Chapter 87 - The Man Known as Clark

---Agency HQ Japan---

Taking our seats around the conference table, both Michael and Lucifer demanded food and drink from me. Getting them wine, cheese, and bread the two shut up long enough for Presence to speak. Telling me to only allow my family in the room, the other Supermen respected his wish and promptly left. Having snuck out of school with the assistance of Toru, Eri was sitting on my lap eating her lunch while he talked.

"As you are all aware Henry, the one you know as Clark, is a reincarnate person from an alternate reality far different from your own. For those of you familiar with Asgard and New Genesis, his world was similar to them in the way they separated each other.", Presence stated, "As he has shared with you, he spent his entire life dedicated to helping those considered lesser humans on his world. Like he said, he died due to overworking himself as many people left the cause after his parents death."

"We know.", they replied except Eri who was hearing this for the first least as far as she was paying attention for this time.

"When Clark came before me for reincarnation, I asked him where he wanted to go and what power he wanted. He told me this world in particular and requested I make him like Superman.", Presence said, "He isn't the first nor will he be the last to request things like that from me. Unlike the others though, I saw a kind hearted man willing to do what was needed to protect people in needed. He's made plenty of mistakes as you all can imagine, but he isn't a perfect being to begin with."

"Oh, we know.", Selena jabbed with a smirk.

"Yeah, he broke a lot of laws as a kid.", Nejire giggled.

"Lots of them.", the other high school women laughed.

"I am well aware.", Presence chuckled, "That said it's to be expected as he isn't perfect. Now then I think it's time I told you everything. Clark, I made you to be exactly what you wanted to be...a protector, a champion...a Guardian. All you have ever wanted to do was to make a place were everyone can smile, and you have worked hard to make that dream here. You have made a world as close to a Utopia as possible without being a dictator."

"I...", I started to say.

"I made you into a Guardian for the people of the Multiverse. You have the tools at your disposal to reshape the entirety of creation with a snap of your fingers. Time, Space, Life, and Death all heed your commands allowing you to be the Hero you always wanted to be.", he said, "You have the power to create whatever you need, and-"

"WOW!!", Lucifer shouted, "What the hell!? I don't have that much power!!"

"I agree!", Michael stated, "For once I agree with shit face."

"Shit face!? Your the one who never does a damn thing!! You're a leech!", Lucifer spat, "I only tolerated you this much because he told me to come!"

"You want to lizard face!?", Michael shouted.

"Enough!", Presence snapped, "If I could trust you two to do this I wouldn't have given the job to him. One of you is far to lazy, and the other is disobedient! I chose him because I can give him this power, and know he will use it for the betterment of all creation."

Trying to come to terms with what I was hearing while the two bickered with their Father, I looked to my family who was also shocked. Having this much power scared me...controlling who lived and died was a decision only the Presence should have. I wasn't qualified to make such a big decision like that, but I had been subconsciously been doing it all along. Noticing that I was worried, he stopped the entire Multiverse to speak with me.

"Let me show you something.", he said taking me into the future.

---Above the Multiverse---

Looking down from where we stood I could feeling the pain and suffering of people across the Multiverse. Telling me that this was his view since the beginning of everything, he said things had become quite bad in the Multiverse. Forces behind the scenes had been tipping the balance of good and evil for billions of years, and it was the normal people that paid the price...people like the ones I loved.

"Do you see now why I chose you?", he asked, "This is the Multiverse as it stands right now, we are at the crossroads where it will either bounce back or collapse on itself. I made a vow when Creation happened that I would remain a neutral party, but I have come to regret that. For a long time now I have wanted a Champion that would go out to help Universes that were crying out for help. I have tried making people like Spectre, Living Tribunal, and others to help them indirectly but all of them never venture out like I wanted them too. On top of that, as you have seen those entities sometimes get corrupted and break away from what I intended."

"So that's why you picked me?", I inquired.

