabric for her."

"Ah that brings us to another question, word is you have a harem.", he said.

"I do, and they keep me on my toes.", I said with a grin.

"Surely you have some sort of secret to being able to date so many women.", he laughed.

"Yes be faithful, honest, and loving to each of them.", I stated.

"Surely there is more to it than that.", he said.

"Not really, you see you have treat them with the respect they deserve.", I responded, "Each one of them is a strong, talented woman in their own right. The fact they put up with me is something that I am thankful for every time I see them."

"Haha now I see how you are able to keep them happy.", he said with a smirk, "Anyways, reports have come out that you are dating one of the teacher's at your school."

"I am, she isn't my teacher nor has any say in my grading.", I clarified, "My homework, tests, and course work are graded by the principal. I don't receive any benefits from our relationship at school."

"Be that as it may, you have to admit dating a teacher is-"

"Jeremey, each person is different and has their own opinion on nearly every subject.", I said cutting him off, "I love her, and I don't intend to change my mind because society says I shouldn't."

"Alright", he said, "So let's talk about your legion of robots, lots of people around the globe are fascinated by them."

"Ah yes.", I said, "Starting with the Eradicator..."

Going into vague details about the robots, their intended purpose, and their place in the future of my career I made sure not to release any of their specs out to the public. Talking about my home life, my hospital, and my time at U.A we ended the interview there. Heading off afterwards, I was relieved that I was done with their interviews for now as they drove me nuts. All of these idiots would always go down the rabbit hole of my harem, and the women I had in the group. They all tried to spin it like they were riding my fame for their own glory, or that there was something dating older women. Some even tried to make vague accusations that there was something going on with Sonico and me, but that was far from true.

Sonico did text me almost every fucking moment she could. She managed to get my phone number after sneaking a peek at one of the girl's phones. Asking me to do photoshoots with her for newspapers, and magazines I politely turned her down every time. Sonico was a nice girl at heart, but her vanity and ego were annoying as hell. Under that ditzy persona she let her team see was a girl that wanted to be the life of party, and wanted the best looking, toughest guy out there as her man. To her everything was about how the public saw her, that's all she cared about. She butted heads with my girlfriends, and they had told her to stop texting me several times. Every time I would block her number she would get a new one within an hour.

---U.A Lunchroom---

"Is she still texting you!?", Nejire asked.

"What do you think?", I said showing her the nearly three hundred unread messages since we woke up this morning.

"Doesn't she have anything better to do?", Momo asked.

"I wish...", I groaned, "I have tried changing my number, blocking her, and letting Section 13 know that she is pestering me. Charles is working on getting it taken care of, but there is only so much they can do."

"Bimbo.", Dorothy and Toga said.

"Agreed...", I sighed, "I am thankful these interviews are over for the time being."

"Are they really bad?", Shoto asked.

After the incident 1-A had pretty much started joining us for lunch. All the students, for the most part, idolized me now after watching me destroy the stadium in a single punch.

"Yeah it's one thing I doubt your homeroom teacher will cover.", I stated looking at everyone, "You have to think about what you are going to say before you saying it. It may not look like it, but these people will look for any chip in your armor. You make one slip up, and they will exploit it."

"Like?", Jiro asked.

"Like this...", I said sliding them a magazine I picked up from the dressing room at the studio.

On the cover was drama about Sonico and I. I was saying there was nothing going on, and she was saying that we like BFF's. None of the talk show hosts bothered even asking if it was true. They just dove straight into asking me if we were serious.

"Isn't there anything you can do?", Izuku asked.

"Unfortunately it's from the US where they have Freedom of the Press. They can write pretty much whatever they want assuming it's not defamatory.", I said.

"Damn...", they said.

"Yeah, it will pass when the next big things happen.", I sighed, "Give it a few weeks, and this will be old news. I am not worried about it, I only care that my partners know it's not true."

"We know, but it's annoying how she keeps making excuses to see you.", Toru stated, "She even transferred to the new Section 13 Japan Branch!"

"I know, I hope she will find someone to help rein her wild nature in.", I stated.

"Doubt that.", Momo stated.

