Chapter 45 - New Earth

Author Note:

Sorry for a shorter and later update, work suddenly went from calm to off the wall busy. It should calm down in the next few days, hopefully, so I can get back to my schedule. If I made any mistakes in the chapter let me know, didn't have time to proofread this during my breaks.


---Three Days Later, Wayne Manor---

Keeping our activities in the public eye on the downlow to see the fallout of having non-licensed people help me out, I was relieved that the UN pulled strings to get them licenses so it wouldn't be a big deal. The British Ambassador was a strong voice in getting them their license after I explained the situation to them in a private meeting. It was decided that they would stay with me till we could return them to their home world.

"Your plane leaves in three hours, right?", I asked Sonico who was packing a bag, "You sure you don't want to come back every night?"

"I will come back on the weekends, but I have to focus on therapy and making amends.", Sonico said giving me a warm smile, "You going to miss me?"

"Of course I am.", I laughed.

"Hehe...that's good to hear.", she replied.

The girls were back in school now so after I dropped her off at the airport I would start working with Kara on figuring out how to traverse the worlds to get to New Earth. Getting ourselves some coffee and bagels, we spent the short time we had left together before we met her parents at the airport.

---Tokyo International Airport---

"I will text you when we touch down.", Sonico said handing her bag to the flight attendant on their private plane.

"If anything happens you only need to call out, and I will be there in less than a second.", I reassured her.

"I know.", she replied.

Pulling her into my arms I gave her a deep kiss as I wouldn't see here for five days. Not seeing her in bed would be strange now, but it was only a short term thing as after a few months she would be moving back in. Feeling the passion I was adding in, she returned the gesture by stealthily touching my crotch with a smile.

"You think you can wait the six months?", she whispered.

"It will be difficult, tempting me with that body of yours.", I chuckled.

Kissing me one last time as she bored the plane, I looked in one of the windows to see her parents giving me a stupid grin. There was no hiding the fact they knew what she did, and had a guess what was said. Taking off in a hurry to avoid any further embarrassment, I flew home to get Kara.

---Aboard the Plane---

Taking her seat as the cabin doors closed, Sonico saw her parents giving her a teasing smile.

"What?", she asked pretending not to know what they were thinking.

"Should we be expecting grandchildren?", her mother teased, "That was quite a bold move to pull."

"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean.", Sonico replied turning red.

"Just know we approve of Clark and wish you both the best!", her father said, "Just make sure he makes it official before you start showing."

"Dad!!", Sonico shouted.

"Dear we just want to make sure you tie the knot.", her mother said, "You realize that Clark can only have one legal wife, right? You all can marry him, but the government is only going to recognize one."

Having not considered that Sonico sat back thinking about that for a moment. Whomever the legal wife was would effectively have the most sway.

'I will have my work cut out for me.', Sonico thought, 'I don't mind sharing, but the legal wife position is something I want!'

Grinning at their daughter as she thought about things, the couple left her alone to think.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Taking all the DC people with me to the Fortress, I let them roam around the herbivore area while Bizarro tended to his Saber-Tooth Tiger cub in the carnivore area. Having made the cub as durable as possible, it was up to sheer luck now if it would live to see adulthood.

"How goes figuring it out?", Kara asked.

"I am quickly coming to the conclusion that we just have to wing it.", I replied.

"Well that sounds dangerous.", Kara laughed.

"It is, hopefully I run into a Flash that can show me how to get to where I want to be.", I stated, "You ready?"

"You sure you really want me to go?", Kara asked.

"It be nice to have a partner with me.", I answered.

"If you say so.", she said.

Picking her up, I took us to the testing room to do this jump. Absorbing the Speed Force into me, I took off in a dead sprint while vibrating my body. Covering only half the room before we broke out of our reality, the world around us changed immensely. Seeing all the different worlds around us, we could see every possibility that there was in our future.

"Clark...this is amazing!", she said, "Where are we?"

