Chapter 56 - Jailbreak

---Wayne Manor---

Insisting upon throwing a party to celebrate their reunion, Starfire got Mina on board pretty easily. The two of them clicked almost immediately, and that was probably due to their hyperactive personalities.

"So...she is your sister?", Toga and Toru asked, "You are completely different though."

"Of course we are, she was given whatever she wanted and I had to fight for my things!", Blackfire groaned.

"Is that true?", Mina asked.

"She is referring to when I was a young child.", Starfire replied.

"I am talking about all the time!", Blackfire shouted.

"So what exactly did she take?", Ochaco asked.

"Oh lord...", Selena and Ivy sighed, "We are going to get something to drink."

Glaring at them as they walked away, Blackfire informed us of everything Starfire had been given that she hadn't. Most of what she said were things that the firstborn normal would have received like a title, private tutors, and stuff like that. Since Blackfire had been weaker than her, Starfire inherited the throne. I understood the backstory, but for the others that didn't know about it she'd likely come across as a whining child. Taking their discussion into the kitchen I sighed watching them all walk in.

"They certainly have a lot to work on.", Maxima said, "I completely understand where Blackfire is coming from. Being the first born, and having your birthright taken is quite a disheartening."

"That's right, you are the oldest in your family.", I stated.

"Yes, I also beat my siblings into submission so I wouldn't have to worry about them aiming for my life.", she giggled.

'That isn't something to laugh about...', I thought, "Anyways, I think we may need to consider freeing the Injustice Kara and Batman. Both of them would be invaluable in stopping the Regime."

"While I do agree with that, I also must caution that doing so will alert them to your presence.", she stated.

"I think we can manage that.", I replied with a smirk.

"How do you intend to do that?", she remarked with a curious smile.

" one point early on I considered having a run as Batman, but that got acted when I started fighting villains as Superman. At that point I had a Batman costume and everything ready to go.", I told her, "I am thinking of disguising myself as him, break into the ship to free them, and then evacuate the area before they arrive."

"Oh!!", she said with a smile, "A stealth mission, I like the sound of that! Should we assist you?"

"I was planning on it, but I would need a very good distraction.", I informed her, "You think the four of you could stage a light show?"

"What do you have in mind?", Ivy laughed.

"I don't know, maybe trying to sink the Fortress of Solitude?", I suggested with a smile.

"He would be livid!", Blackfire stated, "Let's do it!"

Going into the kitchen, I pitched the idea to the other women. Acknowledging that it would help us, they gave their approval. All of them looked at me though when I said I had a Batman costume just hanging around though. Saying that I thought it be fun to moonlight as Batman at night and Superman during the day, I was immediately told that was a stupid idea.

"You realize that would have been terrible?", Selena chuckled, "I like the more emotional Superman version of you over a dark, gloomy Batman."

"Agreed, I couldn't date you if you were.", Momo teased.

"Yeah, Batman is pretty gloomy.", Mina agreed.

'Just because he is gloomy doesn't make him any less cool!', I thought, 'Besides swapping places is something both men do quite often to cover for each other when they need to appear in public with their Superhero identity.'

Sighing I still thought it was cool to have the stuff on hand. Maybe one day I could do that just for fun, or as a joke to play on Batman, either one would be cool. Getting ready to go to training with Amazons was an interesting turn of events as in the excitement of coming to my world Starfire hadn't brought clothing with her. After a quick trip to the store, we headed off to Amazon Island.

---Amazon Island, New Earth---

Arriving about the same time as the JLA, I left the women to train while I was trained more in magic. With her sister here with us Blackfire was more competitive than previously. After taking a few minutes to stretch the women got right into sparring.

"Come Sister, let us begin the sparring!", Starfire (Injustice) said wanting to be a team player.

"Fine, but be warned I am not as weak as I once was.", Blackfire (Injustice) said with a smirk.

"You all may want to stand back.", Selena (Injustice) said.

"Huh?", Mina asked with confusion.

"You'll understand in a moment.", Raven (Injustice) answered.

Wonder Woman barely got the word 'Go' out of her mouth before Blackfire sucker punched her sister. All of them, Blackfire included, were shocked by the speed at which the punch came out. Stumbling backwards in a daze Starfire was in disbelief that she hadn't been able to block the blow.

'The serum Clark gave me is even more effective than I realized!!', Blackfire (Injustice) thought, 'I...I can actually beat her now!'

