Chapter 90 - Recon With Crazy

Deciding it was best to leave the people on worlds in their respective timelines, I left it to their counterparts to help gather any intelligence they had. On top of that Kelex was sifting through all of Darkbat's encrypted data for any signs of where their base was. Tagging along with me back to HQ, Wanda decided that she wanted to follow me as I was exciting. Of course when I walked in with her on my back, Harley went for her baseball shouting at her.

"Get your grubby mitts off our husband!!", Harley shouted.

"Hehe got to catch me first!", Wanda laughed.

Chasing her around the HQ for a few minutes, I quickly stopped them as they were getting loud enough that the children might wake up. Sitting on my lap possessively, Harley and Wanda just stared at each other. Laughing at me Spectre and Ghost Rider told me they knew this would happen. Telling me that it would be awhile before they got along, they said just to focus on the task at hand or I would end up going down a rabbit hole we didn't want to explore.

"Sups, who the hell is she?", Harley asked softly.

"My name is Wanda Wilson, AKA Lady Deadpool.", Wanda stated.

"Was I talking to yah!?", Harley spat.

"Your gonna have to learn to share because I want him too!", Wanda shouted.

"Over my dead body!", Harley shouted.

"I can arrange that!", Wanda retorted.

"Yeah well I will rearrange your face with my fist!!", Harley fired back.

"Bring it on light weight!", Wanda laughed.

"Ladies!", Diana stated, "The children are sleeping, if you don't silence yourselves I will do it for you."

"...yes ma'am...", they said hiding their faces in my chest.

"Did you have to bring another crazy one home?", Raven sighed.

"She kind of wouldn't let go...", I stated.

"Anyways...", Melissa stated clearing her throat, "Did you find any clues?"

"I retrieved Darkbat's database, Kelex is processing the data now. We should have details in a few hours.", I told them.

"This is wonderful news!", Starfire giggled, "We have picked out many of the children's clothing for whether they are boys or girls. Please have a look!"

Showing me pages of clothing all I could do with smirk at everything they had picked out. This was enough clothing to cloth a hundred children easily for a week...maybe more. Seeing their individual styles come out in their selection I said that the selection was fine...though I thought it was a bit much. Asking me what I meant, I stated that I just thought it was a lot of clothing.

"Don't forget we will have your baby showers, and gifts from our relatives.", I stated.

Giving me a conflicted look, I told them that all of us shared our relatives.

"Whether you like it or not, you all have my parents and grandparents.", I said softly, "Besides them, most of our families like all of us so I am sure we get a few things from them."

"It''s not that.", Selena stated in a soft voice, "It's just...hearing you say that really puts it into perspective. I didn't have my parents when I was growing many of us here, this situation is one we never thought would happen. That said, we are excited for what the future holds for us."

"I am sure you are very excited.", I replied, "I am even more excited because I get to have my own family, and get to scare the crap out of all the young boys that pursue my daughters! I may be a Hero, but I will kick the ass of any little shit stupid enough to think he can touch my little girls!! Dad don't take shit from no one!"

"Haha!", the women laughed at me.

"Please...please don't ever say that again.", Iris wheezed, "That was the stupidest thing I think you have said to us!"

"Agreed, that was pretty stupid.", Raven said with a smile.

Dropping the 616 women back on their world, my group went to bed...and Wanda stayed in the guest room. Falling back into our bed Natasha and Selena were the first to pounce on me. With a smirk I carried the two of them to the bathroom followed closely by the others.

---Next Day---

Having finished sifting through the encrypted data, we were succeeded in locating their base of operations. Thanks to troop movement information we were able to pin point their main base so all that was left was to do some recon, and then eliminate them. They had a secret base located in the Dark Universes, but their main base was actually located on an anime world. Going through the descriptions of the place they were at, it was pretty clear they were on an Akame ga Kill world.

