Chapter 55 - A Different Injustice

"Young Clark, what is going on?", All Might asked.

"We had an unwelcome guest show up at the school.", I said having them sent to the Fortress, "A Bounty Hunter from the Injustice Universe I informed you about. They have made the first move, and we are going to have to hit them before they come here."

"Come again?", Aizawa questioned.

"We don't have a choice Aizawa, if they come here we are talking thousands dead.", I answered, "That meathead would have wiped the floor with all of you. He has a nasty habit of regenerating from the smallest of pieces of himself."

"You are asking for our help?", Cementoss inquired.

"No, All Might and Nemuri would probably be the only two that could help. They have people like you just with much more power behind them.", I stated, "You all aren't a good choice, and All Might is a stretch given your situation."

Explaining to them that it was best if they didn't involve themselves with the fight, I instead told them to be ready for the bigger fight with Prime. There was no guarantee that fight would stay in a single universe so they would need to fight.

"So what about your talk with Nezu, it sounded like you had a plan to makeup for what we lack.", Thirteen said.

"I do, but I don't think all of you want to see what's on the other side.", I stated.

"We have seen a lot of crap in our time, you don't-"

"Compared to that side what you have seen is peanuts. My counterpart has wiped entire cities off the map just to prove a point.", I said, "He's got a killing machine in storage that will run you through like a hot knife through butter. The equipment I have will only go so far, and I can't guarantee you will come back alive."

"Kid, if Hero work was easy everyone would do it.", Aizawa stated, "It's our world on the line too, all of us want to help."

"Don't say I didn't warn you.", I said.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Bringing Selena, Ivy, Maxima, and Blackfire with me to the Fortress they thought they were getting an early treat. Telling them that two more Lobo's struck my school their tone changed. Telling them that we were moving forward with Phase 1, I needed their help getting in touch with the Insurgency.

"So the five of us are going over?", Ivy asked.

"Yes, but I am not taking my...girlfriend's over without proper equipment and precautions.", I said, "Follow me."

Taking them to my private lab, I told them to strip down while I got doses of Super Soldier serum ready for them. Seeing the vials I was holding the women asked me what it was.

"This serum will effectively take you to the peak of your physical prowess. You will have super strength, regeneration, run faster, and above all will help protect you from many pathogens.", I informed them, "All of my girlfriends have this formula, it's a one shot deal and the serum will self replenish itself in your bodies. There is no addiction or anything like that."

Trusting me they stripped down, and I introduced the formula to their bodies. After a super charge in the Vita Chamber, the women came out feeling better than ever. Immediately feeling their super strength and faster running speed they looked at me with determination.

"This evens the playing field a bit more.", they said with a smile.

"That is only the beginning.", I said, "The enhancements the formula gives you is required for the next bits."

"Next bits?", they asked.

"Thanks to the magic training and my viewings to Luthor's tech I have equipment to help put you in a better position.", I replied, "First off is the primary defense which uses Volatile Promethium and Kryptonite to generate a barrier around you. I will need to size your suits so the equipment works properly. Secondly is specialized equipment I have made for you that suits your individual tastes. These weapons are made of Vibranium, and can completely reflect almost all forms of energy that hit it. Diana and Superman will both find them hard to break with punches alone, but the party piece is the thin lining around the weapons. The core is Vibranium, but the edges are Uru a magic metal."

"Magic is one of his biggest weaknesses, I get it.", Ivy said as I sized her.

Getting the four the four suited up, I informed them that the suits were equipped with my nanobots. Stating that they could use them to heal others or themselves, I then explained the shielding. The entire suit was covered in sensors that would react to both their mental state and surprise attacks. On top of being made of Titanium and Vibranium, their suits were made to not hinder their movements in combat. For their weapons I gave Selena claws and a whip, Ivy got small needle guns attached to her gloves that would allow her to inject toxins into people, Maxima received a sword, and Blackfire received bracers that would help her control her powers even further.

