Chapter 84 - Distortion

---A Week Later---

Receiving confirmation that the agency had approved for opening, I had purchased a building in Tokyo to serve as our headquarters till I got a Space Station built for the Agency. Installing our Agency name on the building all of my family was ecstatic to see the name we name we picked, The Guardian Agency. Having taken the name from my Hero Title it was quite embarrassing to see it on the building, but it's what we agreed too.

"It will get the point across.", Hela stated.

"I heard crime has gone to zero in the area now.", Yu laughed, "Not a single pickpocket in forty miles!"

"Hehe, we already have a lot of requests coming in!!", Rumi giggled, "So much stuff to squash!!"

"And the butts to kick!!", Starfire added.

"Sister...please fix the way you say that. I have told you several times it's-", Blackfire started to say.

"It's fine, I think it's cute the way she says it.", I chimed in.

"Hehe!", Starfire laughed with a bright smile.

"Ugh...", Blackfire sighed, "Very well."

"She wouldn't be Starfire if she didn't say idiotic things.", Raven chuckled.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be...Raven!!", Starfire pouted.

"It's okay, we can own that title with pride!", Mina laughed.

Leaving the décor and design to the women, I knew that I didn't have a sense for design. If anything I would have made it look plain, and that wouldn't have been enjoyable. Since the day we took over the building everyone had been pulling long hours to make things presentable for the grand opening. While they were handling the design, I dealt with staffing around the globe. After hand picking people as a family, I then did interview in person with the people to confirm what was on the resumes.

For the most part we would be filling up all open positions with room to grow moving forward. Installing the transport portals in each headquarter location I installed Kal El Legion Robots at each location to help support teams while also keeping order if needed when dealing with riots or prison breaks. Sitting in my US Office I looked over the small country town we made our base in Kansas. Picking this location since it was centralized, we also chose it because we had wide open areas to make training facilities.

Sighing while I watched the robots finish up the construction on the building, I was ready for this to open and start working. Everyone on the team had been working hard to make sure the grand opening would go without a hitch so I wanted the results of our effort to be clear for their satisfaction. Getting a call from Ochaco, she wanted to let me know that HQ was finally done with the decorating.

"Thank you all for helping me with that.", I stated.

"Well frankly we couldn't leave it to you.", Iris jabbed, "Your style is drab, and boring. Our agency should be full of life, and excitement!"

"Yeah!", Starfire and Mina agreed.

"And that's why you are on payroll.", I laughed.

"I think we are on for more that just that.", Natasha snickered.

"I know", I said, "You didn't install anything over the top did you?"

"No...", Enchantress stated nervously.

"Why does it sound like you aren't convinced?", I questioned.

"She tried to summon a dragon to guard the entrance.", Sif sighed.

"It was a Blue Dragon!!", Eri said, "The Dragon was super nice, and took me for a ride!! Did you hang up the picture I made you?"

Eri's gift to me was a hand drawn picture of us she drew. She ended up giving it to me the day after the party because she wanted to make it perfect.

"That's awesome Eri!", I laughed with satisfaction as I looked at the picture on the wall, "And yes I hung it up in my office."

Going over the décor choices they made, I was satisfied nothing was too over the top. Overall I was very happy with how things turned out, but I could see that no everyone was happy. Rumi seemed a bit frustrated about something. Asking her what was wrong she told me that the equipment they ordered for the gym hadn't arrived yet.

Originally I wanted to make the equipment myself, but all of the women said high end equipment was fine. Stating that family property should stay that way, I didn't ask why exercise equipment was that big of a deal if I made it made myself. All I could figure was that they wanted the PR for the company. It wasn't like we needed though...throughout my time working as a Hero I had saved countless people, including CEO's. Many of them assisted us finding locations in nations in which they held some sway on things.

"So what are we doing to celebrate?", Itsuka asked.

"Yeah, we got to celebrate!", Dorothy agreed.

"What sounds good?", I inquired.

"We want you to cook something really nice.", Mera said, "Surprise us."

"Alright, I can do that.", I stated.

Several ideas came to mind for how to handle the meal, but in the end I decided to go high quality for them. Choosing Tomahawk Ribeyes from Kobe Beef Cattle, Alaskan King Crab, and other high end ingredients I also ended up using a few of the animals I kept at the Fortress as well. Keeping the numbers in check was important so that they didn't over stretch their environment. Adding mammoth, t-rex, and other things to the menu I was sure it would be a delicious meal...hopefully. Extinct animal meat was something I had never cooked so it would take me a bit to taste test things.

