Chapter 88 - Spider Friends

---Marvel 65, New York City---

Arriving with the group from 616, they were all curious about what the other world looked like. For some reason Kitty thought her powers would mutate more via interuniversal travel, but I quickly set her straight. I didn't want her trying to test to see if she had immortality or something else. She gave me the same vibes that Mina and Starfire did...sweet but mischievous. Listening closely for where Spider Gwen was, I could hear her humming in the shower so I knew we could catch up to her before something.

At this point in the timeline Peter was dead, and I knew Susan had the footage. The question was if she would blackmail her or not, Spectre agreed to wait on passing judgment till we saw how she proceeded. Going to Gwen's apartment, we arrived just as she was getting her breakfast ready. Recognizing me as the guy that saved her world, she was more than happy to welcome me in.

"How's it to yah...", she said slurring her words, "I's it going!"

Judging by her reaction and the photos I could see on her counter...I could tell she had a crush on me. Noticing my stare she quickly hid the photos saying that it was a friend of hers that had left them there. Pretending to not notice, I quickly checked her mind to see if she had been blackmailed. Fortunately she hadn't, but I did see the guilt she had over Parker's death. It wasn't her fault he decided to roll the dice to get powers, he made that decision himself.

"Clark says Susan Storm is going to blackmail you.", Kitty said bluntly.

"Seriously Kitty...", Amora sighed, "You don't just say that, you have to be delicate about it."

"Opps.", she replied.

"Blackmail me!?", Gwen shrieked, "What do you mean blackmail me!?"

"It best if I explain it to you.", I told her, "I will explain while you make your meal."

Telling her about the Susan Storm from her world, she was in utter disbelief that the Susan she knew was a fake. Showing her the death of Doctor Doom, Gwen expression turned from shock to rage. She thought Susan was her friend, and now she found out that she was intending to blackmail her for her Hero spot in New York City.

"Now this point she has the film, but hasn't brought it to blackmail you. I hope my interference will have ensured she doesn't though I am not optimistic.", I stated, "Please be careful as in the timeline I know...she also tries to kill you as once she blackmails you her cover of being a caring person is blown."

"I...I see...", Gwen said crushing her butter knife, "I appreciate the warning, I won't be caught off guard by her now."

Sliding her an attachment for her phone, I provided my number so she could call me if the need arose. Since the timeline is changed, Susan might take more drastic steps to usurp Gwen's place such as coordinating a deadly attack on Gwen where she dies and Susan swoops in to avenge her 'friend'. Leaving the pessimistic thoughts aside for now, I wished her luck and left her. Once we were gone, Gwen sighed with relief.

"If the others weren't here I would have been all over him, he is really...really attractive.", she sighed with a smirk, "Still though, I am happy he liked me enough to come warn me of Susan's betrayal. I can't believe that bitch was going to frame me for murdering my childhood friend all for my Hero Cred!! Fucking bitch!!"

Slamming her hand on the counter, Gwen took a deep breath to calm down. Being betrayed by someone she trusted like a dear friend stung deeply. Deciding to pack her outfit in her bookbag, Gwen finished breakfast and quickly went to her college classes.

---MHA World (Clark's World)---

Arriving at HQ, the group from 616 gasped in shock. Our HQ was on the bleeding edge of tech that put what Tony Stark was doing to shame. Before I could say anything Kitty bolted inside via trying to phase through the wall. Slamming into it, she fell on her butt in disbelief her power didn't work.

"What's going on!? Do our powers not-"

"There are people with you ability here Kitty, our HQ has walls that prevent phase shifting through them. I just teleport so that doesn't effect me.", I chuckled.

"I am glad I got that on camera.", Storm laughed.

"Same here, this is going all over the web.", Susan (1610) added.

"Don't laugh at my pain!", Kitty said rubbing her forehead, "That hurt a lot!"

Giving them a tour of the facility I wasn't at all surprised when I lost them at the gym facility. Finding them admiring the state of the art equipment we had, what shocked them even more was the sauna and hot spring just off the workout room. Asking why we had them, I stated it was a nice way to unwind after a hard workout. Well that was only part of the lovers insisted on it because they wanted others to enjoy the benefits we had at the Fortress.

