Chapter 89 - Playing Dad

---MHA Universe (Clark's World)---

Returning to the HQ where the kids were getting their bath, I found the kids running around while my lovers were trying to bathe them. Noticing that my lovers were in swimsuits for this, I put one on as well to help them. Seeing that I had returned the kids stopped fleeing, and ran over to me. Reaching up to me to, the kids wanted me to fly them around again.

"Alright.", I laughed, "You have to promise to let us wash you down though. If you don't I will have to send you through a car wash."

"We aren't cars!", the kids giggled.

"But you will come out squeaky clean.", I replied with a smirk as I levitated them off the ground, "Okay, you all can fly around now."

Tracking their locations as they flew around, I made sure I properly supported them so they wouldn't experience discomfort. Watching them do summersaults in the air, my lovers and guests just laughed at the children's goofiness.

"I must admit...this is an enjoyable feeling.", Carol stated, "I haven't laughed this much in a while."

"Agreed.", She-Hulk said watching a few young girls blowing bubbles.

"This is a pretty normal night.", Harley stated, "Well...we usually don't have kids flying around, but other than that it's pretty normal."

"Haha I would hope having kids flying around isn't normal.", Storm laughed.

"Honestly...we don't know if that is quite true.", the pregnant women said, "We may have flying children."

"Oh!", Carol gasped, "I didn't...I didn't realize you were expecting children!"

"Yes, appears to be pretty good at that!", Rumi said hitting my shoulder playfully.

"We are all very excited.", Nemuri stated holding my hand, "Having seen how he is with kids, I am thankful my children will have such a caring father."

"Agreed.", the other five said.

"So you only have six women expecting at the moment?", Kitty asked.

"Actually...", Maxima giggled, "Three more of us can say we have joined that group, right ladies?"

"Three?", I inquired.

"Yes.", Starfire and Blackfire stated giving me soft smiles, "We found out this morning...we noticed something was wrong, took a test, and-"

Pulling the three of them into my embrace, I thanked them repeatedly and told them that I loved the three of them dearly. Starfire laughed and said she loved me too, Blackfire she was happy I was the father, and Maxima told me she wanted more after this one. The fact she was saying this so soon meant she wasn't experiencing any normal signs women had of pregnancy. We would see if she still felt that way in a few months, but I would make sure she was as comfortable as possible.

The fact that now nine women were having my children really warmed my heart. I didn't understand why some men left at this point, the fact that I helped bring another life into the world was an amazing feeling. It was even more amazing that all of my children would have this group of amazing women as their mothers. We may not be perfect, but our children would never be abused or mistreated...they would have our love without restrictions, something that only a few of my lovers had experienced growing up.

"That isn't completely true either...", Nejire spoke up pushing Toga and Dorothy forward with her.

Hearing those words, I felt a bit nervous about what was coming next. Showing me their testes, the three of them said they had wanted to tell me since last week, but hadn't due to my busy schedule. Kissing the three idiots, I told them that they could have told me and I would have stopped everything to listen.

"All of you mean everything to don't have to hide anything because you think I am busy. If you ask I will make time to listen to you no matter what. We are going to be engaged publicly in a few months, I want wear this badge of fatherhood proudly.", I told them.

"I told you.", Mina laughed, "You all were worried for no reason!"

"Yeah, we all told you.", Asui stated.

"We were nervous!", Nejire pouted, "We are still teens, and to have a kid now is's a lot of responsibility."

"Haha, you think it's any easier when your older?", Rumi teased, "I am the one having multiple kids at once here. How do you think I feel with the potential six children I could have at once? I could even have eight like my grandmother did. You realize how many aunts and uncles my grandmother birthed?!"

"How far back does your rabbit heritage go!?", the women gasped.

"Well admittedly she was quirkless, my grandfather had the Rabbit Quirk. If you had met him, you would have thought he was the freaking easter bunny. My mother looked more human, and then you have me and my siblings.", Rumi laughed, "My grandmother gave birth to twenty-four children before making my grandfather get fixed."

"How many are you aiming for?", Ochaco and Susan asked.