Taking their fight to the sky the two of them started out using their fists, but very quickly changed to throwing their energy blasts around. The serum didn't effect that aspect of her though they increased endurance did. Starfire just couldn't keep up with Blackfire, and was quickly overwhelmed.

Hitting her in the face with an energy covered fist, Starfire was stunned long enough for her sister to heel kick her straight into the ground. Crashing into the dirt with a loud bang, Starfire was down for the count. Raising her hand to start blasting her sister more Blackfire stopped for a moment. Stopping herself from going further Blackfire glared at Starfire, but went no further than that.

Descending to the ground, she walked away without uttering a word. Taking a spot among the others she didn't bother to check on her sister. A few minutes later Starfire picked herself up, and dusted off. Looking to her sister Starfire had mixed emotions about the fight, but recognized her sister stopped when she passed out.

"You okay?", Wonder Woman (New Earth) asked.

"I am fine, I didn't expect my sister to become so strong after only a few months.", Starfire (Injustice) said.

"I received assistance to reach this level. It's only to be expected after all.", Blackfire (Injustice) retorted with a smile.

"Don't make me smack you.", Kara (Girlfriend) sighed, "Just take the win, and be grateful."

"Fine...", she replied.

Taking a seat as well Starfire took the loss with a smile. Up next was Raven and Mina, a combination that probably should never happen.

"Hehe you ready to rumble?", Mina laughed.

"Sure...", Raven (Injustice) sighed.

After Wonder Woman said go, Mina shot forward to attempt to grab Raven. Using her magic, Raven caught her midair and sealed her movement.

"Hey, that's not fair!! We are supposed to be sparring!!", Mina protested.

"I am using my talent, what's wrong with that?", Raven (Injustice) asked in a monotone voice.

"Is that how you want to play it?", Mina laughed, "Alright then, we will fight that way too!"

Spitting at Raven, Mina missed several times and started to annoy Raven. As Raven was going to tell her to stop, she slipped on the spit breaking her concentration for a few moments. Using the opportunity Mina jumped on Raven, and easily subdued her with brute force. Calling the match after Raven was pinned to the ground for ten seconds, Wonder Woman gave Mina the win.

" I am covered in acid...", Raven (Injustice) sighed.

"Uh...not for long...", Momo said looking away.

"What do you mean?", Raven (Injustice) asked.

Taking a look down, she realized that her clothing was disappearing at an alarming rate. Realizing that the men might notice Mina shielded her, and called me over.

"Don't call him over!", Raven (Injustice) shouted, "...I...I am not ready."

Walking over to her I took her home so she could change. Needless to say I got a good peek, and I wholeheartedly loved what I saw. When we returned Mina apologized to her saying that she got a bit carried away. Raven forgave her...after dumping several hundred gallons of sea water on her. As the others trained more with their fighting techniques, my training focused more on learning about measures to separate Spectre from the imp.

"The easiest way is probably have Constantine separate him, and then toss him into Hell.", Spectre (New Earth) said, "Probably not the best place for you to visit, but do what you have too. As for your concern whether or not he might consider helping you...he will. If it were me I would wipe the floor with the people that manipulated me."

"I figured you would, but the problem becomes not all of them have killed people. I was under them impression you couldn't hurt people that haven't killed. You are the Spirit of Vengeance after all.", I stated.

"The people you are most likely to kill have.", he said, "Superman, Wonder Woman, and Black Adam all have killed from what the Presence has told me. There is no issue using my counterparts power to crush them. In fact, I recommend you chain them to the lowest floor in hell personally. I can tell you saw what that Superman did, you can't tell me he-"

"I won't because he does deserve it.", I stated, "Wonder Woman and Black Adam too."

"Really? I thought, you know, you might try adding her to your group since you seem to collect women.", Shazam (New Earth) jabbed.

"Kid, you have yet to understand the pleasures a woman brings to your life.", I said.

"From what my adopted dad says lots of arguments, making you sleep on the couch, and driving you insane.", Shazam (New Earth) stated.

"I haven't slept on the couch nor do we get in that many arguments. They have their spats, but if they didn't I would be worried about it.", I said.

"Whatever you say man, the only thing I can think of is because they have-"

"I am just saying, if you say that next part I am not saving you.", I said, "Remember where you are standing right now."

"Uh...nevermind.", he said not wanting to be on the receiving end of a spear.