"How durable is the equipment?", She-Hulk asked me.

"Try to break, I bet you fifty bucks you can't even slightly bend it.", I told her motioning to the bench-press.

"Deal!", she said.

Taking off her shirt to reveal a sports bar, I understood immediately she was the same as Rumi. She didn't even care I was standing in front of her, she was just living in the moment in here. Watching her adjust the weight setting, I watched her set it about 80 tons to warm up and set it to gradually increase over time. Watching the numbers climb, she stalled out around 120 tons where he body started to resist lifting. Stubborn as Rumi, she tried to force herself to go higher but her body gave out. Unable to stop the bar from coming down she freaked out, but I caught it before she overreacted.

"I know working out is fun, but I don't need your going into a rage over this.", I teased.

"I had it.", she said secretly grateful I caught it before she got angry, "Either way I am surprised I couldn't break it. What is it made of?"

"A alloy that use the tiniest amount of Dwarf Star Material, you'd have to be on my fiancée Diana's level to start to bend it.", I boasted.

"I see, is she here?", She-Hulk asked.

"She should be back in a bit.", I stated.

"I'd like to meet her, and see what she can do.", She-Hulk said.

"I hope you aren't going to try to fight her, I can tell you it won't end well.", I told her.

"A little skirmish never hurt anyone.", she laughed.

A few hours later, I was patching her up in the infirmary as she had gotten a little too cocky and had exhausted her regenerative ability for the time being. Having them join us for dinner, I got things prepared with assistance from both Eri's.

"So this is everyone?", Carol asked.

"Yes...", Natasha stated, "You feel a bit more...relaxed now?"

"I do, it's pretty clear he isn't hiding anything like I thought he might have been.", Carol conceded.

"I have been wanting to come there is two identically children next to him?", Storm inquired, "Is one of them-"

Explaining the current situation, the women from 616 felt bad for the refugees. Watching me play the role of Dad to the children their expression softened. It wasn't often they saw men act in such a caring way, most of the men they knew were assholes or passive aggressive pieces of shit. Sure there were some nice guys, but none they knew would have readily accepted the role of father, even if it was till we could find a stable home for them. If we couldn't find a good home, my lovers had already fully accepted that we would adopt them before I made the suggestion.

Sitting down at the table, I quickly served everyone food and took a seat. Making sure that the kids were eating before I started to eat. Listening to the conversations everyone was having, Spectre spoke up about something.

"So...about all those women The Presence showed us today, how many of them do you recognize?", he asked me.

"Most of them, but the ones in Chinese garbs...they are going to be a bit difficult to identify. No doubt they were beautiful, but usually women like that have a lot of men after them. Based on my limited knowledge of can get ugly really quick. Depending on the timeline you have people that draw power from stars and black holes, not really the same caliber as most people you meet.", I told him.

"Ah, so this cultivation...what is it?", he inquired.

"Effectively improving ones mind and body beyond the realm of normal human limits. A cultivator has the ability to make themselves immortal through dedication to their craft.", I explained, "As I stated, they can reach some impressive heights but compared to our current enemy most would probably die in moments...especially if we are talking about individuals that alter reality."

"Fair enough.", he said.

"Are the sudden interest?", I questioned.

"Well...some of those women had a lot of blood on their hands, like that icy blue haired woman.", Spectre stated.

"Haha, I understand what you mean she is a natural born killer. Her tribes philosophy is only the strong survive, and if you were too weak.", I chuckled, "She takes it too far, and effectively becomes a cold blooded killer for..."

The more I thought about it...the more I realized I could fix things like that. I could kill that fat bastard before he causes too many issues, and spare the poor naïve kid from being killed. In the story I knew I felt bad that the kid who didn't know any better was killed to appease the masses. The kid wasn't even a teenager, yet he was killed for being lied to by his supposed right hand man.

"Kid?", Spectre asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah...I was just thinking I have the opportunity to save a lot of people heartache.", I said.

"Well that is what the Big Man wants you to do so I say go for it.", he replied.

