Chapter 74 - The Ripples of Change

---Battle at the Portal---

With assistance from Eri and the robots the group was now on level ground to Time Trapper. Amazo was able to counter most of his attacks, and those he couldn't Eri was there to alter time to stop him. Unwillling to kill him, Eri didn't want to be responsible for another death which put the team in a pickle. Improvising Iris and Sonico took off running to build up momentum while he was busy fighting everyone else.

Wanting to hit him with a dual Infinite Mass Punches, the two held hands as they increased their mass by running faster and faster. The two women flung themselves at him to KO him, but he managed to dodge at the last second. Backpedalling to get some space, Eri was already there to stop him. Deciding to use a limited amount of power on him, Eri focus on only regressing him a few years at a time.

Realizing that his body was changing, he tried to get away. Throwing him in a choke hold Wonder Woman forced him to his knees with an angry scowl. She was pissed off, and done playing games with him. Knowing that Eri wouldn't kill him, she would do it herself once he was no longer in control of time.

After a few moments of regression, Prime was back to his younger self. The moment he was no longer manipulating time Wonder Woman attempted to snap his neck. Sensing this he started to try to throw her off, but instead felt Mera's trident pierce his chest.

"Do you know what you took from me!!", Mera snarled, "I watched everyone I loved boil alive while you laughed at them!! You aren't getting away again!!"

Coughing up blood he still tried to break out out the hold. Pulling a small piece of Kryptonite from her utility belt, she held it close to him. Thinking he would be fine all of a sudden his started to burn terribly. Screaming like a banshee he broke out of Wonder Woman's hold, and shoved Mera away. Feeling his body start to fall apart he found he could no longer fly.

"What is that?", Kara asked keeping away from it.

"Something Clark and I made in case he'd show up. This is Volatile Green Kryptonite made for the frequency of Prime's universe.", Batwoman said.

"When did the two of you make that?", Selena asked, "I don't remember you too working on that!"

"We pulled a few long nights making it.", she said.

"There will be a discussion about your relationship with him.", Harley scolded her.

"What's it doing to him?", Melissa asked.

"In the presence of Volatile Kryptonite his body breaks down under Yellow Sunlight.", Batwoman stated.

"Yeah...I am going to stay away from it.", Kara stated.

"Probably a good idea, it might have weird side effects.", Batwoman said.

Kicking him in the groin, Batwoman slammed the shard into his mouth and punched him in the face to make him swallow it. Howling as the shard went down his throat, the decay process sped up till eventually he fell apart and died. About that time the signal that they had been waiting for flooded the sky with light.

"Time to go!!", they said running though the portal.

Not far behind them the Heroes and their captured counterparts fled the planet before shutting the portal down.

---Nekron's Dimension---

Falling back to his own dimension Nekron hastily severed connections to the outside universes. He was petrified that I would find a way to him, and was doing all he could too hide. Think he had escaped he momentarily relaxed till his dimension started to shake violently. Searching for a breach he saw a massive crack appear close to him, as I opened his dimension.

Blasting a hole into his dimension as I flew inside I turned to him with a scowl. Feeling genuine fear Nekron took a few steps back.

"I hope you didn't think I was bluffing...", I said manifesting a white scythe with green and golden flames pouring off it, "I told you I would follow you where ever you go. There is escape from me, Nekron."

"St...stay back!", he stuttered.

"I give the orders.", I told him, "What a fitting place to bury...a dark, disgust hellhole."

Before he could move I had already hit him several thousand times sending him screaming across his dimension. Flying after him I dragged his face along the barrier of his world again and again all while punched him in the back of the head. Unable to break free Nekron accepted that he wasn't going to get out of this unscathed, but still hoped he could survive. Blasting me point blank to try, and shake me off he took my scythe straight to the chest. Pinning him against the barrier I cracked my neck as I shot him a grin.

"If you want to play dirty.", I said twisting the blade in his chest, "We can play dirty!"

Slamming fist into his face the barrier buckled under the stress causing spiderweb cracks to form. Punching him again and again the cracks grew bigger and bigger as the barrier started to cave outwards.

---Universe 15---

The force of my punches was shaking the multiverse like a 9.8 magnitude earthquake. Having not considered this as a potential possibility everyone was holding on to something as the universe was falling apart. Hearing audible cracking noises as the sky started to split open everyone started to panic.

