Chapter 73 - Battle For the Multiverse

---Several Days later---

Getting up early all of us got ready for battle. Suiting up the women tested their equipment, and made sure everything was functional. Jiro and Asui had decided to join us for this event so I had given them the Super Soldier serum as well as made equipment especially for them. While they hadn't received that much training yet, I was confident the others would be able to compensate for them.

"So what exactly do these speakers do?", Jiro asked.

"They change your audio into infrasound, living beings naturally back off when exposed to it. In this case the speakers are made to harmonize with the target's body, and vibrate them. If they don't hide from the sound waves, they will literally vibrate apart.", I stated, "In the case of sound sensitive people like me the effect is far worse, an unprepared Superman could be temporarily brought to their knees with it."

"And my stuff?", Asui asked.

"Super grippy boots and gloves, camouflaged suit, and you are equipped with a mixture of paralysis and blackout toxins.", I said, "Both of you have reactive and passive armor systems along with communicators built in so you can talk with each other silently."

"Any thing else?", Jiro inquired with an expectant look.

"And...", I said pulling up their main weapons, "A Sonic Cannon for Jiro and Aqua Cannons for Asui. Both weapons are lethal within 20 feet of your targets, be aware of that."

"Neat!", Asui said strapping the weapon onto her back.

Showing them how to operate the weapons, I turned to all of the group with a serious look. This operation wasn't going to be easy, and there was a high chance they might get seriously injured. On top of that they were the last line of defense for protecting Universe 15 from invasion. They were staying to guard the portal so potential they had the most dangerous job.

"So how big of a ripple effect is this going to have on the timeline?", Kara asked, "You mentioned something about Prime altering the timeline by punching it. You taking out a whole much damage are we talking?"

" could completely reset the multiverse, wipe out countless universes, or change historical events throughout every world.", I said pulling out a box, "With that in mind...I am not taking any chances with any of you."

"Are those wedding rings!?", Nemuri giggled delightfully, "Christmas came early!!"

"You are proposing before a battle...", Maxima and Blackfire asked with concern, "That's seriously bad luck."

"These rings are made with a extremely rare alloy that is almost impossible to produce in bulk. It has the property to maintain an objects place in the timeline.", I stated, "One of these rings is worth more than our entire world's economy multiplied by one hundred. This alloy can't be made in my machines, it has to be mined in between the worlds and there isn't a lot of it to being with. Out of twenty tons of material I barely had enough for all of you."

Gulping the women quickly put them on, and admired the craftsmanship. Each of them were engraved with their names along with date I met them. Tearing up the women accepted the rough proposal understanding that I had gone through a lot to get them.

"As long as you wear them changes to the timeline shouldn't effect you so all of you, and the kids will be safe.", I stated, "There is a very good chance something in our world will change...could minor or could be major."

Nodding their heads the women understood the risks involved with this. Accepting the risk, all of them chose to still go knowing this. Joining us the other universe Heroes were equipped, and ready to go.

"I am ready.", Wonder Woman said cracking her knuckles, "I will see that my universe is avenged with my own hands!"

"Same here, thank you for the upgrades to our equipment.", Mera stated with a nod looking at her trident, "I don't enjoy the thought of killing a man I loved, but I owe him this much. All of my kin, I owe it to them to bring this reign of terror to an end."

"I appreciate the mage robes.", Zatana thanked me, "I think I will be even more dangerous now!"

"You got me backing you up.", Iris stated patting her back, "So...Clarkie Poo, are we-"

"Hey!!", Harley spat, "Only I get to call him that, get your own damn nickname!"

"Oh my goodness.", Iris laughed, "Aren't you the overprotective girlfriend."

"That's for Clarkie Poo to decide, isn't that right?", Harley asked slamming her mallet into the ground.

"You are something alright.", I teased as I gave her a kiss.

"See, now you can...STOP USING MY NICKNAME!!", Harley shouted.

Since our first time together in the shower, Harley had been following me around like a puppy. She was doing everything I asked to a T like I was going to abandon her if she didn't. It was awkward having her around me all the time, but after what Joker did to her I kind of understood why she was doing it. She was afraid that this paradise she had now would vanish overnight. Eventually I knew that she would get over it, but for now I just accept it...though the part where she'd follow me to the bathroom was getting old quick.

Kissing Harley she gave me a please smile, and gave me a hug while shouldering her hammer. Looking at everyone as we continued going over plans, Harley watched them like a hawk...though Wonder Woman, Mera, Iris, and Zatana could have killed her if they wanted to with their pinky finger.

