Chapter 30 - Bounty

Flying over to see her parents, I was surprised her father saw me so quickly. I had originally intended to schedule a meeting with them, not meet them right away. Seeing her father he welcomed me into his office, and offered me a beverage. Stating that I was fine I got straight to the point.

"Is there something wrong with Sonico?", I asked, "She doesn't want to talk about either of you very much. I was supposed to do a photoshoot with her today, but she just ran off when I said she should look for a real relationship."

"Ah...then I take it you aren't a couple.", he said.

"No, it's something the media cooked up that she is embracing.", I replied, "I apologize if I got your hopes up."

"It's fine, I had hoped it was true so we could stop worrying about her.", he stated as his expression darkened, "Our little Sonico grew up before we realized it."

"What do you mean?", I asked.

Telling me about her upbringing, and how she basically raised herself with little interaction from them I understood why she was like this. Her need for attention stemmed from not having the attention she wanted from them as a child. Still the fact she went to such lengths to get attention was a bit disturbing.

"Still she took things a bit far don't you think?", I asked, "If what you say is true, she lives in a fantasy world where everyone likes her. You realize that once that bubble pops she will have a mental breakdown. What type of parent leaves their child to fend for themselves!?"

"All we wanted was for to have a better life than ours.", he said, "We put our noses to the grindstone to set her up for success. Neither of us want things to turn out like this."

"That desire of hers to be popular is going to be her undoing.", I said with a stern look, "I think you and your wife need to take some time to see her. You need to save her before she goes off the deep end. With all the drugs and everything going around what do you think she will do when her world starts to crumble?"

"She won't speak to either of us.", he said, "We tried many times, but she blocks us."

"No you fucking moron!", I snapped, "Don't call or video message her, go see her in person! Stop hiding behind your desk, and be her father!"

"She will just-"

Grabbing him by the shirt I glared at him.

"If you don't do this, what will it take for you to show up?", I snapped, "Is her funeral what it's going to take, or maybe when she some jackass take advantage of her and leaves her with a broken heart? Sonico acts like a stuck up prick because that's all she knows how to do to get attention!! You fucking muppet, she replaced the father and motherly love she needed from you with the hollow affection the public gives her!


"No fucking excuses!", I snapped, "Be her father, and show up! I can't make her see the light, nor can either of you! You have a responsibility to her to at least try to stop her from going down the wrong path. If you love your daughter you will be on a plane with your wife to see her within the next 24 hours."

"She likes you, she will listen to you.", he said, "We can help you, but it's more-"

"She doesn't like me you moron, she wants to use me to gain more fame.", I retorted, "I won't enable her behavior, it will hurt my girlfriends if I did. You are her parents, you made her, now go help her! If you don't help her, and she gets herself in trouble that guilt is going to weigh heavy on your heart. Clear the air now while you have the chance. I won't even bother seeing your wife about this, be a man and do something for your family! Stop worrying about the company, all of this could crumble tomorrow! Focus on what really matters! Somewhere in that chest of your you have to love your family enough to realize she needs you!"

Nodding his head he said he would book the flight immediately. Calling his wife he said they needed to go see Sonico immediately, and that he was booking the flight now. Surprisingly she accepted without a word of complaint making me think she had wanted to do this for a while. Leaving them to sort this out, I went about my usual patrol.

---Wayne Manor---

After not having the shoot, and no messages from Sonico I hoped she was alright. The sudden parting earlier in the day left me a bit conflicted. While I knew she did care about helping people, that self-inflated ego of hers really hampered her ability to accel in life. I knew how fragile the Hero Society was, and if she came crashing down with it when things came to light she wouldn't recover.

"Everything alright?", Nejire asked as we were getting in the shower, "How did the photoshoot go?"

"She bolted before the shoot.", I said, "I was trying to figure out where that enlarged ego came from, and she got all crazy on me. She seems to think she is the most popular speedster in the world."

"Haha!", Rumi laughed nearly choking up, "She isn't even ranked, the girl pisses off far too many people to get ranked. The only ones that vote for her are perverts hiding in basements."

"That's pretty harsh.", Dorothy said with a bit of irritation, "Is there a reason for that?"

"What I found out was her parents effectively left others to raise her till she could remain alone.", I stated, "Sounds like that ego is her way of trying to cope with not having anyone to love her and give her attention her as a child. Her dad effectively she effectively started acting like a whore in high school to get the attention she wanted though as far as he knows she hasn't slept with a guy. Once she got a taste for the affection the public gave her she clung onto it for dear life."

