
"Listen, i know you're leaving me all alone now, I know you're walking out of my life and i know i won't be able to dive in those silvery orbs of yours ,but if i die now , I will die knowing that i have had the honor of loving you,

You know i never want you away from me , i can never part from you, you're my reason of living, you're the hope i hold onto,Arabella please don't go"

My tears were awfully streaming down my face, my body is all shaky and i can barely breath... i wanted to run towards him , hug him and just sob into his chest...but i can't...i fucking can't.... i know i adored the fuck out of him in an ungodly way...but i needed to preserve my lips parted multiple times trying to process the thoughts in my mind into actual words as i tried to muster up my courage and stop crying

"You had me then you lost me-/wipes away her tears/- Now that you can't have me....You want me"

i said through my sobs...


i said the words i knew i will regret the most...


Hey guys/ first of all thank you so much for joining me on this very crazy ride, i really appreciate it :')

And i hope you love it as much as i enjoyed writing it :')


This story contains:

• Kinky smut (daddy kink)

• Alcohols and drugs (a lot of it)