"Well since Clark is making us immortal, as many as possible spread out over time. We don't have to cram having kids into a short window of time. We can have them in spurts without having to worry about us becoming to old to have them.", Rumi pointed out, "Quite frankly though...I am going to just go with the flow after these brats come into the picture. By the way Clark, I hope you have some sort of tech for changing diapers...otherwise we are going to have a stinky situation."

"Already working on that.", I said giving her a thumbs up and grin, "Been working on that since we started sleeping together."

"Good job!", the women snickered.

"Clark is making you immortal?", She-Hulk questioned.

Explaining the situation of how my power worked, the guests felt kind of bad for me. Growing up constantly hearing people calling for help, they felt I had it rough. On top of that, being an immortal being was something they never considered. They never thought about the repercussions of having to watch the people you love age while you stayed the same. Thinking about it though...they could see how immortals sometimes became cruel people as they had to harden their hearts to not go mentally insane.

"Well...congratulations?", our guests said with smiles, "Hope your children are happy and healthy."

"Oh they will be...we will make sure Clark makes time for them.", Toga stated giving me a smile, "Isn't that right? You will show up to their musicals, father's day celebrations, and other activities, right? You aren't going to leave the kids my father, right?"

"Of course not!", I loudly laughed, "I am excited to have that opportunity! I will be the Dad loudly cheering in the back with the camera in hand embarrassing the children like my mother did to me."

" don't have to be exactly like her thought...", Toru said, "We don't want you threatening the kids with embarrassing photos."

"Hey it was only embarrassing back then because I thought you'd distance yourselves from me!", I retorted, "My mother snapped pictures of me in all sorts of on the toilet, in the bath, in costumes...and a few occasions where I got to into making you all gifts."

"Don't worry, we love that enthusiastic part of you.", Momo comforted me.

Letting the kids fly around for a few more minutes, I set them down so we could scrub them down. Making sure they clean before letting them in the bath, they played with some of my old toys in the tub for a while before I took them out to get them dried off. Resisting being dried off, I had to chase them to dry them off and get them in their pajamas. Once they were all in their pajamas, we got their teeth brushed and put them to bed.

"Can you read us a story again?", Eri (Rescued) asked handing me a book about Robin Hood.

Requesting the same thing, the other children wanted to hear the story too. Deciding to do something different, I had the kids lay down and close their eyes. Sending a visualization of the story to their minds, I put them to sleep while they watched the story play out in their dreams. Making sure that they were all fine before I left, it appeared my trick worked perfectly and I intended to use it for the infants when they arrived as well.

Walking out to the lounge area where the women were talking, I gave them a thumbs up. Smiling at me they said I did a great job while offering me some coffee.

"Honestly, I had no idea those kids would become so wild the day after rescuing them.", Ivy said, "I expected them to be shy for a few weeks before they'd open up. It's nice to see that they have warmed up to us."

"I think you mean warmed up to him.", Raven said pointing at me, "They just liked making us run after them."

"But isn't that the fun part!", Starfire laughed.

"Uh huh...lets see if you are still saying that in a few days.", Raven chuckled.

"Either way they seem to be recovering from their trauma.", I stated, "That is the most important thing."

"Absolutely.", Selena and Natasha agreed, "They have had it rough..."

"How are the adults and older children holding up?", I inquired.

"We have been working on job placement and setting them up with accommodations.", Zatanna answered, "The UN has given us a lot of help finding safe places to have them live. They are being much more flexible than with the refugees we had during the Nekron Incident."

"That's probably because they came from an alternate timeline to ours.", Melissa stated, "They realized they are effectively us from another world."

"I think it also helped that they had the same powers as their counterparts here so the UN already has their Quirks on record.", Yu said.

"Speak of that...Mina and Rumi, how are your counterparts doing?", I asked.

"They are doing as well as can be expected. Eijiro was caught off guard when my counterpart kissed him. He expected you to come, and kill him.", Mina giggled, "Apparently she was dating Eijiro in that world. After I explained what was going on though, he calmed down."

"Where is she staying?", I asked.

"With my parents, they thought you cloned me!", Mina laughed, "It took a while for them to understand she was me from another world, but that is all covered now. They are taking really good care of her, and she is happy."

"Perfect, and Rumi's counterpart?", I questioned.