"The gap between the worlds.", I replied, "Alright, we are looking for the New Earth reality."

Looking around us trying to figure out where it was, we weren't able to find it. Looking for another world to stop, and try to locate a Flash I spotted that appeared to be mostly peaceful. Running into their reality, we found ourselves in a corn field.

---Unknown Location---

"Where are we?", Kara asked as I set her down.

Seeing if my phone worked here, I found that it didn't work. I had signal, but it wasn't doing anything.

"I don't know, we should fly around to find someone.", I stated.

Flying low to the ground for a few minutes, we stumbled across a farm house that Kara recognized.

"That's...that's home.", she said with a sad expression, "Not mine, but just like it."

Descending down to the ground, both of us were going to knock on the door but were stopped by this world's Superman and Supergirl. It was an awkward situation as we were counterparts from three different realities. Deciding to break the awkward silence first, I said hello to them with a friendly smile.

"Who are you, and why are you dressed like me?", he asked.

"How do I put this...", I said, "I am a Superman from a different reality, and I am trying to get to New Earth. Do you know if the Flash is around so I can ask how he does it?"

"You are from another universe?", he asked.

"Yes, this is Power Girl and she is from Earth 2. Her world was destroyed by an evil version of ours, and we have reason to believe he is coming for my reality now.", I stated, "I need the help from the League on New Earth to take him down."

"You aren't the first people to come from another universe.", Supergirl said, "We have had several people come here as of late."

"Hopefully not villains like I am dealing with...", I groaned.

"Haha no.", Superman laughed.

"Which Earth is this?", I asked.

"Earth 22.", he replied.

"Shit...yeah this isn't the Earth we want to stay on.", I told Kara, "Let's look for another Earth to find a Flash, or maybe stumble across New Earth."

Looking at me with confusion, I told her we really didn't want to stay here.

"There is going to be a big surge of more violent Heroes rising up in this world. They don't have the moral compass not to kill, and I think we showed up before that takes place.", I told her telepathically, "Let's go, and find another world."

"She is dressed exactly like me, I think we should stay to get the answers we need.", she replied, "Maybe...maybe someone else from my world survived as well."

Nodding my head I posed that question to them.

"Yes, there is one who showed up covered in wounds and barely alive.", Supergirl said.

"Who was it?", I asked.

"A young woman dressed in Amazonian gear.", Superman said, "We can take you to her if you want."

"Please!", Kara said.

Gripping my hand, Kara was very happy that someone else had survived. I wasn't sure how it happened, but I was relieved for her as it may help her get over survivor's guilt. Looking at me with confusion I reached out to the two telepathically.

"I am not Kryptonian like you are, I am human with Kryptonian abilities.", I informed them.

Giving me a shocked look as they hadn't expected that, I gave them a smirk.

---Earth 22 Watchtower---

The Justice Leaguers that were on the station stared at us in shock. Judging by the people present it appeared we had arrived before the event of Kingdom Come. I was relieved that we had because I didn't want to deal with their drama as it was important we changed as little as possible. Seeing the person was someone she recognized Kara pulled me into the recovery room where the woman was still recovering from her injuries.

"Fury!!", Kara shouted holding her tightly, "I...I thought Superman-Prime killed you!!"

"You are alive!?", Fury shouted, "Kara I am so thankful someone else survived!!"

'Fury...that's Steppenwolf and Wonder Woman's child, I think.', I thought, 'She is pretty good looking in my opinion too.'

Noticing that I was looking at her, Fury narrowed her eyes at me.

"Kara...whose that?", she asked, "He looked like Superman-Prime..."

"This is Clark, he is from another world outside our timeline.", Kara said, "He took me in after I ended up on his world, and has been taking care of me since."

"I see...", Fury said.

"Apologies, but my name is Clark Wayne. I am human, not Kryptonian.", I stated.

"Oh, you aren't related like the other Supermen then.", Fury responded with a brighter look.

"Yes, do I need to give you and Kara some space?", I asked.