Having seen the Danger Beasts there, Darkbat had convinced the others to make their base there and mutate the Danger Beasts into advanced was the basis Darkbat had for using unique people to evolve Parademon's further. They had almost completely enslaved the masses, and had been studying the Imperial Arms to make weapons for the Parademons. A small group of rebels led by Najenda and Esdeath were trying to force them to leave, but they were nothing more than fleas attacking a dragon.

"So you want to go and take a look?", Natasha asked, "Can't you send a robot or something?"

"I could, but I am concerned the populace will report it to their captors.", I replied, "Not only that I don't want to have any traces leading back to our world."

"That's a fair point.", Melissa stated, "Are you sure this isn't a trap?"

"Yes, he recorded all of their meetings...a trait all of the Bat family appears to have.", I teased looking at Katherine who quickly hid the recorder she held, "Anyways we need information to coordinate a strike against them. Rushing in there without information is going to get lots of people killed."

"You aren't going to try, and take them on alone...right?", Diana and Fury asked staring me down.

"I know you all want a piece of the action, I won't take them down unless I have all of you there.", I chuckled.

"Good, glad to see you understand.", Rumi snickered.

"So when do I get to put a bullet in one of fucker's face?", Wanda laughed, "I stayed up late polishing my gun to make sure it's a high class kill shot!"

"You sure you want to take her?", Raven asked.

"Unless you want to take her with you.", I replied.

"Have fun!", they replied trying to hold back their laughter.

"I swear...", I sighed with a smile.

With that, Wanda and I headed out to do recon.

---Akame ga Kill---

Arriving via a magic portal, the entire world was covered in darkness. Having changed the world to suit their tastes, I could understand why a group of so few would continue you fight against unsurmountable odds. Picking up Wanda, who tried to act like a shy damsel, I flew off towards where I vaguely remembered their base was located.

Using my X-Ray vision as we flew there, I spotted the decimated remains of several previous bases they had made...most probably pre-dating the invasion. When we arrived at the base, I counted less than five hundred people at the base and most were injured or dying. Touching down on top of the base we did the sensible thing, and knocked first as I wanted to make a good impression. Of course my knock also scared them as normally someone would have just entered or attacked them so Mine and Akame went to check who was there. Opening the door Wanda spoke up before I could.

"Hello, we are here spreading the good word of our savior Je-"

Smacking her on the back of the head, I apologized and said we had come seeking information about the invaders. Looking us over cautiously, I offered Akame some food and was immediately granted access to the base...much to Mine's annoyance. Walking down to the main level, I found Najenda and Esdeath looking over a map of the local area discussing potential methods for cutting off supply lines. The fact they hadn't realized the Dark Knights were toying with them was pretty clear. Based on Darkbat's information, all of the supplies were carried by Parademons...if they were attacking ground based supply lines they were being tricked. Announcing our presence, the two women looked back at me.

Najenda had a look of indifference as she sized me up, but Esdeath looked me in the eyes. After a few moments she gave me a nod of approval. Having sensed she was testing to see how I would react during those few moments, she seemed to understand she couldn't fight me and just smiled.

"I like you.", she said bluntly.

"Esdeath, we don't have time for your games.", Najenda complained.

"Would you consider assisting us?", Esdeath asked me.

"You don't even know him!", Najenda spat.

"He has good food.", Akame said munching on her snack.

"He bought you off with food?", Najenda sighed.

"Chocolate.", Akame replied.

"I apologize Najenda, I didn't mean to cause you more headaches.", I chuckled.

"So you know who I am...who are you?", she asked.

"My name is Clark, and this is-"

"My name is Wanda Wilson, wife to one of the most powerful men in the Multiverse!", Wanda said trying to hold my hand, "Come on, let me hold your hand damn it!! Why are you acting like a Tsundere with me!? You were all lovey dovey with the others last night, but left me-"

"There is a time and place for discussing my household matters Wanda...I don't need you telling people about what we do.", I told her.

"Hmph!", Wanda said pretending to be upset with me.

'I need a fucking vacation...', I thought.