"All of these weapons I made to suit your tastes, well what I figured anyway.", I said.

"It's very good.", Maxima stated hugging me, "I appreciate the thought you put into them."

"We may not have been dating for long, but I don't intend to attend a funeral for any of you. Please don't be reckless, I can do a lot of things but I can't bring the dead back to life.", I reminded them.

"So about what I heard mentioned sometime are immortal, right?", Selena asked, "You are making an immortality serum yes?"

"I am, I will have to have Eri assist me in doing it but I will have her regress you all into your mid-twenties and apply the serum. At this point it's still in testing, I want to make absolutely sure there are no side effects because you'd live with it forever.", I chuckled.

"Yeah, I am glad you are considering that.", Ivy laughed.

"Alright team, let's go!", I said.

---Ruins of Metropolis, Injustice Earth---

It took several jumps to find the world, but once I did I could tell things didn't go well here. With the retreat of several main players it appeared that the Insurgency was failing. Judging by Brainiac's ship in the atmosphere I figured we were past the confrontation between the former JLA and him.

"How's it look?", Maxima asked.

"Not good, if I know the timeline correctly we are running on borrowed time.", I stated, "At this point a confrontation between Batman and Superman should have taken place. I am going to take a wild guess, and assume that Superman beat him."

"Why do you say that?", Ivy asked.

"I am guessing, the timeline goes two different ways that I am aware of and it hinges on who won that fight.", I said, "Superman wins he starts using the tech in that ship to start brainwashing Heroes and Villains to serve under him. Batman wins he temporarily strips Superman of his powers before sending him into the Phantom Zone. It's critical we determine the outcome of the fight asap."

"How do we do that without acting suspicious?", Blackfire asked, "You want us to interrogate someone?"

"No, we are going under cover.", I said as my armor morphed into a worn out looking suit, "We have to blend in, and gather intel on the ground. The key is not alerting them to our presence here. Since we used Subspace jumps to get here Flash and others shouldn't have been alerted to our arrival."

Nodding their heads the women grabbed clothing from a nearby destroyed store, and the five us calmly walked the streets. The level of devastation here was unreal as literally everything was in shambles. Between the nuke and Brainiac this city was a wasteland, and that was putting it nicely. The landscape looked like something out of Fallout which was horrifying as this used to be a beautiful city. Finding a makeshift bar where several others were gathering we decided to do recon there. Taking seats around an old wooden spool, we ordered coffees with whiskey.

"You sure you should be drinking?", Ivy whispered.

"A cup of coffee with a splash of whiskey won't do me any harm.", I stated, "Now then..."

When the waiter came back, I casually said that fighting in town seemed to have calmed down. Glancing at me with confusion I explained that we had been hiding out in a ruined subway station, and had only recently come out. Asking what the situation was, he stated that the Heroes had gone up there about a week ago. After that there was a large fight, and lot of destruction.

"Gotham's in pretty bad shape. Superman has been taking his anger out on the people there. Just yesterday Wonder Woman executed several of Joker's former subordinates. He's got a hit out on Harley Quinn, but no one has seen her in a bit. The last scuffle she got in she was hurt pretty bad so it's likely she died.", he said.

"Jeez, I knew we shouldn't have come out.", Selena said playing along, "We should go back down immediately, I don't want to be out here."

"I have to see our families, we don't know whose dead or alive.", Ivy said.

"Their is a hard 8pm curfew right now. If you are caught out after that they will kill you on sight.", he gulped.

"Thanks friend, if we are looking for a place to lay our heads where is a good place to go?", I asked.

"You'll want the Planet's one of the few places still standing after the fighting.", he replied before heading off.

Since we were in public now, I used telepathy to speak. I knew this Superman wouldn't have access to telepathy so it was the safest option. At this point my knowledge of the comic timeline was out the window since so many things changed. Letting them know that, I said we needed to locate Harley.