"No, you stay.", Kara stated pointing to a seat.

Nodding my head I took a seat, and she sat on my lap after getting Fury settled. Seeing Kara do that Fury seemed to want to tease her.

"Please don't harass her, she ended up on a different Earth before mine and watched that Superman become a killer.", I told Fury telepathically.

"I see...I happy she found someone that can comfort her.", Fury said with a smile.

Listening to Kara's explanation of her journey up till this point, Fury could see the pain she was carrying. Telling her about Injustice Superman, and the destruction he was causing in that world Fury became angry. Saying that we should go take him down immediately I informed her of the larger picture, mainly the villains hiding on my world.

"So Fury, how did you manage to survive?", Kara asked.

"I...I honestly don't know. I remember Prime beating me nearly to death before throwing me into the Atlantic Ocean. Next thing I knew I woke up on the beach of Themyscira, and the Wonder Woman of this world found me. My legs were detached, and my body was shattered to bits. They say I will be lucky if I can ever hold a sword again.", Fury said with an annoyed look, "I can barely lift a glass of water let alone a sword!"

"Clark, can you help her?", Kara asked me.

"I have equipment that should be able to heal her.", I said thinking I would need to dust off the equipment I used for All Might.

"Please help her.", Kara requested.

"Of course, she is your friend so I will definitely do what I can for her.", I said.

"Thank you.", she said hugging me.

'National Treasures...yeah they definitely are.', I thought with a grin.

Using the Med Bots I had on me to give her an initial treatment, I did a full physical to see how bad the extent of her injuries were. Prime had done a number on her as many of nerves were destroyed which was likely why many of muscles weren't working properly. Not only that, it appeared she had been exposed to one hell of a dose of radiation as she had cellular damage in her body. If left untreated it would eventually become fatal. The last injuries I found were very fine shrapnel bits spread throughout her chest cavity.

"How bad is it?", Kara asked.

Giving her the diagnosis Fury looked at me to see if I was lying. After a few minutes she sighed, and accepted the diagnosis.

"I was wondering why they couldn't figure out what is wrong with me.", Fury said, "That stuff you used, what is it?"

"Nano Tech.", I said, "I can run diagnostics on your body at the cellular level this way, and do the repairs the same way."

"I see, so your world is more advanced than ours.", Batman said entering the room.

"Not the entire world, my tech is above theirs by a minimum of several centuries.", I stated, "It's nice to meet you Batman."

Shaking my hand, he asked me what brought us here. Stating that it would be best if his Superman and Flash was involved in the conversation, he brought them in while I did what I could for Fury. Explaining the details to them, I explained everything from the time I met Thawne and absorbed his powers. Holding questions till the end, Superman was the first to speak.

"So you have access to the Speed Force?", Superman asked.

"And the Negative Speed Force.", I stated, "Basically anything he could do I can do."

"I understand, how did you-"

"I think it best for Batman's sanity that I don't tell you.", I laughed.

"Agreed.", Batman said with a straight face.

"So you are trying to reach New Earth?", Flash asked, "Why didn't you ask your Flash?"

"None of you exist in my world, my universe exists outside your timelines. I only took the name Superman after I was able to your many timelines and saw someone exactly like me.", I replied, "Eighty percent of the population in my world have powers of some sort, and they range from reading books incredibly fast to making miniature Supernovas."

"That would be a nightmare to plan for.", Batman said.

"I can show you how to run the multiverse, that's not a problem.", Flash said, "You taking Fury with you?"

"I think it's the best solution.", I replied, "She and Power Girl are from the same world so it is probably best for them to stay together."

"Agreed.", Batman stated.

Leaving the Med Bots to do their work, I followed Flash around so he could explain how to use my powers. While I was being taught, Superman and Batman watched the two women through the glass.

"What do you make of this?", Superman asked.

"It sounds like trouble will come to us.", Batman said, "This you think you could fight him?"