"He knows to stop, right?!", Iris (Universe 2) shouted.

"We hope so!!", my girlfriends shouted.

"This is scary!!", Eri said nervously, "Make it stop!!"

"We should be falling back to home!", Melissa stated, "Our world probably isn't faring any better."

---MHA Universe---

The sudden violent shaking put the entire planet in hysteria as people moved to take shelter as the sky above their heads was cracking. Arriving to help out my family got to work evacuating people to safe zones, and making sure people didn't trample each other. Trying to contact me to tell me take it easy they quickly realized I was either in an extremely tough fight or I was going overboard.

"Just what is going on?", All Might asked Melissa as he was dropping off civilians.

"Clark is locked in battle with Nekron, the villain we told you about.", Melissa replied.

"We can't get ahold of him right now.", Nejire stated.

"Keep trying, it doesn't look like our universe is going to hold out much longer.", Ryuko said observing the sky, "I am also starting to see other universes..."

Looking up at the sky everyone froze as they saw dozens of world's like ours in the sky, each looking different from all the others. Grabbing their phones again they continued to try to get ahold me.

---Nekron's Dimension---

Pinned helplessly against the wall Nekron was a broken being, no longer capable of speech. Unable to breathe hardly at all, Nekron look at me defeated. Grabbing him by head I hoisted him into the air with a cold look.

"It's time end this Nekron.", I said building up the power of the White Lantern Ring, Life Force, and Death Force.

Around us the entire dimension started to warp, and distort as it started to break apart. Waiting till the energies reached critical levels I let his face go, and threw everything I had into a single punch. Doing as Spectre suggested I stopped thinking, and just went all out.

"This is for all the suffering you caused!!", I said slamming my fist into his face.

The moment my fist hit his face the dimension exploded, and Nekron was vaporized instantly. Hit with the recoil one moment I was in place then the next I was shooting across dozens of universes in an instant. After a few moments everything went dark, and I lost sense of everything.

---Sometime Later---

Waking up in an unfamiliar room, I sat up from the bed I was resting on to look around. Checking myself for any injuries I was relieved that I was unscathed and my armor wasn't even scuffed. Looking at my phone to see how long I was out, I discovered that I had over six hundred missed messages and calls from my family. Bracing myself I called Nemuri first to explain why I had been gone for a day. Not even ringing completely once, Nemuri answered the phone and laid into me.

Even with the phone a foot from my ear their shouting and screaming was overpowering. Lecturing me on not ignoring them, all of them thought I was seriously injured or dying. Calmly saying I was fine, I stated that I was unconscious due to the recoil from the blast. Calming down a bit after telling them what I had done, and that Nekron was out of the picture Toga was the first to speak after I finished.

"So where are you exactly?", she asked.

"I honestly don't know.", I replied, "I woke up in this room, and don't know what universe I am in. If I crashed here I probably caused a lot of damage so I should probably apologize."

"Good idea, as soon as you do get back here immediately.", Kara said, "The world is going crazy right now."

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"Take a look outside.", Batwoman stated.

Walking over to the window I poked my head out, and froze up looking at the sky. From what I could see there were several large gashes in the sky leading to other universe, sort of like a peep hole into the other side. Having not considered this as a possibility till now I immediately asked Spectre what was going on.

"You destroyed the Death Dimension, and subsequently Universe 1 and 2. The resulting shockwave ripped the universe barriers apart, it's going to be a while before the barriers recover.", Spectre informed me.

"Shit, what changes happened on our world from this?", I asked.

"The biggest one is the creepy death girl is back.", Mina said.

"Wait, Cynthia is alive!?", I snapped.

"Very much so...she is at your parents house waiting for you to show up.", Ochaco stated, "Your parents are fine, and she hasn't threatened them. She is waiting for you quietly...though in your bedroom."

"Damn it...what else changed?", I asked.

"Well...just minor things really.", Momo stated nervously.

"Why do I feel like you aren't telling me everything?", I said.

"Well...", Asui said, "You are probably going to want to see this for yourself. It's it's really funny."

"Bakugo is a girl now!!", Toga laughed.

"What!?", I shrieked, "He's a girl!?"

"Yeah, and our other classmates look really different too.", Jiro chuckled.