Explaining who I was and why I was here, Najenda seemed happy to have the help. Discussing things with them, I shared the information about the supply lines with them to which both of them looked downcast about. Telling me that was their only method of attack, they told me their last offensive cost them several thousand people for absolutely nothing gained.

"I have to ask Esdeath, I thought you were the type to follow the strong.", I stated.

"I am, they aren't strong people...", she stated with an angry look, "They send their pets to do their bidding, and don't ever fight us directly! How would I respect such cowardly tactics, the strong fight their enemies head on!! They don't hide themselves away like cowards!!"

'That makes sense, they don't consider anyone here a threat so use pawns to toy with them.', I thought

"Is that the icy woman from the vision?", Spectre asked, "That black haired girl looks familiar too...what's her name again?"

"It's Akame, she is an assassin.", I replied.

"Ah!", he said.

It was true, both of them were in the vision I had and both looked happier than they did now. In that vision they were both spoiling our kids and having fun playing with them. Seeing them now in their unhealthily skinny appearance really pissed me off. Sure we weren't in a relationship currently, but when I thought about them being potentially my future wives...all I wanted to do was slaughter all of Dark Knights.

"So you are from another world, and you came here looking for them?", Najenda inquired.

"Correct, we are here today to do some scouting.", I replied.

"Haha...there isn't much to scout.", Mine laughed bitterly, "The capital isn't more than a barren wasteland now. They killed everyone there with a snap of their fingers...the men, women, children, and the one made it out of there."

"Not little sister...", Akame said softly stopping her snacking.

"I am sorry you had to deal with that alone.", I comforted them.

"Within a few weeks they mutated the Danger Beasts, and sicked them on those who didn't obey and those that fell behind on the job. They are working the people to death, if nothing is done soon most people will die of exhaustion.", Najenda told me, "If it wasn't for Tatsumi we'd-"

Running out of the room in a hurry, Mine started crying which told me the story. Tatsumi and Wave sacrificed themselves so the resistance could flee. What's worse was that Tatsumi died not knowing that Mine was carrying their child...a cruel punishment for two people like them. Turning back time to save them wasn't an option, it would mean changing the timeline which could end up far worse than it was now. I felt bad for Mine as this situation had taken the peaceful life with Tatsumi she should have had. The two of them had a future and a large family together...

"I apologize for that...she was-"

"In love with Tatsumi, I am aware.", I replied with a somber expression.

"Are you a deity by chance?", Najenda asked me.

Before I could respond Spectre and Ghost Rider manifested next to me.

"He is the Guardian of Peace appointed by God.", Spectre said, "He came here to liberate you from those invaders, and help give you some semblance of peace."

"And you...", Najenda inquired sliding back with Esdeath.

"We are the Spirits of Vengeance, we punish the bad and torment the guilt.", Ghost Rider stated pointing at Esdeath, "You have innocent blood on your hands."


"Don't deny it.", Spectre said staring her soul down.

Feeling her entire body seize up, Esdeath's instincts told her she was staring a higher power down. Every fiber of her said to just give up, there was no escaping judgment from them.

"Enough!", I told the two Spirits, "We need to focus on taking the Dark Knights out! Esdeath can works towards atonement, but fighting for the freedom of others."

"Cool your jets kid, I was just proving a point.", Spectre said, "Woman, if it weren't for our host not wanting to kill you we'd have dragged you to the pits of hell to burn for all eternity. If you wish to stay among the living, you better start working on saving others."

Nodding her head, the two of them faded away allowing her to breath again. Gasping for air she looked at me full of terror.

"You house both of them in your body!?", she asked.

"Yes.", I replied.

"Why me?", Esdeath questioned.

"Because you are a potential future wife.", Wanda laughed with a grin.

"Wife!?", Esdeath shrieked turning red with embarrassment.

"Oh yes, there is a chance you end up together and have children with him. Same with chipmunk girl there.", Wanda chuckled.

"Me?", Akame asked with a mouthful of chocolate.