Marinating the meats around noon, I left them to season till it was time to cook. Opting to do some patrolling, I decided to go visit Marvel-65 and 616 to see how things were going.

---Marvel-65, New York City---

Descending into the city, I found that things were getting back to normal. The survivors had pretty much settled their differences as a matter of survival now so most conflicts that were on 616 weren't happening here...though not everyone was on the up and up. Having called ahead to let them know I was coming, Nick was waiting for me at the harbor with Susan and Johnny Storm in tow.

"You seem angry kid, what's up?", Spectre asked.

"I am not sure if Susan is still a cruel woman. If my memory is right she is the reason Spider Gwen left for Universe 616.", I told him.

"I you aren't sure if you should deal with her now or not.", he replied.

"Exactly, I will need to approach Gwen first to see if Parker is alive or not.", I stated.

"Good plan, keep things professional for now till you have concrete proof. Then pull the rug out from under her.", Spectre said.

"Just what I was thinking.", I chuckled.

Shaking Nick's hand I asked him what they were doing here in a friendly manner. Stating that they had asked to see, Susan was already winking at me.

'Today is going to be a long day...', Spectre and I thought.

Stating that I would be doing some patrolling, the brother and sister team asked to tag along. Trying to get out of it, Nick made the request personally since they were still new to the Hero scene. Knowing that meant Gwen was still safe for the time being, I took a peek in her head to see what she was thinking.

'He is a lot hotter in person than I thought he'd be. Now that I got a good look at him, he's going to be the father of all my kids and I am going to be the wife of the greatest Hero out there.', she thought, 'Make a couple of accidental reveals to him, and get him alone...that's all it will take.'

"This woman is disgusting...", Spectre said, "People that use the fame and work of others disgust me."

"Like I would ever sleep with her...", I told him telepathically, "I don't need a stuck up attention whore for a wife."

"If she saw your harem it probably knock her down a peg or two.", he snickered.

"I won't involve them with this, they are busy getting ready for the grand opening.", I replied, "Let's just hurry up, and get this over with. She is making my skin crawl with how she is eyeing me like a slab of meat."

"Everything alright?", Nick asked.

"Yeah, I was just listen for people that needed assistance. I have already heard several, the most dire is in Colorado.", I stated.

Opening a portal the three of us left leaving Nick behind. Touching down a few moments later, Captain Marvel asked Nick why he made them go with me. Stating that she felt it was in bad taste since Susan was a bitch, Nick stated he hoped I might talk some sense into her.

"You realize that could come back to bite you, right?", she retorted.

"All I am saying is we need all the help we can get. If he can fix her, great!", Nick sighed, "I do understand though...Doctor Doom has been eerily quiet as of late. My people are looking into the possibility that they had something to do with it."

"Sometimes I wonder if you just like starting fights with people because this is how you start one.", she stated.

"Yeah, and I am absolutely sure he can finish it.", Nick retorted with a smirk.

"Do what you want...don't say I didn't tell you.", Marvel said before shooting off.


Arriving on the scene of a mudslide, several vehicles were buried under tons of soil. Due to unsually heavy rains in the area, the hillside became unstable and slid down onto the road way during rush hour traffic. Taking a closer look at the situation I started by rescuing people trapped on the edge of the cliff on the far side of the road. Tiddering on the edge of death, a school bus full of student athletes were on the verge of going over. Running to the back of the bus the students were trying to offset weight at the front, but that didn't work out so well. The cliff face was starting to crumble, and moments later collapsed.

Feeling the bus move forward all the students screamed for their lives holding onto one another. Catching the bus after it fell only a few feet, the kids inside the bus stared at me in shock. Flying the bus back onto solid ground I quickly rescued other vehicles before getting to the buried people. Throwing boulders over the cliff edge, since there was nothing but a river down there I started pulling crushed cars out of the dirt. By now emergency vehicles were arriving onsite, and paramedics were rushing to treat the injured.

Pulling the last vehicle out, I ripped the side door off the car to pull a child out. Grabbing me tightly the scared child started crying in my arms trying to tell me how scared she was. Calling for her parents, who were still in the car, I quickly got them out of the car and onto the ground for treatment. The two parents had used themselves to shield their daughter so their injuries were quiet extensive. Seeing parents willing to die to protect their child touched me because more often than not most people worried about themselves over the children.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!", she cried shaking them, "You got to wake up!! Please wake up!!"