"Damn...Bakugo as a girl...that isn't something I want to see.", I sighed, "Oblivion Group still dead?"

" mother's step father is alive now.", Ivy said, "Your mother about had a heart attack when she saw him walk in the front door of the mansion."

"My grandfather's alive too!", I spat, "Shit I need to get moving!"

"Oh so that will get you moving.", Yu laughed.

"Haha, I want to see all of you too.", I stated, "Let me figure out where I am, and I will come back as soon as I can."

"See you in a bit.", Iris replied.

Ending the call I walked out of the room to explore the place. Not wanting to accidentally peep on anyone I opted not to use my x-ray vision. As I walked around the mansion it started to feel eerily familiar too me. Looking out the window lots of young and older kids were outside doing their thing. When I got onto the ground floor I was about to go out when a man spoke up.

"Looks like our guest has awoken.", a bald man in a wheelchair said rolling up to me, "Jean, can you get him something to drink?"

"Of course Professor-"

"You are Jean Grey and Professor X, correct?", I asked realizing immediately where I was.

"Yes, have we met before?", the Professor questioned.

"No, it''s a bit difficult to explain.", I replied, "I am from a different world, and think I may have crashed here on accident. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you."

"You didn't cause us any problems.", Deadpool laughed, "You caused poor Tony Stark his Avengers Palace in New York. Fucking plowed right through it, and into the harbor!! Should have seen the look on his face!! He cut the ribbon then you shot right through it!!"

"You aren't making me feel any better Wade.", I sighed.

"Hold the fucking phone there mister, we haven't been introduced to each other. There is an order to these things, didn't your mother teach you that?", he stated.

"Don't mind him...he's just in a grumpy mood.", Colossus said, "He tried to join the Avengers, and was promptly thrown out."

"Those fuck sticks don't know what they are missing!!", Deadpool said giving a poster of Tony Stark the middle finger.

"Wade, he didn't appreciate you running around the lobby of his company naked with the Avengers flag in your-", Colossus started to said.

"Wow! I don't need to know any of this.", I chuckled with a disgusted look.

"If a fucking Starfish can do it, so can I!! This is a free fucking country!!", Deadpool shouted.

Rubbing my forehead, I asked to speak with Professor X privately. Since they didn't know me Jean stated she would be in attendance as well. Telling her that was fine, I just wanted her to promise to keep the information private. Agreeing to that we went to his study to talk. Informing him of why the sky looked like that, and what had led up to that I showed the both of them telepathically what had occurred up to me blacking out.

"I see...that explains a lot actually.", Jean said looking at me, "You are quite a powerful Telepath."

"Thank you, I am a Hero on my world which is where I need to get back too soon. My family has already lectured me on my absence.", I chuckled.

"I understand, once you have organized that please reach out to us again so we can figure out how to deal with things.", Professor X stated.

"What things..?", I asked.

"An intergalatic war going on right now.", Jean said with a depressed look, "Thanos and a man called Darksied are locked in combat with each other. Several of their fights have spilled over into our world, and if you are as strong as you say you are we could really use your help."

"I get you.", I replied pulling out a phone, "Use this to contact me in the meantime. I will go home to touch base with my family, please let me know if they show up and I will handle it."

"Thank you!", she said giving me a hug.

Getting a whiff of apple pie from her hair, I said I would speak with them in a day or so. Walking outside with me she watched me shoot into the sky, and out of sight in an instant. Returning to the Professor she informed him that I had left already. Calling in other members of the X-Men, the Professor wanted to address my disappearance, and my involvement with the cracked sky.

"So the kid was from another universe?", Logan asked.

"Yes, and he is an extremely powerful telepath. Just showing Jean and I the events that happened he broke our mental defenses easily.", Professor X replied.

"Can we trust him is the bigger question.", Cyclops said.

"He is a good person, I didn't sense any malice or cruelty in him as we spoke.", Jean answered.

"He also didn't kill Wade for his antics.", Colossus chuckled.

"Then he's a better guy than me.", Logan laughed, "That punk is annoying as hell."

"Ah come on Wolfy, you know you love me!", Deadpool shouted from outside the room, "You really should join my X-Force team!!"

"I would rather go through hell then take orders from you...", Logan huffed in annoyance.

"Ah come on, I got us match boxers and shirts man!!", Deadpool pleaded.