"Agreed, I need to handle Emperor Joker and Batman Who Laughs first though...both of them are a bigger threat right now. My fear is they will find those worlds, and twist them...I have a feeling my harem gets that big because I save those women from something terrible on their world.", I stated gripping my knife, "There were a few women he pointed out that I know how their fucked up world ends...I feel terrible just thinking about it."

"Huh?", he stated.

"They were world leaders until a rebellion happened, and the leader put bounties on their heads. Their world literally goes to Hell...all of them...", I said stopping short of the gruesome fates they had, "Either way I will stop them from suffering, and find the masses a safer world to live on."

"Haha!", he laughed, "Sounds like I will have my work cut out for my judging people."

"You have no idea...", I responded, "Let me tell you though, there is one world I want to go to just to save a single man. I read a series when I was a kid, and his death was just gut wrenching...he was just a loving father that was killed by a piece of shit hellspawn. When I get to that world...that Hellspawn will be judged by me personally."

Realizing that several of the women were looking at me I stopped telepathically speaking with Spectre to ask what was wrong. Laughing at me, they stated they had been trying to get my attention for a few minutes now. Asking what was up, Kitty asked me about the vision I had been shown of my future.

"Any of us in it?", she inquired with a smile.

"I can't tell you that, telling you one way or the other can alter the future.", I chuckled.

"Oh come on, you saw the future and don't have any interest in telling us?", she pressed me.

"That's right, simply telling you could either push you in or out of that future. For the time being I am simply going to enjoy company and see where it goes. The future isn't set in stone, sometimes the tiniest thing can-"

Before I could finish my phone started going off. Seeing that it was from Superman Prime One Million, I excused myself to take the call. Stepping away from the table, I asked him what was going on.

"Yeah...we have a slight problem.", he said.

"Slight problem for you is a big problem for most.", I stated.

"I know, you able to come out here to look?", he asked.

"I can be there in a few moments.", I replied.

Telling the women I would be back, I left to join him at his location.

---Universe ??? Planet ???---

Arriving at his location, several of the other groups had already gathered up to look at Dark Void in front of us. Asking Spectre what this was, he nervously stated that this was where a universe should have been. Down the line from it were hundred of thousands of black voids as well, likely universes directly connected and below the initial destruction.

"You know more about this than us, what happened.", they asked.

Explaining how the multiverse worked, I stated that by ending the world at this point any worlds that would have been made by choices afterwards would have been erased. For example, if the world ended in 2012, but was originally supposed to die several thousand years later...all those potential choices would have be erased leaving many voids in the Multiverse. That said, the universe should repair itself but it wasn't a comforting thought.

"Outside of you and I, how many other beings are capable of collapsing a universe?", Prime One Million inquired.

"Several, but the problem is you can't do this randomly either. They higher up the totem you go the more devastation you make. If you aren't careful you could erase yourself without realizing it till it's too late.", I replied, "I have a suspicion this may have been a test run..."

"Meaning?", All Star questioned.

"You have to have access to the Speed Force to see this view or have a contract with the Source Wall. Only one of the villains we met thus far has access...Red Death.", I advised, "We need to regroup, and look into this further."

---Fortress of Solitude---

Calling an emergency meeting, I told the Alliance of the findings and as expected this wasn't what anyone wanted to hear. The idea they could die if a world higher up was destroyed terrified them. Fortunately for us even with the use of the Speed Force it was still almost impossible to guess how the breakdown of each world was plotted out. I knew Owlman and Lex Luther from Earth 3 had managed to solve that puzzle, but they were non-existent now. The timeline shift had erased Universe 3, and I confirmed Luther died.

"Is it possible some of his research existed between the worlds?", Batman (New Earth) asked, "I am sure he would have tested things prior to go through himself."

"That's what I am thinking happened...Owlman had a device that could destroy a world and had intended to blow up an Origin Earth to reset the Multiverse.", I said.

"Origin Earth?", Carol asked.

"Yes, it is the original world that every other timeline connects too. All of the Dark and Light Multiverse connect to that single point. If you destroy that, the entire system resets like when I killed Nekron.", I told her, "Even I would like change from the shift that would cause."