"Going through physical rehab...", Rumi growled, "They mangled her up really badly. She is patched up now, but she has to relearn how to run and function normally. Those bastards broke every bone on her body repeatedly so it took a while to heal all the damage."

"She is one tough cookie to hide that much damage.", I stated.

"Just like our Rumi!", Nemuri giggled giving her a hug.

"Whatever...", Rumi huffed hiding a smile.

Asking me how setting up detection in other alternate worlds was going, I told them that Kelex had about fifty percent of our parallel worlds under surveillance for spatial distortions. Effectively they were just small devices I attached to the World Barriers that would alert me to the slightest vibration change signaling someone entering that world. Discussing that for a few minutes, Nejire quickly brought up the topic of clothing for the children and immediately all the women jumped on that.

Pulling up several websites that sold clothing, I sat there listening to them argue over clothing for the children we were taking care of and the ones we were expecting. Since I was almost always in my Hero outfit I really didn't have a sense for these things, I just wore what I thought was comfortable. Seeing that they were looking at similar clothing to what my mother made me wear, I tried to add my opinion but was quickly told I had no sense for style and that my opinion was void here. With that decided I chose to take the stance of apologizing to the children after they were forced into the clothing...the same way my father had.

"Whipped.", Ghost Rider and Spectre jabbed.

"Hey, I sleep with most of them so it's important that they are happy. Either way I don't care that much about what they wear, I just want them to wear clothes.", I chuckled, "You catch him up on everything?"

"Yeah, better yet he's got a lead on their hideout.", Spectre stated.

"Isn't that something you should have told me first?", I asked.

"You were busy chasing those brats around.", Ghost Rider retorted, "Since you were playing father, we chose to wait till you were done."

" what's your lead?", I questioned.

"I managed to burn one of those Dark Knight bastards, and I can still sense my brand. We can use that to find the Dark Knight I injured to interrogate them for information.", he told me.

"Now we are cooking with gas, do you have anything else?", I replied.

"Well...I can tell you that their Leader is doing something behind the scenes.", Ghost Rider stated, "You aren't the first otherworld I have met, I saw someone else that gave off a hellish presence similar to Mephisto. He wore all black and had green-"

"HOLD ON!!", I stopped him, "Did this guy seem like a trained killer, and say something about being damned?"

"Yeah, you met him?", Ghost Rider asked.

"His name is Spawn, and simply put he is a powerful antihero. You are saying he visited your world?", I questioned.

"Yeah, he said something about stopping a ritual. I wasn't able to ask him more as he left almost immediately after showing up.", Ghost Rider told me.

"Yeah...his villains aren't people to scoff at...there are some pretty nasty people he fights.", I said, "We should probably find him, and figure out about this ritual he's trying to stop. If it's a summoning ritual to summon one of his enemies...that's not something I want to think about. What ever world they show up on, they are fucking screwed without help."

"Agreed...I can see the images in your mind.", Spectre agreed, "Sounds like we have souls to torment!"

"Right on!", Ghost Rider added with a smirk, "Let's burn those fuckers!"

High fiving each other, it appeared the two of them got along pretty well. That said I was concerned with the fact that Spawn was hurriedly running around to stop a ritual from happening. If something was making him worried, I should be more concerned about it than Emperor Joker or the Dark Knights. The creatures that existed in his timelines were terrifying, and most worlds would be devoured in a matter of hours. Deciding that this couldn't wait, I decided I had to act now or I felt I would regret it.

Standing up I told the women that I was going out. Asking where I was going, I said I had a lead on the Dark Knights so I would going out to investigate. Telling me to stay safe they quickly resumed skimming through the websites again.

---Void Between the Worlds---

Shooting across the Multiverse looking following the Ghost Rider's brand, I ran through possibilities of what could be worrying Spawn. Sensing my nervousness Spectre asked if I really thought I wouldn't be able to handle whatever it was the ritual summoned. Telling him I was worried about the world it was summoned on, I said my fear was I wouldn't arrive in time to stop it. While Presence had pretty much given me full reign over altering time, if it served to better the public at large, I still wasn't keen on changing the past. The smallest changes could result in a massive loss of life.