"You think she is still alive?", Maxima asked telepathically.

"I know a few places we can look.", Ivy stated.

"The three of us had hideouts all over Gotham so she is likely hiding there.", Selena stated.

"Several of the men are staring at us.", Blackfire said.

"Don't make eye contact, the four of you are kill on sight targets.", I reminded her, "Don't provoke a fight-"

"Hey buddy.", one of the men a few tables over shouted at me, "You really supporting four dames?"

"I am, it ain't easy what with all the shit going on.", I retorted.

"How's about I take two off your hands?", he asked walking over.

"Sorry friend, I don't sell my women. They aren't prostitutes, they are my women so buzz off.", I snapped, "We don't want know trouble."

"Is that so, then you best hand-"

At that moment several robots appeared via teleportation. Telling the women to not move, I shielded them from the robots sensors.

"Citizen, you are disturbing the peace. Stand down now or be eradicated.", the robots said to the man.

"Come on, I am just trying too-"

Before he finished the robot rammed a spike through his head killing him instantly. Part of me want to fry the machines, but that would expose my identity and the women's as well. With the situation neutralized the robots left immediately. Drinking our beverages down we left the area in a hurry pretending to be frightened. Once we were out of ear shot the women sighed.

"I thought they were there for us.", Ivy gasped.

"He's cracking down hard now.", I stated, "Let's search those locations you mentioned, but as we do so act like we are beggars. We are less likely to draw attention given how we are dressed and the area we are in."

Nodding their heads we hurried over to Gotham to locate Harley.

---Ruins of Gotham, Injustice Earth---

Arriving in Gotham all of us were horrified to see how bad things had gotten. In just a few days of Batman being captured Superman had taken his anger out of the city, and most of the downtown area was in shambles.

"Do you understand now why we came to your world?", Ivy asked, "This is what Superman has done to Gotham, imagine this on a global scale when a country doesn't align with Superman."

"I am sorry, I didn't realize it was this bad.", I replied seeing first hand how much destruction he wrought.

Looking at the rubble with X-Ray vision made me almost hurl. He hadn't given any warning to his attack, and most people had been home when he attacked. I saw piles of mangled corpses in the ruins seemingly clinging to each other in the last moments of their life.

'That bastard...', I thought clenching my fist, 'There is no redemption from what he has done. These were families he killed in cold blood for his anger at Batman. He isn't going to get away with this, I don't care what anyone says I am ripping his head off!'

The thought that I shared the same symbol as this man made my blood boil. I could never do something like this to people, it wasn't right.

"So where is one of the hiding spots?", I asked.

"Green Arrow made a second Arrowcave here in Gotham after his first was found by the Regime.", Selena said, "We have to go under the city to get to it."

"Lead the way.", I said.

Following her into the now ruined subway system, we ran down a series of tracks before coming to an unsuspecting Employee Access Only door. Entering a pin on the door lock all of us went inside in a hurry. Walking into a much older subway station, Selena stated that this was formerly a presidential subway line but had been in disuse for decades. Getting up on the platform we entered the station, and found that Green Arrow had renovated it into a hideout.

"How did you find this place?", I asked.

"Harley told me.", she said with a smirk, "Ivy, Harley, and I have a bond like sisters. We have our disagreements, but we are there for each other. If you want we could arrange a foursome, if that catches your fancy."

"I have a strict rule of not not sleeping with the mentally insane.", I said, "I appreciate the offer though."

"Whose saying I am insane!", Harley snapped, "I am very much sane thank you, I have been for a few years now!",

"You still dress like Joker's partner in crime.", I stated.

"Don't you talk about me like that! I am happy that lying piece of garbage is dead you hear-"

Stumbling out of her hiding place, Harley was clearly in a bad way. Rushing over to her several other women appeared ready to fight from other spots.

"Hold it, we are friends!", Selena said taking her disguise off.

