Chapter 83 - A Family Company

---Fortress of Solitude, several days later---

Morning came, and I woke up to find Diana and Fury still laying on my chest. After having sushi we came home, watched a romantic comedy, and we'll ended up taking things to shower then bedroom. Taking it easy with the six pregnant women, the six of them were passed out next to me.

'I am happy they had a good night.', I thought.

Shifting myself to get out of bed, Diana and Fury complained still asleep. Realizing that they weren't going to let me get up, I decided to just relax and enjoy the view. Everyone was sprawled out all over the bed in the same spot I left them last night. Admiring my lovers for a while, a few started waking up an hour later.

"Good morning...", Diana yawned.

"Yeah...good morning.", Natasha snickered getting up, "You certainly know how to pleasure a woman."

"Yeah he does...", Harley laughed, " hurts to laugh."

"I got carried away.", I chuckled, "All of you were pretty enthusiastic last night."

"Mmm...well who wouldn't be after you smacked the waiter for calling us fat.", Nemuri stated with a smirk, "The look on his face when he realized you were our date was priceless."

"Just because he was having a rough day is no excuse for him dissing any of you.", I stated.

"And that's why we rewarded you.", Nemuri teased before kissing me.

Kissing her back she smiled at me content with things. Giving the others good morning kisses, we got out of bed and got ready for the day. Today was important as now that most of us were licensed, I could opened an Agency. Unsurprisingly Rumi, Nemuri, and Yu had opted to close theirs and merge with mine since it would keep everything in the family.

"You sure?", I asked sipping some coffee as I reviewed the mountains of paperwork.

"Of course.", Yu said, "We are going to be family so it makes sense to merge. It's not like you'll be a power hungry dick, and we do maintain control of our own people so everything is fine."

"In my case Hero work was secondary so mine isn't that big anyways.", Nemuri chuckled.

"Same, I worked solo most of the time so mine isn't that big either.", Rumi stated.

Accepting that I thanked them, then got back to work. After a while I noticed that all of them were wearing my clothing. Asking them if something was wrong, they told me wearing my clothes was comfortable to them. While I admitted I knew many women in the past that agreed with them, I was still curious why today the chose too. Usually they would lounge around in booty shorts and tank tops.

Pulling Asui and Ochaco to me, I asked what was really going on. After tickling the truth out of them, they informed me that Natasha had informed them that guys really like it when women wear their clothing. Looking at Natasha for a reason behind that, she simply leaned over the counter with a smirk. Nodding my head I saw two BIG reasons why, and I was onboard with that.

"Pervert.", Asui jabbed.

"Hey!!", I retorted, "You weren't saying that last night!!"

"Don't say that...", Asui said looking away.

"Same goes for you.", I told Ochaco who simply laughed.

Quickly finishing the paperwork review I got breakfast made, and then got ready to take the paperwork to the government for final approval. Being an international agency meant I would be needing to hire people around the globe, but that wouldn't be an issue. I had several thousand people wanting to join the agency in many different areas. Unlike normal agencies I wanted to have specialized teams that handled specific scenarios ranging from tsunamis and hurricanes to civilian evacuation and search and rescue. Since I was making such my agency have a wide array of coverages, the UN had opted to allow people that weren't Heroes to do use their Quirks in my agency so long as it wasn't for fighting villains. This meant people that had previously been denied Hero Licenses were swarming to get jobs.

Of course that said I already had several people on payroll as things stood. Melissa's father was in charge of R&D in the agency, All Might was in charge of ensuring we had a standard for all employees in physical fitness, Ochaco's family company was brought under the agency as a subcontractor to help build affordable housing in various regions around the globe, and several other families were brought in as well. Needless to say Ochaco was over the moon when I approached her family with the idea between her mother and her, her father relented and accepted the offer as it allowed him to still own the company.

---UN Branch Office, Japan---

Walking into the branch office I noticed that the staff had been entirely replaced, no doubt due to my complaints of what happened here. Greeting me when I walked in, the new branch head went over several things required by law with me. Most of it was regarding things like having a hotline, standard hours, and most importantly insurance coverage. Apparently that was a big item that Hero Agencies sometimes skimped on, but when you own your own insurance company and own hospitals around the globe that wasn't an issue for me.

"As for the's pretty safe to say that one will only be needed as formality. Since you have super hearing and can hear things around the globe, no one is really far out of your reach.", he chuckled.