Telling them what her father said they listened while we showered. By the time I was done they were all not impressed with her story.

"So what you are saying is she is a crybaby bitch.", Nemuri said, "Sure it is terrible she didn't have parents to give her attention, but to act like this to get it...the woman's a whore."

"Kind of sounds like me before I met Clark.", Yu stated, "I wanted and craved that attention the public gave me. I could really care less. I am happy here with all of you and Clark."

"Agreed.", Rumi stated with a grin, "That said there were other ways to get attention."

"You think she was trying that with Clark?", Ochaco asked.

"Yes!", the others said.

"Oh..", Ochaco replied, "You aren't talking to her anymore then, right?"

"She hasn't pestered me since this morning.", I stated, "She either hates me or no longer is interested in me."

"Great, then let's not worry about her.", Dorothy said, "Besides you have your hands full already."

"Haha that I do.", I replied kissing her, "I don't mind it though."

"Too late to change your mind.", Toga laughed jumping on me.

Taking an extended shower and time getting dressed, we had dinner and called it a night. Plopping down on the bed the women picked a movie, and relaxed with me.

---Sonico's Apartment---

After leaving me Sonico had gone off to blow off steam doing laps around the area. When she got tired she came home, threw her phone down, and went to shower. Thinking back on what I said as she stood in the water she felt a bit guilty. She was used to boys using her to brag to their friends, and was even okay with them sometimes kissing her. Usually though they left after not getting passed that making her go find another guy.

'He was only trying to help...', she thought, 'Maybe...maybe I was a bit harsh with him. Could it be I have been doing this wrong?'

Thinking about that as she got out, she got her robe on and went to sit on her bed. Reflecting on my words she looked at herself without any makeup or fixings. In her eyes she wasn't anything with her products, and worse yet she felt inferior to others without it. Wondering if she should meet me without it on, she received a call from her father.

'What does he want now!?', she thought answering the call.

"Hello?", she asked.

"Sonico, your mother and I are on our way to see you right now.", he said.

"Why?", she asked.

"Dear...I want to apologize to you. I...I put the wrong thing first, and I made you suffer.", he said, "I took the next month off, and hoped you would spend some time with us."

"I have taken a month off as well.", her mother said.

"Why now?", she asked, "You never cared before! I pleaded with you for years to just show up to my plays, or even to parents day! None of you ever came once to see me, I was all alone!! Now you want to play parents too me!?"

"We take full responsibility for not being there dear.", they said, "It is our fault...we put your future first instead of being there when you needed us."

"Why!?", she cried, "Why are you just now realizing this!?"

"Because that boy Clark came to see me today.", he said, "I told him about your history, and he lectured me about having the wrong priorities. He chewed me out for not being a father and husband. Everything he said was true, and I...I feel so terrible that I let this happen. Dear your mother and I love you more than you know. I am so sorry it took so long for us to tell you."

"He came to see you...", she asked.

"Yes, he was worried he hurt your feelings and was genuinely concerned about you.", he said, "He got very upset at us for leaving you alone all those years."

"He did?", she asked choking up.

"He did.", her father said, "We will be touching down tomorrow afternoon. Please meet us at the airport."

"Of course!", she said sniffling, "I...I will see you then."

"We love you dear.", they said.

"I...I...", Sonico stuttered finally breaking down, "I love you too!! I...I have so much to tell you!!"

"And we will listen to everything.", her mother said, "We will go shopping, and spend time together as a family."

"That...that sounds wonderful.", Sonico said.

Talking on the phone for a full hour after that, then ended the call. The fact I had gone so far for her really touched her. It was the first time someone did something nice for her without anything in return. She was still skeptical things would be mended between them, but she felt happy that it was taking a step in the right direction. Now she was very conflicted on how to speak with me.

'He went out of his way to help me, and I pushed him away.', she thought, 'What do I say to him now? It was a nice gesture, but I don't think he will ever consider dating me. I have...I have a lot things to work through.'

"Yes you do.", a voice said.

Leaping up from her bed she turned around to see a man sitting on her desk chair. Currently having their face hidden behind a mask she didn't know who he was. Telling him to identify himself at first she though it might have been me.

"No, I am not the Golden Boy as Section 13 calls him.", the man said, "I suppose you wouldn't remember someone like me, after all you had no issues making a mockery of me. You ruined my life you damn bitch."

"I don't follow.", she said.

"Oh really, maybe you can think back over the men you led on.", he replied hiding a smile beneath his mask.