"Wanda...I don't remember sharing that information with you...", I questioned, "How did you..."

"Oh dear, did you think our meeting yesterday was accidental. My future self told me all about our family, and all the fun we will have together!!", Wanda laughed with a big grin, "She told me all about-"

"How did you talk with her!?", I gasped.

"Well...she kind of stole Cable's time traveling gear and came back to tell me. She told me so I would meet you sooner, and potentially have a family sooner.", she informed me with a smile, "She showed me pictures of all the cute babies you have with everyone. Hehe, all of them are so gosh darn adorable!! Especially Tsui and Rumi's children!! They are so freaking cute!!"

'Of course she did...', I groaned, 'I bet she did that after the meeting I had thanks to Presence...I bet he did that on purpose!'

"Anyways, she took me to the future and I got to meet everyone including Miss Icy over there. She told me to tell you, "Just fight him and see for yourself how strong he is." as for Akame "He will make you whatever you want to eat".", Wanda said from memory.

"Anything I want...", Akame thought.

"If my future self told me too, then I want too-"

"Hold the phone!", I retorted, "Let's take care of the Dark Knights, and then have our fight and Akame can try my cooking."

"Can you make roast pork and dumplings?", Akame asked, "Oh and cookies too!!"

"He can even make you tender smoked jerky.", Wanda added.

The look on her face said she was processing all of the information. It took a moment, but she finally came to a conclusion. Telling me I met one of her qualities, she would have to get to know me better through observation...though the way she was drooling said otherwise. Remembering that with anime women fell in love with men for the stupidest reasons sometimes, I was coming to understand how I ended up with nearly one hundred wives.

'The MC for this world is dead, and from what I can see only the women survived. Chelsea is still alive so at least that needless killing didn't happen.', I thought, 'Still though if I had remembered that sooner I would have disguised myself and not brought Wanda...'

"So all you need is for us to point in you in the direction of their base?", Najenda inquired, "Is the capital base not-"

"If you had X-ray vision you would know that place is only a shell. They have another group and me looking for them, there base is somewhere else on this world.", I told them.

"Hmm...", Esdeath said looking at the map.

"You mean they have been playing us for fools!?", Najenda shouted.

"They like to do things three steps ahead of their your case they are toying with all of you for their amusement. If they thought you were a threat they would have wiped you out with a snap of their fingers.", I told her, "You are dealing with people that have the power to destroy worlds, you are literally ants in their eyes."

"Damn it!", she yelled punching a hole in the table, "All of our people...were we worth that little in their eyes?"

"Najenda, these people don't have morals...many of them killed their own friends and family to get where they are.", I told her, "People like them look at everyone else like inferior beings, they only fear those stronger than themselves."

"That's why they came here, they are hiding from Clark.", Wanda boasted, "He's already crushed two of them, and now they are trying to hide. We came here to pop a cap in their ass then chew some bubblegum!"

"Wanda...the line goes I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I am all out of bubblegum...", I sighed.

"Same difference.", Wanda giggled, "Either way the point gets across."

"What are you two talking about?", Najenda inquired.

"A movie.", we replied.

"What's a movie?", she retorted.

"Oh boy!", Wanda laughed, "Let me tell-"

"No that's enough for today Wanda, we need to go recon.", I stated.

"I am coming with you, I can't let my meal...I mean my new comrades go alone.", Akame said pretending the slip up didn't happen.

"Same.", Esdeath added.

"If you are going, I want to as well.", Mine growled with Pumpkin in hand, "I owe one of those bastards a bullet to the face!!"

Agreeing to take them so long as they didn't blow our cover, we set off towards where Esdeath assumed they may have hidden their real base. Leading us towards the fallen kingdom where she had slain the pervert prince. Snickering at that, she asked what was so funny. Telling her why it was so easy for her to beat him, she wore a disgusted look on her face. Asking me what my preferences were, I said I looked more for personality and loyalty. Wanda added that I also liked boobs and butts to as she poked my cheek. Laughing inside my head Spectre and Ghost Rider just laughed at my pain saying this was what they warned me about.