"Yes, Clark I am not asking you to make the decision of who lives or dies...I gave you that power so you can save people and make them happy, like that little girl.", he told me, "If you hadn't been there she would have ended up an orphan, all alone in the world. People sometimes think I don't care, but I truly do care for all of creation. It's just I gave you all Free Will so you could be who you wanted to be, and that comes with consequences both good and bad. What I want you to be is the person that can give the masses that choice for themselves, to be the person that will stand up to injustice that most couldn't stand up too. You have seen the impact you have had on every world you go too, the people look to you as a Guardian Angel...someone who shows up in their darkest moment when they call out for you. I have given you the ability to do what I can't, be there for those that want help."

Listening to him I reflected on the number of times I come to the rescue for people who would call out for me. The relief on their faces was clear in my mind, when they saw me they knew I wouldn't let them down and I would protect them. Where ever I went the children would look up to me like I was a beacon in a dark world.

"Let me show you what the multiverse looks like if you continue going as you are.", he said showing me the future.

The once dim universe was burning much brighter, and I could feel the warmth coming from them. Telling me this was several hundred thousand years in the future, he showed me my future and it was a bit overwhelming. Showing my mature family on our world at the park, I saw myself playing with many children as their mothers watched us. I saw many faces I knew, and many that were out of place.

"By this time you have married many more women, and have brought about a multiverse where scenes like this are common.", he told me, "You become the Symbol of Peace in the Multiverse, just the thought of your arrival brings people peace and villains fear."

"Yeah...", I said looking at my wives, " many wives do I have at this point in time?"

"Just shy of hundred.", he chuckled, "All of them mean the world to you, and on more than one occasion you have destroyed a Dark Universe or two for attacking your family."

"Is that Eri!?", I shrieked.

"It is.", he replied.

"Where is the bastard she married!? I want a good look at his face so I can-"

"Clark, the only mature women here are your wives.", he laughed.

"Wait...I marry Eri?", I questioned.

"She adamantly refused any other suitor saying you were the one she wanted.", he stated.

"Since when!?", I asked.

"For all the power I gave certainly don't take the hint. The current Eri loves you more than a sibling, she wants to stay with you indefinitely because you mean everything to her.", he told me, "She doesn't realize that she loves you romantically yet because she is too young to completely grasp the concept. That said, she wants to be with you where ever you go which is the most important thing to her right now."

"Oh...oh I see.", I said as things made more sense, "Is that why she learned to age herself?"

"That and she wanted to the snacks you keep in the top know the cookies, candy, and other things.", he chuckled.

"So that's whose been eating my snacks!", I sighed.

"Haha!", he laughed.

"So this is the future I have?", I asked.

"Yes.", he told me.

Seeing the smiles on my future wives faces, I was really enjoying the atmosphere we had here. Noticing that some things never changed I saw Blackfire and Starfire bickering, Sif and Rumi sparring after a disagreement, and several other women simply enjoyed the view of the children playing with me. The rest were out playing with the kids and I. Recognizing that there were a lot of women that weren't from Marvel or DC I looked to him with a questioning look.

"I know you have been wanting to minimize the impact on the other timelines, but that won't happen for long.", he chuckled, "You caused turmoil over there with the fracturing of the the World Barriers. Lots of hot heads and young masters are having conflicts with each other."

"You're not making me feel any better about what happened...", I sighed.

"The alternative was a lot of deaths.", he added, "It was the best result for the situation you were in. As I said, no one is perfect that I made down there...all of you are unique in your own ways."

"Still just shy of a hundred wives...", I thought with a gulp looking at a few women in particular, "That is expensive, dangerous, and a lot of long nights."

"Haha!", he laughed, "You move past that thought in the future, after they win you over. Many of them basically wear you down till you propose. For example those two sisters over there wore you down after you saved them from a foreign invasion caused by the World Barrier breaking. That one over there you save from a marriage she didn't want, connected to a very powerful material artist no less. The biggest ones are the two women breastfeeding, you literally saved them from a life spent on their backs as they had been taken as POW's. You got so angry with their world you took several women away, and pushed the planet into the Sun. Most of them moved to other world's, but a few married you."