"You can't be concerned over the small things.", they argued.

"I don't consider ruining lives a small thing. A small miscalculation can result in the deaths of millions of innocent people.", I stated.

"It could also save millions.", they retorted, "If you fuck up, just go back and-"

"You both have millions of years over me in life experience...for me I couldn't live with myself if I inadvertently killed a child or a family trying to save the world. Every life has value, and to say I can just rewind time to fix it doesn't change the fact I let someone die.", I said.

" don't have the life experience yet to toughen yourself up for these things.", they admitted, "The older you get the more you will learn to let things like this go, and just fix things instead of beating yourself up."

"I hope you are right...I still don't think I should have all this power.", I muttered.

"That's exactly why Presence chose you to wield them. The person that wields such power shouldn't become complacent, and abuse their power.", Spectre said.

"Not only that, you have trust that he knows what he's doing.", Ghost Rider added.

Agreeing with them, I focused on hurrying to find the Dark Knight he had branded.

---Marvel Earth-3010---

Arriving on in the universe where the brand resided, we found an Earth that looked identical to Apokolips. Descending down onto the planet, the populace was hurriedly performing the tasks of their master...a Batman/Darkseid hybrid they knew as Darkbat. In my memory it should have been Dark Father, but I assumed something changed the naming scheme thought it didn't matter much.

"Shit...", Ghost Rider and Spectre stated, "This fucker is going to burn for millennia in hell!"

"Yeah...he obviously has the same sick taste as Darkseid.", I said observing the people he was working to death and mutilating into Parademons, "Where is he?"

"In the tower.", Ghost Rider replied, "It appears he has bodyguards with him."

"The Furies...ugh not these people again.", I sighed.

"You had run ins with them?", Ghost Rider asked.

"They do Darkseid's dirty work he can't be bothered with...Clark had a run in with Darkseid's daughter Grail a while back...", Spectre sighed, "She wanted too-"

"I get it...I don't want to think about that ugly thing having a daughter...", Ghost Rider complained.

"She was actually pretty good looking, but her cruelty wasn't going to fly.", I stated.

"Haha, of course you thought the psycho was attractive. You sure you don't have an underlying fixation for crazy women?", Spectre jabbed.

"...just shut up...", I sighed.

"Haha!", they laughed at me.

'Now I wish I hadn't taken Ghost Rider...both of them are going to drive me more looney than Deadpool.', I thought.

Shooting forward I slammed through the wall to the throne room, I found the Furies where incapacitated, and Spawn had just snapped Grail's neck. Turning around to see me I was curious if he was going to immediately attack me, but he seemed to realize I wasn't an enemy.

"Great...another wannabe Hero.", he groaned, "Listen I don't need another touching, vomit inducing speech about killing shitbags like them."

"I wasn't going too, I was told you are looking to stop some sort of ritual.", I replied.

"Oh, well that's good to hear. The last Superhero I met tried to make me feel like scum, so I beat the shit out of him.", Spawn stated, "Either way that's not important now, yes I am looking to stop a ritual that will summon a fucker named Urizen. You don't happen to recognize that name, do you?"

"No.", Spectre and Ghost Rider said manifesting and turning to me, "You?"

"I know he is some sort of entity banished to the Void by the forces of Heaven and Hell in your world.", I replied.

"Finally someone with a lick of sense, yes that is the fucker I am trying to stop bastard from getting out a second time.", Spawn stated.

"Oh so you have already died and been resurrected.", I said.

"I...I did you know that?", he questioned.

"Ah...well I knew who you were when Ghost Rider described you. I am aware of your adventures in slaying villainous scumbags.", I chuckled.

"O-kay?", he replied, "Anyways, I am looking for that piece of Laughing Asshole. He's fucking around with timelines, and is about to release Urizen. I have been hoping from world to world looking for him to rip that fucking face off him, and ram my fist down his throat!"

"You and me both, I am trying to stop his group and Batman Who Laughs' group.", I told Spawn, "Feel like teaming up?"

"Beats having to having to hop through all these shitty worlds.", he stated.

"So did you already kill Darkbat?", I questioned.

"Dark what now?", he inquired with a confused look.