Starting to use magic to heal their most dire injuries, the young child kept trying to wake her parents up. Not realizing that I was treating her parents, Susan came over to take the child away.

"Come on kid, we got to take to the paramedics.", Susan said loudly trying to showboat.

"No!!", the little girl shouted, "Mommy and Daddy are hurt!! Help them!!"

"Kid, they are too far gone. They were crushed by the-"

"NO!!", she screamed, "They are going to be okay!! They are going to wake up!!"

"Be reasonable!!", Susan stated.

"Let me go!!", the kid screamed again before biting Susan.

Letting her go due to the pain, Susan went to hit the child but I grabbed her wrist while glaring at her.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her.", I growled, "Her parents will pull through, I am treating them right now. The child isn't injured, and she can here with her parents. If you have any complaints you can tell them to me..."

Sensing my bloodlust Susan backed up as everything in her body told her to flee.

"No one abuses a child in front of me, I don't care who you are. You can be the President of the USA, I will still kick your butt into last week!", I snapped, "If you want to show boat go somewhere else where people actually care! This isn't your golden ticket to fame and glory, these people need genuine help from actual Heroes...not some bimbo pretending to be one."

"Bim...Bimbo!?", she spat, "Screw you asshole!"

Storming off fuming with anger, I turned my attention to the child. Patting her head I told her that her parents would be fine, and that I would make sure they woke up. Giving her a lollipop from my pocket dimension, I told her to take a seat for a few minutes. Doing as I asked, she sat there eating her candy while I healed her parents.

Starting with removing the soil from their lungs, I then repaired their ribcages, stopped the internal bleeding, and started repaired their crushed skulls. After a few minutes her parents started to move as I was nearly done healing them. Waiting till I told her it was okay to move, I did one last check with my x-ray vision before telling her it was okay now. Shaking her parents again this time they started to come around again. Opening their eyes, the parents saw their child standing over them with tears in her eyes.

"Abigail?", they asked still a daze.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!", the young girl said hugging both of them tightly.

Hugging their daughter tightly they tried to understand how they were alive. Looking around they saw me standing their with a smile. Giving them a wink they understood I was the reason for their survival. Thanking me, I told them I praised their dedication to protect their daughter.

"You have very good parents little girl.", I chuckled.

"Mm!", she said nodding her head, "Mommy and Daddy are the greatest!!"

"I am sure they are.", I said patting her head.

"Hehe!", she laughed giving me a smile.

"Alright little one, you stay good and listen to your parents.", I stated.

Leaving with that I went around to treat the other injured people. As per usual I didn't bother with interviews, or stay around after everyone was seen too. Opening a portal I told Johnny and Susan that we were leaving to the next stop. Asking me why I was putting off the media, I responded by telling her that being a Hero means we prioritize those in need over our personal gains.

"Heroes that prioritize profit over helping others are Fake Heroes.", I stated, "A Hero is someone that will always show up to help regardless of the benefit or profit for themselves. We know that we are doing our jobs right when the people can smile with happiness, that's how I measure how I am doing."

"Are you preaching to me!?", Susan spat.

"A Hero isn't only a Hero when a camera is pointed at them.", I retorted staring her down, "If a Hero is what you really want to be, you best stop acting like a spoiled child."

"Spoiled child!?", she seethed, "Just who the hell do you think-"

Exerting my pressure down on them the two of them were unable to breath as they stared at me. Coming out of me Spectre showed himself to them staring at their souls. Feeling everything laid bear before him, they both started shaking with fear.

"Your souls are not innocent, you have blood on your hands. You didn't kill to protect or save did it for your personal gain. Your greed will be your undoing mortal. When the reaper comes for you, I will be your guide to the afterlife.", Spectre said, "Stop hiding behind that false mask, or we will remove ours..."

Understanding what Spectre was telling them the two could only nodded fearful they would die on the spot. Fading away as the young girl approached me, I turned to look at her. Kneeling down to her I asked if there was something she needed.

"What's your name?", she asked me.

"My name is Clark.", I stated.

"No, I mean your superhero name.", she giggled.

"Ah, I am called the Guardian Angel: Superman.", I told her.

"Really!!", she said lighting up with excitement, "You were the Hero that beat up the scary man in the sky!!"