Watching my future self play with our children I couldn't help, but desire this outcome. Seeing the children that I helped bring into the world, I could look at each and know whom their mother was. Inquiring about the children I was having currently, Presence said they would become the first of many new and upcoming Heroes that would help bring about this peace.

"What are you doing?", one of the women asked me.

Turning around I was greeted by one of the few people I thought I would never marry, Wanda Wilson. I personally thought Deadpool was an alright guy, but I wouldn't actively hang out with him as he could annoying really quick. It was especially bad because he enjoyed undressing my lovers with his eyes.

"Excuse me?", she insisted.

" can see me?", I asked.

"Clear as...wait...are you the younger version of my husband?", she inquired.

"I am...and I married you?", I gulped.

" were a dick even back then too.", she laughed.

"Who are you talking too?", Eri and Momo asked.

Telling them not to mind her, Wanda told me that we ended up together after she charmed her way into the harem. Not knowing how she managed to do, I was concerned that maybe my judgment faded with age. Sensing that I was thinking something weird she flipped me the bird.

"Your older self and I do a lot of crime fighting thank you very much. You may be a fucking OP Hero, but you still enjoy having help.", Wanda retorted, "Besides, we make very cute children."

Pulling a child out of a stroller, she showed me a baby that was sound asleep. Upon further examination I was certain she was the mother and that the child was mine. Giving myself the benefit of the doubt I figured I would learn when the time was right.

"Are you having one of your episodes again?", an icy blue haired woman asked as her son ran over to her.

"Nah, just taking a younger version of our husband.", Wanda replied.

"Are you sure you aren't on something?", the ruby red haired woman next to her inquired watching her two children fly around using their wings.

"Oh you'd know if I was.", Wanda assured her.

"Just keep you insanity over there.", they sighed.

"Hey! I know insanity when I see it, she is just batshit crazy.", Harley laughed.

"Language!", Wanda remarked.

"Ugh...", Harley sighed.

"Anyways tiger, try not to screw up too badly. I like how things turn out this way, don't fuck up!", Wanda said walking away.

"How did she see me..?", I asked Presence.

"There are somethings best left unexplained...just know she isn't insane. She can see a different aspect of the multiverse than others.", he told me.

Leaving the timeline, I took one last look at the future that could be. As crazy as my taste became in the future...I honestly wanted that life for me and my family. I knew it wouldn't be an easy feat, but I would work hard to fight for a bright future like that.

---Current Day---

Returning to the conference, Presence told me I had all the tools I needed now and that all I needed to do was to master their use. Asking what would become of Spectre, he told me that Spectre was permanently stuck to me now as if he separated now he would be erased by the continuum as there was a Spectre that took his place in the timeline.

"So I am stuck with the kid?", Spectre chuckled, "I am fine with that, I could have ended up with worse people."

"Thanks Spectre, I really feel the love.", I laughed.

"Good, I tried hard to communicate that.", he said with a smile, "Seriously though, I look forward to working with you kid in the long term."

"Me too, I couldn't ask for a more reliable partner.", I agreed.

With a snap of his finger time resumed, and Presence said it was time for them to go. Leaving in a hurry, Michael and Lucifer made it abundantly clear they didn't want to be here. Rushing off in a hurry they left Presence who just sighed, and told me to raise my children better than he did.

Getting the feeling they had missed something, my lovers asked me what they missed. Telling them that the Presence had shown me a potential future for me, I told them what I saw and that I wanted to achieve that. Unsurprisingly they got caught up on the number of women.

"Just shy of a hundred...", Maxima stated, "I may be royalty, but I have limits to the number I will share you with."

"Agreed.", Blackfire stated.

"I don't care.", Raven said, "As long as the way he treats us stays the same, I could care less."

Showing all of them the view I saw, minus the mother's so they didn't flip out I saw their expressions soften. Immediately picking out whose was whose they all looked at me with smirks.