"Clark!", Sonico shouted as she ran over.

Turning back to look at her a few of the boys looked right at the swaying breasts. Giving them a smile she faked tripping to get more attention. Admittedly this was out of a habit she had acquired from over a decade of doing it.

"Perverts...", the women muttered under their breath.

"Sonico, how did you get in?", I asked.

"I said I was here to visit you.", she said with a smile.

"Who let you in?", I asked.

"That Eraser Head guy.", she replied.

'Aizawa...', I thought, 'That damn old man loves harassing me!'

"Will you do a photoshoot with me?", she asked, "Hero Magazine Japan offered me a spot on the cover, and wants to know if you would-"

"Sonico, I have told you several times that I don't-"

"Please, if you do it once I won't ask again.", she said using her cow eyes to try and persuade me.

Not fazed by the attempt I was going to say no, but Toga spoke up for me.

"You'd stop pestering him?", Toga asked.

"About the photoshoots, yes.", Sonico swore.

"Do it, and get it over with.", Dorothy said.

"I really don't want too, it opens a whole other can of worms I don't want to deal with.", I stated rubbing Mina's back, "I am happy with where I am at I don't want to be famous. Being a Hero for the innocent is more than enough for me."

"Come on, the public wants to know more about The Guardian Angel: Superman!", Sonico said with excitement.

"That's what only a minority want.", I said, "You realize that these magazines only give you temporary fame. The public only sees what the editors want them too. Don't you feel anything with them sexualizing you?"

"Clark, not all of us have your powers.", Sonico said putting her hands on her hips, "I run really fast so people can't see me! You know how hard it is to raise your Hero Rank when they don't know it's you!"

"Your Hero Rank doesn't change the fact that you save people.", I replied, "You have an amazing Quirk, and you help a lot of people."

"You don't get it, so will you accept or not?", she asked, "They approve of it now."

Looking at my girlfriends it looked more like they wanted her to stop than actually approving of it. Sighing I accepted the offer, and asked when we were going. Texting me the details she said the photoshoot was tomorrow. Trying to take a seat to my left she smiled as an idea came to her mind. Pushing Izuku away, using her breasts to make him move, she wanted to discuss what I would need to wear. I could tell that my girlfriends were about to throttle her so I decided to finish this quickly.

"Sonico, I will text you after lunch and you can give me all the details.", I stated, "I am kind of on a crunch for time today."

"Oh I understand, hit me up after you leave.", she said getting up and walking away.

Once she was gone Dorothy spoke up.

"You sure we can't...trip her when she is running?", she asked.

"I am starting to agree.", Toga stated, "She is very annoying and persistent. We can't get a break from her hassling you!"

"I know, I trying to get that fixed but they can really only force her not to message me when she is on the clock.", I sighed.

"You could just date her, right?", Kirishima asked.

Shooting him nasty glares my girlfriends didn't like that suggestion. If Sonico wasn't such a showboat I might consider dating her, but she was too much of diva to fit my group. My group was much more private in public, and didn't like to advertise our presence. Sure I drew attention quite easily, but I really hated being swarmed by reporters. This past week really had driven that point home.

"Maybe you can mellow her out.", Jiro said.

"Mellowing that girl out is like trying to tell Izuku not to fanboy for All Might.", Ochaco teased.

"I am getting better!", Izuku stated.

"That's right, he is only fainting for a few minutes now!", Ida said thinking what Ochaco said was a serious comment not a joke.

"I think you should look into why she is like that.", Mina said, "Maybe she has something going on in her life that causes it."

"You are wanting him to add her?", Momo asked.

"No, I was just thinking if he fixed that she'd leave us alone.", Mina replied.

"Yeah, you might want to make that a priority.", Toru giggled, "If she interrupts any more evening movies Rumi is going to blow a gasket."

"Could you maybe not discuss your personal lives like that?", Shoto asked, "All of us are single aside from you."

"You are the Number 2 Pro Hero's son, surely you have girls lining up to date you.", Ochaco said.

"No...that would be annoying.", Shoto said.

"Then why are you hassling us?", Toga asked.

"Because it's just as annoying.", he replied.