"Glad you understand, that is one thing you never tell any woman unless you want smacked.", I said with a snicker.

"He's right, I have seen it many times.", Spectre (New Earth) agreed.

After another hour of magic training, Spectre change things up to hand to hand combat. If the initial surprise attack didn't work, I was going to have to fight him. Since he was under the Presence directly, it meant I had my work cut out for me. The difficult part was countering his own faze ability which meant my punches would do nothing. Surprisingly though if I focused hard enough the armor did allow me to hit him, but only if I really focused on it.

"I didn't know Spectre used hand to hand combat.", Maxima (Injustice) said.

"He is talented, but Clark seems to be doing his best to counter.", Selena (Injustice) said, "I think a reward is in order, men perform better when rewarded."

"...go on?", Nemuri asked.

"Here's what I was thinking.", Selena (Injustice) said whispering in her ear.

I was too busy fighting Spectre to pay attention to what they were saying so I had no idea what they were planning. After a few more hours we bowed out for the night, and returned home.

---Wayne Manor---

After a meal of pulled pork and tortillas, we retired to our rooms for the night. The bed was a bit crowded now so it was definitely time to move to the Fortress, something I intended to do after this issue was resolved.

Getting in the shower the others joined me in groups. Seeing their assets on display was very nice, and sharing a shower was even better. Almost as soon as we got in Selena and Nemuri pressed themselves up against me.

"You did well today, dear.", Selena said.

"Very good.", Nemuri teased.

"Thanks...", I said.

"We think you deserve a reward.", they giggled.

" don't have too", I said with a smirk, "but I am listening."

"Good boy.", Selena teased kissing me, "You mind if I help myself? I still owe you a lot for all you have done, and you can do whatever you want. As your girlfriend I will handle your cannon with care."

"You are the biggest teaser I know.", I chuckled.

"I only tease you now.", she stated with a kiss.

Feeling something warm around my crotch I found she was giving me a handjob while Nemuri was sucking on the tip. The combination was actually quite nice if I was being honest. Before she said anymore The others gathered around with smiles on their faces.

"It's going be a long night.", Mina said kissing me.

"All of are in on this?", I asked.

"It's are job to pamper you, up till now you have been working very hard for all of us.", Momo whispered.

"Moreover we can't let them have all the fun.", Ivy said kissing me.

The cheeky women only did foreplay with me, but never allowed me to do more than that. Telling me if I won and came back alive, they would keep me company till Sunday night. I could tell this was their way of making sure I didn't careless endanger my life.

"I see, so I can do whatever I want if I do that.", I retorted, "Anything?"

"Of course.", they promised.

"I will remember that. If you are cutting me off for a few days, I hope you can keep up after the fight.", I said grabbing Selena and Nemuri firmly on their butts, "Don't blame me if you can't walk straight, after this. None of you have every exhausted me, not even Kara."

"That is true.", Kara said biting her lip.

"What do you have in mind?", Maxima asked.

"Haha I am not saying.", I teased, "That would spoil the fun."

Staring at me, they didn't find it funny at all. If they were going to make me wait I will do the same to them. When they realized I wasn't going to say anything they sighed, and got washed up.

'After I kick Injustice Superman's ass I am going to take the Super Pill, and copy it. Since you all seemed jealous of Kara, I will give you all the same treatment.', I thought with a grin, 'We will see if you ever tease me like this again. Cutting me off like this should be illegal!'

---Next Day, Gotham Underground Injustice Universe---

Slipping back into their world without detection we explained my plan to the group.

"You are a crazy son of a bitch, but that idea might work.", Constantine (Injustice) said with smirk, "We can arrange the distraction easily. You sure you can pull this off alone?"

"Of course I can.", I said fixing the cowl, "Because I am Batman!"

"I am trying my best not to...laugh!", Selena (Injustice) snickered.

"I can't take you seriously like that!", Ivy (Injustice) said.

"HAHAHA!!!", Harley (Injustice) laughed, "You are crazier than me!"

"Thanks for lifting my spirits, I feel much better!", Constantine (Injustice) shouted rolling on the floor laughing at me.

Sighing I told them to get things ready. Tossing John my explosive device at him, he called me a moron for throwing it carelessly. Telling him to just do his job I headed out to prepare. Once I was gone, Constantine sighed with exhaustion.

"He is bloody crazy...once we do this Superman is going to rampage.", Constantine (Injustice) stated.