"We make cute babies.", they laughed.

"I know, I saw.", I chuckled, "Now I want to be clear, that is only what could be not will be."

"Well we need to make that top priority.", Toga demanded, "All of them were adorable!!!"

"Most definitely, the little ones with the rabbit ears were so cute!!", Starfire giggled.

"Well, I knew we'd make some adorable children.", Rumi boasted, "They get most of their good looks from me."

"I agree.", I said teasing her.

"You aren't supposed to agree!", she gasped, " are good looking too."

"I got to see all of you too, you all looked as beautiful a few thousand years later as you do now.", I told them.

"You saw that far into the future!?", Melissa asked, "How advanced were we?"

"On par with where my planet was when I died.", I told her, "That said, we had basically no major crime left on our world. All of us together made a world where people can's the world I want to make with all of you here and those in the future."

"Well...I can free up my schedule.", Toga giggled.

"Yeah, we can make it a reality...I want our kids to have a bright future!", Iris stated.

"Speaking of that", Kara said, "how many kids do we have by then?"

"I didn't ask, but our kids apparently help bright our peace to other worlds along with us. What I saw was a multiverse full of life where people didn't have to be afraid anymore.", I said.

"How much did we change?", Blackfire asked.

"All of you didn't change all that much, you were still the same people you are now as far as I could tell.", I replied.

Nodding their heads, they set their sights on the future I saw. All of them wanted to see this world for themselves, and were in for the long haul. Getting up from their seats they asked me how we would proceed. Telling them I would be visiting the Marvel worlds again, I stated I wanted to make sure the refugees were fine. On top of that, we needed to start tracking an individual down that I was sure had a hand in both enemy groups.

"We want to come with you.", Jean, Hela, Amora, and Sif stated.

"I am fine with that, anyone else?", I asked.

No one else wanted to go as we had lots of work to complete. Breaking the meeting there I went out to speak with the Supermen. Telling them about Perpetua, I stated she had connections to the Dark Knights. Stating that she was from the Sixth Dimension, I warned them that she wouldn't go down easily.

"We need to track her down?", Prime One Million inquired.

"If my hunch is correct she is in Emperor Joker's faction, but feeding information to the Dark Knights. At this time we don't have any other leads so finding her is our best bet.", I stated.

"Perfect, I have been meaning to travel the Multiverse.", All Star Superman laughed.

Leaving with a few communicators in hand, the men split into groups to start looking for her. Taking the four women with me, I headed to Earth-616 to meet with the refugees.


"Are you really sure you want to come?", I asked Sif as we arrived, "You only just got your power back."

"I am sure, I have to start somewhere with building my honor the proper way.", she laughed, "I may be you future bride, but I won't allow you to protect me from what I have done."

"Same with me.", Amora said holding my hand.

Walking up to the refugee camp, Nick saw us and let off a sigh. Telling me that I was a lucky son of a bitch, he was about to start asking why we were here before Wolverine cut him off. Running over to me he attempted to grab me by the collar.

"Get rid of them!!", he howled pointing at the two Deadpool's who were pretending to be good, "They are driving me up the wall!! I beat the shit out of one, and the next starts running his mouth!!"

"Deadpool, I thought you were going back to see Vanessa?", I inquired.

"Oh we did.", Deadpool (616) laughed.

"And she loved it.", Deadpool (1610) said acting like he was the man of the hour.

"I might need to vomit...", Amora gagged.

"Hey!! Don't you get jealous of my fine looks.", Deadpool (616) said acting suave.

"On second thought maybe you should send me hope.", Amora said hiding behind me.

It took a second but the two Deadpools pointed at me with disbelief.

"You are a lucky bastard!! You plowed all-"

"Say another word...and I will freeze you till 2200.", I stated in a cold tone.

Closing their traps they calmed down and started playing cards. Telling Wolverine to just leave them with Vanessa, he informed me that Vanessa was sick of them too. One Deadpool was her comfort zone, a second was just way too much. Understanding why that would be the case I started thinking of a way to fix this. While I was thinking about that a familiar group of men came walking to us. I didn't even need to look because Amora and Sif were letting off a lot of killing intent. It was so bad even Nick looked a bit pale.