"Haha, that is true.", I said.

"Now the UN wanted me to clarify if you are still going to be sharing information with Heroes outside the agency.", he asked.

"Of course, that isn't going to change.", I stated, "No matter how wide our coverage is, it's still always nice to have people to call in for backup."

"Understood, now then...they also wanted me to confirm you will have a branch office in every nation?", he inquired.

"Correct, we will have a branch office setup in every nation along with a medical clinic.", I replied, "The goal to be able to be a neutral place where people can feel safe and secure."

"Got it.", he said writing that down, "Very well, I will submit this for processing. Expect to hear something in a few days or so. With how things are going, I doubt it will take long."

"Thank you.", I said shaking his hand.

"If I may...", he said taking a figure out, "My daughter is a very big fan of yours, could you maybe sign this for her?"

"Sure.", I replied signing my name on the figure.

"Thank you!", he chuckled, "She has been begging me to ask for the last three days."

"Not a problem, you have a great day!", I stated before I left the branch office.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Returning home, I found the women bumming it on the couch with snacks watching an action movie. Realizing that they weren't going to be doing much today, I couldn't blame them as they were mainly waiting for the agency to open. Taking a seat on the couch, a few of them started to move to sit on my lap, but Eri beat them to it. Plopping herself on my lap, she wrapped my arms around her before hugging her tiger.

'She's good.', the women thought.

Relaxing together for a while I was very happy to unwind for a bit, but that was soon cut short. Giving me a call, Nick from Marvel-616 called to tell me there was a situation going on. Asking what was wrong, he said that some freak show showed up and was causing problems. Sighing I said I would come over immediately. Hanging up I asked if anyone wanted to come with me, and was promptly told that they were comfortable at the moment. Sighing I got up and headed out to the scene. After I had left the women stopped the movie and held a discussion.

"You think he knows what we have planned?", they asked one another.

"What do mean?", Eri inquired.

"Well we skipped over his birthday...", Momo said with a sad look, "He always remembers our birthdays, but we forgot his."

"Yeah...if it wasn't for his mother bringing it up we wouldn't have remembered.", Yu sighed.

"Is that why you are wearing his shirts?", Eri asked, "I can make myself bigger, and where it too!"

"No!", the women said, "We...we are doing it for other reasons."

"What do you mean?", Eri questioned.

"We will tell you when you are older.", Rumi stated.

Puffing her cheeks, Eri wasn't happy to hear that answer.

"So how goes getting everything?", Itsuka inquired, "We have the cake, and party supplies?"

"Yes, I bought all of the party necessities!", Starfire giggled with joy, "I got the poppers of celebration, the candles of wishes, and the biggest cake I could find. Blackfire and I even got special-"

"Shh!!", Blackfire said covering her mouth, "I told you not to say anything, remember?"

"But...if we are dressing up shouldn't they?", Starfire asked.

"Dress up?", Momo and Diana inquired.

"I am interested in what you mean by that.", Kara and Iris stated.

"Spill it!", Harley and Selena spat.

"It's nothing really.", Blackfire laughed, "Just some-"

"Sexy lingerie to make him happy!", Starfire stated.

"Starfire!", Blackfire shouted.

"Haha!!", Maxima laughed, "Trying to one up us!"

"Too bad you aren't the only ones that thought of that.", Ivy, Selena, and Harley giggled with devious smiles.

"Is that a thing men like?", Diana asked, "I am afraid my knowledge of men is really outdated, Clark has shown me our books needed updated on Amazon Island."

"Yeah...rape, kill, and repeat is really outdated.", Fury choked up.

"Ahem.", Zatana said to get everyones attention, "I assume that all of us thought the same thing?"

Nodding their heads, Blackfire and Starfire felt a bit deflated hearing that. Asking if she needed some to make me happy, Eri wanted to see what they bought. Quickly realizing they couldn't talk about it with Eri around, they said that she should do something special for me. Nodding her head Eri ran off to her area to make something.

"Phew...if Clark knew she even considered that because of us, we'd be unable to walk for a month!", Nejire laughed.

"That doesn't sound all that bad.", Selena laughed.

"Anyways, I assume that all of us got something attractive to wear?", Mera inquired.

Everyone nodded which deflated the two sisters as they thought they had the advantage. It turned out they were last to the party.

"So we need to get setup then.", Natasha stated.