"He will handle it.", Ivy (Injustice) said, "Just do your part."

"Right right...hope you brought a bottle of Jameson, I am going to need a drink after this!", Constantine (Injustice) complained.

"I will get you a bottle of wine.", Selena (Injustice) said, "Assuming you don't fuck up."

---Metropolis, Injustice Universe---

Giving them the signal that I was ready, Constantine sent the bomb through a portal and set it off under the Fortress. As expected Superman and Wonder Woman left the ship to investigate, and combat some demons that Constantine tricked into showing up there. With the two of them gone for the time being, I guided my Batwing up close to the ship. Equipped with cloaking tech no one from ground level would be able see me so this should be easy.

Slipping in through the gapping hole they left in the front, I made my way through the ship careful to avoid the robots they left to guard the place. Reaching the prison cells in a matter of minutes, I found Kara and Batman locked up tight with robots watching them. Pulling out a localized EMP generator, I clicked it on and threw it into the room taking the robots out for a brief moment. Rushing in I quickly severed their power sources before working on the locks to the cells.

"Who are you?", Batman (Injustice) asked, "And why are you dressed as me?"

"I am you...sort of.", I replied as we shared the same last name, "I am here to get you both out of here. Give me a second, and I will have you out."

Overriding the security systems I quickly picked the locks, and got them out of their cells.

"Thank you.", Kara (Injustice) said, "We need to go before they return."

"Agreed, I assume you made contact with the Insurgency before coming here.", Batman (Injustice) stated.

"Correct, we have a few minutes left at best. We need to move.", I told them.

"Lead the way.", Kara (Injustice) said.

Following back to my Batwing, I was surprised that we got out as easily as we did. The fact that several other members of the Insurgency weren't here made me nervous. Black Adam, Sinestro, and others weren't anywhere on this ship. Having left only robots to watch made me suspect something was a miss. Before reaching the exit I stopped them, and pulled out a small testing unit to check for trackers.

"Do you think we are spies!?", Kara (Injustice) snapped.

"He's being cautious.", Batman (Injustice) said, "We were unconscious for some time so they could have put a tracker on us without a trace."

Locating two trackers, one on each, I crushed them and quickly got aboard the plane. As I was flying us back, one of my amulets that I made started reacting. It was a special amulet that notified me if someone was viewing an area near me.

" appears Black Adam is tracking us.", I said pulling out a counter surveillance totems, "Both of you keep these on your person at all times."

"Magic?", they asked.

"Correct, they will give most magic users the wrong location for where you are staying.", I replied.

Touching down in an abandon hanger, we got out and the two dropped down a sewer hole. Sending the ship into Subspace I followed them down making sure we didn't leave any trace behind. Once we were underground, I ditched the Batman suit revealing my identity.

"Superman!?", Kara (Injustice) said readying for a fight.

"I am not this world's Superman.", I sighed, "I came from another world, several people from this world ended up in mine thanks to the Reverse Flash. They asked me to help put an end to his reign, so here I am."

"Why not just fly up, and free us?", Kara (Injustice) inquired.

"He wants to maintain our advantage. The longer they don't know we have our own Superman the better. We can use it to our advantage, but I am confused as to how you know magic.", Batman (Injustice) stated.

"I will explain everything once we reach your base.", I chuckled.

While this was happening Superman and Wonder Woman had returned from the Fortress. Finding that both Kara and Batman were gone Superman flew into a rage. With both of them loose things were much more difficult as they wouldn't be so easy to catch this time. Batman was the biggest wild card as he had so many plans in place for various situations it was difficult to counter that.

"Black Adam, have you been able to track them?", Superman (Injustice) asked.

"I was, but suddenly they started teleporting around the map. It is quite possible they have a powerful mage backing them now. I am afraid I can't break whatever enchantment they are using.", Black Adam said.

"We still have several bases that the Insurgency supposedly uses. For now we should focus on checking those out.", Superman (Injustice) sighed.

"It could be traps though, we need to approach them with caution.", Wonder Woman (Injustice) reminded him.

"Do you think it's Constantine?", Flash (Injustice) inquired.

"Stronger than his magic, the Rock of Eternity isn't able to shatter the enchantment.", Black Adam (Injustice) said.

"So what do we do then?", Shazam (Injustice) sighed.

