Chapter 46 - Fight In Metropolis

Author Update:

Sorry for a later than usual chapter, hope you all enjoy!


---Metropolis, New Earth---

"Grundy smash bunny girl!!", Solomon Grundy shouted bringing his fists down towards Rumi.

Leaping out of the way with a grin on her face, Rumi proceed to round house him in the head. Stumbling backwards with an annoyed look Grundy corrected himself, and charged Rumi. Before she could jump out of the way, Captain Cold fired his cold gun at her. Trying to get out of the way, her right leg ended up getting frozen making her unable to get out of Grundy's way. Crashing into her like a tank going thirty miles an hour Rumi was sent flying through several trees.

"Mirko!!", Stargirl shouted dodging Captain Cold as he started shooting at her again, "Are you okay!?"

"Haha!!", Rumi laughed pulling herself up, "Now this is a rush!!"

Running at Grundy, Rumi jumped into the air and used her Luna Fall technique on him. Not holding anything back now Grundy was sent crashing into the ground.

"How did you like that!!", Rumi said.

Getting back up Grundy got very pissed off, and lost his sense of reason. Going animalistic on her he started throwing heavy blows at her which Rumi easily avoided with her agility. Slamming his fists into the ground the shockwave stunned Rumi long enough for him to slam his right fist into her. Coughing up blood as she was blasted out of the park, she crashed into a building.

'Damn it...', she thought, 'He isn't going down, what the hell is wrong with him!?'

"Rumi, Grundy is an undead person beating him senseless is only going to piss him off before you can knock him out.", I told her telepathically, "You need to hit pressure points and use electricity to knock him out."

"If he is undead will-"

"Rumi, this world has magic in it so don't try to put logic behind it.", I chuckled, "The easiest way for you to take him out is to keep him in place long enough for Stargirl to blast him."

"Got it!!", Rumi replied getting back up.

Cracking her neck she ran back into the fight. Doing as I told her she started treating this like a martial arts fight. Striking him behind the knees she made him crumple forwards leaving her full access to strike the nerve bundles by his deltoids. Grabbing his arm after hitting the nerve bundles, she threw him over her shoulder and slammed him into the ground as hard as she could.

"In this world you can pretty much go as hard as you want, just don't kill or cripple him.", I told her telepathically.

Grinning when she heard that Rumi started to swing him around building up momentum to throw him.

"Stargirl, heads up!!!", Rumi shouted letting him go.

Sending Grundy fly at her, Stargirl lined up a shot and blast him with her cane. Blasting him in the chest she sent him towards Captain Cold.

"I really need to pick my teammate better...", he muttered diving out of the way.

Knocking Grundy unconscious with the attack, Rumi ran towards Captain Cold. Before she got to him though she heard someone to her left. Seeing a man in what looked like a spacesuit there all she saw was a flash as the world around her froze over.

"Rumi!!", Stargirl shouted flying towards her.

"I didn't need your help Freeze!", Captain Cold said.

"Need to work on your gratitude Captain.", Mr. Freeze retorted, "We have a job to do."

Turning their freeze guns to Stargirl the two fired at her, and the beams merged together. Countering them with her staff's power Stargirl was able to hold them back, but that was short lived. A shadow came over the five people as Giganta and Yu came flying at them. Stopping her attack, Stargirl grabbed the frozen Rumi and got clear before the two giant women crashed into the ground.

"You aren't so tough!!", Yu said pinning Giganta.

"How are you this fucking strong!", Giganta shouted unable to shrug Yu off.

"I workout and train hard with my boyfriend!", Yu replied headbutting Giganta.

Pointing their freeze guns at Yu they were going to fire, but a whip smacked their guns out of their hands.

"Now now boys it's not nice to point a gun at a woman.", Nemuri said with a smirk, "Looks like I have to punish you both!"

"Listen lady, we didn't order a stripper.", Captain Cold retorted.

"I am not a stripper!", Nemuri snapped, "I have a boyfriend, and I am faithful to him!! Now I going to give you double the beating!"

"Listen here we-"

"I am going to kick your ass!!", Rumi shouted running around the corner.