"Can we...maybe assist?", Sif and Enchantress asked.

"...I thought you had eyes for Thor?", Harley jabbed.

"Yeah, last we heard you were drooling over Thor.", Toru and Toga said.

"Well...seeing how all of you act, it's made us aware Thor really isn't a good guy, just a tool of a prince.", they stated.

"Took you that long did.", Hela chuckled walking in through a portal.

"Huh!?", everyone gasped.

"Clark told me how to get here if I wanted to visit.", Hela stated, "I am a Goddess, I can go where I want too. Anyways, you all are getting ready to celebrate his birthday, correct? I wish join the festivities."

" sure?", Sif asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I promise not to kill anyone.", Hela laughed.

"How nice...", Ivy replied.

"Anyways...we should get to work if we are going to make it in time. We don't know how long he will be gone.", Ochaco stated.

"Right!", everyone agreed.

---Earth, Marvel-616---

Descending on New York City, it looked like a bomb had gone off. Looking around for the cause of the issue, I saw Apocalypse walking through the ashes of destroyed buildings. Along with him several villains were assisting his conquest of Earth. Annoyed that I had been called in for this, I knew they had powerful enough Heroes here to handle this. Slamming into the city street, I focus the impact energy at Apocalypse and company sending them flying backwards.

"Listen, I got places to go people to see. I don't have time for your crap today Apocalypse.", I sighed, "You have killed enough people, this ends now."

"You think I can be stopped that easily.", he said getting up.

"I do.", I replied, "Are you going to go quietly, or do I need make you?"

"Our master doesn't need-", Angel started to say before I stared him down.

"I don't need comments from the peanut gallery.", I said in a cold tone, "All of you are going whether you want too or not. Each one of you has blood on their hands, and I will make sure you personally own up to it."

"You don't scare me!", he shouted flying at me.

"Don't!", Apocalypse commanded but it was already too late.

Grabbing him by the wings, I stared him down.

"You flew to close to the Sun, Icarus.", I stated as I ripped his wings off.

Howling in pain I threw him through several buildings as I approached them. Trying to use his power to stop he watched as I continued to approach him without being phased by anything he did. Trying to support him his horsemen tried to add their power into the mix, so I decided to show them how far out of their league I was. Punching a Black Hole into existence all of their attacks were immediately being sucked into the Black Hole along with all the debris around them.

Feeling the gravitational pull yanking them towards it only Apocalypse was able to hold his ground. His allies were sucked into the Black Hole and crushed instantly. Glaring at me as I crushed the Black Hole, I just gave him a bored expression.

"You ready to surrender yet?", I asked, "Immortality is going away next."

"As if you have the power of a God!!", he mocked, "I am the-"

Grabbing him by the face I used the Death Force to snuff his life out. Going limp I let him go allowing him to hit the ground. Looking around at the terrified civilians, I asked if anyone was injured and was in need of medical treatment. Calling out for help I rushed around treating people. When I was done I asked where the Heroes were.

"They are engaging engaging Magneto's army and Hydra.", they civilians stated.

"So...this guy wasn't it.", I chuckled, "Alright, are all of able to reach shelter, or do you need me to escort you?"

"Please!!!", they pleaded.

"Understood, I will make sure you get there safely.", I promised.

Using a billboard to take them as a group to safety, several villains tried to attack and we're promptly buried in the streets below unable to move for the time being. Touching down at a shelter I ensured everyone was safely inside before I left. Turning around to leave I saw Rhino come barreling down on me. Shaking my head I stopped him using my pinky finger.

Staring at me with a dumbfounded look, he started sweat profusely. Trying to back up I held his face casually preventing him from leaving. Cracking the ground under his feet as he put everything he had into moving, he then proceeded to drop to his knees in defeat.

"Listen very carefully Rhino...this shelter is under my protection. If a villain lays a finger on anyone inside, jail is going to be last concern on your mind.", I said lifting him with my thumb and index fingers, "If I hear a single whimper from a child in any shelter, I make those villain disappear. Do I make myself crystal clear?"

"Yes sir!!", he whimpered, "Just please put me down!!! I...I won't bother anyone in any shelter again!!! I swear it!!"

Calculating the trajectory to prison from here, I threw him into sky as he started screaming like a bitch. Crying for his mother as he flailed around I watched him slam directly into solitary confinement.

'Idiot...', I thought flying away.