"Catwoman!?", Black Canary gasped, "I thought you were dead!! Where the hell have you been!?"

"Long story...can you maybe take the gun out of my face.", Selena said.

"Oh sorry...", she said holstering the pistol.

Removing their disguises as well Blackfire and Starfire stared at one another. Starfire was also pretty battered, and I could tell Blackfire was considering ending her. Surprisingly Blackfire relented, and stood down.

"I don't have a reason to fight you sister.", Blackfire said with a sigh.

"Have you put aside your anger, and-", Starfire started to say.

"No, I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't be a villain. Besides if I am going to kill you I would want you at peak performance, it's clear this wouldn't be a fair fight.", Blackfire stated.

"Boyfriend!?", Starfire gasped, "You!? You have a boyfriend!?"

"I do, and we asked him to come help us deal with Superman!", Blackfire said.

"Is that true?", Red Arrow asked me.

"It is, the four of them along with other people came to my world seeking refuge.", I stated removing my disguise.

Seeing me the group became tense. One Superman was overwhelming, a second would destroy them. Keeping their hands near their weapons, they waited to see what I would do.

"I am here to help, and to beat the shit out of your Clark. He sent Lobo to my world...", I said, "Lobo decided to attack my girlfriends so I am here to dish out payback."

"Girlfriends?", Black Canary questioned.

"This Superman is a harem guy.", Selena informed her, "He has a lot of girlfriends."

"I see...", she replied glancing at me.

"It kind of happened that way, I love all of them so the fact he tried to kill them pissed me off. I saw what Superman did to Gotham, I know Batman has an issue with it but I am killing your Superman. There is no redemption for slaughtering all those innocent people in a fit of anger.", I stated.

"Oh don't worry, all of us here are in agreement.", Red Arrow said.

"You can count on us for assistance.", Black Canary said cracking her knuckles.

"Harley should be fine now.", Maxima stated having finished her treatment with the nanobots.

"It seems Batman was captured by Superman so we will have to deal with this on our own.", I sighed, "Alright, are any of you able to reach John Constantine?"

"What the bloody hell do you want with me?", he asked hobbling out of the backroom.

"I need your expertise in separating Spectre from his current host.", I stated.

"Current host? You mean the detective?", he inquired.

"I aren't aware of the full situation.", I replied, "Let me fill you in."

Taking a seat I explained things to them about who was backing Superman. When they were informed that Mister Mxyzptlk was pulling the strings as Spectre all of them became quite angry. Stating that Spectre was the only real problem I had fighting Superman, Constantine said he could figure something out but would need some time.

"Time isn't a luxury we have, I have to strike in five days. If I don't he will come to my world, and most of the Heroes there would likely be taken out by just these four here.", I stated motioning to the four women with me, "Besides if we take too long Batman will be brainwashed into serving Superman using Brainiac's tech."

"Don't forget about Supergirl, Superman took her too.", Harley said, "I owe her a lot for saving my life!"

"I understand.", I told her, "So for now what I need is for Constantine to help come up with a method for separating them, and we will also need a distraction. When John and I fight Spectre I can't have the rest of the Regime coming to his aide. I will need a big distraction to preoccupy them so I can focus solely on him."

"I think I have a method.", Livewire said, "Superman killed Darkseid's son so there is already a large amount of anger there. If you were to pretend to be our Superman, and attack Apokolips..."

"Darkseid would come here looking for a fight, and he could be our distraction.", I replied, "That plan would work beautifully."

"That's a good plan and all, but what happens afterwards?", John said, "Let's say that Superman dies, because he bloody well deserves it, what happens to our world?"

"I have no intention of interfering with your world further after this is over. If you want me to never show up again, I would be more than happy too!", I stated with a smile.

"Are you dense?! As much as I hate his guts it's a fact that he is the only thing stopping people like Darkseid from conquering our world!", he said.