Having thawed her out Stargirl wasn't that far behind her. Pissed off that she had been caught off guard by Mr. Freeze Rumi wanted to kick his ass for freezing her in ice.

"Suddenly I don't feel like we are on the winning side.", Captain Cold said picking up his gun.

Seeing her teammates in trouble Giganta exhaled a power breath that swept Rumi and Nemuri off their feet. Catching the two Stargirl told Yu to stop her, slamming her right fist into Giganta's head Yu started punching her to make her stop. After three hits she was unconscious and shrunk back down to normal size. Turning her head to Mr. Freeze and Captain Cold, Yu was going to swat them but a yellow blur took them from the area followed by the unconscious Grundy and Giganta.

"Hey bring them back!!", Rumi shouted, "I want to kick their ass!!"

"They don't hear you.", Stargirl sighed.

"Grr!!", Rumi growled, "I want a fucking rematch!!"

"I get your pissed off, but not much we can do.", Nemuri sighed.

"You didn't get frozen in a block of ice!!", Rumi shivered, "Achoo!"

"Sounds like Clark is going to have to nurse you back to health.", Nemuri teased.

"I...I guess that isn't too bad.", Rumi said with a smile, "I will take that as a complimentary prize."

Flying over to see how things were over there Kara, Maxima, and Wonder Woman came check on them. Shrinking back down to normal size Yu ran over to meet them.

"You all okay?", Kara asked.

"Aside from one of us being frozen by an astronaut then yes.", Rumi shivered.

"That was Mr. Freeze.", Stargirl said, "We should have Clark check you out after this is settled."

"You know Superman?", Wonder Woman (New Earth) asked.

"No, our boyfriend Clark.", Yu said.

"As in all of you share him?", Wonder Woman (New Earth) inquired.

"The four of us.", Nemuri said pulling Rumi, Yu, and Kara into a hug.

"Wait, why are you including me!?", Kara shrieked.

"Oh don't be shy now.", Yu teased, "You like him too, just admit it."

"I...I...", Kara stuttered.

"Haha well whatever the case we should regroup.", Wonder Woman (New Earth) said motioning for them to follow her.

---Younger Girls While Fight Was Going On---

"Ochaco watch out for the hyenas!", Momo shouted.

Jumping out of the way Ochaco levitated into the air using her Quirk.

"Get'em babies!!", Harley Quinn laughed releasing them from their leashes.

Dealing with Harley, her pets, and a gang of carnie clowns the girls were at a loss as to handle this. Something like this was outside of the scope they had encountered before. Running forward Melissa grabbed the two hyenas by the throat, and threw them back at Harley. Hardening their resolved the others gathered their wits and joined Melissa. Coming at the girls with mallets, crowbars, baseball bats, and lead pipes the insane clowns rushed forward laughing at the girls.

Turning invisible Toru tripped one of the clowns so Toga could zap him with lightning. Momo blasted two of the clowns with rubberized bullets from a shotgun. Ochaco grabbed a destroyed vehicle, removed it's weight, and readied herself to use it as a baseball bat. Blasting and smacking several clowns towards her, Itsuka, Dorothy, and Nejire dove for cover as Ochaco smacked them with the car. Once the group of minions was together, Mina doused them with her acid destroying the weapons that they were carrying.

"Let's finish this!", Melissa said.

"You going to surrender peacefully?", Nejire asked them.

"Get off me you bumbling idiots!", Harley said kicking the minions, "Mr. J told us to take of the trash!! Get a move on or your fired!!"

Getting back off the ground the minions got up, and cracked their knuckles.

"Looks like they don't want to go down easy.", Momo said.

"I will handle this!", Melissa shouted leaping forward.

Pushing her Quirk to the maximum she could handle she felt the energy surge up from within her chest. Catching the biggest man in the face with her right fist she swung her fist downwards.

"Grand Canyon Smash!!", she shouted as she blasted him into the ground.

The street collapsed under the blow, and a brief tornado erupted from the force behind the blow. Blowing both groups away, the girls managed to not get blown to far thanks to a rope Momo made on the fly. Gripping the rope for dear life the only one screaming out of excitement was Mina who was having a blast. Once the wind settled down the girls got back to their feet to survey the damage.