"So...are they looking to do that?", Flash (Earth 22) inquired.

"Joker wouldn't be bold enough to do that.", the Bat Family members stated, "He enjoys tormenting us too much to risk losing his only source of entertainment."

"So that leaves the man in black.", Nick (616) said, "What exactly do they benefit from resetting everything? It seems stupid to reset everything if you couldn't maintain yourself through the change."

"Is there any chance there is a hidden power there?", Susan asked me.

"No, it is literally a barren rock with no life. It is the literally point in the Multiverse where life both starts and ends. From that planet life began and on the flip side it didn't...the only thing I could thing of...", I said trying to think like Batman, "The only thing I could think of is if he thinks there are Infinity Stones or the Anti-Life Equation exist there...though they wouldn't. That world exists before their creation."

"Why are you assuming that?", Kara (Girlfriend) asked.

"Well if I were Batman I would know that normal Superman weaknesses don't apply to me. I would go for the most powerful weapon I could find, and that would be the Infinity Stones from the first timeline they appeared from.", I answered, "Though the stone would still only work there and not anywhere else..."

"What's he liable to do when he finds that out?", Storm asked nervously.

"Oh if I worked that hard to find out it didn't work, I'd be livid!", Deadpool (616) laughed, "It be like getting hyped for a major video game title release only to have it suck ass on release."

"You sound like you know from experience.", Deadpool (1610) chuckled.

"You don't know the half of it.", he replied with a sigh, "Fuck I was so pissed off!! I froze my ass off for three days camping out for that Cyber...oh shit I shouldn't say in case someone reports the author."

"Deadpool...we don't have time for this...", we all sighed in frustration.

(Author: For once...I thank you Deadpool. That game was a sorry excuse on release, I hope they fix it though.)

"The bigger thing is he likely to rampage to find the Origin Earth, and that won't work out well for Marvel Timelines...", I said.

"So uh...Starfire mentioned those rings they wear will protect them from Time Shifts.", She-Hulk stated, "Anyway we might get one? I like staying alive..."

"They are reserved for my family only.", I told her, "The element they are made of is incredibly rare so they are hard to make."

"Can't you just snap it into existence?", Mina asked.

Giving it a shot, I was able to make it mentally imagining the atomic structure.

"So can we get one now?", Kitty inquired.

"They are really still for my family.", I retorted, "I may be able to make the metal now, but if I give one to you everyone is going to start asking."

"Ah...yeah I get that.", Storm stated.

"I can give the elemental structure of the metal to all of you, and you can look for it yourselves though.", I compromised.

"That works.", Flash (Earth 15) said.

Sending that data out we went over other topics like the findings the Supermen had discovered. Most of it was different DC and Marvel timelines, but they did find other universes as well. Reporting about the Invincible Universes and several Anime world's, the situation wasn't the best. From their descriptions it sounded like someone abducting groups from one world, and dropping them in another. One example of this was a world that sounded like it had people Demon Slayer, Seven Deadly Sins, and High School DxD...which all around a bad thing.

From the sounds of it someone moved the Demon Clan from the Sins world, and dropped them in the DxD world along with the Demon Slayer group. Their description sounded like the world had gone to shit with all the factions at each other throats. The Demon Slayers fought to protect humanity, the groups tied to that world were trying to broker some peace, but the Demon Clan wasn't playing ball so it was just a shit show.

"Clark, is that how the timeline is supposed to be?", Nejire asked.

"No...some brought three groups together who should have never met.", I sighed, "It's more fucking work for me now..."

"Sounds like Joker.", Batman (Earth 22) said, "He's probably done it to get a laugh out of them killing each other."

"Agreed, I don't think Batman Who Laughs would do it with the intent I might notice the world to save it. He's too calculating for that.", I agreed.

"Do we need to intercede immediately?", Raven asked.

"Right now neither side is going to back down, and they should be evenly matched for the time being. Once we are done with those two idiots, I will go to handle the situation...though I am sure that world isn't the only one.", I sighed.

"Are you going to need our assistance?", the Alliance questioned.

"The problem is not all of those worlds have the same rules of reality you are used too. It's probably safer for me to handle it myself.", I stated.