Several other villains who had seen the conflict happened nervously considered attacking. Reaching out to them telepathically I showed them their fates if they tried it causing all of them to flee for their lives. Nodding my head I shot off to assist the Heroes.

Finding them locked in combat, I slammed into the ground sending villains flying in every direction. Making a beeline for me, Juggernaut used his signature phrase "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch" as he got close to me.

"Yeah, and I am not impressed!", I said slamming my fist into his gut.

Quickly discovering what happens when an Unmovable Object hits an object who thinks it's crumples. Hurling up a mouth full of blood, he dropped to his knees gasping for air. His comrade stopped dead in their tracks as they watched me throw him through a Hydra ship. Staring the grunts all of them started backing up slowly.

"About time you showed up kid!", Wolverine spat.

"Some of us had to take care of an enemy at the rear and evacuate civilians.", I retorted.

"Clark!!", Jean said running over, "Glad you were able to come."

"Jean, I...", I started to say before noticing my symbol on her chest, "Are you wearing my-"

"I thought it looked nice.", she said.

"Bleh, both of you this isn't the time and place too be flirting!!", Wolverine and Beast shouted.

Lifting the villains their equipment off the ground, the air became filled with screams as they all tried to break free. Turning my attention to them I said I would lower them in groups to be arrested. Doing just that most of the grunts surrendered peacefully while the more powerful individuals tried to fight. Unfortunately for them I only let one or two of them down at a time so they had to fight all the Avengers, X-Men, and me before finally reaching Nick's people.

A few were stupid enough to try, and the were quickly subdued by Hulk or Thing as both men buried the villains. When it was all over nearly a thousand people were arrested, and taken away.

"Magneto, you realize your immunity is forfeit given you invaded foreign soil.", Nick told him.

"I will get free again.", Magneto stated.

Loading him into a special vehicle made for him, S.H.I.E.L.D took him away.

"Thanks for the assistance kid.", Nick stated.

"Not a problem.", I said, "Apocalypse was making havoc in the city, that's why it took me a bit longer."

"Not a problem, NYPD reported Rhino crashed into Solitary wouldn't happen to have something to do with that, would you?", he asked, "They also reported that strangely none of the shelters have been targeted, your doing as well?"

"I threw Rhino in prison, and as for the others they probably heard me threaten him.", I said playing dumb.

"I am not complaining, that's very good for the city.", Nick told me.

Asking if there was anything else they needed, Nick asked me to watch the caravan of villains back to prison. Saying I could do that, Jean asked to come along with me which I didn't see a problem with. Picking her up I flew after the caravan, and took a seat on Juggernaut's transport.

"I have to say that was an amazing sight!! You lift everyone and the ships together!!!", she said, "You did it without batting an eye either!!"

"All in a day's work.", I chuckled.

"You know, I have put a lot of thought into it.", she told me, "I do want to pursue a relationship with you. The time I have spent with has been amazing. I don't have to hold back, and being around you makes me so happy. If I am being honest, I don't want to stay away from you anymore."

"You sure?", I asked.

"Positive, I want to learn to control my power with you and I want to wake up next to you every day. Clark, you are the first man I have ever met that doesn't treat me like a monster or a fragile person. You have treated me like a normal woman, and that is what I want. With all my ex's they either were subconsciously afraid of me, or tried to control me. In your case, you have done nothing but support my endeavor and helped me grow.", she said placing her hand on my face, "In my heart I know this is where I belong, somewhere where I can be me without holding back. I have held my emotions in for so long Clark...I couldn't express my love or anger without killing someone. Right now I can tell you that I love you with confidence that my power won't hurt you. I can give you everything I am, and not worry about your safety."

"Alright, you have convinced me.", I chuckled kissing her deeply, "If you want to be with me I won't stop you. Just know that I treat everyone equally in my harem."

"I am more than happy with that.", she replied kissing me back aggressively, "Clark...I want-"

"Shh, you can tell me telepathically.", I said with a smirk.

Telling me what she wanted while laying on my chest, I made sure no one saw us by bending the light to make us invisible. Telling me all the places she wanted to go, and all the things she wanted to do it was pretty clear she wanted to experience life to the fullest. Listening to what she wanted I gently played with her hair.

"Lastly, I want you to be the one and only man I sleep with.", she told me, "I want you to hold me tight, and never let me go."

"Okay, I can do all of that.", I chuckled kissing her.