"You'll have Kara to help protect your world.", I stated.

"You are joking right?", he asked like I was an idiot, "Darkseid would obliterate her."

"Is she not that strong?", I questioned.

"Listen, she has little to no combat experience.", he said, "If he comes here he'll run her over like an Alberta Clipper!"

Remembering that one potential ending had her being a servant to Darkseid I kind of understood his worry.

"What do you propose?", I inquired.

"You help us when we need assistance you blithering idiot!", he snapped, "You know how many fucking alien bad guys he keeps away? Mongul, Darkseid, and several others all will come here after you kill him! Little Kara will be nothing more than a speed bump to them."

"Alright I get it.", I sighed, "We can work something out."

"Come on ladies, can't you get a more substantial answer out of him?", John asked.

"We don't want to live in this world, we are staying his.", they said without skipping a beat.

"What!?", the group shouted.

"Clark has done a good job of cleaning up crime in his world. There are no alien threats there, it's only Earth that's inhabited.", Maxima informed them, "Criminals are in hiding, but they aren't hunted down to be killed. They are being locked up in secure prisons and having justice dealt to them. Stargirl and Wonder Girl want to come back, but the rest of us want to stay."

"What the hell happened to you four!? When we saw you last you were all for the fight, and-"

"We were nearly killed by the Regime. If it weren't for the Reverse Flash I'd be six feet under right now. Clark gave us a safe home, and has shown us that we don't have to be villains anymore. We can be us without worry of persecution.", Selena told them, "We want to stay there with him because we...we love him."

"So now you want to get sentimental on us because a nice guy gave you some kindness!?", John shouted, "All of us have been nearly killed by those insane Regime members! I nearly lost my head to Wonder Woman, but I didn't fucking hide from it!"

"John, shut the hell up.", Black Canary said, "All of them have troubled pasts, and most of us sided with the Regime in the beginning. At one time most of the League was hunting them down to lock them up. We let our emotions get the better of us so by the time we came around most of them probably just wanted to slip away from it all."

"Yeah...we did...", Harley stated hanging her head.

"Harley...", Ivy and Selena said.

"Can you take my baby girl back with you?", Harley asked looking me in the eyes, "I won't ask you to take me because I know I am unforgivable. Superman is going to find out that I have a sister and about my daughter. After what Joker did to Lois I am terrified he will kill her!"

The look in her eyes was one I knew too well. In my previous life parents came to our teams pleading for any medicine we had or food we could provide them. Her expression was genuine, and I didn't need to read her mind to know that. It was the face I saw so many parents wear when they came to us with no other options left.

"No, your daughter needs to stay with her mother.", I said calmly.

"Clark you can't-", Selena tried to say.

"I can't take you in good conscious, but I can set you up with a new life on my world. The Wayne Group is close to finishing a Moon Base that will house several million people. I can arrange a home for you to raise your daughter alongside your sister.", I offered, "The only requirement is that you never become a villain again. You have to stay an good citizen, and give your daughter the life you know she deserves."

"You mean it?", she asked.

"Yes, I promise you that.", I stated.

"Thank you...", she replied with a soft smile.

"You idiots are going to make me fucking puke.", John groaned, "Can we get back to reality here?"

Asking them about the intel they had on the Regime, I shared what I knew as well. Saying that he needed to do some research, Constantine left the room to research things further. Apologizing for his behavior, Black Canary said it was because he feels helpless to change anything. Understanding that I was going to call it a day there, but Starfire stopped us.

"I wish to know sister, do you truly intend to give up your villainous path?", she asked Blackfire.

"I do, I am happy there.", Blackfire admitted.

"I wish to see this world for myself.", Starfire said, "May I accompany you back?"

"I am not sharing him with you of all of people!", Blackfire snapped.

"I didn't-", Starfire started to say.

"You have been looking him over like a plate of food!", Blackfire shouted.