Giving the Leaguers the plans the Batmen had come up with, they all read over the information I handed them. Asking a few questions for clarification on a few things, the biggest thing I stressed to them was the signal to retreat. Before I would give Nekron a death blow, I would use both the Death and Life Forces to stun him so I could hit him. It was imperative that they were out of the universe before I gave the Death Blow, or they would get caught in the collapse.

"Are sure you can really survive something like that?", Sonico asked nervously, "I know you are durable, going to endure a universe being torn apart. It's makes me nervous that you are the only one staying behind."

"He has too...he's the only one that can deliver the blow.", Cyborg stated rubbing his head, "I get you are worried, but sometimes we have too-"

"Just stop.", Nejire interrupted, "Don't you dare finish that phrase, Clark is coming back. There isn't a doubt in my mind he will come back to us alive."

Sensing that the others weren't liking his way of thinking, Cyborg shut up and stood there silently. Hiding a smug grin behind a poker face, I said that I would comeback fine. The worst that would happen would be me getting ejected out of the universe, and into another. As far as I could tell the surrounding universes were all dead because of Nekron so I wouldn't kill anyone accidentally...unless I shot through three or more universes.

Telling them about the backlash effect that this would have on the timelines, they understood the risk and were willing to take it. Hopefully it wouldn't cause too much damage, but we would deal with that afterwards. Right now there wouldn't be a timeline if we didn't take him out so beggars can't be choosers. With one final check of our equipment, all of us headed to Earth 15 to group up.

---Earth 15---

Splitting off from us to join their teams, only Mera, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Zatana, and Iris stayed with us. All of them were going to hunt down Aquaman, and put him to rest then rejoin the women at the portal to aide in it's defense. They willing volunteered to help so we would see what would happen.

"This is nerve raking!", Ochaco said trying to stay calm, "I understand now how the Pros feel."

"I understand the feeling.", Fury stated with a smile, "We have to do our best to stay calm, and level headed to protect our allies. None of the Black Lanterns can escape Universe 1 if we are to succeed."

"We know.", Blackfire sighed.

"Are we going to partaking in festivities after our victory?", Starfire asked.

"Oh!!!", Mina and Harley shouted, "We got to have pizza, ice cream, and lots of movies!!"

"Seriously...", Raven questioned, "That's what you want as a reward?"

"I would be happy with that.", Momo insisted, "We can take the weekend to relax, and maybe do some luxury shopping. There is a store my mother texted me about that apparently sells some of the most comfiest clothing she has ever worn. I'd like to check it out then maybe a few other stores. Shopping at the usual place is nice, but it's better to shop around."

"Agreed.", they stated.

"Sure, we can do all of that this weekend.", I chuckled.

Making plans among themselves, I walked over to the Batmen with Batwoman while they were finalizing the deployment. Among us we had the mysterious universe I didn't know the number for, New Earth, Injustice Earth, Earth 22, Earth 16, Earth 15, Earth 13, and the remnants we had from Universes 1 through 12. Thanks to several Constantines we were able to convince Earth 13 to join us so we felt confident enough to proceed.

"It still would have been better to have more...", Batman (New Earth) stated.

"Can't be helped, most of them are arranging a second alliance in case ours fails.", Batwoman (Universe 11) told him.

"Preparations for an emergency retreat are already in place. We will route back to them if we fail, and bolster their numbers.", Batman (Injustice) said calmly.

"Are we ready?", I asked.

"As best as we can be, all the teams have been informed of the signal to retreat.", Batwoman (Universe 11) said.

"Then lets go kick some ass!", Black Canary (Injustice) spat, "I only have a babysitter for a few hours so we got to make this quick."

Stifling a chuckle, I thought it was cute that she thought this would take a few hours. Making sure all the teams understood their tasks, the retreat signal, and the evacuation plan if this fail we all got into position to deploy.

---Earth 1---

Using my View Screen to scout out the breach point, we confirmed that the area was clear. Opening the portal the teams rushed through to secure the area before moving forward. Once I was on was Earth 1, I shot off to lead the attack heading straight towards Nekron. Following behind me the Speedsters were ferrying Heroes with them to attack the horde.

Sensing the portal open, the Lanterns and Nekron barely had a chance to react before we were on them. Slamming my fist into his face, I felt bone crack under my fist as Nekron shot off the planet. Flying after I didn't hold my speed back so when I leapt into the sky the horde exploded sending people flying in every which direction. Seizing the opportunity the teams started working to disable or incapacitate the Lanterns so they could be revived properly by me later. It wasn't an easy feat, but everyone insisted that we at least try.