As if he was waiting for that question, Darkbat blasted a hole through the wall behind his throne. Seeing his deceased minions and daughter, he pointed to both of us.

"Both of you have made a foolish decision.", Darkbat calmly said in a dark tone.

"Bruce, did you lose your fucking mind!?", Spawn shouted.

"He's from a Dark Universe, he isn't the Bruce you know.", I stated.

"I don't give a shit which Bruce he is, I am killing your ass for the treatment you have give these people.", Spawn spat.

"Get in line.", Spectre and Ghost Rider said, "This is our timeline to avenge."

"Move it old timers, I got this.", Spawn laughed.

"All of you shut up...", I groaned.

"Yeah, let a woman take this!", a woman laughed before firing a gun Darkbat.

Looking up towards the top of the room, I saw Wanda Wilson hanging upside firing on Darkbat. Using his Omega Beam, Darkbat went to fry her but I quickly got her out of the way. Before blasting him out of the building with a punch to the face.

"Fucking show off...", Spawn grumbled.

"I know all the guys are dying to get with me, but...could you put me down?", Wanda asked realizing I was holding her.

Setting her down, she adjusted her outfit as it had apparently bunched up on her. Once she was good, she blew me a kiss and thanked me for saving her. Pulling her pistols out she reloaded her them, and then ran after Darkbat shouting "LEEERRROOOY JEEENNNKKKINNS!!"

"Seriously...", Spawn and I sighed, "That was a terrible battle cry."

"I am a strong, independent woman that don't need no man to tell her what she can and can't do!", she mocked, "Fuck both you!"

"Damn she annoying as hell.", Spawn complained.

"I can't believe I marry her in the future...none of my wives to be should ever say such a stupid battle cry.", I sighed.

"Well I think she proved you wrong.", Spectre laughed at me, "Just think, you and her end up making offspring!"

"...ugh...", I groaned.

"You stick your dick in that crazy..? Maybe this wasn't the plan of mine.", Ghost Rider stated.

"I need a vacation already...", I sighed again.

Chasing after her to prevent her from dying Spawn just looked at me like I was a retard. Running after me, both of us followed the trail of destruction left by Darkbat's flight path. A few moments later we heard gunfire, then the sounds of bone breaking. Running into the weapon's storage room I found Wanda folded like pretzel in his hands.

Having seen the future I had with her, I was infuriated by this. Sure I didn't know her yet, but the smile I saw on her face in the future...I could tell she loved me dearly. Too see her in this state, not remembering she had a healing factor, I snapped ripped his arms off instantly. Punching a whole through his chest, I then grabbed his head head and crushed it like a grape.

"Are you okay!?", I shouted running over to her.

"Yeah...I will need to see my chiropractor...but I will live...hopefully.", she laughed dryly.

"I swear...", I sighed.

"Did you fall in love with my charms at first sight? I am single, and you are a hot slab of meat. If you don't mind, I'd love to be-"

"Damn it get a room.", Spawn complained.

"Jackass, I was trying to lay on my feminie charms!", she retorted.

"Yeah all those broken bones look really attractive.", he spat, "Kid if you want to stick your dick in crazy...that's your choice."

"Ugh...that's enough for now.", I said healing her injuries, "Do you happen to know if Darkbat ever mentioned where their hideout was?"

"Hmm...I don't remember him saying anything about that, but I do know he has a lab down in the dungeon.", she stated, "If you want I can show you."

Spawn opted to leave at this point so I gave him my number so he could contact me if needed. Following Wanda down to the dungeon, I found several Marvel and DC Heroes strung up in chains. Asking her if she knew what was happening her, she stated that he had been trying to make unique Parademons with powerful genetic bases.

"That or he is into kinky things. If you want too, I am up for a little role play.", she teased with a smirk under her mask.

"Are you going to keep harassing me?", I questioned.

"Of course I am, you seem to interested in me and haven't thrown me out a window yet. Even though I am the next Miss Universe, no fucking wants to get in bed with me!", Wanda fumed, "All I hear is women getting plowed next door, and not a single fucking person wants to bang my brains out!! I have to fucking use a unicorn just too-"

"Kid...I am really starting to think you can go on without her in your harem.", Spectre stated.