"Then don't sit with us.", Toga retorted, "You don't have to sit here."

"I sit here because my classmates do.", he said.

"No use in telling them to shut up.", Bakugo mocked, "All they can do is-"

"Bakugo...if you say what you are thinking I will send you to the basement.", I stated cutting him off.

Huffing he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"How about we talk about something else?", Jiro suggested, "So...are you going to take part in any of the mock drills?"

"Oh yeah...", I said with a cramped smile, "Nezu told me two days from today I will be assisting in the training."

"Wait, two days from now is when have our runs...", Tokoyami stated.

"Yeah, Nezu has be facing your class.", I stated, "And Class 1-B."

"Wait he is having you fight both classes?", Itsuka asked, "That's a bit unusual."

"Haha...apparently they want you to train facing large scale threats like what we had with Cupid.", I stated, "They want you to be able to coordinate with a different group than you have so far. Not only that...Nezu thought it would be unfair if I helped each class separately."

"Why?", Jiro asked.

"Because he is plowing those girls.", Bakugo said without thinking.

"Bakugo...", I said with an empty smile, "Why don't we step into the sparring room?"

"Shit...look at the time.", he said trying to flee.

Before he got out of his seat, I smashed his face into his food tray faster than anyone could see. Lifting his head he glared at me, and I returned the glare. Huffing he wiped his face in annoyance.

"You going to apologize?", Mina asked, "Or do we have to let mommy know you are misbehaving again?"

Twitching he apologized, and stormed off. Sighing I shook my head in frustration.

"Anyways...", Jiro said trying to move past the awkward moment, "You are helping out?"

"That's what I was told.", I said.

"You holding back?", she asked.

"You think they'd let me do anything, but hold back?", I chuckled.

"You never know.", Izuku said, "If they want us to take it seriously, they may tell you too go all out."

"Izuku...", I said looking him in the eyes, "Me going all out would mean there is nothing left of you or the school. I think parents would frown on that level of training."

"They making you do anything else?", Asui asked.

"No, that is it.", I replied, "The exercise is really meant for me to see where you are at, and then help you determine where need to improve."

"They want you to help us?", they asked.

"Nezu believes that with me helping Heroes around the world with different Quirks I can help make suggestions to help you.", I said, "Makes sense, but I am not sure why he is asking me to do it."

"Because it's important for students too bond with each other.", Nezu said walking up to our table, "You are very special case so you haven't had much interaction with the other students. I am hoping you will grow beneficial relationships moving forward. It's important to remember that you aren't alone in crime fighting!"

'Nezu...I already know that.', I thought, 'I want to build an international agency so that won't happen! While being Superman is cool I can't be a Hero 24/7, I want a family and having that means setting aside time for them.'

Smiling and nodding my head seemingly accepting the answer I thanked Nezu for his guidance. Once lunch was over I took off to finish out my day.

---Section 13 Japan Branch---

After the battle at U.A there was not really any real defenders at the Oblivion Bases in Japan. Taking them out Section 13 regained their foothold in Japan. Once the paperwork was done for reopening the Section 13 base, Sonico immediately asked to be transferred thus became the first Section 13 member for the Japan Team. Till the new team was put together Sonico had a lot of time on her hands, and had focused her attention on pursuing me. Calling her after I left the school, she gave me the information she had.

"Come wearing your hero costume.", she said, "The editors want us in our outfits."

"Is that it?", I asked.

"Could we maybe get a bite to eat before the shoot?", she responded.

"Sonico...I am just going to ask, why are you pursuing me so hard?", I inquired.

"Well you are good looking, strong, and a nice guy.", she replied, "Anything wrong with me pursuing you?"

"I have made it quite clear that I have a harem, but you insist on trying to butt the others out.", I stated, "You realize I am not going to give them up, right?"

"Well you never know, I am quite good looking.", she giggled, "I have men lining up to take me on dates."

"Maybe you should ask one of them then.", I stated.

"Clark, I am just asking you to grab a coffee and muffin.", she stated, "Please?"

"Fine, but if you try to tac anything on I am walking.", I compromised.