"That was one hell of a punch.", Dorothy said.

"Haha...I put everything I had in it.", Melissa chuckled with a smile.

The minions were all out aside from Harley who used her hammer as an anchor point. Dusting her self off she looked at the girls with annoyance.

"That's no fair, no one said someone like you was gonna be here!!", Harley pouted, "Puddin's going to mad at me."

"Oh Harley.", Joker said walking over to see what was going on, "I told you to make sure that you were in position for Batsy, but you are still over here!!"

"I am sorry Puddin, these girls were-", Harley started to explain.

"I am done with excuses Harley!!", Joker shouted beating her with a crowbar, "I had such a nice time planned for Batman, but you went and ruined it!! This is the seventh time this month you haven't done as you are told!!"

"I am sorry Puddin!!", Harley said curling up in a ball.

"Hey stop that!", Nejire snapped, "She is your ally isn't she? Why are you hurting her!!"

"Harley likes it, don't you Harley?", Joker laughed.

"Yeah...I love it...", Harley replied wanting to cry.

Noticing she was in trouble Melissa and Nejire ran over to subdue him. Having seen what Melissa was capable of he stopped hitting her to address them.

"You both are a bit young to be Heroes, aren't you? Shouldn't you be off playing with barbies or something?", he laughed.

"We are Heroes, and we aren't going to let you assault her!", Nejire said as Toru carried her off without him noticing.

"I suppose you are right.", Joker said with a sigh, "I will go quietly, take my crowbar."

Nejire grabbed the crowbar, and immediately felt a massive jolt of electricity run through her. Unable to control her body Nejire screamed in pain.

"Haha!! Quite a shocking experience holding my crowbar, isn't it!", Joker laughed.

Melissa leapt forward to strike him but, Joker squeezed the flower on his suit jacket spraying acid all over her. Screaming as the acid burned her skin and clothing, Joker laughed loudly at her pain. Raising his crowbar he went to hit Melissa with it, but Momo shot him with a rubberized bullet in the stomach. Gasping from the blow Joker stumbled backwards holding his stomach.

"Are you okay!?", Momo asked them.

"He sprayed acid on me!!", Melissa screamed.

"Give me a moment!!", Momo said breaking a fire hydrant to rinse the acid off her.

"That wasn't very nice of you! She is my sister you son of a bitch!", Toga said glaring at him.

" you met my mother!", he laughed.

"This guy is mentally insane!", Ochaco and Dorothy said.

"You are going to pay for hurting my sisters!", Dorothy said stepping forward with an angry look.

"Sorry, I am fresh out of cash.", Joker said showing her an empty wallet, "Will an I owe you do?

Commanding a nearby ghost to hit him, she was shocked to see hundreds of ghosts come out of the woodwork to do as she asked. One moment Joker was laughing, and the next he was being bombarded on all sides with punches from the spirits. Laughing through the pain, Joker managed to pull a bomb out of his jacket.

"Shit he has explosives!!", Mina shouted throwing acid at the bomb.

Throwing the bomb at the girls the two met in the air, and the bomb exploded sending the girls flying backwards.

"Surprise!!", Joker laughed, "I always like to leave with a bang!"

A yellow blur grabbed Joker, and vanished with him. Harley was still with them so they were happy she wouldn't be going back with him. Treating her injuries, Melissa then carried her into the park towards where I was.

---In the Park---

"You need our help?", Superman (New Earth) asked, "You give off the impression you are strong than me."

"A stronger version of you can only do so much against a corrupt Justice League led by a broken version of you.", I stated, "Not only that, there is a version of us that is going around destroying universes. Power Girl is from Earth 2, her reality was completely destroyed by him."

Walking over to see what was going on, Batman was watching me closely. Joining him shortly afterwards, the other league members present came over to figure out what was going on.

"Since when can you split in two?", Flash (New Earth) asked.

"We aren't the same Superman.", both of us said.

"Sorry...I am from a different reality.", I replied to Flash, "I came here to ask for assistance, but saw you were all engaged in combat so we jumped in to help."

"We?", Shazam (New Earth) said with a confused look.

"Clark!", Yu shouted running over with everyone in my party in tow.