Hearing the fighting from where they stood, my girlfriends kept a close eye on the surroundings. Having left them with a scanner that would detect a Black Lantern ring, they were monitoring the situation closely. Not more than a few minutes after the fighting began did several entities pop up on the scanner.

"We have company!", Melissa stated, "We have six boogies coming right for us."

"Here I thought today would be an easy day.", Selena laughed, "Oh well."

"Sooner we get this done the faster we get to enjoy our weekend.", Fury stated cracking her knuckles.

"Hehe I have been itching for a good fight!", Rumi laughed, "Let's kick some ass!!"

"We shouldn't kick the ass too hard, it might not get reattached again.", Starfire warned.

"Star...", Raven sighed.

"She didn't mean literally kick their ass off.", Blackfire groaned, "Rumi meant beat them up, we are aware that we need too keep them in one piece if we can."

"Oh!", Starfire said, "Clark gave me a book on human humor, and I am still learning."

"They have a book for that!?", Toga and Harley asked with disbelief.

"Yes, it is Human Humor for Dummies.", Starfire stated, "Since I don't understand it, it makes me a dummy."

"Star that isn't-", Raven started to say.

"Just leave it...", Nejire and Ivy sighed, "She won't understand."

"I am going to need a smoothie after this.", Raven muttered.

Readying themselves for a fight, the first to arrive was Swamp Thing and Grundy. Both of them were already technically dead to begin with, but they both had a chilling aura about them now.

"You picked the wrong group to mess with Swamp Thing.", Ivy told him, "Your power won't do you any good here."

"We shall see who has the Strongest Power of the Green.", he said as decayed plants spawned around him.

"I hope parlor tricks aren't the only thing you have.", she said as plants grew around her, "Otherwise this is going to be too easy."

"Grundy smash life out of you!!", Grundy howled barreling towards the group.

"Not to day Grundy!", Kara said sucker punching him out of the area and back to where the fighting was.

"Well well, haven't you gotten strong Kara.", Superman (Earth 2) said.

"...Cousin.", Kara muttered having been ready for this, "I...I am sorry I couldn't save you."

"You stood there while my wife, child, and I were beaten to death. Now you come here with your boyfriend's group of misfits acting all happy together. I guess I wasn't worth anything to you as a cousin in the end.", he mocked, "I will show you the same kindness Prime showed my family."

"I know you don't mean that cousin, that's the ring talking.", she growled.

"Who knows.", he laughed, "Now let's see which one of us kills the other first shall we?"

Flying at each other, Kara fazed through his punch and hit him square in the face sending him skipping across the water. Flying after him the others arrived whom were former Green Lanterns. Engaging in combat with them the women were quick to start pushing them back. Using their weapons effectively the undead, the Lanterns were having trouble managing to keep up.

Ivy's power was substantially more powerful than Swamp Thing in part due to training her power and her fighting for something she wanted to protect. As much as she loved Harley and Selena, the others meant just as much to her and she didn't want to see anyone hurt. Restraining him, Blackfire and Starfire flew up and blasted him to pieces with high temperature star bolts. Burning him to ashes Swamp Thing tried to retreat, but was caught by Ivy.

"You aren't going anywhere.", she hissed, "I am the only one with the Power of Green now, you can just die!"

"Ivy, we promised Clark we would only kill if needed.", Fury stated holding a Black Lantern in a choke hold.

Stopping herself from killing him, Ivy froze him with a pellet and stowed him away. Taking a breath to calm herself, Ivy then got back into the fight. Realizing she slipped into her bad habit, Ivy was disappointed she didn't catch herself before Fury.

The other women were quick to render their opponents unconscious, and immediately detained them afterward. Looking around for Mera's group to return Melissa noticed two responses appear on the scanner. Turning in that direction she dove for cover as Mera, Wonder Woman, Iris, Batwoman, and Kara flew overhead crashing into the others.

"Are you okay?!", Toga gasped.

"Damn...they are still very tough.", Wonder Wan coughed.

"I...I think I broke my leg!", Iris wheezed.

"Damn it!", Mera snapped.

"I am fine.", Batwoman winced trying to fake being okay.

Walking towards them Aquaman and Superman from Universe 2 shot the women a grin. Mocking them, they were trying to get them to slip up so they could kill them.

"I hope this isn't the best you got.", Aquaman said, "I expected better from the woman who was to sire a son for me. Maybe you were a defect Atlantian."

"Shut up!!", Mera snapped.

"Calm down, we are going to have to fight together.", Kara said getting up.

"Then let's end this.", Mera spat, "I am done listen to this!"