"Yeah...she's more annoying than the Deadpool's I have met.", Ghost Rider agreed.

Listening to her complain more and more as cut people down from their chains, it was clear she had a lot to say about the men of her world. Checking the Heroes out while she continued to rant, eventually she calmed down enough to have a sort of reasonable discussion. Asking her how long things had been this way, she told me that it started back when the government started cracking down on common people. Fighting started pretty quickly, and before long full blown war happened. It was around that time that Darkbat arrived with his army in tow. Exhausted from in fighting, he killed all dissenters within hours then put the masses to work.

"Me and several other people have been fighting back against Darkbat, but we never got anywhere till that asshole in black tights and you showed up.", she told me.

"Where did all of these people come from?", I inquired.

"Some from our world, and the others came from...fuck I don't know.", she admitted.

"That's fine for now, have your comrades start setting people free. I am taking these people back for medical treatment and information gathering.", I told her.

"The fuck you are, I am coming with you.", she remarked.

" should probably stay to help restore order.", I replied.

"I was only fucking paid to kill Darkbat, I don't do anything for fucking free. Momma's got to eat!", she giggled, "I can't keep this figure on ramen noodles and corn dogs."

"Hey now, that's what most college students eat.", I laughed.

"Yeah, and you'd never see one with my deadly looks.", she said poising for me.

"Are you really arrogant or are you just teasing me?", I sighed.

"You're the first guy to show actual concern for me. Most of the men I know use me as bait since I just regenerate. You can't blame me for wanting to show off for a potential suitor...the unicorn isn't cutting it anymore.", she told me, "He needs to see a doctor...he's really not up to snuff with his performance anymore."

"You really haven't dated someone before?", I questioned.

"No I's just the relationships I have been in consists of me helping someone get rich quick or using me to get to a friend.", she sighed with a sad look, "I haven't even been with a guy..."

"Don't fall for this!!", Ghost Rider and Spectre shouted in my head, "This screams danger all over it!!"

"Both of you...shut up.", I groaned, "She is just harassing me like the other Deadpool's do."

"Uh...kid I have been around the block millions of times. She likes you.", Spectre stated.

"Whether that is true or not, I am not here to romance her. I am here to get information, and keep her alive so I can have the dreamlike future.", I retorted.

"Yeah with her in your life that won't happen.", Ghost Rider snickered.

Tuning them out I started asking the experimented people questions.

"Oliver, you still with me?", I asked Green Arrow.

"I feel like...I am drunk at pub in Gotham again...", he wheezed, "Is that you Superman? Aren't you dead?"

"I am a different Superman than the one from your world. We are in Darkbat's-"

Not letting me finish he grabbed me by the collar with an enraged look.

"Where is he!!", he howled, "He killed my wife and daughter!! I am going to rip him a new asshole!!"

"Hehe Muscles here crushed him like a flea!", Wanda laughed jumping on my back, "He did it to save little old me."

Looking at me I told him to ignore her for the time being. Telling me that his world was one of the first worlds the Dark Knight's invaded, he said most of his team members were dragged off to be experimented on. In his case, Darkbat was using him as a test subject for subjugation equipment as were many of the people here.

"Where are the people he experimented with making Parademons out of?", I inquired.

"In the next memory isn't that good right now, but most people were taken in there.", he wheezed.

Nodding my head I didn't bother finding a door, I just punched a hole in the wall. Walking inside, the stench of death filled the room as the rotting corpses of people lay decaying under the floor. There were still several people that were alive on this level, though they weren't the people I remembered them as. Looking a version of Wonder Woman, her skin was dark grey and she had blood red eyes. Growling at me like a savage, she tried breaking out of her chains to get at me.

"He corrupted her...she's a Dark Amazon now.", I said.

"You mean she tanned too long?", Wanda asked me.

", she lost the divine blessings the Olympians give Amazons. She is now blessed by Demons hence the change and disfiguration.", I told her.

"Eww...", Wanda stated, "What about all of these people?"

Seeing other villains and heroes that had been turned into savage beasts, I used my Death Power to silence them forever.


Author Note: Hope you all are having a great Labor Day weekend, I get to enjoy a day off work to relax and play video games.