Asking them if everyone was alright, Nejire and Melissa told me that a clown in a suit had attacked them with electricity and acid. Rumi stated that she got frozen by an astronaut when she lapsed on paying attention to her surrounding. David and Eri said that they were alright, and All Might looked like he lost a fight with a Bobcat.

"I am glad none of you are seriously injured.", I replied with a soft smile.

"The clown in the suit was beating this woman over the head with a crowbar.", Ochaco said, "She is still unconscious, but we should get her to-"

"Her name is Harley Quinn, and the man in the suit is named Joker.", Batman (New Earth) said, "He is a psychopathy that gets joy out of the suffering of others. Harley is...or probably now was his girlfriend."

"What!?", Dorothy and Toru gasped, "You mean she puts up with that jerk!?"

"She has Stockholm Syndrome.", Batman (New Earth) said.

"You let her go back!?", Nemuri shouted, "What kind of Heroes let a mentally unstable woman keep going back to a man like that! Clark, we are taking her home so she can stay away from him."

"Don't I get a say in this?", I asked.

"No.", the women said.

"Alright then...", I replied.

"*Cough* he is whipped *cough*", Flash (New Earth) joked.

"At least I can satisfy a woman, being the fastest man alive must suck.", I retorted with a smirk.

"Hey!!", Flash (New Earth) responded, "I can do a fine job!"

"Flash...that requires you to be actually dating someone.", I sighed, "You are single like a pringle."

Sighing he shook his head which put a smile on Wonder Woman's face.

"So you are from another world?", Wonder Woman (New Earth) asked, "Is this your team?"

"So...Stargirl and Kara are from a different universe than ours. The world Stargirl calls home is under the reign of a corrupted Superman. Their Reverse Flash transported Villains and Heroes into my world, and that is causing problems for me.", I said, "Kara's world was destroyed by a different Superman who is hell bent at finding his world at the cost of every universe he runs into."

"That sounds like a big problem.", Batman (New Earth) said.

"Hence why came to you, I can't handle them myself as they have a team backing them up. The Reverse Flash left a hole into my world which can be traced by other speedsters, and I am worried that they will find my world. I am the only one that can fight another Superman, add in a Lantern Corps or a Justice League backing them my odds of winning go down.", I stated.

"A lantern corps?", Kara asked.

"Superman-Prime has had some run ins with the Black and Yellow Corps...", I informed her.

"Shit!", Kara growled.

---JLA Watchtower---

Asking to speak with the League in a more private setting, we headed to the space station where we sat in their conference room. Catching them up to speed with where we were with things, I told them what I knew of the four evil Supermen I knew of plus the Dark Multiverse that might rear it's ugly head at us as well. Listening closely it seemed like a few of the leaguers were stuck on a certain point of my discussion. Once I was done talking Shazam and Flash quickly told us where they were stuck.

"So your Sups and Bats love child!!", they laughed, "This is great!! We got to get a family photo!!"

"Try it, and you won't like the repurcussions.", Batman (New Earth) said with a glare, "I knew I shouldn't have come in today."

"You and me both...", Superman (New Earth) sighed.

"Come on, just a single picture!", Shazam (New Earth) insisted, "It's not everyday we-"

"No!", Superman (New Earth) and Batman (New Earth) said.

"Kill joys.", Flash (New Earth) muttered.

"On another topic...all of these women are in your harem?", Wonder Woman (New Earth) asked.

"Aside from Stargirl, yes.", I replied.

Surprisingly Kara didn't dispute it which gave me some hope.

"Seriously!?", Flash (New Earth) shouted, "How the heck do you get so many women, you got to tell me!"

"Maybe he actually shows up on time for dates.", Batman (New Earth) stated.

"Most of the time I make it!", Flash (New Earth) disputed.

The men looked at him skeptically.

"No more than an hour late usually...", Flash (New Earth) said with a smile.

Laughing, I told him that the majority of them were childhood friends. Introducing the women, David, and All Might both Superman and Batman looked at me with confusion.

"How old are you?", they asked.

"15.", I replied.

"Hold up, someone just a bit older than me is already dating so many hot women!?", Shazam gasped.

"And you all are how old?", Superman (New Earth) asked.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to ask a woman's age?", Nemuri huffed.