"Not really...he has already destroyed one universe, and I am nowhere that strong. Honestly the other Superman has a better chance than me using the Speed Force. If I am being honest...I think he is stronger than me.", Superman told him, "He appears to have better control of our shared powers than I do."

"You and I are on the same page.", Batman retorted, "Him taking Fury is fine, she isn't from our reality anyways."

"Something wrong?", Supergirl asked walking up to them.

"Fury is going with them back to their world.", Superman informed her.

"We sure they are friendly?", Supergirl asked.

"I would say so at this point, given the information he gave us and his actions he is at least not our enemy at the moment.", Batman said looking at Power Girl, "We should get any useful information we can out of him before they leave. I will speak with him when they get back."

About an hour later, Flash and I returned from our trip. Having gained the knowledge I needed, I thanked him as this gave me a lot to work with. I now had more methods for taking down Prime and Injustice Superman if it came down to it. Parting ways with him I went to the infirmary, but was stopped by Batman first.

"Something up?", I inquired.

"I was hoping you could give me some information you had on Prime.", Batman said.

"Do you have somewhere to talk in private?", I asked.

"Follow me.", Batman said.


Using the Watchtowers teleporter, he teleported himself down to his base where we sat to chat. Giving him the strengths and weaknesses of Prime, I also told him about this universes Kryptonite not working on him and his heightened Magic Resistance. Lastly I told him about the existence of Golden Kryptonite, and the effect it would have on Supermen. Telling him that this world's Kryptonite wouldn't work on Prime, I stated that it had to match the frequency of his world's Kryptonite to effect him.

"This is a lot of information, how do you know all of this?", he inquired.

"I...I have secrets like you Bruce.", I replied.

"Alright, I won't press further.", he stated, "If we need to contact you because Prime shows up, what is a good method for reaching you?"

'He could probably use Subspace to contact me.', I thought.

Handing him a schematic for Subspace Transceiver, I told him to broadcast an emergency alert to me from it and I would come to assist. Letting him know the existence of two other evil Supermen, I told him to be wary of them.

"Alright, and is there anything else?", he questioned.

"Keep the Kryptonians away from Black Kryptonite.", I stated, "It will make them go insane."

Leaving on that note, we returned to the Watchtower and I went to Kara and Fury who were waiting for me. Before we got going, Kara told me that Fury's real name was Donna Troy. Wanting me to call her Donna moving forward, I nodded my head glancing at her. Picking them both up, I flew off the station before drawing on the Speed Force. In a split second we were dashing through the Multiverse back to home.

---Fortress of Solitude, MHA World---

Returning to my world, I checked the time and was relieved it was only early afternoon now. I had missed lunch with the girls so I was going to get an ear full for that. A few moments after arriving I got about forty messages from the girls demanding to know where I was. Quickly texting them that I went to another universe, they told me to show them tonight after school. Apologizing for missing lunch, I told them I would take them to the world I was trying to reach.

"You picked up another woman?", Poison Ivy asked with an uninterested look.

"She is Fury, and she is from my Earth.", Kara stated, "Clark, can you show her to the device you want to use to heal her?"

Carrying Donna to the healing pod, I informed her she would be asleep for a few days as she was being healed. Acknowledging that I got her hooked up, with a little effort as her skin was still pretty tough, and put her under while the machine got to work. Having Kelex monitor her, I took everyone back home to let them have their free time. The villains retired to their rooms to lounge around as they didn't want to be seen in public. Maxima, Stargirl, and Kara all wanted to help patrol for a bit so I accepted the offer.

---Later That Day---

Picking up the girls and Eri from school, I helped them with their school work before getting them ready to go to New Earth. Opting to leave the villains behind, as it would cause unneeded problems on New Earth, I got the others strapped into an aircraft fuselage I modified for travel like this. Eri was coming along with us as well since someone needed to look after her with my parents gone.

"You sure this is safe?", Rumi asked.