"Anyways...", Beast stated clearing his throat, "So we can trust him, and he had the decency to apologize for his accident. He sounds like a decent enough person."

"I think we should let the Avengers know.", Jean said, "When he returns we don't want them attacking him."

"Or do we?", Deadpool laughed.

"Wade, please try to be serious here.", Colossus said.

"I am serious.", Deadpool said without any humor, "He crashed through several buildings, and didn't have a scratch on him. Not only that you said he's responsible for the sky looking like my face. Last time I watched a horror movie the last thing you do is trust an alien. Xenomorphs and Predators should have told you that much!"

"Can it!", Logan spat.

"For the moment we can trust him.", the Professor stated, "As Jean said we need to notify the Avengers so they don't attack him when he returns."

---In Route to MHA Universe---

As I was running back home, Spectre stopped me part way home to point something out. Stopping for a moment I asked him what was wrong.

"You aren't discharging Speed Force Lightning kid.", he said.

"I am not?", I asked looking at my body.

Usually I would be discharging Speed Force Lightning for a few moments after I stopped, but like Spectre said there was nothing. Looking back at the way I came, there wasn't any signs that I had destroyed anything.

"What do that mean?", I asked.

"I think your body changed in that explosion...", he said a bit suspicious of something, "Well either way your movement isn't causing problems so it should be fine."

"Wait!? You mean I became an Energy Being!?", I gasped in a panic.

"No, you are most certainly still in a physical body.", he chuckled, "What I meant was it appears you now have some of my powers, or rather might have had them all along."

"Come again?", I asked.

"Well kid, just like Lucifer couldn't touch Nekron I wasn't allowed too either.", Spectre said, "I didn't realize it till that fight started, I wasn't able to use any of my power."

"But!? How the heck is that possible!? I certainly warped reality and was using your powers.", I stated.

"You weren't using my powers kid.", he swore, "During the fight with Prime that was us together, but Nekron was all you."

"Superman doesn't have that level of power though...", I said nervously.

"You're going to want to talk to The Presence or The Source for answers.", he told me, "I don't have answers for this one."

'Becoming an Energy Being was one thing, but if I am capable of Reality Alteration...', I thought looking at my hands, 'I have to be careful with that power, I could do a lot of damage without realizing it.'

"Kid we got to move!", Spectre said, "A portal just opened over your world!"

"Got it!", I snapped putting it to the back of my mind for now.

---MHA Universe---

Opening above the Pacific Ocean a massive wormhole manifest along with a Boom Tube. Alarms were going off at the Fortress, and Kelex was already deploying the Kal-El legion to run interference to protect the planet. Vision, Amazo, and Red Tornado were already on the scene awaiting combatants to come through. While they were waiting the Kal-El Legion was busy evacuating civilians in the immediate area, and taking them to Wayne Company locations beneath shielding that would protect them from almost anything.

"Where is Superman!?", Endeavor asked Rumi.

"He is coming back now, we just have to hold till he gets here!", Yu and Ivy stated.

"Yeah...I am not liking our odds.", Aizawa said watching creatures start to pour out of the portals, "This is going to get ugly really quick..."

Sensing the invasion, Amazo sprung into action and blasted the first waves of invasion forces to ashes with lightning and lasers. Vision and Red Tornado also added their power to the mix pressing the Parademons and foreign aliens back. After a few moments the three broke formation to avoid an incoming barrage of cannon fire that screamed past them into the ocean.

Fleeing the scene towards cover the civilians the Kal-El Legion hadn't evacuated, were screaming for assistance. Prioritizing holding back the invasion forces the Kal-El Legion broke off the rescue, and went to aid the three Robotic Heroes.

"I am going up to help!", Kara said shooting off to fight.

"We are going too!", Wonder Woman, Maxima, Starfire, and Blackfire stated.

"I will help provide cover for civilians.", Raven said casting a barrier over the civilians.

"I guess that leaves us on evacuation duty.", Selena told the others, "If you see any of those things get down here, don't try to be a Hero and catch them alive. Those Parademons will self-destruct if captured."

"Good to know!", All Might and Hawks said.

"I will assist them.", Ryuko said changing to her Dragon Form.

"Let's move it ladies!", Mera shouted.