"Where we are from it's all legal plus my parents approve.", I said before they started an argument, "Now then...can I ask for your assistance when the time comes?"

"I think a joint alliance is a good idea.", Batman (New Earth) said, "If we are dealing with corrupted versions of Supermen we need allies. As our Kryptonite won't work on them that leaves magic and red sunlight. Are you able to show us what the Supermen look like?"

Pulling up a display with my phone, I showed them a 3D model of the Supermen. Explaining the differences between all of them, I told them of each of their end goals. Stressing the importance of destroying Superman-Prime's suit I told them what the purpose was which piqued Batman's interest. Asking about his ability to store sunlight, I told him that Superman-Prime can't store sunlight and that he has a fear of speedsters having been trapped in the Speed Force Prison before.

Running back to my lab I brought back my previewing monitor, and showed them where Prime currently was. Currently on Earth 9, he was destroying their world fueled by his rage and hatred at the world for what he lost. Watching him tear through the Heroes and Villains desperately trying to stop him, they were simply no match for him and were killed in short order.

Gripping my hand, Kara looked mortified to see Prime again. Holding her hand tightly I gave her a confident look. I wasn't worried about Prime so much as the force following him, the Black Lantern Corps. Made of undead beings from the multiverse these people were more than likely victims of Prime that were turned after their death.

"Clark...", Kara said gripping my hand, "Are you sure you can really take them?"

"Yeah...they look like zombies!", Mina said, "They are like a hoard of mindless-"

"That isn't quite true.", Green Lantern (New Earth) said, "Black Lanterns have all the powers and intelligence they had in life..."

"Smart zombies!?", Mina shrieked, "We are going to need a lot more people Clark!"

"The Guardians will want to know about this, if the Black Lanterns are backing him we will need to join with the other corps to handle them.", Green Lantern (New Earth) said, "I am heading out to alert the Guardians."

Leaving immediately to Oa, Lantern didn't bother saying goodbye. With them understanding what was on the line now, they accepted the alliance offer. Allowing us to take Harley with us Batman asked me to make sure she got the help she needed. Promising him to keep him up to date, I left schematics for the broadcasting device so he could reach me if things changed.

---MHA World---

Returning home everyone disembarked and headed to their rooms. All Might and David stayed with me to discuss what they had seen and learned.

"Young you truly think you can handle this Superman-Prime?", All Might asked.

"Him I can definitely take on, but the Black Lanterns are to abundant for me to even think of taking on alone.", I said, "I don't want this world to be involved in the fighting if at all possible. If they get to this world I don't think we will last long, you saw the difference between our world and theirs."

"I know...", All Might said remembering his fight with Bane, "Nezu will likely want to know about this."

"I plan on bringing it up to him tomorrow.", I replied, "We should probably make it a staff meeting."

"Agreed, I will pass that along to...", All Might started to say before he noticed someone standing at the gate, "Looks like you have a guest."

Looking back, Cynthia stood there with a smile on her face beneath her hat. Telling All Might to take David, I said that she wasn't someone they wanted to see. Informing them telepathically that she was a villain, and the daughter of Oblivion Group member Vlad. Grabbing his friend All Might left immediately leaving just her, the two following her, and me alone.

"Cynthia...", I said.

"Hello dear!", she said with a smile, "I have come for our date."

"You realize it is 10pm at night, right?", I asked.

"It's fine, you can take us to the venue I booked for us.", Cynthia replied.

Noticing I hadn't come in, Dorothy and Eri came out to see what was going on. Looking back at them, I saw the frozen horrified look on her face. Grabbing Eri tightly Dorothy knew that Cynthia was trouble, and the spirits around her made Dorothy want to scream.

"Dorothy, let the others know I will be back later.", I said calmly, "You listen to them Eri."

Rounding the corner, Raven and Wonder Girl gave me pause as both had magical equipment. Thankfully they didn't attack the girls, and allowed them to go back into the house. Asking her where I was taking her, she replied that we were heading to Madrid for a lunch. Telling me to fly her there, I begrudgingly did so she didn't cause any problems. I considered dropping her several times, but ultimately decided to hear her out first before making a judgement.