"Absolutely safe, between the Speed Force and my natural barrier all of you will be safe.", I promised, "The trip will be only be a few moments so feel free to look out the windows. While we are in between the worlds you will see past, present, and future events from across time as we move."

"You think we can see future wrestling fights, and know who to bet on!?", Mina asked.

"No...", I said with a chuckle.

Making sure that all of the were strapped in I was going to get going, but we had unexpected visitors. Just as I was lifting up the fuselage, All Might and David showed up. Seeing what we were doing, they asked why I was lifting them up in an aircraft fuselage. Telling them where we were going, they immediately wanted to go with us. Since they would one day be relatives of mine I agreed, and got them situated. Once they were strapped in, I started drawing on the Speed Force. Seeing the lightning be drawn into me, in a split second they saw the multiverse in it's entirety.

"Wow!!!", the group gasped.

---New Earth---

Popping into New Earth, we arrived in Metropolis during what appeared to be a massive struggle. Two small buildings were collapsed with dozens of cars toss all over the place. Hearing the Justice League engaging a large group of villains, I set the fuselage down so everyone could come out to help me.

"Alright, we are going to assist the Justice League.", I said, "We need to talk to them after this is done so try to make a good impression."

Picking up Eri, all of us ran over to where the fighting was taking place. Leaving Eri with David I dove into the fight with everyone else. Jumping into the battle, All Might went for Bane who was giving Batman some problems. Hit him like a wrecking ball Bane shot across the ground before stopping in a group of trees. Running after him All Might wanted to take him alone. Kara and Maxima went to handle Cheetah and Grodd who were fighting Wonder Woman. Rumi and Stargirl were fighting Solman Grundy and Captain Cold which was giving Rumi a rush. Nemuri and Yu were fighting Giganta together. Seeing that the other girls were engaging with Joker's minions I looked around for where he was.

'Now where is Superman, he is probably Metallo or Luther.', I thought looking around.

Spotting him fighting Luthor in his kryptonite powered suit I was going to assist when a stray energy blast struck a nearby building causing it to collapse. Shooting to catch the building, I found Martian Manhunter and Shazam doing the same. Beating them to it I held up the building while they quickly evacuated the civilians from harms way.

"Wow, since when can Superman make copies of himself!!", Shazam laughed, "That's a cool power!!"

"He isn't a copy.", Martian Manhunter said, "He isn't our Superman."

"Really Shazam...a Superman clone?", I chuckled, "I am a Superman from another universe. I came here to talk with you guys, but it appears you are rather busy at the moment!"

"Yeah, I got to skip...I mean I had to leave work for this.", Shazam corrected himself.

"Haha it's almost like you are a little kid inside.", I teased.

"Uh...yeah.", Shazam laughed.

Lifting the rubble up, I flew it over to Luthor and threw it him. Looking over at a shadow approaching him, he couldn't react fast enough to a yacht sized piece of building coming at him. Activating just before impact he didn't sustain any damage, but that wasn't my goal. Grabbing his shield with my hands he stared at me then his Superman.

"What the hell is going on here!?", Luthor shouted, "Let me go!"

Shooting a kryptonite beam at me, I didn't feel a thing as I started to crush his shield. Seeing cracks form all over his shields I yelled at the other Superman.

"You going to stand there like an idiot, or are you going to break the shield!?", I snapped.

Snapping out of his initial shock, Superman started punching the shield as I slowly applied more force to the shield. After a few moments the shield failed and both of us came in to hit him. Slamming our fists into the suit, he flew out of the area and into the ruined building he made. With the suits power source destroyed I turned to Superman with a smile.

"Uh...who are you?", he asked.

"My Hero name is The Guardian Angel: Superman, but those close to me call me Clark Wayne.", I snickered.

Staring at me blankly for a few moments he then checked his pulse.

"I know Joker hit me with some of his gas, but this is ridiculous.", Superman (New Earth) said.

"I am a Superman from another reality.", I stated, "I came here because I need your assistance...or my world won't survive."