"I am sorry, but I don't know what you mean.", she said.

"Think back specifically the time before you were in Southern California Hero Academy.", he stated, "Think back around the the time you applied."

"That was over five years ago.", she said.

"I know, I have been counting the days.", he said in a cold tone, "I have been following you since then, waiting for you to be alone. Fucking Section 13 is a bitch to get around, but here there is no security yet."

"You are a stalker!?", she shrieked.

"Haha not in the sense you are thinking. I am not here to sexually assault you, more like get revenge.", he said.

"I...I don't follow.", she said.

"Maybe I can help jog your memory. You remember your first application to SCHA was denied right?", he asked, "You didn't test high enough because of a failed essay, but they allowed you to take it again."

"I do...", she said getting a bit nervous.

"You remember you approached a young boy for assistance?", he said grabbing a small notebook out of his pocket.

"I...I vaguely remember asking someone for assistance.", she said.

"You remember your classmates in middle school?", he said flipping through the pages.

"Not really...", she said not remembering those days fondly.

"Haha go figure you would forget about me.", he mocked, "I have been waiting for the opportune moment to get my vengeance, but you forgot about the reason why I hate your guts."

"I really don't remember you!", she stated reaching for her armor.

"Haha Little Sono forgot about her 'friend'.", the man said.

Stopping she froze hearing that name for the first time in nearly half a decade.

"V...Vaughn?", she asked, "You and I...we were friends in middle school."

"So you do remember!", he laughed, "Great, now I feel less guilty about this."

"I don't remember doing anything to hurt you!", she argued.

"Nothing!?", he snapped, "You came to me after you failed, and pleaded with me to help you!! I caved in for the chance to be with you, but that didn't happen. I don't blame you for that, but you were the reason I didn't make it into SCHA!!"

"How did I do that?", she asked.

"You fucking stole my work, and turned it in as your own!", he shouted, "You stole my chance at having a spot in that High School!"

"I didn't steal your work!", she replied, "I-"

Throwing her application forms at her she read over them. Everything was certainly in her handwriting as was the essay she wrote. When she said she didn't understand he showed her his essay. The essays were nearly identical to each other, aside for some words she had written down differently. It was at that point she remembered what happened. That day she copied his essay down, and took it home with her while he wasn't looking. She was so desperate to get in that she sent his essay in as her own.

"Vaughn, I didn't mean too-", she said.

"Didn't mean too!?", he shouted, "Because of you they charged me with plagiarism! You realize I couldn't get into a Hero School because of that!! Not only that they went back in, and found where I had cheated previously!"

"How is that my fault!?", she snapped, "The copying yes, but them finding-"

"It was your fault they found out! Had you not screwed me over I would have gotten in just fine!", he snapped, "You destroyed my career path, and I had to find a new a villain."

"Vaughn, you didn't have to go down this path. You have a really powerful Psychic Quirk that allows you to take over someones...", she said before something came to mind, "Vaughn...what did you do?"

"Now you understand the lengths I went to for my perfect grades. You think I was a fucking genius? I forced our teachers to do my work for me because I thought it was stupid. I had them file it away before I released them so they wouldn't remember anything. They went back and looked! They came after me for controlling them. I have been on the fucking run since then. I've had to chance my face, voice, and name just to get to this point.", he growled, "You ruined my chances for becoming a rich Hero with all the money I could ever want. You stole that from me, now I am stealing yours from you!"

Reaching for her armor, her body froze up as he took over her nervous system and mind. Unable to move a muscle she was helpless to do anything. Vaughn's quirk was called Takeover, and with it he could completely take over an individual's body and mind, and control them like a robot. What's more the target wouldn't realize it if he snuck up on them.

"Now like I said I won't rape you or anything, I don't need a whore to please me.", he said, "Oblivion Group took quite a beating from Section 13, and they are looking for any leg up they can get. They have a bounty out on any members a villain brings in. I can get several million for you since you have high level access. I am sure you will be well taken care of in their prison, especially because they think you are a side chick of Superman."

Panic set in as she realized that her harmless prank was about to cost her more than she bargained for. Trying to break free from his control she felt like she was frozen in cement, and couldn't budge an inch. Walking over to her he poked a needle into her neck with drugs to knock her out.

"If you happen to live through this you can consider our debts even.", he said, "That said if you end up dead blame yourself you whore. By the way, just so you know no one ever fucking really liked you. The boys wanted in your pants, and the girls all thought you were shit...thought you should know."