Touching down not far from the capital of the fallen kingdom, I used my X-ray vision to confirm that they were beneath the city. They had an extensive laboratory that was housing hundreds of different Danger Beasts in various states of mutations. Relaying this information to them, the three looked concerned as I described the experiments they were performing.

"They are bunch sick freaks!", Mine growled, "We should go down there, and kill them all!"

"No so fast...they are all here and are doing something with a golden...", I said before I realized what it was, "They have a piece of the Source Wall...and it looks like they turned on Perpetua."

"Who?", the four asked me.

"As far as you would know, she is a deity from a higher plane of existence.", I told them, "I want to know what they are talking about...let me focus on them."

"Like I said we should be getting in there!", Mine said about to break cover.

Grabbing her I put her down, and stared her down. Telling her that this entire area was rigged with traps, if she carelessly ran out there she'd be killed. Stating that she would find a way, and told me to let her go. Akame tried to calm her down, but Mine wasn't listening to anything Akame was saying. Realizing there was only one way to do this, I made her look me in the eyes.

"Rushing in there with a death wish isn't going to bring him back! Tatsumi wouldn't have wanted to you to throw your life away, especially when you are carrying his child!", I lectured her.

Stopping she looked at me for a moment, and started tearing up.

"You're pregnant!?", Esdeath and Akame gasped.

"Yes...", she sniffled, "I...I was going to tell Tatsumi the day they came. I was so excited that I would be able to have a family...he told me he wouldn't die. He swore he would come back alive to me, and promised to listen to what I had tell him!! While I was dragged away by Chelsea and Leone...I watched that monster kill Tatsumi!! He killed him while laughing with a twisted smile on his face!! He tore him apart, and all I could do was watch...I couldn't save him!! You don't know what it's like to watch someone you love be killed, and you not be able to do anything!!"

"I do know...", I told her in a soft tone, "You have to come to terms that no matter what you say or do, he isn't coming back Mine. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream until your lungs are sore, scream. From someone who knows that can't hide your pain forever, it will eat you alive till you feel nothing. You carry a precious gift he left you, don't throw your life away like this."

Starting to cry she hugged me tightly as she started venting all the pent up anger she had. Feeling a pat on the shoulder I looked over to see Wanda giving me a thumbs up. Shaking my head at her, I rolled my eyes signaling that now wasn't the time for her antics. I didn't want her digging me a deeper hole than she already had. The two other women were simply observing me, and how I reacted to the situation. After a while Mine calmed down, and was now much more level headed. Focusing on the conversation the men were having, I wanted to learn all that I could.

---Underground Base---

"So you finally did her in.", Merciless laughed, "I was wondering when you would do it, she's outlived her usefulness."

"That's not completely true, she will be the power source for our weapons till she is exhausted...then we will kill her.", Batman Who Laughs cackled.

"Has anyone heard from Darkbat?", Red Death inquired, "He isn't responding to our calls."

"Knowing him he is lost in his work.", Murder Machine stated, "It wouldn't be the first time."

"Still though, we should send someone to make sure the clown or the Anomaly Superman didn't kill him.", Red Death replied.

"Let us first experiment on on draining her power before worrying about him. Our plan is to far along for any distractions. Based on the math we have narrowed down locations for Earth 0 and the Anomaly's universe.", Batman Who Laughs told them, "We need to build our weapons, and send them off to say hello and...GOODBYE!! HAHA!!"

"How goes subduing the resistance...I mean the pests?", Devastator grunted.

"The last attack should have made it very clear that they should curl up, and die.", Red Death said, "If you are concerned you can go kill them yourself."

"Fine...I will go! I have been wanting to kill for a while now!!", he howled heading for the exit.

---Back on Surface---

"We need to move, your people in are in danger.", I told the women picking them up by the waist.