Before any of them could move though, a bolt of lightning dropped on them brought the two men to their knees. Looking behind the men, Zatana had managed to catch up to assist. Adding her magic to the mix Raven brought Superman to his knees while Aquaman was slowly starting to get back up.

"You aren't going to get another shot at this!!", Zatana shouted, "We aren't going to be able to take them both in!! I am sorry Mera, but you are going to have to kill him!"

"I...", Mera said steadying her, "Got it!!"

Jumping at him, she brought down the trident I made her fully intending to decapitate him. Taking him and Superman alive with the group they had there wasn't an option, especially this close to the portal. Raising his arm up to block it, the trident effortless cut his arm off spraying black blood everywhere.

"Damn it you bitch!", he spat out of frustration.

"Die, and enjoy the afterlife!", she shouted spinning her trident around to decapitate him, "I will live on, and carry on our culture so we aren't forgotten!"

Catching the trident to protect Aquaman, Superman tried to pull the trident from Mera but Maxima heel kicked him straight into the ground. With her weapon free Mera gave her deceased husband a tearful smile before cutting his head off and crushing the Black Lantern Ring with her trident. Watching his body turn to dust and blow away, she returned her attention to Superman who was getting back up.

"I can't keep this up!!", Zatana panted with exhaustion.

Releasing her spell, Superman broke out of Raven's hold and went right for Zatana. Shooting forward, Sonico grabbed Zatana and pulled her out of the way as his fist swung millimeters from her face. Breaking out into a sweat as she hit the ground, her life flashed before her eyes. Quickly getting back up, Sonico carried Zatana away before Superman could stomp on them.

"Thank you!!", Zatana wheezed in shock.

"You're welcome.", Sonico replied.

Leaping at them again, Maxima grabbed Superman from behind and suplexed him into the ground destroying the entire landscape as the small island we had arrived fell to pieces. Remembering that I had mentioned I was sensitive to sound, Jiro plugged her cables in and cranked up the volume on her speakers. Getting out of the way before the blast hit her, Maxima barely got clear before Superman took the hit and fell to his knees as blood came from his eyes and nose.

Stopping after a few seconds, Kara and Mera both attacked him next. Using him like a punching bag they beat his face into the sand. Trying to blast them with his heat vision, Kara fazed through the attack and blasted him with Red Sun Radiation like I had taught her. Keeping the pressure up on him as his powers waned, Rumi and Melissa went in to finish him.

Sliding into his chest, Melissa deliver four bone shattering punches to his chest in quick succession before throwing him at Rumi. Using her legs to rotate herself at a high rate of speed, she brought her legs up and kicked the lights out of him. Hitting him nearly 30 times in the course of a few seconds Superman passed out from the union attack, and fell to the ground.

"Is he down...for the count...", Rumi panted.

"I think so.", Kara sighed with relief, "Clark gave me some special cuffs for Supermen, let me put them on him and we can-"

A loud set of clapping hands sent a shiver down all of the women's spines. Turning their heads around they saw an older Superman Prime walking towards them with a grin. Congratulating them on taking down so many Black Lanterns in a short timeframe, he commended them for their efforts. As they went to say something, all of them felt several punches hit them dropping them to their knees. It wasn't enough to cause them serious injuries, but it knocked the wind out of them.

"That is some good armor you got there.", he stated shaking his hand, "I felt my knuckles cracked on those shields."

"I didn't even see him move!", Iris gasped, "You aren't Prime!"

"Oh, forgive me you probably only met my younger self. I am an older version of Prime, but I assume you knew that. Nowadays I go by the name Time Trapper.", he snickered.

"Shit, Clarkie Poo mentioned him!", Harley said, "He manipulates time like playdough!"

"He knows of me too, that is quite intriguing. He must be from another world outside the Multiverse like me.", he stated, "Well I can ask him myself when I get him to come here."

"He's fighting Nekron.", Itsuka spat.

"I am fully aware, I want to see how long it takes him to show up while I beat the snot out of all of you.", he said cracking his knuckles, "It's personal since you are all involved with him...consider it your fault for sleeping with him. He humiliated me, and now I am here for my revenge!"

Trying to react to him the women found it impossible to do anything as he would simply manipulate time to counter them. Using the Speed Force to try and level the playing field, he sucker punched Iris in the face and tripped Sonico sending the two women tumbling away from him. Continuing to take a beating from him the energy in their suits was slowly chipped away as the fear started to set in. They hadn't encountered anyone like this who counter all their attacks like it was nothing. Just when they were about to call out for assistance someone else came barreling out of the portal.

"You stay away from them!", Eri shouted bringing Amazo and Vision with her.