"They did...", she said as the drugs started kicking in.

Showing her everything he had written down about what he learned from her former classmates her heart broke. All this time she thought they really liked her, but now she was finding out what her bitchy attitude got her. Fading into darkness her last thoughts were of her parents, and everything she had failed at doing.

---U.A Training Grounds---

"Alright Young Heroes, today we are doing special mock training!", All Might stated, "Clark has made some advanced tech to help all of you learn to control and master your Quirks. This tech is very high-grade, and quite frankly I am going to ask him for one myself to train."

"What exactly is it?", Tsunotori asked.

"Adaptoids.", I stated walking forward with forty robots, "These robots are designed with special tech that can replicate your Quirks just by looking at you."

"What!?", they gasped.

"I know you may seem a bit surprised, but you actually saw the main one in action during the fight a week ago.", I said.

"So how exactly do they work?", Ida asked.

"These robots scan your body, and copy your Quirks into their systems.", I said, "Not only that they will observe how you move, and act to make counters against you. These robots are designed to help you see where your flaws are so you can work on them. They don't pull punches so be mindful of that when you fight."

"Bring it on!", Bakugo laughed, "I will blow your tin can to pieces."

"Sure Bakugo, go ahead.", I said.

Letting the robot scan him he waited a moment before attacking. Leaping at the robot he charged forward to blast the robot in the face. As he brought his arm up, the robot grabbed it keeping it away from itself. Holding his other arm back as well, it threw a knee at his face. Moving his head to dodge the first knee missed. Pushing forward, and sweeping his legs out the robot used it's legs to pin Bakugo down while having both hands point blank at his face.

'Shit!', he thought.

Causing an explosion closed to his head with both hands, he actually started to panic. He didn't realize that it replicated it exactly, and finding out in this situation wasn't good.

"As you can see these robots learn alongside you.", I said, "After thirty minutes of training with them, all of you will face off against them as a group. After that, I will take you on myself."

"Oh...", the students thought.

"Don't worry I will take it easy.", I chuckled.

"Is there a reason you are going about it like this?", Ida asked.

"Yes", I said, "First method is to show you new ways to take advantage of your Quirks. Second method then takes what you learned, and applies it in real time. In a riot situation you are going to have a bunch of villains barreling at you leaving you only seconds to react. The last one is fighting a singular strong foe as a team. Whether you make your agency, work for another agency, or fly solo at some point you will work with people regardless of whether you want to or not. All of you are either leaders, followers, or lone wolves so that exercise will force you to put aside those differences to work together as individuals. In the heat of combat you won't have someone there to give you orders. You have to protect yourselves and your teammates."

"I see, so it's to put us through many situations!", he said, "I understand, and-"

"Ida, I know you are a straight laced guy.", I said, "You like everything to have a rhyme or reason, but the world isn't that black and white."

Giving me a confused look I sighed.

"You need to learn to relax a little, you are going to put yourself in an early grave stressing yourself out over every detail.", I stated, "This is important for all of you, aim to be the kind of Hero you want to be. That said, don't try to be a Hero you aren't. Izuku, I hate to single you out but you are a good example. You have the potential to be an amazing Hero, but you can't putting yourself in All Might's shadow. All of you are unique, and there will never be another person like you no matter where you look. Your individually makes you a unique Hero, don't be tied down to being exactly like someone else! Embrace who you are, and use it to keep moving forward."

Looking at me the students seemed to be pumped up now. There was absolutely nothing wrong with aspiring to be like a certain Hero, but they didn't need to become an identical copy of them. Ida was stuck in his brother's shadow, and it was on Ida to fix that. Turning on the robots they started sparring with the kids. Watching them work, All Might was very impressed with the results within the first few minutes.

"Young Clark, about what you said earlier. Did you notice something I didn't?", he asked.

"They need to be themselves, not someone they aren't.", I replied, "All of them are too fixated on being the next All Might or another Pro Hero. These students need to find what makes them special inside, and go with that. Take Mina for example, her bubbly personality is contagious. That personality is likely to help calm children down in a stressful situation which is worth a lot in a tough situation."

Once the first part was over, I switched to the team activity with a snap of my finger. Naturally this caught the group off, and they collapsed for a bit before Ida managed to rally them. Putting up a fight the students started to gain back some ground, but as the saying goes old habits die hard. Students started repeating mistakes they made sparring one on one, and that was the end of that. Getting overwhelmed I sighed realizing it would be a long time for them to work out the issues.