"You sure you don't need to wise men to help you?", Deadpool (616) said pulling his comrade into view, "If there are-"

"Not happening, Joker's insanity is enough to last hundreds of lifetimes.", I cut him off, "Besides if you leave, how are you going to work things out with Vanessa?"

"Yeah, we are seeing a therapist.", he admitted with a chuckle, "Dude's crazy...I am going though."

Ending our meeting there, I wanted to investigate the matter on the ground. Dispatching several drones to gather data, I wanted to figure out how and when the destruction happened.

---Dark Universe, Earth -22---

Reviewing the results from the test run of Owlman's bomb, Batman Who Laughs was intrigued by the domino effect the universe's destruction had. Having modified the bomb with energy he had stolen from his prisoners, he was looking into perfecting it. The plan was still to locate the Infinity Stones, but as a back up the bomb would serve as a deterrent against his enemies. Letting the computer run the numbers, he started going over the information they had on the singular person that stood in his way...the Abnormal Superman.

Having watched Dawnbreaker die, Bruce's inner paranoia had started to bug him much more. He was used to having a plan to defeat his opponents, the feeling of helplessness made his skin crawl and was ruining his focus. Trying to find a chip in my armor, he was looking desperately to find my homeworld and find my weakness. Up till now he hadn't had any luck, but a recent discovery had motivated him to continue looking. Having found an alternate timeline to mine with women that matched my in appearance, the Dark Knights annihilated the populace not knowing if it was my world or not.

Realizing it wasn't when most of the world was gone, they had taken a few prisoners before dispatching the rest. Having put it off long enough, he went down to the prison cells where he was keeping some of the prisoners. Each prisoner had gone through rigorous testing to find out their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The people were currently chained to the ground, and were half starved by now.

Glancing over the prisoners a spiky haired boy was glaring at him full of hatred. He had watched his friends and family be turned inside out in front of him, and the entire way here he had been shouting about blowing Batman Who Laughs to pieces. Gagging him was the only way to shut him up without doing anything drastic. For the time being he needed them alive while he made equipment to track the universes tied to the world's timeline. It would give him the information he needed to locate his biggest enemy, and would allow him to gather more information.

The woman next him was a dangerous person who had sucked people into a miniature black hole within her suit. Fortunately she had relied too much on her power so the moment the laws of physics changed she was rendered useless. Still though, having such a terrifying ability made him cautious.

The last prisoner he had was an older gentleman that had tried desperately to defend his planet. They called him All for One, and apparently he had the ability to steal others abilities for himself. Such a broken ability usually made the person a villain, but this man was a Hero who fought a villain called One for All who claimed to be a Hero but was actually a fake. His true colors came out when he offered to assist the Dark Knights, and willingly killed several Heroes to show he was serious. Of course they didn't need him though so Merciless ripped his flesh from his bones in a few minutes in front of people that once trusted him.

"Once again, have you ever seen this man?", he asked them.


Regagging him he looked towards the others who shook their heads. Sensing that they weren't lying about it, he felt torturing the women he thought were my family was a waste of time now. Going over more questions about Quirks and how one obtained one, he received a call from Perpetua.

"I heard you managed to destroy several dozen universes...", she said.

"What of it?", he asked.

"You didn't tell me you were working on such a dangerous weapon. Where exactly did you get that much power?", she replied.

"None of your business, now if that was all you wanted-"

"I don't think you understand the arrangement we made.", she growled, "You don't get to ignore my question."

"I didn't, I chose to not answer...there is a difference.", he laughed.

"Do I need to remind you who works for who?", she seethed.

"I honestly think we need to sit down, and have a chat.", he replied holding a large piece of the Source Wall, "It's been a while since we had a face to face chat...I have been dying to see you again."

"Fine...if you wanted to meet you could have just mortals and your sense of humor. I will slip away in a few days for a brief meeting.", she sighed.

"Haha, I can't wait to BREAK the news to you.", he mocked pretending to laugh at his own joke.

Ending the call his laugh died immediately.

'Soon I will be rid of that bitch, and before she dies I will syphon off her power to make more bombs.', he thought to himself, 'Soon I will have the location of Abnormal Superman, and I will find his weakness.'