"Lady Sif!", the four men said.

"Sif, I am so sorry for what-", Thor started to to say.

Boot stomping him into the dirt, the other three froze. Glaring at Volstagg, Sif went for her blade which made him break out into a sweat.

"I told you what would happen if I saw you again...", she growled.

"Please wait!", he shouted, "I...I am sorry for what I did!"

"Tell it to someone that cares.", she said raising her sword.

"You are Heroes, why aren't you stopping her!?", Volstagg screamed.

"I ain't a dumb motherfucker!", Nick spat, "You are an Asgardian, not my jurisdiction."

"I am not getting in her way.", Tony said shaking his head violently.

"Hulk not telling her no.", Hulk stated.

"Sif is my lover, I am not going to tell her no. You hurt her so this is karma-", I started to say.

"BITCH!!", both Deadpools laughed flipping him the bird.

With one swift slash Volstagg's head was removed from his shoulders. Falling to the ground, Amora burned his corpse to ash before it touched the concrete.

"The three of you are garbage!", Amora seethed, "Get out of our site before I turn you all in toads!"

"Hela...", Thor wheezed, "I am your uncle, are you going to-"

Grabbing him by his hair, Hela lifted him out from under Sif's boot.

"Don't ever call yourself my uncle. All of Asgard are strangers to me, not one of you ever wanted me when I looked my worst.", Hela said removing her illusion, "You don't deserve me at my best."

"You are healed!?", Thor gasped.

Grabbing him by the throat I could sense she wanted to snap his neck, but chose not too. Tossing him to the ground Amora and her cast a curse on the three men. Making them hear whispers of the victims of their acts of valor, they wanted them to suffer the rest of their lives. Running from us screaming as they heard the voices in their ears, the two Deadpools called them light weights and returned to their seats.

"Evidentially they just can't handle the voices.", Deadpool (616) laughed.

"It makes life so much fun though!", Deadpool (1610) agreed.

Ignoring them as they started to ramble, I put dealing with them off for now. Telling Nick that we had come to check on the refugees, he was more than happy to let us help. Walking into the camp we setup, we split up to treat people and make sure everyone was okay. While I was treating a family, Carol was watching me closely with her superpowered counterpart Ms. Marvel.

"What are you thinking?", Ms. Marvel stated.

"Why is he being so nice?", Carol asked, "What does he have to gain? No one does this for free, there is always an-"

"I can tell you from personal experience, he doesn't have an alternate agenda.", Ms. Marvel told her.

"Are you really that naive?!", Carol spat.

"Why are you such a conspiracy theorist?", Ms. Marvel sighed, "He is a nice guy trying to help people. Let me ask you, what does he gain by helping the refugees?"

"Look, I saw the group of women with him. All of those women are loyal to him, he has to be leveraging something against them to keep them in line.", Carol said.

"It's called love Carol, something you know little about.", Ms. Marvel groaned, "I have met several of them personally, they are in love with the guy and I don't blame them. He's a nice guy, meets people where they are, and above all he is a freaking hunk! Do you not see those abs, pecks, and biceps!? We both saw him fold a street like paper, and...I think it's an attractive thing to see a man take the time to care for children. Most male Heroes just save people, and look for the camera shot."

"That...", Carol stated seeing where she was coming from.

"Don't chalk him up to being a villain when you barely know him. He saved all of you from Thanos, and stayed behind so you could flee.", Ms. Marvel said.

"...I am just used to powerful people using people like me who have no powers like chess pieces.", Carol said, "When the world was first invade, the governments pinned all the blame on me for not being ready. They dragged me through the mud, and several people I thought I could trust sold me out. Tony Stark leaked photos of me to the media...he did it to save himself from the public rage saying I had used photos to force him into submission."

"That dick!", Ms. Marvel bitched.