"I think we should leverage the Insurgency's wild card.", Spectre (Injustice) said flying into the room, "Our informants recently found that Harley Quinn has a sister and niece. We could use them to force their hands."

"Hold on...are they criminals?", Shazam (Injustice) asked.

"No.", Spectre (Injustice) said, "Model citizens."

"Superman, we can't involve them! It's one thing if they are criminals, but are we going to start harming innocent people too!?", Shazam (Injustice) questioned, "I didn't sign up to assault bystanders!"

"Billy, sometimes you have to crack a few eggs to make things happen.", Superman (Injustice) stated.

"Where is the line though!? Just a few days ago you were suggesting brainwashing Bruce and Kara! Locking them up forever isn't the same as brainwashing!", Shazam (Injustice) snapped, "If we don't draw a line the world won't be able to tell if we are good or bad!"

"That's enough Billy, another word and I will consider it insubordination.", Superman (Injustice) growled, "I would hate to have something happen to your adopted family because you got sloppy."

Twitching with anger Shazam kept his mouth closed to protect his family. With no one else willing to step out to protest the decision, Superman agreed to Spectre's plan. Asking where they were, Spectre gave him the address.

"Pick them up, and bring them here.", Superman (Injustice) ordered, "Don't hurt them, we need them alive and uninjured in order to bring her out."

"Understood.", Spectre (Injustice) said flying off.

---Gotham Underground---

Seeing their Batman and Supergirl, the Insurgency cheered as their leader and friends returned.

"You buggers had us worried sick.", Constantine (Injustice) jabbed, "Glad to have you both back. Leaving me in charge was a piss poor idea."

"I didn't leave you in charge, Black Canary was.", Batman (Injustice) retorted.

"What!? She told me I was, and was making bitch!", Constantine (Injustice) snapped.

"Hey, I never really told you that. I just let you think that so I could get you to do the work for me.", Black Canary (Injustice) jabbed.

"That's the bloody last time I listen to you...", Constantine (Injustice) sighed, "Alright, so where is my blood alcohol!"

"Jeez calm down.", Selena (Injustice) said giving him a bottle.

"Oh, an 1910 Red Wine!", he chuckled, "I will make you last all night!"

Wandering off without paying us any mind after that I shook my head in disbelief. Looking back at Selena and Bruce I could feel a kind of awkward situation here. I hadn't slept with her yet so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

"I am glad to see you alright, I hadn't heard from you in a while.", Batman (Injustice) stated.

"A lot happened.", she replied, "Let me get you up to speed."

Explaining the situation to the two of them, I could feel Batman eyeing me over. It was pretty clear he wasn't happy to hear what she was saying, but there was no going back now. After everything was explained he faced me properly to speak.

"So you managed to absorb the Speed Force and have a High Magic Resistance...", he said, "I assume you will want assistance with this Evil Superman called Prime, correct?"

"Yes, not like you have an option. If you don't help us there won't be a chance in hell your world will survive.", I told him, "You will be without a Superman."

"Is it really necessary to kill him?", Kara (Injustice) asked.

"After he captured the two of you Superman went on a rampage in Downtown Gotham. A lot of innocent people were killed when he collapsed buildings on families living there. You both may have a moral code against killing, but I don't. He sent Lobo to my world, and killed those innocent people. He has to die regardless of what you think.", I said.

"Maybe...maybe he can be reasoned with.", Kara (Injustice) pleaded.

"You couldn't stop Wonder Woman or him from capturing you. You aren't strong enough to take him down so I have too.", I stated, "This isn't a democracy, you don't get a vote on sparing his life! He was going to brainwash both of you to be slaves to his whims."

"Give us a single chance to reason with him before you kill him.", Batman (Injustice) asked, "Beat him to pulp, but don't kill him."

"Fine, but let me be clear...", I said exuding my killing intent, "If he gives me another reason to kill him, you won't-"

Hearing their conversation in the ship, I knew I had only a short period of time to react. Turning to Batman I shook my head at him with an angry look.

"Spectre is on his way to capture Harley's family.", I said standing up, "I have to go."

"Wait, you aren't supposed to fight Spectre till Constantine has the spell ready!", Blackfire (Injustice) stated.

"Well I don't have the luxury of time now.", I stated, "You all stay here, and don't come out no matter what."

"What's that-"

Dashing out of the base I headed over to where Harley's sister lived. Once I was out of the sewers I used the Speed Force to get to the house before him.