"Haha yes I did beat him up, he won't be coming here anymore.", I chuckled.

"Thank you for helping Mommy and Daddy, Mr. Superman.", she stated giving me a hug.

"You are very welcome.", I replied hugging her back, "You stay safe Abigail."

"You remembered my name!!", she shouted jumping around.

"Of course!", I said mimicking All Might's laugh, "Well then, I am off to help more people!"

"Okay!!", she shouted, "Bye bye!!"

Since the siblings weren't coming I sent them back to New York while I continued on by myself.

---Helicarrier, Marvel-65---

Landing in Nick's office, he saw the pale siblings shaking violently. Having heard what I had done to his alternate version, he had a pretty good idea what happened. Asking them just for clarification, they said they would rethink becoming Heroes.

"I take it you pissed him off?", he asked casually.

"Yes...", they replied.

"And he scared the crap out of you?", he inquired.

"He...he saw our very souls!", they shouted, "All we could do was stand there unable to move. It didn't effect anyone else, but us!!"

"So that's why you want to rethink the Hero thing?", Nick chuckled.

"Yeah...", Susan said coming to terms she saw her own death before her eyes, "Just what is that spirit he has-"

"His name is Spectre, he is literally God's Enforcer...meaning Superman has a direct line to big man upstairs. A snap of his finger could erase you for existence, and he can drag you to hell himself.", Nick answered with what he knew, "He's fought the embodiment of Death, and killed him."

" mean that wasn't a joke?", she gulped.

"From what I hear he is the new embodiment of Death. He doesn't have to do anything to kill you, he can just think it.", Nick told her, "You saw what he did to Galactus...he's killed Thanos and Apocalypse instantly."

"You let him travel around freely!?", Susan shouted, "He...he could kill someone!!"

"Oh he has, but he has only ever killed the worse scumbags out there. Not a single innocent person has been harmed by him, nor does he kill unless it's necessary.", Nick informed her, "He has earned the trust of many universes, and all of them vouch for him. I am sure you saw him in action, is he a threat or did you cause an incident?"

"That...", she said remembering what had happened, "I...I caused it."

"Uh huh, so basically you brought it on yourself.", Nick told her, "Just because he hurt your feelings doesn't mean he is a bad guy, it just means your feminie charms don't phase him."

"I have been voted one of the most attractive Heroines on our world several-"

"He's got a harem of women, I don't think you stood a chance.", Nick snickered.

"...a harem...", she gulped, "I...I didn't know."

"Yep, according to my counterpart on the other world most men would say they are better looking than you.", he jabbed enjoying this too much.

"I have to see this for myself!", Susan snapped, "I want in on the next meeting!"

"I can arrange that.", he said with a smirk.

---Cambodia Coastline---

Arriving onsite to help evacuate villagers from tsunamis caused by monsoons. While I was airlifting people to safety I got a call from Amora asking if I would be back for lunch. Telling her what I was doing currently she said they would leave me a plate since they had gone out for pizza and ice cream.

"Did you seriously use my Teleport Gate to go get pizza?", I asked.

"We regret nothing!!", Mina and Itsuka shouted.

"Don't worry, we will save you a box.", Raven stated.

"Just the box.", Rumi teased.

"Ugh...I swear.", I laughed, "I have a few minor jobs after this, and then I will be back."

"You better hurry, there is only a few slices of the bacon pepperoni pizza left.", Harley told me.

"...I will be there in fifteen minutes.", I said quadrupling my pace.

Ensuring everyone was uninjured before leaving the grateful villagers, I shot off to Europe to put down a few prison breaks before returning home.

---Guardian Agency---

"Don't worry I made sure to save you a few slices.", Harley told me.

"Hey!", Blackfire spat, "It was my idea!"

"Come again?", Ochaco and Dorothy asked.

"Well...well I was the one that initially suggested it.", Blackfire stated.

"That is true.", Yu agreed.

"See!", Blackfire told them.

"They were the ones that followed through though.", Iris said before burping, "...excuse me."

"How lady like.", Ivy laughed.

"He doesn't care, and I can't always be lady like. We got to let our hair down once in a while.", Iris sighed.

"Yeah...", Kara said blowing the smell away, "Just don't burp after eating an ultimate pizza..."

"Oh right...sorry.", Iris apologized.

"How was it?", Sif asked, "In that world I mean?"