By the time Kara and company got to the robots, they were fully engaged in subduing the invasion. Going weapons hot in response to the entities they were detecting, the machines were shooting to kill the invaders. Holding their own against the waves of aliens things were going smoothly till ships started coming out of the portals. Shooting past the robots Kara and Maxima went to destroy the ships head on while the others supported the robots.

"This is ridiculous!", Ryuko growled as she arrived, "Where are they coming from?!"

"The Parademons are from Apokolips, a world you don't ever want to go too.", Wonder Woman informed her, "It's a place of pain, torment, and torture."

"Sounds like a terrible place.", Ryuko stated.

"It is!", Blackfire hissed, "I'd die before I'd let them take me."

"That can be arranged.", Darksied stated stepping through the Boom Tube, "Your willingness to serve isn't a choice, serve or die!"

"Shit...", Maxima stated.

"Out of my way plebian!", Thanos said smacking Maxima away while she was distracted, "This world will be mine!"

"A child dares challenge a God!", Darkseid growled, "Know your place beneath my boot insect! Bow down and swear your allegiance to me if you value your life!"

"I bow to no one!", Thanos growled, "Weak minded fools like you are nothing, but dust in the wind to me!"

Charging at each other the two threw punches that connected, and sent out a massive shockwave that stunned all parties momentarily. Locking hands the two men began to struggle taking one another with powerful blows that were causing their own men and the Heroes to stumble. Realizing that she was severely out of her league in this fight, she was at a loss as to what to do.

"We can't hold them back much longer!", Kara shouted.

Hearing the message over their radios the Heroes on the ground started to panic. At that moment the sound of several sonic booms rang out as a streak shot across the sky.

"It's Superman!!", several of the civilians shouted out.

Zooming at the Darksied and Thanos I was extremely pissed off that they tried to lay a finger on my world.

"Get the hell off our world!!", I shouted slamming a massive right hook into both of them.

Blasting them into the ocean a massive water column exploded from the water as I turned to the invasion forces. Stalling their advance after their leaders were smacked down I glared at them.

"I said get off our world!!", I shouted loudly, "If you don't leave I will make you leave!!"

Discharging a massive amount of lightning the entire sky lit up brighter than the Sun.

"This is my homeworld, and I won't stand for any invaders threatening our peace!! If you intend to invade this world it will be over my dead body, but none of you hear have the power to kill me. This is the only warning you are getting, leave immediately!", I growled.

Backing up the invasion forces weren't sure what to do. Telling the Heroes to fall back I said I had this. Doing as I asked they fell back to a safe distance. Giving the invasion forces a few moments to decide, when they didn't budge I decided to wipe them. As white light shot out of my body I let loose a Supernova four times greater than Nova's, but without the EMP attached to it. Vaporizing the invasion force in a single blast I turned back to Darkseid and Thanos. Staring up at me I narrowed my eyes, and descended towards them.

"This world is under my protection. Your invasion force is gone, and so will you if you don't leave immediately.", I stated hovering over them.

"I don't take orders from you Kryptonian!", Darksied said.

"It isn't an order...", I said in a cold tone, "You stay, and I will send you home in a casket. That is a promise I can easily keep."

Staring at me to judge whether I was bluffing, he saw that I was more than willing to do it. Giving me a grin he said he would withdrawal for today.

"A Superman that is willing to kill, now that is someone I can respect.", he chuckled walking away.

"You are nothing to me!", Thanos said leaping at me.

Grabbing him by the throat I used the Death Force to snuff his life out in an instant. Without a sound I threw him back through his portal, and forcibly closed it with my bare hands. Watching me do so Darksied smirked as he left my world. Making sure there were no invaders left in our immediately area of the universe, I flew down to the city.

Waving and shouting out to me the civilians were relieved that it was all over. Holding their loved ones they thanked God that they were alive.

"Cutting it close there, aren't we?", All Might laughed.

"I arrive exactly when I intended too.", I replied, "They won't be returning here in force again, or they will face me again."

"Haha!!", All Might chuckled patting my back, "Come on, let's talk about your battle with this Nekron fellow."

"Let's get the civilians situated then talk.", I compromised.

"Perfect!", he said in agreement.

Getting to work treating the injured people we were soon sitting down at U.A for a meeting regarding what I had learned.


Author Note: Sorry for the later than usual chapter, but the time has arrived for the big crossover over even between Marvel and DC. Have a great day, and catch you guys next chapter!