"Great, I will text you my new apartment address. See you at 8:15!", she said hanging up.

Setting her phone down Sonico sighed. She never had any trouble picking up men before, I was the first one that didn't try getting with her the moment she showed interest. Usually she'd just keep going, but she felt she was ten times better looking than any of my girlfriends.

'I don't get it, usually all I have too do is show a bit of skin and the men just give me all the attention I want.', Sonico thought, 'The other boys at the table looked right at my chest, but Clark just completely ignored me! What do those girls have that I don't?"

Sonico had grown up in a rough household her parents didn't hurt each other or her, but both of them were extremely busy people. Her mother was an actress and Heroine while her father was a businessman and part time Hero. They met while on a call, and the spark just happened between them. From what they told her they married in under six months, and not long afterwards her mother got pregnant with her.

At an early age Sonico had been training to hone her Speed Quirk she inherited from her father. Unlike him she could break the sound barrier with relative ease, and she enjoyed showing off to her parents. Unfortunately for her though both of her parents were busy people. They loved their daughter, but prioritized work far too much. Sonico spent a lot of time with babysitters, and then eventually on her own when she was old enough. Whenever she saw her parents she would try to show them her good grades, test results, or ask them to come to parents day at school.

Every time there was an event at school she would text them, and plead for them to come. Sadly her parents said they would have to go next time, or they were too busy to attend. Being the only child at these events to not have her parents really hurt her. All she wanted was her parents to be there, but they were too busy trying to make a future for her to see she needed them. Several of years of this went by before she just stopped asking, and endured others making fun of her for not having parents show up.

When she got into Southern California Hero Academy she fell into a bad crowd, who showed her the best ways to get people's attention. Following their lead she started dressing differently, and learned how to use her curves to get the attention she desperately wanted. Getting attention from people for the first time in mass, she started to really like it. Eventually she realized that people were only going to give her attention if she hung her goods out there. Of course she never let anyone in her bed, but acting out to get attention made her a prime target for other girls hatred. By the time she graduated she was the most hated girl in her grade because of the boys she took away from other girl's relationships.

After obtaining her Hero License she got a job in Section 13, and had climbed the ranks using the temptation of her body to get her places. Going from internal staff to field agent in only a year she broke several records in the group for how fast she got up the ranks. Eventually that caught up to her though, and she was tossed into Blackout's team. She had only been with his team for a little over a month before she met me. Trying her tactics that she had used on many men before with me, she was stunned that nothing happened. Sure she got a rise out of my girlfriends, but she got zero out of me.

'There has to be something I am doing wrong.', she thought, 'Maybe seeing me in my tight costume will get a rise out of him.'

---Next Day---

Going over to her apartment after I dropped the girls off I knocked on the door, but got no response. Knocking on the door again I heard some noise inside, and a few moments later the door opened up.

"...I told you yesterday...I don't need...the paper...", Sonico said partially asleep wearing nothing but pink panties and a shirt that only hid one breast.

"Sonico...we have the photoshoot, remember?", I asked.

"Photoshoot?", she replied, "Well that's tomorrow Clark, it's like midnight right now."

"Sonico it's 8:17am.", I stated.

"Huh...Shit I overslept!", she said coming around, "Fucking piece of shit alarm!! I will be out in just a few minutes!"

Closing the door, she ran to the bathroom to wash her face. Flicking on the light she saw the state of her clothing, and screamed.

'Shit!! Oh gosh I am a train wreck!!', she thought, 'I hope he didn't snap a photo of me!! All my hard work will go out the window!!'

Getting her costume on, she washed her face, did her makeup, and hair then ran out the door. Clearing her throat she looked at me with a serious expression.

" didn't snap a picture did you?", she asked.

"You mean of your pajamas?", I asked, "No, I did see though."

"Please don't tell anyone!", she pleaded.

"I won't, lets just forget about it and have breakfast really quick.", I stated.

Dashing over to a local coffee shop, we got coffees and she got a muffin. Walking over to our photoshoot location, which was in a park, Sonico talked to me about her time with Section 13. Stating that she joined up to travel, she asked what my plans were after graduating. Telling her about my plan for an international agency she seemed rather curious about it.