"Mmm I am sure you can.", she said looking at me with lustful eyes.

"Haha, easy tiger.", I teased, "We have plenty of time for that later."

"Good.", she replied laying on me as we watched the scenery roll by.

Having made her decision, she informed Professor Xavier about her moving out. Telling her to take care of herself and visit when she could, she promised to come by weekly. Running upstairs to pack her things she left the two of us alone in the study. With a snap of my fingers my med bots addressed the Professor's paralysis giving him back his ability to walk. Feeling his feet again the Professor looked at me in disbelief.

"I know Jean mentioned you might be able to restore my injured spine, but I didn't realize it would be that easy for you.", he said using his power to help himself stand up.

"Consider it a gift.", I replied with smile, "I appreciate the guidance you have given Jean. If you need anything from me please let me know, and I will do what I can."

"You have already done a lot for mutant kind. The UN has officially decided that it will no longer sponsor rounding up mutants.", he said with a smile, "That and they are writing anti-discriminatory laws for mutants. It's a big step in the right direction."

"That is good to hear.", I said with a grin.

I knew Nick had shown the UN a fraction of what I was capable of, and convinced them that making an enemy out of me was not in their best interest. Fortunately my display on the Helicarrier more than convinced people that it was safer for them to not approve such things anymore. I knew there would be some people that would support such things behind the scenes, but they would find me waiting for them...and it wouldn't be cheap lesson for them.

"The President has assured me personally that the government would be assisting in the funding of the Institute, and will send problem children here.", he stated.

"Then you better kick Deadpool out.", I laughed.

"Colossus has said the same thing.", Xavier chuckled, "How is his treatment?"

"He should be done in a few days, so far the cancer has been treated successfully. Now I am tweaking the regeneration gene he has so he doesn't kill himself. The cancer was what saved him from dying from his own mutation.", I told him, "Once that is tweaked he will be able to live a normal life or go back to doing whatever he does."

"Bullshitting.", we said in unison.

Laughing at each other I shook his hand, and wished him luck. Taking Jean with me when she returned, we swung by the prison S.H.I.E.L.D was temporarily holding the villains at I sent them a telepathic message that they were to cause any problems.

"If Nick has to call me back in, I will make sure none of you are a problem...ever.", I told them using my killing intent to snuff out any hope for escape they had.

Leaving the world for home, the prison guards did their usual rounds and were surprised to see all the villains were docile. During their last round they had been so energetic, but now they were petrified.

"Any idea what happened?", they asked one another.

When no one replied they shrugged, and reported it to Nick Fury. Reviewing the camera footage all he could was smirk.

'Looks like I am not the only one he puts the fear of God in.', Nick thought.

Walking into his office, Tony Stark wanted to speak with Nick about the Phantom Zone projector I had given them plans for. Taking a seat Tony informed Nick that the Phantom Zone was very secure, and that he had managed to locate where the potential exits were. Tell him that every exit dumped into a star, Nick nodded his head with approval.

"Did we test all the things he told us?", Nick asked.

"Yes, the Phantom Zone is incredible Nick. People suffering from aliments don't suffer there, you literally can't be harmed even by yourself.", Tony told him, "There is plenty of room there for all the supervillains locked up with room to spare."

"What's the catch?", Nick asked.

"That's the thing, I tested everything there. People don't age, they don't get hungry, and aren't able to use their powers based on all my tests.", Tony stated.

"You are saying someone outside would have to break them out, and their mutations are null there?", Nick inquired sitting up in his seat.

"Yes, even the Infinity Stones don't work there.", Tony answered, "On top of that, with the assistance of the X-Men telepaths are unable to breach the confinements of the Zone."

"I want it made as soon as possible.", Nick said, "As soon as it's ready I want prisoners sent there immediately. I will let the UN know that life sentences means we could literally send them there permanently and they could serve a sentence that long."

"Already on it.", he said, "How is Thor and his company?"

"Haha, currently living under a bridge in Manhattan.", Nick replied, "Apparently they aren't quite grasping the lesson."

"Even his-"

"Lady Sif left with fly boy.", Nick snickered, "I think she realized how much shit he's done."

"It's not all his fault.", Tony argued.

"True, but he lacks empathy for his fellow man.", Nick said.

"Yeah...that sounds like horse crap coming from you.", Tony jabbed.

"Motherfucker!", Nick spat, "I am the most kind hearted, nicest...fuck I can't keep a straight face."