Staring at her for a moment it took all the women a moment to process what they were seeing. Instead of a little Eri, they were staring at a full grown adult Eri wearing one of the experimental suits from my lab. Copying Time Trapper's powers Amazo put him on notice with assistance from Vision. Keeping him preoccupied, Eri ran to them to make sure they were okay.

"Eri!!", Dorothy shouted, "How did you get so...big!!"

"I have been working super duper hard with my Quirk!", she boasted, "I can make myself older for an hour before I go back to being little again."

"You can do what!?", Rumi, Nemuri, and Yu spat.

"I can't do it on other people yet, but I can do it with me.", Eri giggled, "Now I can reach all the good snacks in the kitchen, and join you in the shower!! You promised I could when I was a big girl! I can also-"

"No!", the women shouted, "You have to stay a big girl to get that privilege!"

Know that something like that wouldn't turn out well, the women didn't want her in the shower with us. In her adult form Eri was a super attractive woman with curves for days, and it made even Yu a bit upset.

"We can discuss that later.", Momo said, "Time Trapper needs to be taken down first."

"Okay!", Eri said getting pumped up, "Let's do this!!"

---Earlier, Deep Space---

Consecutively punching Nekron till we were several thousand light years from Earth he slammed into a barren planet next to a Blue Sun. Picking himself off the ground, I slammed his face back down into the ground with my foot.

"I have been waiting for this for a while now.", I stated as my White Lantern Ring started to glow bright white, "You have dragged so many innocent people through hell for your petty desire to rule the living. The innocent souls you snuffed out, and the poor souls you left to pick the pieces of their will pay a heavy price and answer to me for your crimes. Today judgement is going to passed on you, and God left me to make the call on your despicable life."

Taking complete control of Spectre's wide range of powers for the first time my eyes were replaced with fiery green suns, and my cape was set ablaze with eldritch flames. Applying more force to his head the planet start buckle under the force till it started to collapse. Slipping out from my foot he came up to attack me, but I was already gone. Driving a White Blade through his chest Nekron howled with pain as the energy damaged his avatar body. Trying to break free of the blade another two copies of myself appeared in front of him simultaneously punched him in the breaking his neck, but not killing him.

"How is that possible!?", he spat, "You don't possess-"

"You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do!", I snarled, "Right now I am judge, jury, and executioner for your crimes!! Once I am done ripping you to pieces here I am coming to your dimension, and I will show you the meaning of fear!! I have seen the tears and heard the hearts of the children you scarred for life!! You took their families from them, and left them with nothing but nightmares!! I will become something that all of creation fears to protect them from people like you!! Old God, New God, Immortal, or Entities like you...all of you will learn that I am here to ensure that innocent have safe harbor!! No longer will I hesitate to protect those in need when they call out for help!!"

Realizing that I was being serious, and sensing that I could somehow do that the cocky attitude he had vanished. Putting serious effort into trying to kill me I was always ten steps ahead of him. For every attack of his I delivered twenty of mine back at him aimed squarely on the connection to his dimension. Becoming more and more desperate to kill me he tried to release his Death Energies on me, but the energy gently flowed around me like mist.

"What!?", he shrieked, "I am the Entity of Death!! None can-"

"Who decided that?", I said glowering, "I didn't! If you want to see Death energy I will show you the Face of Death!!"

The air around us started hum loudly as the universe started to crack everywhere. Feeling the cold, dark Void Wind brush against him Nekron froze up. Having met someone that could control Death Energy like him terrified him to the core. There were many who used Death Energy to a much lesser degree than him, but never was someone capable of matching and exceeding his own power. Trying to sever his connection to his Avatar, he found the connection wouldn't break.

"You can leave when I say so.", I said as several copies of me encircled him, "Your execution begins now dirt bag!"

Feeling the pressure increase as we cracked our knuckles he made one last ditch effort to flee, but several of my copies grabbed him to prevent his escape. Grabbing him by the arms, legs, and neck there was no running away from me. Ripping to pieces as he screamed out orders to his Lanterns, he quickly realized that none of them would hear him. I had cut off us from outside communications so no one was coming for him.

Destroying his avatar nearly a dozen times, I let the connection disconnect and traced it back to his dimension. Using my ring to give the group on Earth the signal to retreat I would give them only a few moments to grab all they could, and fall back. The night that I spent watching over the children made me realize that I needed to send a clear message to higher beings like Nekron. There were many like Nekron and Darksied in every universe. I would use Nekron as my example that when they forced me to take the gloves off...there wasn't anything I couldn't do if it meant preventing another tragedy like this.