"I think we can skip your match.", All Might said, "I think for the rest of the time they can focus on training with the robots."

"Fair enough, once the class is over they will leave.", I told him.

Nodding his head, I flew off to go see if Sonico's parents would show up. Flying over to the airport, I found them waiting for something. Descending down to them I asked if something was wrong.

"Sonico was supposed to come meet us.", they said.

"Well she slept in on me yesterday before our photoshoot, why don't we got to her apartment.", I said flying us over.

Getting to her apartment, I knocked on her door. Like yesterday there was no response so I knocked again, but unlike yesterday there was still no reply.

"Sonico, it's Clark.", I stated, "I know we had a rough day yesterday, but I brought your parents over. They said they were waiting on you to come get them."

When I didn't hear anything I sighed, and used my x-ray vision to see if she was out cold. Instead of seeing her I found her whole apartment was rigged with explosives and he looked like someone robbed her.

"Shit, one of you call the cops.", I said, "I am going to get everyone out of the building."

"Is something wrong?", they asked.

"Someone rigged your daughter's apartment to explode if the door is opened.", I said, "Please stand back."

Doing as I asked, they called the police while I evacuated the building. Showing up in minutes the Commissioner and bomb squad pulled up in a hurry. Setting up a perimeter around the building the Commissioner asked me for details. Telling him she was a friend, and that I had brought her parents to see her I stated that her apartment was rigged to blow. Nodding he sent his bomb guy, Boomer, to handle the explosives. With a Quirk that let him absorb and release explosions he was quite a helpful guy to have on the force. Calling Charles I told him we had an emergency.

"What's up kid, you found another base?", he asked.

"No, your only Japan staff member is gone. Someone kidnapped her out of her apartment, and rigged it to explode.", I stated.

"What!?", Charles snapped, "Your sure?"

"Unless she knows how to rig a bomb she didn't do this.", I stated.

"Damn...", he said, "Let me conference in Blackout."

A few moments later Blackout was on the line with us. Telling him about the situation he clicked his tongue with annoyance.

"She is the fourth person gone missing now.", he said, "I just got out of a conference call, three members in our Egypt team are missing too. This reeks of Oblivion Group."

"Kelex, see if there has been activity on the Dark Web from them.", I asked my AI.

"Searching now...", Kelex replied, "Found a result, offering rewards for the capture of Section 13 members. It appears Sonico was sold for a rather large amount of money."

"How much?", I asked.

"Several million.", Kelex stated.

"That's not something you can hide easily.", Blackout said, "We can have people look into it."

"I have her parents here.", I told them, "What do I tell them?"

"Tell them we will do everything we can to get her back. Leave this to us for now Clark, this is a Section 13 issue that we will take care of.", the two said.

"I will give you a week, if I don't see progress I am taking over. She may be a pain in my ass, but she doesn't deserve whatever they are going to do to her.", I stated.

"Look at the bright side, you killed Cupid so at least you know this isn't him.", Blackout said.

"Yeah, it's someone else more dangerous in their group just less sexually aggressive.", I sighed.

Telling her parents that I confirmed Sonico was kidnap, I told them that Section 13 was working on it. Looking at me like that wasn't going to fly her parents asked me to look for her. Stating that Section 13 would be tied up by red tape, the couple wanted me to look for their daughter.

"This isn't the first time Section 13 operatives have been taken. I told Sonico not join, I am such an idiot for not stopping her!", her father said.

"Our poor baby girl, please find her.", her mother said, "She is a good girl at heart, you have to believe that!"

"I know she is a nice person under that somewhat annoying personality.", I chuckled, "Now from what I gathered it sounds like the Oblivion Group put out the bounty to catch Section 13 members. I will chase that lead, and see where I get with it. Do you need me to send you home?"

"We aren't going home till our daughter is back safe!", her mother said.

"Alright I understand.", I said.

Leaving to work with the cops, I had Kelex start looking for any large movements of money that fit the bounty price. I knew the money would likely leave places that didn't keep those records, but I could have Kelex keep an eye out for checks being cashed or cash card balances that fit that amount. Believing this was the work of someone that knew her, I felt that she had been here to short for a bounty hunter to have done this. It had to be someone that had an issue with her personally to risk something like this. Whoever it was waited for her to be alone without a team.

"Kelex I want you to cross reference anyone that she knew prior to joining Section 13.", I stated, "Work with those names, and track transactions."

"Understood.", Kelex said, "Starting with the SCHA students first."

Thanking him I took off to go about my normal routine.