"That's what I thought!", Tony laughed.

"Fuck you Stark.", Nick stated.

"Pepper wouldn't like that, and I don't-"

"Get the hell out of my office!", Nick shouted throwing a stapler at him.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Arriving back home, I left Jean to unpack while I went to get dinner ready. Opening the door to the kitchen I found that the lights were off. Seeing the women hiding I realized they were trying to surprise me so I played along.

"Kelex, please turn the lights on.", I stated.

Flicking the lights on the women jumped out, and shouted surprise at me. Noticing the decorations, the cake, and the buffet of food I realized they had really gone all out. Asking them what the occasion was for, Rumi and Kara stepped up. Getting a better look at them I realized that they were in their bikinis and an apron I couldn't help but stare.

'Shit...coming home to this is heavenly!', I thought.

"We missed celebrating your birthday.", Rumi said, "You always remember our birthdays so we wanted to celebrate yours...even though it's a few months late."

"It's okay, you didn't have to...though I am very happy you did.", I stated looking them over.

"I think he likes the outfits.", Raven told them.

"Oh!! I know what we are supposed to say!!", Starfire shouted.

"We already said surprise...", Maxima and Blackfire stated.

"I read this in a book once!", Starfire said running over to me, "Ahem...would you like a bath? Dinner? Or"

"HEY!!", the other women shouted, "What kind of books were you reading!?"

"I found a few of these books under Clark's old bed.", Starfire stated.

"Oh, you found my manga collection.", I replied.

"You know that sounds cheesy as hells, right?", Fury snickered.

"Hey it's not as cheesy as some crap I have heard.", Natasha sighed.

"Anyways!", Momo snapped, "We should probably get to eating."

"Hela, Sif, and Enchantress...all of you are dressed up too?", I asked.

"Yes...", they said uncomfortably, "Human culture is very different from Asgardian."

"Sif...Enchantress...", I stated, "I thought you-"

"Let me stop you there, I want to be clear...I wouldn't do this for any other man.", Enchantress told me, "I...I realize now that I have been chasing a fantasy that I hoped would happen. Having spent time watching all of you, I know that what I wanted from Thor would never happen. Thor isn't the man I want him to be, and I can't keep waiting for him. I...I want to be able to have the happiness all of you have."

"I have listened to what Enchantress had to say, and...having seen Thor for what he truly is I want to stay here.", Sif said.

"Well said!", Maxima said patting them on the back, "Clark, what do you think?"

" do realize that even if you date me it won't save you from prison right?", I asked.

"I understand, but...if I had a man like you waiting for me I can live with that.", she stated looking at me with a truly remorseful look.

Sighing I nodded my head. I wanted to get them a bit more before making my decision, but the fact they had reflected on their choice in Thor was progress. For now I have them stay here, and continue to learn what it meant to be human before giving them my answer...that said, I wouldn't pass up the chance at seeing them in bikinis.

"Hey Clark, where is the shampoo...", Jean said coming out of the bedroom, "Oh...are we celebrating something?"

"Alright, pay up.", Natasha stated to several of the other women.

Watching them hand over small stacks of cash I realized what was going. Cracking my neck I gave them a smirk.

"Alright ladies, I think I will have dinner in bed.", I said.

"Hold on, we went through a lot of work making the food!!", Nejire told me, "We only ruined the kitchen three times!!"

"SHH!!", the others shouted.

"Opps.", Nejire giggled.

"Whose kitchen did you ruin?", I asked.

Looking at my phone, I noticed had several missed calls from my parents, my grandparents, and from the staff at the mansion in Hawaii. Turning to them they gave me a smile, and bolted.

"Run away!!", Mina shouted.

"Get back here!!", I laughed, "I have to deal out some punishment for ruining three kitchens!!"

"You are rich enough, just pay for another one!", Selena chuckled.

"That's not the point!!", I retorted, "How many kitchens do you have to ruin before you learn to not cook without me!!"

"Haha!!", the women laughed enjoying the chase.

"Hey, wait for me!!", Jean shouted.

Spending the evening partying, watching a movie, and messing around all in all I had to say it was the best birthday party I had ever had.


Author Note: Finally finished the project at work so things should be going back to normal. Apologies for the sparsely released chapters, and I will be going back to the usual every other day release now. Let me know if you see any mistakes, and I will fix them. As always, hope you all have a great day!