"After all of that, I have a distrust towards people...mainly men.", Carol sighed, "If you are telling me that he is good though...I will have to trust myself."

"I promise you he is, I mean look at the face on those people and him. He truly does care about them.", Ms. Marvel said watching me play with a toddler who was wanting me to hold her.

Flying her around me for a few minutes I handed her back to her mother. Giving the kids some candy I told them to listen to their parents before moving on. Waving to me as I left I waved back at the kids with a smile on my face. Seeing the interaction, Carol had a conflict going on inside her. Going by the men she knew personally there was something going on here, but she also felt that what she was seeing wasn't fake. The interaction was real, and the people weren't being used for some greater purpose.

"Having second thoughts now?", Ms. Marvel chuckled, "You know he does have women in his group without powers, just saying."

"Hey, we are the same person and you are trying to pawn me off!?", Carol hissed.

"If you have doubts go interact with him. Watching him like some sort of stalker isn't going to resolve your problem.", Ms. Marvel said, "Besides, I wouldn't have the guts to do that. He doesn't like people being used as pawns to hem him in. Natasha left S.H.I.E.L.D because she found out she was being played."

"I understand, I will go work with him then to see what is what.", Carol replied running off.

'Jeez, I can't believe I am this much of a bitch in another world.', Ms. Marvel thought, 'Really pisses me off she didn't castrate Stark for pulling that shit on her, I would have...then have Pepper boil them and feed him them.'

While I was healing a an elderly couple Carol caught up to me to talk. Before she could speak though, other guests had arrived. Interest in how my magic work Storm (1610), Kitty (1610), and She-Hulk (616) came to watch me. Not that far away I could hear Xavier and Jean talking while she used the Med Bots to heal people.

"So is this truly magic, or advanced technology?", Storm (1610) asked.

"A bit of my biology and magic. I use my x-ray vision to locate injuries and use magic to either heal or eradicate the problem.", I told her, "For example, right now I mending this woman's ankle while also removing her arthritis."

"Thank you kind sir.", the old lady laughed with a smile, "My legs have been bothering me for some time now."

"I can take a look at that as well, and make you as comfortable as I can given the circumstances.", I chuckled.

"How about my back?", her husband asked.

"Of course, but ladies first.", I laughed.

"Haha, you sound just my father.", he retorted.

"What else can you do?", Kitty (1610) inquired.

"I can locate cancer cells and erase them without causing any pain. In Deadpool's case I had to use my equipment due to the extent of his damage.", I told them before switching to telepathy, "And because it got him out of my hair for a week...mainly that."

"Haha!", the three women laughed, "He can be a pain."

Having the woman test her legs and ankle, she told me that she hadn't felt this good in years. Taking care of her husbands back issue, the two of them sat back and relaxed in the Sun. Moving on to the next family, Carol spoke up.

"Do you do this on your world?", she asked.

"Yes, I have hospitals in every nation that treats people no matter how rich or poor they are. In third world countries we included schooling that goes from kindergarten to graduate school. Instead of giving people free things I feel it's better to give them the opportunity to better themselves with a little help.", I answered.

"That is smart.", She-Hulk said, "Giving them the skills to be successful for life."

"How successful is the program?", Carol inquired.

"Well our grand opening was yesterday, and we had thousands of students show up around the globe.", I stated, "Oddly enough most of the kids were dragged to the classroom by their parents to get educated. The teachers wrote me reports on it, and I about died laughing. Doesn't matter where you go, most kids don't want to go to school."

Nodding their heads, the children I was examining said they didn't like school because the teachers were mean. Telling us about all the homework they had, they were very upset that it cut into their playtime at home. Saying I understood, I said that playtime was the most important time of the day. Looking to their parents they told them that I agreed with them so they should get more playtime. Holding back laughter I said that I had to defer to their parents though.

"If you don't do well in school you have to go to a place called Summer School, and you don't get any Summer Vacation!", I told the kids.

"NO!!", they shouted, "We want to see grandma and grandpa! We don't want to go!!"