"Please don't take it that way, I am simply curious what changed your mind about settling down.", Starfire asked.

"I changed my mind because the Regime nearly killed me!! A few months after the bomb went off I came here to fight you, but instead was greeted by Superman and Wonder Woman. I didn't have a chance to flee before the two of nearly beat me to death! If it weren't for sheer luck I would have had my head removed!", Blackfire cried, "They left me to die under a building...they broke my back, my legs, and many of my ribs. It hurt so much that I wanted to die to end the pain. I dragged my broken body out from the building, and hoodlums attacked me mistaking me for you!"

"Sister...I...I didn't know.", Starfire muttered.

"The Reverse Flash aided me after I gave him everything I had. He healed me, and dropped me off in Clark's universe. I had nothing to barter with nor anything of value to them. Together with several others I worked hard manual labor jobs to earn a living till a freak showed up one day. She killed Manchester Black, and swore to kill all of us if we didn't follow her. A few weeks after that I met Clark in an underground base.", she said grabbing my hand, "Clark took us in, gave us food, clothing, and safe place to sleep. He didn't demand tribute or sexual favors for our safety. All of it was given without any benefits for him. For once in my life...someone treated me like I wasn't an outcast. I...I had a place where I could be me, and I could be accepted for that. No longer did I live in your shadow nor have to walk with the shame of my past."

"I do not wish to take that from you...I understand the desire to keep that feeling for yourself. Dick and I had something like that too but I lost him.", Starfire said looking at her hands, "All I am asking for is to stay with you. We are all that is left..."

Going on to explain that the Sinestro Corps attacked the remnants of their people out Blackfire started crying. Stating that they did so because of both of them the look on Blackfire's gripped my hand tighter as guilt welled up in her. Hearing that they were the only two left Blackfire stopped arguing and allowed her sister to come back with us. Telling me that they would get to work setting things up, I took our group home through Subspace.

---Wayne Manor, MHA Earth---

"This mansion is simply breathtaking!!", Starfire shouted.

"Great...the noise has returned.", Raven teased.

"Raven!? You aren't possessed anymore!", Starfire screamed running over to hug her.

" many times have I said to ask before hugging me?", Raven sighed.

"Please forgive me, I assumed you died long ago.", Starfire stated.

Telling her that I had reversed the possession, Starfire looked back at me. Asking how much stronger I was than her Superman, I said that I would wipe the floor with him. The only problem was that he wouldn't be alone, and dealing with a team was more complicated.

"I see, so we must plan a joyous celebration for our victory.", Starfire said.

"How about a peaceful dinner.", Raven suggested.

"We will be rid of that foul man, we must celebrate!", Starfire laughed with a joyous smile, "After the festivities we can return-"

"I am not going back, I like it here.", Raven said softly, "It's relatively quiet, the atmosphere is calming, and someone I trust is nearby to stop me if my father gets out. Besides, my boyfriend is here and I enjoy the peace I feel around him."

"Oh my!!", Starfire giggled gleefully, "Are you with Clark as well?"

"I am...Clark she didn't join, did she?", Raven asked.

"No, she came because Blackfire and her are all that is left of the Tamaranean people.", I stated.

"Besides, I don't intend to share with my sister.", Blackfire said grabbing my hand, "We may be all that is left, but you and I have our issues. The fact remains that you took my birthright as the first born, and left me with nothing!"

"Sister, I didn't make that decision. It was decided when I was a newborn, I had no sway in the matter.", Starfire told her.

"You have always one upped me no matter what it was, but now that I have my happiness I am not sharing!", Blackfire hissed.

Looking at me like this was going to be a problem, I told Raven telepathically that I would try to iron their relationship out. Blackfire had an inferiority complex to Starfire, and Starfire only wanted peace between them. It was going to be a difficult road getting them to work together, but I knew eventually they would. With that settled I took Stargirl and Wonder Girl back to assist the others before picking up the girls to go train.