"I confirmed Susan Storm there is a glory seeking bitch.", I told her grabbing a slice of pizza.

"She didn't try to make a move on you...did she?", Katherine questioned trying to make herself look uninterested.

Even though she tried, I noticed that she was clenching her fist tightly. With her skills as Batwoman, and the aid of the Super Soldier serum it was would be an interesting match to see how things ended.

"She did, and I promptly brushed her aside.", I told them.

"That thieving little bitch...", Mera growled softly.

Seeing that it made all of them visibly angry I decided to change topics. Telling them that for the most part things were going well, several Reed Richards were already making a Marvel Alliance so I expected things to progress smoothly moving forward. Once the finer details were hammered out we would be in a solid position for both the Dark Knights and Emperor Jokers groups.

"I have the lab results back on the samples from Galactus.", Melissa told me as she toss a folder in my direction.

Reading over the results, from what it showed the Galactus I killed was a few days away from going full blown Supernova. The Joker Virus destabilized his energy control, and the energy was slowly collapsing in on him. A couple of days later, and I might have met the float debris of Earth-65. Asking if that had been transmitted to the Alliance, Melissa said it already had been.

"I think Nick having Storm there may have been his way of thank you...though I doubt he knew she was a tramp.", Nejire huffed.

"True.", I replied, "Either way, I am not interest in that particular Susan."

"How specific.", Natasha teased, "Just so you know our Susan is spoken for. You aren't into ruining-"

"I am not into NTR...not happening.", I answered.

"Good.", Harley stated, "You have all of us to handle..."

Remembering that Eri and her daughter were nearby, Harley changed her phrasing.

"You have a loving family here.", she laughed.

"Nice save.", Ivy and Raven told her.

"Anyways, you ladies finished the decorating right?", I inquired.

Showing me pictures of the decorations they had set out, I was happy to see they kept things relatively moderate. Seeing some of their personal additions, I did a thorough inspection of those. As several of them had been in abusive relationships before, they asked me to install apartments in the Agency buildings to house families hiding from abusive spouses. Seeing as how most people had Quirks I understood the need for a safe place for the families. Sure they could go to normal shelters, but since I had a reputation for cracking down on abusive people they wanted to use that as a shield for those families.

That said, I wouldn't really need to get involved in the matter. Between all of my lovers anyone dumb enough to attack someone in my Agency locations was signing their death warrant. In addition they added places for children to go to after school. This was the brainchild of the girls I went to school with as they thought it would be a good way for kids to make friends and get assistance with school.

"Speaking of friends...I know I haven't been able to go to school lunch since the world changed, but...", I said calmly, "Other than Bakugo becoming a woman, what else changed?"

"Deku is actually muscular, and knows how to fight.", Mina told me.

Choking on my pizza I looked at them trying to understand why they didn't tell me. Giggling they informed me they had been waiting for me to show up so I could see. Sighing I told them to continue.

Mei and Deku weren't a thing...Bakuga and Deku were a couple. Moreover the explosive behavior was now meek at best with Deku being a bodybuilding fanatic. The personalities of the other boys had changed as well like Ida was now a laid back casual guy and Shoto was much more outgoing. Sighing I knew I had to make the trip in to see this for myself.

"I am definitely going to need to see this for myself.", I chuckled, "Seeing this big of change is going to be one hell of a-"

Before I could finish talking, an emergency alert from Earth-616 came over the comms. Taking the call I found the Helicarrier on full alert as people scrambled around the command center. Asking Nick what was wrong, he quickly informed me that an unknown portal had opened in D.C, and he needed my assistance with it. Since we didn't know where the portal connected to I told him I was on my way. Telling them to save my portion, I took off in a hurry for Earth-616 Washington D.C.

" whose taking his portion?", Selena asked.

"I think the women carrying his children currently should have it.", Nemuri said reaching for a slice.

"Wow...", Iris chuckled, "So demanding."

"I am hungry! I only had a slice or two, your the one that ate two whole pizzas!!", Nemuri lectured.

"I burn calories faster than-"

"Uh huh, that's what they all say.", Jean teased.

"Hey!", Iris shouted, "Don't you start with me!! I hold seniority over-"

"If we are going there, that's us.", Mina and Itsuka boasted.

"Yeah.", Toga and Toru said crossing their arms like gangsters.

Playfully bickering among themselves, the women vented their stress among themselves for a while before going to take a nap.