"So how would that work?", she asked.

"While the agency would be called the Justice League, and in each nation we have a branch in we will employ local Heroes and staff to help in that country. In the event of a natural disaster, such as a forest fire, I can pull strings to have hundreds of Heroes onsite to fight the flames.", I stated.

"Can't you do that yourself?", she inquired.

"I can't be everywhere at once, sometime I will be unable to go because I am on another job or simply because I am unavailable.", I replied.

"Unavailable?", she said with a confused look.

"Well I will take time for me and my girlfriends.", I stated, "It's important to make time for them because they deserve it. I want to take them on dates and vacations without having to constantly fly off to save someone. Superman is only human, I can't do everything everyday."

Stopping she looked at me with a serious look. Instead of her usual playful attitude she was being serious.

"You'd take time to do things with them? Like not doing work or anything, just focus on them?", she asked.

"Well yes, one day we will have children and I want to be there for them.", I stated, "I made a promise to them that I would put family first, and make them the priority. Sure I will be a Hero when I am on the clock and when I am truly needed, but I won't make my family suffer by choosing the world over them."

"I...I see...", she stated walking without another word.

Arriving onsite, we sat down to wait for the photographers to show up. As the minutes rolled by I could tell Sonico wanted to talk about something to break the silence.

"So why Section 13? Surely you could have gone other routes to get international travel in.", I stated, "If I remember right you dad and mom are-"

"I don't speak with them.", she said.

"When was the last time you talked with them?", I asked.

"How about we talk about something else?", she replied, "I don't want to talk about my family..."

"Alright, so how many teams have you been on with Section 13?", I asked.

"Two, Blackout's teams and the one before him was Gerald's teams from Italy.", she said, "Gerald's a fucking pervert, bastard used to hide cameras in my dorm room as a joke."

"You mean to spy on you? Isn't that frowned upon in your group?", I asked.

"It is, but anytime I would bitch about it they would say I was being too sensitive.", she said wrapping her arms around her legs.

"So you left the team?", I asked.

"No I forced to transfer. After I refused to date him he filed a complaint stating that I was distracting the team.", she grumbled, "I ended up on Blackout's team, and he hassled me believing the report."

"Were you acting the same way you do with me?", I asked.

"No...well partially maybe.", she admitted, "I tried using my sex appeal to make people like me. Gerald took it as an offer, but I am saving myself for mister right. When I find him I am going to give it to him, and make him stay with me."

"You realize not all men are going to stay faithful with just that.", I stated, "Maybe you should get to know guys you like before deciding who is the right guy by looks alone."

"Looks are important.", she said, "People will judge you if you aren't good looking."

"They will judge you no matter what. People will look for reasons to judge you no matter what you do. You could do everything the way the world wants you too, and still piss people off.", I said, "You do realize that you can't make everyone like you, right?"

"I have my curves, and my looks to keep attention on me.", she said.

"Till you one day grow old like everyone else or someone curvier comes along.", I stated, "Then you will be yesterdays news to people."

" don't know what you are talking about!", she snapped.

"You watch movies right?", I said, "You know that people can't keep going forever. One day there will be someone curvier, and more beautiful than you. If you base your relationships on that you will be left alone when you are older."

"No!", she shouted, "The public loves me, they won't abandon me!"

"Sonico, if that were true then why are you getting defensive about it?", I pointed out softly, "Is something going on? Is there anything I can-"

"No! No! No!", she shouted becoming frantic, "The public loves me!! I am the most popular speedster in the world!!"

"Sonico are you alright?", I asked.

"You wouldn't understand!", she said starting to tear up, "You have a perfect fucking life! Superman the untouchable, invincible International Hero!"

"I don't see myself like that.", I responded, "Sonico is there something going on? Let me help you if you need help."

"I don't need your sympathy!!", she snapped, "I can do things on my own without anyone helping me!! The public loves me with or without a boyfriend!! Why are you saying the public doesn't love me!? Everyone wants to be me!!"

Going to grab her shoulders she bolted leaving me standing in the park. Realizing that there was something bothering her I decided to look into what was going on.