Opening a portal to the base in a hurry, I informed Najenda that we had company coming. Telling her it was one of the Dark Knights her expression darkened. Asking me if I was sure I could kill him, I promised I would handle it. Running to alert the refugees and fighters of the coming threat, I called my family to let them know the situation. Complaining that I had done it on purpose, apparently only a few of them could come.

A few minutes later Diana, Fury, Kara, and Jean arrived to help. Seeing that people needed assistance they prioritized the civilians before preparing for battle. Hearing Devastator's crashes as he leapt his way here, the entire fortress was shaking. Sensing the killing intent he was letting off the majority of the people present started freaking out and tried to force their way out.

"Do you need our help?", Akame asked me.

"You wouldn't last a second against him, neither would Esdeath. Both of you focus on helping everyone evacuate.", I told them.

Begrudgingly accepting the request, I went to prepare for an ambush. Eliminating any trace of myself from the environment, I watched Devastator crash into the mountain above the Fortress. As there was only 1 way out, due to the others not having been cleared, the people were out in the open. Seeing their enemy for the first time directly in a while, the group froze up.

Roaring like a beast Devastator charged forward at the people who were to petrified to move. When he reached the half way point to them, he slammed right into my fist knocking several teeth loose. Stumbling backwards in a daze, he looked around for what he hit. Making myself visible again as I sent a right hook to his face, he didn't have time to dodge. Hitting hard enough to split the roof of the fort open, Devastator shot backwards like a rocket skipping across the ground like a stone across water.

Seeing that Esdeath just stared at me in shock. She had seen first how strong he was as he slaughtered her men, and now it looked like he was the child in this fight. Walking up to her, Wanda snickered with a smile.

"See what I mean? You think he is tough enough now? You should know, that wasn't even 1% of his full strength. Any more and the planet would start splitting.", Wanda told her.

"He can split a planet!?", Esdeath gasped.

"He can crush a universe, I will have you know he fought death and killed it.", Wanda said.

Looking at her to judge if she was serious, Esdeath quickly determine Wanda wasn't lying. Turning back to me, she watched me fly off leaving several sonic booms in my wake.

"Oh...he's definitely my type.", Esdeath stated, "You said he likes-"

"Esdeath...", Najenda growled in an annoyed tone, "How about more walking, and less daydreaming? We have people to protect."

"Right...", Esdeath replied breaking her gaze.

'Hehe, one down!!', Wanda thought, 'I promised all of those women I would speed up the interactions for them. I honestly can't believe Cable just left that thing sitting on the counter...he is such a moron.'

(Author: Do you have to make it so hard on the poor guy? I mean can't he finish his tasks before adding more women to his harem?)

"All of us want our happiness, we all suffered greatly before he showed up. They want to speed things along so their is less pain, and more happiness. What's wrong with that?", she replied to no one.

(Author: You are just digging him a deeper hole by teasing the women for him.)

"Listen here you, we are a sisterhood in the harem. We back each other up, and tell him how it is without sugarcoating it.", she retorted, "We all agreed it would be better to make it sooner as some of us ended up in a very bad place before he took them in. As soon as the clown and batfucker are dead, I am making him go to all those world's and-"

(Author: Ahem, you do realize I might want to write a different fan fiction right? Did you ever consider that? What if I wanted to take a break?)

"Haha!! You wouldn't just leave us all hanging for another series right?", she laughed.


"...right?", she asked nervously.

(Author: Would you look at the time...)

"Don't you run away fucker, you get back here!!", she shouted into the sky.

Watching this series of events happen, the group of survivors immediately thought she was crazy, and let her continue rambling on while they fled.


Author Note: Hope all of you are having a good week so far. Things are progressing well in the story, and we are drawing near the end for the story. That said I will most likely write a sequel after writing another fan fiction, really want to write a High School of the Dead Fan Fic since I haven't been able to find a good one on Webnovel. After that one I will probably write the sequel, but we will see.

Do it pussy, no balls! - Lady Deadpool

Just leave me alone!! This is my section lady!! - Author