"Then you better do go in school.", I warned in a playful tone.

Nodding their heads they scrambled into their makeshift home to do just that. Thanking me, their parents went inside to make sure they actually did it right. Moving on, Carol asked me more questions about my work and what my part was in the operation of my world. When I explained the idea of a Hero License, she said that was an idiotic idea as it meant people with connections could screw over those that really wanted to help. Telling her some people had tried that with me, she broke out laughing saying that sounded like a bad idea.

Asking other questions as well, the four women seemed to want to get to know me. The more we talked the more I warmed up to them, though Kitty could have toned down her enthusiasm as it would occasionally wake up sleeping toddlers whom I would quickly put to sleep so their exhausted parents could rest.

"So...why do all of this?", Carol asked me bluntly as I finished treating the last person, "Couldn't you have just stay on your world, and protected it?"

"So that's what this is about.", I sighed playing dumb, "Carol, let me tell you something. My senses are sharp enough now that I can hear people across the universe when they call for help. Growing up my senses could hear people around my planet calling for help, and no one ever came for many of them. Do you know what it's like laying in bed, and hearing people plead for crumbs just to have something to eat? Do you know what it's like to hear to a lost child crying over their dying parents wanting someone to save them? That's what I hear all the time no matter where I go Carol. I can't save everyone, but I do my best to save as many as I can. I do this because if I don't no one else will."

"I...I didn't realize you heard all of them.", she said.

"I do, and when I was younger sometimes I couldn't sleep because all I could hear was people pleading for someone to save them. Since I became a Hero those voices have almost completely vanished on my world because I put fear into criminals, and sent them into a different dimension where they can do no harm.", I told her, "My world isn't perfect, people will still make bad choices and have to live with that. I don't want to play God because I am imperfect, and nothing I will do can change that. All I want to do is make a world where people can be fear to make their own choices, and where children don't need to be afraid. They only need to call out and I will be there for them no matter the time or day."

"Really?", she asked.

"Yes, I have seen him dash off at odd hours of the day to do that.", Amora answered, "I admit I was skeptical when I first met him, but he has done wonders for that world. Major crime is almost completely gone, and people feel safe. We have seen the relief on people's face when he shows up."

"I see...", Carol replied, "Could I maybe visit your world?"

"Yes, I would like too as well.", She-Hulk said.

"Count us in!", Kitty shouted.

"SHH!!", the parents nearby snapped.

"Sorry!", she whispered.

"I don't see a problem with that, I need to stop by Earth-65 first.", I stated, "I need to take care of something there..."

"That doesn't sound ominous.", Hela chuckled.

"Oh we are going to nip something in the butt before it becomes a problem.", Spectre and I said in a cold tone.

"Oh?", Sif asked.

"We are going to save Spider Gwen before she gets bent over by Susan Storm.", I stated.

"What's that about me now?", Susan (1610) inquired coming over looking a bit sore.

"You sure you should be moving?", Jean verified.

"Yes, I can't sit on my ass waiting for something to happen. Now what's this about me bending Spider Gwen over? Also, who is Spider Gwen?", Susan demanded.

"Not you, your Earth-65 counterpart. She is a manipulative, backstabbing woman...she killed Doctor Doom by romancing him then stabbing him in the back. Right now she is befriending Spider Gwen to replace her...if she didn't learn from the lesson I taught her. I want to make sure Gwen doesn't get framed for murder, and forced to come here.", I said.

"My counterpart sounds like a cold hearted woman, I want in to set her straight.", Susan (1610) stated.

"There won't be anything left if she has.", Spectre told them, "She is going on a ride through Hell before she can ever think of reincarnating."

"Well let's go then.", Sif said.

Opening a portal to Earth-65, we got ready to go find Susan to see if she would follow the storyline I knew.


Author Note: Before anyone asked, all his wives will not be written in by the end of the novel. This novel only covers DC, Marvel, and MHA. I may do a sequel in the future, but I am unsure of that.