Receiving a call to meet Susan Storm near her apartment, Gwen went fully equipped to take her down if need be. Arriving in the rooftop meeting spot a few blocks she found Susan and Johnny looking down on the city. Her spider senses told her they weren't alone up here, and that Susan had brought backup. Dialing my number stealthily in her pocket, Gwen approached them.

"Was there something you wanted to talk about?", Gwen asked.

"Yes...I think it's time you go into retirement.", Susan said looking back at her with a smile, "Permanently that is."

"So it was true...Clark warned me you'd pull this shit!! I helped you grow as Heroes and it turns out both of you are murderers and blackmailers!! You killed Doctor Doom, and intend to do the same to me here!", Gwen said.

"Congratulations on figuring it all out. Don't worry, your death will appear like you fought valiantly against the villains I brought here. I will avenge your death, and take my rightful place-"

"Rotting in hellish chains.", I said dropping the unconscious group of villains on the rooftop.

"What...what are you doing here!?", she shrieked.

"I called him...", Gwen stated, "I don't kill people, but I know he does."

Johnny immediately tried to ignite himself, but I removed his immunity to his own fire. The moment he went ablaze he fell to his knees screaming as his power started to cook him alive. Trying to help put it out, Gwen pinned her to a billboard with her web shooters.

"I gave you a chance to redeem yourself Susan, you disappoint me. This little acting career closes today, and a life in Hell awaits you.", we said walking over to her.

Pleading for her life, she tried to flee but found her powers no longer worked. Running towards the exit she opened the door only to find a spirit with a flaming skull waiting for her. Screaming as she stumbled backwards, the spirit walked towards her with a flaming chain in hand.

"You have innocent blood on your hands...", Ghost Rider growled, "Time to collect your debt."

"NO!!", she screamed.

With a single flick he wrapped the chain around her neck, and yanked her backwards. Stepping on her back, Ghost Rider pulled back on the chain taking her ability to breath. Frantically trying to survive, she started to see the people she let die to boost her own public image. Seeing the people stare her down and laugh at her, she started crying when they came over and started beating her to death.

Noticing Spectre's interference, Ghost Rider decided to not say anything as it only increased her suffering. Reducing her to a pile of smoldering ash, the spirit then turned to me. I could sense the two Spirits of Vengeance size each other up before it stuck it's hand out.

"Uh Spectre...does he want to shake our hand?", I asked telepathically.

"No, the Spirit wants to come with's host was killed.", Spectre stated.

"Should we? I don't mind, but you are also a Spirit of Vengeance.", I chuckled.

"Sure, I will show this guy how it's done!", Spectre replied.

Shaking his hand, the Spirit fused itself to my soul which was an interesting sensation. Already having Spectre tied to my soul, adding Ghost Rider was a whole different experience. Spectre was more of a cold, uncaring feeling while Ghost Rider was a fiery, enraged presence. The two seemed to co-exist well enough, but only time would tell.

"Welcome to the team.", I told him telepathically.

"Hmm...", Ghost Rider sighed, "We have souls to burn."

"Kid, let me get him caught up on the current situation while you handle her.", Spectre told me.

Turning to Gwen, she was stomping on the ashes of Susan. Cursing her repeatedly Gwen wished she would rot in hell till the end of time for playing her like a fool. Asking her if she would be okay, she turned around and hugged me tightly.

"I...I will be.", she said, "Thank you for showing up."

"It's fine, I will take these criminals to S.H.I.E.L.D then head home.", I stated.

"That sounds good...", she replied watching me walk away.

Picking them up I was about to leave when Gwen spoke up.

"I care a lot about Peter...he was one of my first friends...", she said, "Was I really responsible for driving him to do such a drastic-"

"Gwen, he made the decision himself. You didn't force him to mutate himself, that responsibility falls on him.", I told her calmly, "If you hold his death on your shoulders...there wasn't anything you could have done. Trying to talk him out of it wouldn't have stopped him."

"Thanks...", she replied with a soft smile.

With that I left, and headed out to drop the scumbags off.